Codice per pilotare il motore IHM01A1

Dependencies:   mbed X_NUCLEO_IHM01A1

--- a/main.cpp	Mon Mar 13 17:46:46 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Oct 11 07:59:39 2021 +0000
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
- ******************************************************************************
+ **************************
  * @file    main.cpp
  * @author  Davide Aliprandi, STMicroelectronics
  * @version V1.0.0
  * @date    October 14th, 2015
  * @brief   mbed test application for the STMicroelectronics X-NUCLEO-IHM01A1
- *          Motor Control Expansion Board: control of 1 motor.
- ******************************************************************************
+ *          Motor Control Expansion Board: control of 2 motors.
+ **************************
  * @attention
  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2015 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
- ******************************************************************************
+ **************************
@@ -47,36 +47,48 @@
 /* Component specific header files. */
 #include "L6474.h"
+#define DELAY_3 6000
 /* Definitions ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
 /* Number of steps. */
-#define STEPS_1 (400 * 8)   /* 1 revolution given a 400 steps motor configured at 1/8 microstep mode. */
+#define STEP_1 (3600)
+#define STEP_2 (1500)
 /* Delay in milliseconds. */
-#define DELAY_1 1000
-#define DELAY_2 2000
-#define DELAY_3 6000
-#define DELAY_4 8000
 /* Speed in pps (Pulses Per Second).
    In Full Step mode: 1 pps = 1 step/s).
    In 1/N Step Mode:  N pps = 1 step/s). */
-#define SPEED_1 2400
-#define SPEED_2 1200
+#define SPEED_1 4800
+Serial Serial1(PB_6,PB_7);
+Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);
+char anglex[256];
+char angley[256];
+char dist[256];
+float X,Y;
+char m;
+int D;
+int differenza=0;
+int precedente=0;
+int j=0;
+int g=0;
+int C=0;
+int i=0;
+int k=0;
+int B=0;
+int appoggio=0;
+int re=0;
 /* Variables -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* Initialization parameters. */
 L6474_init_t init = {
-    160,                              /* Acceleration rate in pps^2. Range: (0..+inf). */
+    1000,                              /* Acceleration rate in pps^2. Range: (0..+inf). */
     160,                              /* Deceleration rate in pps^2. Range: (0..+inf). */
-    1600,                             /* Maximum speed in pps. Range: (30..10000]. */
-    800,                              /* Minimum speed in pps. Range: [30..10000). */
-    250,                              /* Torque regulation current in mA. Range: 31.25mA to 4000mA. */
-    L6474_OCD_TH_750mA,               /* Overcurrent threshold (OCD_TH register). */
+    10000,                             /* Maximum speed in pps. Range: (30..10000]. */
+    3200,                              /* Minimum speed in pps. Range: [30..10000). */
+    3000,                              /* Torque regulation current in mA. Range: 31.25mA to 4000mA. */
+    L6474_OCD_TH_3750mA,               /* Overcurrent threshold (OCD_TH register). */
     L6474_CONFIG_OC_SD_ENABLE,        /* Overcurrent shutwdown (OC_SD field of CONFIG register). */
     L6474_CONFIG_EN_TQREG_TVAL_USED,  /* Torque regulation method (EN_TQREG field of CONFIG register). */
     L6474_STEP_SEL_1_8,               /* Step selection (STEP_SEL field of STEP_MODE register). */
@@ -95,272 +107,64 @@
     L6474_ALARM_EN_SW_TURN_ON |
     L6474_ALARM_EN_WRONG_NPERF_CMD    /* Alarm (ALARM_EN register). */
+/* Motor Control Component. */
+L6474 *motor1;
-/* Motor Control Component. */
-L6474 *motor;
-/* Functions -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
- * @brief  This is an example of user handler for the flag interrupt.
