PWM and ALGO updated.. PWM getting generated

Dependencies:   FreescaleIAP mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of TFR_BAE_vr1_1working_finally_PWM_CTRLALGO_update by Team Fox

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu Apr 07 18:12:20 2016 +0000
Commit message:
Commissioning included , both Control_Algo and Hardware

Changed in this revision

ACS.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
TCTM.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
TCTM.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/ACS.cpp	Sat Apr 02 14:27:09 2016 +0000
+++ b/ACS.cpp	Thu Apr 07 18:12:20 2016 +0000
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
     float OmegaMax=1*3.1415/180.0; // Unit: Radians/Second
     float normalising_fact;
     float b1_copy[3], omega1_copy[3], db1_copy[3];
-    int i, j;
+    int i;
--- a/TCTM.cpp	Sat Apr 02 14:27:09 2016 +0000
+++ b/TCTM.cpp	Thu Apr 07 18:12:20 2016 +0000
@@ -23,6 +23,11 @@
 extern float data[6];
 extern float moment[3];
+extern PwmOut PWM1; //x                         //Functions used to generate PWM signal 
+extern PwmOut PWM2; //y
+extern PwmOut PWM3; //z                         //PWM output comes from pins p6
 extern void FCTN_ATS_DATA_ACQ();
 extern void FCTN_ACS_CNTRLALGO(float*,float*);
@@ -217,47 +222,136 @@
                         case 0xE0:
+                            float B[3],W[3];  
+                            uint8_t B_x[2];
+                            uint8_t B_y[2];
+                            uint8_t B_z[2];
+                            uint8_t W_x[2];
+                            uint8_t W_y[2];
+                            uint8_t W_z[2];
+                            B_x[0]=tc[3];
+                            B_x[1]=tc[4];
+                            B_y[0]=tc[5];
+                            B_y[1]=tc[6];
+                            B_z[0]=tc[7];
+                            B_z[1]=tc[8];
+                            W_x[0]=tc[9];
+                            W_x[1]=tc[10];
+                            W_y[0]=tc[11];
+                            W_y[1]=tc[12];
+                            W_z[0]=tc[13];
+                            W_z[1]=tc[14];
+                            FCTN_CONVERT_UINT (B_x, &B[0]);
+                            FCTN_CONVERT_UINT (B_y, &B[1]);
+                            FCTN_CONVERT_UINT (B_z, &B[2]);
+                            FCTN_CONVERT_UINT (W_x, &W[0]);
+                            FCTN_CONVERT_UINT (W_y, &W[1]);
+                            FCTN_CONVERT_UINT (W_z, &W[2]);
-                            FCTN_ATS_DATA_ACQ();  //get data
+                            //FCTN_ATS_DATA_ACQ();  //get data
                             printf("gyro values\n\r"); 
                             for(int i=0; i<3; i++) 
-                                printf("%f\n\r",data[i]);
+                                printf("%f\n\r",W[i]);
                             printf("mag values\n\r");
-                            for(int i=3; i<6; i++) 
-                                printf("%f\n\r",data[i]);
-                            FCTN_CONVERT_FLOAT(data[0],&tm[4]); //tm[4] - tm[7]
-                            FCTN_CONVERT_FLOAT(data[1],&tm[8]); //tm[8] - tm[11]
-                            FCTN_CONVERT_FLOAT(data[2],&tm[12]); //tm[12] - tm[15]
-                            FCTN_CONVERT_FLOAT(data[0],&tm[16]); //tm[16] - tm[19]
-                            FCTN_CONVERT_FLOAT(data[1],&tm[20]); //tm[20] - tm[23]
-                            FCTN_CONVERT_FLOAT(data[2],&tm[24]); //tm[24] - tm[27] 
-                            if((data[0]<8) && (data[1]<8) && (data[2] <8))
-                                tm[28] = 1; // gyro values in correct range
-                            else
-                                tm[28] = 0;
-                            if ((data[3] > 20 ) && (data[4] >20) && (data[5]>20)&& (data[3] < 50 ) && (data[4] <50) && (data[5]<50))
-                                tm[29] = 1;   // mag values in correct range
-                            else
-                                tm[29] = 0;
+                            for(int i=0; i<3; i++) 
+                                printf("%f\n\r",B[i]);
+                            //FCTN_CONVERT_FLOAT(data[0],&tm[4]); //tm[4] - tm[7]
+                            //FCTN_CONVERT_FLOAT(data[1],&tm[8]); //tm[8] - tm[11]
+                            //FCTN_CONVERT_FLOAT(data[2],&tm[12]); //tm[12] - tm[15]
+                            //FCTN_CONVERT_FLOAT(data[0],&tm[16]); //tm[16] - tm[19]
+                            //FCTN_CONVERT_FLOAT(data[1],&tm[20]); //tm[20] - tm[23]
+                            //FCTN_CONVERT_FLOAT(data[2],&tm[24]); //tm[24] - tm[27] 
+                            //if((data[0]<8) && (data[1]<8) && (data[2] <8))
+                              //  tm[28] = 1; // gyro values in correct range
+                            //else
