This is an example application based on Mbed-OS LoRaWAN protocol APIs. The Mbed-OS LoRaWAN stack implementation is compliant with LoRaWAN v1.0.2 specification.

Dependents:   Projet_de_bachelor_code Projet_de_bachelor_code

Issue: No Certification Test Mode? Or not documented?


It appears that there is no longer support for putting the program into certification test mode through port 224. Can't seem to find any documentation of why it was pulled out or whether it was replaced.

A device I have running this program does seem to intercept/ignore payloads sent to port 224 but that's the only difference I've seen. Sending a payload of Hex 01010101 doesn't seem to get you into test mode.

I would like to see this supported so projects can easily be tested with the pre-certification tests available.

Any way to get into test mode now? How is this stack claiming certifcation/compliance if you don't have a test mode?

Thanks, -mark.