- * @param  None
- * @retval None
- * @note   If needed, implement it, and then attach and enable it:
- *           + motor->attach_flag_irq(&flag_irq_handler);
- *           + motor->enable_flag_irq();
- *         To disable it:
- *           + motor->disble_flag_irq();
- */
-void flag_irq_handler(void)
-    /* Set ISR flag. */
-    motor->isr_flag = TRUE;
+//RICORDA 15V per l'alimentazione collega le alimentazioni con un GND sul COM e l'altro GND sul meno
-    /* Get the value of the status register. */
-    unsigned int status = motor->get_status();
-    /* Check NOTPERF_CMD flag: if set, the command received by SPI can't be performed. */
-    /* This often occures when a command is sent to the L6474 while it is not in HiZ state. */
-    if ((status & L6474_STATUS_NOTPERF_CMD) == L6474_STATUS_NOTPERF_CMD) {
-        printf("    WARNING: \"FLAG\" interrupt triggered. Non-performable command detected when updating L6474's registers while not in HiZ state.\r\n");
-    }
-    /* Reset ISR flag. */
-    motor->isr_flag = FALSE;
 /* Main ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 int main()
     /*----- Initialization. -----*/
     /* Initializing SPI bus. */
     DevSPI dev_spi(D11, D12, D13);
-    /* Initializing Motor Control Component. */
-    motor = new L6474(D2, D8, D7, D9, D10, dev_spi);
-    if (motor->init(&init) != COMPONENT_OK) {
+    /* Initializing Motor Control Components. */
+    motor1 = new L6474(D2, D8, D7, D9, D10, dev_spi);
+       if (motor1->init(&init) != COMPONENT_OK) {
-    /* Attaching and enabling interrupt handlers. */
-    motor->attach_flag_irq(&flag_irq_handler);
-    motor->enable_flag_irq();
-    /* Printing to the console. */
-    printf("Motor Control Application Example for 1 Motor\r\n\n");
-    /*----- Moving. -----*/
-    /* Printing to the console. */
-    printf("--> Moving forward %d steps.\r\n", STEPS_1);
-    /* Moving N steps in the forward direction. */
-    motor->move(StepperMotor::FWD, STEPS_1);
-    /* Waiting while the motor is active. */
-    motor->wait_while_active();
-    /* Getting current position. */
-    int position = motor->get_position();
+  /*   motor1->set_max_speed(1000);
+    motor1->run(StepperMotor::FWD);
+    motor1->wait_while_active(); */
-    /* Printing to the console. */
-    printf("    Position: %d.\r\n", position);
-    /* Waiting. */
-    wait_ms(DELAY_1);
-    /*----- Changing the motor setting. -----*/
-    /* Printing to the console. */
-    printf("--> Setting Torque Regulation Current to 500[mA].\r\n");
-    /* Increasing the torque regulation current to 500[mA]. */
-    motor->set_parameter(L6474_TVAL, 500);
-    /* Printing to the console. */
-    printf("--> Doubling the microsteps.\r\n");
-    /* Doubling the microsteps. */
-    if (!motor->set_step_mode((StepperMotor::step_mode_t) STEP_MODE_1_16)) {
+    while(1){
+   /*     if (!motor1->set_step_mode((StepperMotor::step_mode_t) STEP_MODE_1_16)) {
         printf("    Step Mode not allowed.\r\n");
-    }
-    /* Waiting. */
-    wait_ms(DELAY_1);
-    /* Printing to the console. */
-    printf("--> Setting Home.\r\n");
-    /* Setting the current position to be the home position. */
-    motor->set_home();
-    /* Getting current position. */
-    position = motor->get_position();
-    /* Printing to the console. */
-    printf("    Position: %d.\r\n", position);
-    /* Waiting. */
-    wait_ms(DELAY_2);
-    /*----- Moving. -----*/
-    /* Printing to the console. */
-    printf("--> Moving backward %d steps.\r\n", STEPS_1);
-    /* Moving N steps in the backward direction. */
-    motor->move(StepperMotor::BWD, STEPS_1);
-    /* Waiting while the motor is active. */
-    motor->wait_while_active();
-    /* Getting current position. */
-    position = motor->get_position();
-    /* Printing to the console. */
-    printf("    Position: %d.\r\n", position);
