This is an example application based on Mbed-OS LoRaWAN protocol APIs. The Mbed-OS LoRaWAN stack implementation is compliant with LoRaWAN v1.0.2 specification.
Dependents: Projet_de_bachelor_code Projet_de_bachelor_code
Operating system
Development tools
Security and connectivity
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This is an example application based on Mbed-OS LoRaWAN protocol APIs. The Mbed-OS LoRaWAN stack implementation is compliant with LoRaWAN v1.0.2 specification.
Dependents: Projet_de_bachelor_code Projet_de_bachelor_code
I’m trying to use the lora shield SX1272MB2xAS with a Nucleo F429ZI and connect it to the things network and it’s not working. I use the mbed-os-example-lorawan . I already use this example with a disco L072CZ LRWAN1 and it connects to TTN without any problems. To use the SX1272MB2xAS, I have modified the mbed_app.json with the folowing configuration:
"config": {
"lora-radio": {
"help": "Which radio to use (options: SX126X, SX1272, SX1276) See config/ dir for example configs",
"value": "SX1272"
"main_stack_size": { "value": 4096 },
"lora-spi-mosi": { "value": "NC" },
"lora-spi-miso": { "value": "NC" },
"lora-spi-sclk": { "value": "NC" },
"lora-cs": { "value": "NC" },
"lora-reset": { "value": "NC" },
"lora-dio0": { "value": "NC" },
"lora-dio1": { "value": "NC" },
"lora-dio2": { "value": "NC" },
"lora-dio3": { "value": "NC" },
"lora-dio4": { "value": "NC" },
"lora-dio5": { "value": "NC" },
"lora-rf-switch-ctl1": { "value": "NC" },
"lora-rf-switch-ctl2": { "value": "NC" },
"lora-txctl": { "value": "NC" },
"lora-rxctl": { "value": "NC" },
"lora-ant-switch": { "value": "NC" },
"lora-pwr-amp-ctl": { "value": "NC" },
"lora-tcxo": { "value": "NC" }
"target_overrides": {
"*": {
"mbed-trace.enable": true,
"platform.stdio-convert-newlines": true,
"platform.stdio-baud-rate": 115200,
"platform.default-serial-baud-rate": 115200,
"lora.over-the-air-activation": true,
"lora.duty-cycle-on": true,
"lora.phy": "EU868",
"lora.device-eui": "{My device EUI }",
"lora.application-eui": "{ My App EUI }",
"lora.application-key": "{ My App key }"
"K64F": {
"lora-spi-mosi": "D11",
"lora-spi-miso": "D12",
"lora-spi-sclk": "D13",
"lora-cs": "D10",
"lora-reset": "A0",
"lora-dio0": "D2",
"lora-dio1": "D3",
"lora-dio2": "D4",
"lora-dio3": "D5",
"lora-dio4": "D8",
"lora-dio5": "D9",
"lora-rf-switch-ctl1": "NC",
"lora-rf-switch-ctl2": "NC",
"lora-txctl": "NC",
"lora-rxctl": "NC",
"lora-ant-switch": "A4",
"lora-pwr-amp-ctl": "NC",
"lora-tcxo": "NC"
"NUCLEO_F429ZI": {
"lora-radio": "SX1272",
"lora-spi-mosi": "D11",
"lora-spi-miso": "D12",
"lora-spi-sclk": "D13",
"lora-cs": "D10",
"lora-reset": "A0",
"lora-dio0": "D2",
"lora-dio1": "D3",
"lora-dio2": "D4",
"lora-dio3": "D5",
"lora-dio4": "NC",
"lora-dio5": "NC",
"lora-rf-switch-ctl1": "NC",
"lora-rf-switch-ctl2": "NC",
"lora-txctl": "NC",
"lora-rxctl": "NC",
"lora-ant-switch": "NC",
"lora-pwr-amp-ctl": "NC",
"lora-tcxo": "NC",
"target.d11_configuration": "PB_5"
"macros": ["MBEDTLS_USER_CONFIG_FILE=\"mbedtls_lora_config.h\""] }
When I start the program with the trace enable, it seems to work, I get some debug message transmission complete but the OTAA doesn’t work and I’am never connected with TTN.
Is there a bug with the library or should I do something else?
Thank’s in advance for your replies
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