+                              //  tm[28] = 0;
+                            //if ((data[3] > 20 ) && (data[4] >20) && (data[5]>20)&& (data[3] < 50 ) && (data[4] <50) && (data[5]<50))
+                              //  tm[29] = 1;   // mag values in correct range
+                            //else
+                              //  tm[29] = 0;
-                            float B[3],W[3];    
-                            B[0] = B0;
-                            B[1] = B1; 
-                            B[2] = B2;
-                            W[0] = W0;
-                            W[1] = W1; 
-                            W[2] = W2; 
                             // Control algo commissioning
-                            FCTN_CONVERT_FLOAT(moment[0],&tm[30]); //tm[30] - tm[33] 
-                            FCTN_CONVERT_FLOAT(moment[1],&tm[34]); //tm[34] - tm[37] 
-                            FCTN_CONVERT_FLOAT(moment[2],&tm[38]); //tm[38] - tm[41] 
+                            FCTN_CONVERT_FLOAT(moment[0],&tm[4]); //tm[4] - tm[7] 
+                            FCTN_CONVERT_FLOAT(moment[1],&tm[8]); //tm[8] - tm[11] 
+                            FCTN_CONVERT_FLOAT(moment[2],&tm[12]); //tm[12] - tm[15] 
                             // to include commission TR as well
-                            for(uint8_t i=42;i<132;i++)
+                            for(uint8_t i=16;i<132;i++)
+                            {
+                                tm[i]=0x00;
+                            }
+                            crc16 = CRC::crc16_gen(tm,132);
+                            tm[133] = (uint8_t)((crc16&0xFF00)>>8);
+                            tm[134] = (uint8_t)(crc16&0x00FF);
+                            return tm;
+                        }
+                        case 0xE1:
+                        {
+                            float moment_tc[3];  
+                            printf("HARDWARE_COMSN\r\n");
+                            //ACK_L234_TM
+                            uint8_t M0[2];
+                            uint8_t M1[2];
+                            uint8_t M2[2];
+                            M0[0]=tc[3];
+                            M0[1]=tc[4];
+                            M1[0]=tc[5];
+                            M1[1]=tc[6];
+                            M2[0]=tc[7];
+                            M2[1]=tc[8];
+                            tm[0]=0xB0;
+                            tm[1]=tc[0];
+                            tm[2]=ACK_CODE;
+                            FCTN_CONVERT_UINT (M0, &moment_tc[0]);
+                            FCTN_CONVERT_UINT (M1, &moment_tc[1]);
+                            FCTN_CONVERT_UINT (M2, &moment_tc[2]);
+                             FCTN_ACS_GENPWM_MAIN(moment_tc); 
+                             float PWM_measured[3];      
+                             PWM_measured[0] =;     
+                             PWM_measured[1] =;
+                             PWM_measured[2] =; 
+                            FCTN_CONVERT_FLOAT(PWM_measured[0],&tm[4]);    //4-7
+                            FCTN_CONVERT_FLOAT(PWM_measured[1],&tm[8]);    //8-11
+                            FCTN_CONVERT_FLOAT(PWM_measured[2],&tm[12]);  //12-15
+                             for(int i=0; i<12; i++) 
+                                FCTN_CONVERT_FLOAT(actual_data.current_actual[i],&tm[16 + (i*4)]); 
+                            FCTN_ATS_DATA_ACQ();  //get data
+                            // to include commission TR as well
+                            for(uint8_t i=64;i<132;i++)
@@ -784,9 +878,17 @@
     std::cout << "\n\r uint32"<<*temp << std::endl;
     output[0] =(uint8_t )(((*temp)>>24)&0xFF);
-    output[2] =(uint8_t ) (((*temp)>>16)&0xFF);
-    output[1] =(uint8_t ) (((*temp)>>8)&0xFF); 
+    output[1] =(uint8_t ) (((*temp)>>16)&0xFF);
+    output[2] =(uint8_t ) (((*temp)>>8)&0xFF); 
     output[3] =(uint8_t ) ((*temp) & 0xFF);           // verify the logic 
     //printf("\n\r inside %d %d %d %d", output[3],output[2],output[1],output[0]);
     //std:: cout << "\n\r uint8  inside " << output[3] << '\t' << output[2] << '\t' << output[1] << '\t' << output[0] <<std::endl; 
+void FCTN_CONVERT_UINT (uint8_t input[2], float* output)
+    *output = (float) input[1];
+    *output = *output/100.0;                    //input[0] integer part
+    *output = *output + (float) input[0];       //input[1] decimal part correct to two decimal places
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/TCTM.h	Sat Apr 02 14:27:09 2016 +0000
+++ b/TCTM.h	Thu Apr 07 18:12:20 2016 +0000
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 void FCTN_CDMS_WR_FLASH(uint16_t ,uint32_t);
 uint32_t FCTN_CDMS_RD_FLASH(uint16_t );
 void FCTN_CONVERT_FLOAT(float input, uint8_t* output);
+void FCTN_CONVERT_UINT(uint8_t input[2], float* output);
+void FCTN_ACS_GENPWM_MAIN(float Moment[3]);
 #define B0 -23
 #define B1 -2