A quick example of a simple WiFi application using the WiFi and network-socket APIs that is provided as a part of mbed-os.
The program brings up the WiFi and the underlying network interface, and uses it to scans available networks, connects to a network, prints interface and connection details and performs simple HTTP operation.
Supported hardware:
- UBLOX Odin board built-in WiFi module
- REALTEK_RTL8195AM built-in WiFi module
- NUCLEO_F401RE with X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 WiFi expansion board using pins D8 D2
- NUCLEO_F429ZI with ESP8266-01 module using pins D1 D0
- NUCLEO_L476RG with ESP8266-01 module using pins D8 D2
- Other mbed targets with ESP8266 module or X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 expansion board
Not that the mbed target board the WiFi shield gets connected to shouldn't have any other network interface e.g. Ethernet.
ESP8266 is a fallback option and will be used if the build is for unsupported platform.