-    /* Waiting. */
-    wait_ms(DELAY_1);
-    /*----- Going to a specified position. -----*/
-    /* Printing to the console. */
-    printf("--> Going to position %d.\r\n", STEPS_1);
-    /* Requesting to go to a specified position. */
-    motor->go_to(STEPS_1);
-    /* Waiting while the motor is active. */
-    motor->wait_while_active();
-    /* Getting current position. */
-    position = motor->get_position();
-    /* Printing to the console. */
-    printf("    Position: %d.\r\n", position);
-    /* Waiting. */
-    wait_ms(DELAY_2);
-    /*----- Going Home. -----*/
+    }*/
+   //motor1->move(StepperMotor::FWD, 7000);
+    motor1->set_max_speed(3200); //1600 fa un giro al secondo
+    motor1->run(StepperMotor::FWD);
+    int speed = motor1->get_speed();
     /* Printing to the console. */
-    printf("--> Going Home.\r\n");
-    /* Requesting to go to home. */
-    motor->go_home();
-    /* Waiting while the motor is active. */
-    motor->wait_while_active();
-    /* Getting current position. */
-    position = motor->get_position();
-    /* Printing to the console. */
-    printf("    Position: %d.\r\n", position);
-    /* Waiting. */
-    wait_ms(DELAY_2);
-    /*----- Running. -----*/
-    /* Printing to the console. */
-    printf("--> Running backward for %d seconds.\r\n", DELAY_3 / 1000);
-    /* Requesting to run backward. */
-    motor->run(StepperMotor::BWD);
-    /* Waiting. */
-    wait_ms(DELAY_3);
-    /* Getting current speed. */
-    int speed = motor->get_speed();
-    /* Printing to the console. */
+    // Waiting while the motor is active. 
+    //motor1->wait_while_active();
+    wait(300);//5 minuti 300
     printf("    Speed: %d.\r\n", speed);
-    /*----- Increasing the speed while running. -----*/
-    /* Printing to the console. */
-    printf("--> Increasing the speed while running again for %d seconds.\r\n", DELAY_3 / 1000);
-    /* Increasing the speed. */
-    motor->set_max_speed(SPEED_1);
-    /* Waiting. */
-    wait_ms(DELAY_3);
-    /* Getting current speed. */
-    speed = motor->get_speed();
-    /* Printing to the console. */
-    printf("    Speed: %d.\r\n", speed);
-    /*----- Decreasing the speed while running. -----*/
+    printf("primo\r\n");
+    //motor1->set_max_speed(6000);
+    //motor1->run(StepperMotor::FWD);
+    //wait_ms(8000);
+   //printf("secondo\r\n");
+   //motor1->go_to(7000);
+    //          printf("giro\r\n");
+    //  motor1->wait_while_active();
+    }
-    /* Printing to the console. */
-    printf("--> Decreasing the speed while running again for %d seconds.\r\n", DELAY_4 / 1000);
-    /* Decreasing the speed. */
-    motor->set_max_speed(SPEED_2);
-    /* Waiting. */
-    wait_ms(DELAY_4);
-    /* Getting current speed. */
-    speed = motor->get_speed();
-    /* Printing to the console. */
-    printf("    Speed: %d.\r\n", speed);
-    /*----- Hard Stop. -----*/
-    /* Printing to the console. */
-    printf("--> Hard Stop.\r\n");
-    /* Requesting to immediatly stop. */
-    motor->hard_stop();
-    /* Waiting while the motor is active. */
-    motor->wait_while_active();
-    /* Waiting. */
-    wait_ms(DELAY_2);
-    /*----- Infinite Loop. -----*/
-    /* Printing to the console. */
-    printf("--> Infinite Loop...\r\n");
-    /* Setting the current position to be the home position. */
-    motor->set_home();
-    /* Infinite Loop. */
-    while (true) {
-        /* Requesting to go to a specified position. */
-        motor->go_to(STEPS_1 >> 1);
-        /* Waiting while the motor is active. */
-        motor->wait_while_active();
-        /* Requesting to go to a specified position. */
-        motor->go_to(- (STEPS_1 >> 1));
-        /* Waiting while the motor is active. */
-        motor->wait_while_active();
-    }
+    }
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