hwelltech block chain cpp sdk

Dependencies:   EthernetInterface SDFileSystem mbed-rtos mbed uniqueCPUID

Fork of bcsdk by Webb Xu

bcsdk 是 block chain sdk 的简写。它是由江苏恒为信息科技有限公司开发的 BlockChain 的 基于 mbed os 的 C++ 版本SDK,它能帮助开发者快速的在支持 mbed os 的芯片上开发 BlockChain 的应用。 bcsdk 的demo文件中包含了BlockChain中的 Key、Account、Asset、Transaction等方面的示例。其中: (1) Key 加密私钥是区块链上的主要授权机制。他们控制资产单位的发行和转让。 资产或帐户将定义发行或转移所需的单个密钥。 在 Key_test.cpp 中,我们实现了: 创建HSM密钥 键入密钥别名的名称(例如'gold','silver','bronze'),密钥别名是用于区分密钥的标签。

(2) Asset 资产是一种可以在区块链上发布的值类型。资产的所有单位均可互换,可以在各方之间直接交易,无需发行人参与。 在 Asset_test.cpp 中,我们实现了: 创建资产 键入资产别名的名称(例如'gold','silver','bronze'),资产别名是用于区分资产的标签。 选择“Key”键以使用现有的HSM密键,此密钥将用于此帐户中资产单位的发放和转移。

(3) Account 加帐户是恒为区块链核心平台中的一个对象,通过创建和跟踪控制程序来跟踪区块链上的资产的所有权。创建帐户时,您提供一个或多个“root”密钥和仲裁。 在 Account_test.cpp 中,我们实现了: 创建帐户 1 输入帐户别名的名称(例如'alice','bob'),帐户别名是用于区分帐户的标签。 2 键入名称以生成新的HSM密钥(例如'alice key','bob key'),此密钥将用于此帐户中资产单位的发放和转移。

(4) Transaction 交易包含一个或多个输入,以及一个或多个输出。恒为区块链核心平台的API允许您使用操作(包括发出,支出和返还)构建交易。 在 Transaction_test.cpp 中,我们实现了: 资产的交易 1 添加“账户支出”操作 2 为资产别名选择“Asset” 3 输入“100”作为金额 4 添加“使用帐户控制”操作 5 为帐户别名选择“Account” 6 为资产别名选择“Asset” 7 输入“100”作为金额 8 “提交”



File content as of revision 10:aabd720e632c:

#include "Transaction.h"
#include "MbedJSONValue.h"
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>

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string Transaction::buildTransaction()
	string strJson = "";

	MbedJSONValue val;
	MbedJSONValue reference_data;
	MbedJSONValue valArray;

	//fill the object
	val["actions"][0]["account_alias"] = "t_acc_1";
	val["actions"][0]["asset_alias"]   = "t_asset";
	val["actions"][0]["amount"] = 10;
	val["actions"][0]["reference_data"] = reference_data;
	val["actions"][0]["type"] = "spend_account";

	val["actions"][1]["account_alias"] = "t_acc_2";
	val["actions"][1]["asset_alias"]   = "t_asset";
	val["actions"][1]["amount"] = 10;
	val["actions"][1]["reference_data"] = reference_data;
	val["actions"][1]["type"] = "control_account";

	//serialize it into a JSON string
	valArray[0] = val;
	strJson = valArray.serialize();

	printf("json: %s\r\n", strJson.c_str());

	string strRep = "";
	string strUrl = "/build-transaction";

	// get http response content
	string content = client.get_content(strRep);

	// decode content json 
	MbedJSONValue valRep;
	m_valRep = valRep;

	std::string raw_transaction = valRep[0]["raw_transaction"].get<std::string>();
	MbedJSONValue valSign;
	valSign = valRep[0]["signing_instructions"][0];

	string xpub;
	xpub = valSign["witness_components"][0]["keys"][0]["xpub"].get<std::string>();
	m_strXpub = xpub;

	return strJson;

string Transaction::buildTransaction(string type)
	string strJson = "";

	MbedJSONValue val;
	MbedJSONValue reference_data;
	MbedJSONValue valArray;

	//fill the object
	if (type == "spend_account")
		amount = 10;
		sender = "t_acc_1";
		receiver = "t_acc_2";
		asset_alias = "t_asset";

		val["actions"][0]["account_alias"] = sender;
		val["actions"][0]["asset_alias"]   = asset_alias;
		val["actions"][0]["amount"] = amount;
		val["actions"][0]["reference_data"] = reference_data;
		val["actions"][0]["type"] = type;

		val["actions"][1]["account_alias"] = receiver;
		val["actions"][1]["asset_alias"]   = asset_alias;
		val["actions"][1]["amount"] = amount;
		val["actions"][1]["reference_data"] = reference_data;
		val["actions"][1]["type"] = "control_account";
	else if (type == "issue")
		amount = 1000;
		receiver = "t_acc_1";
		asset_alias = "t_asset";

		val["actions"][0]["asset_alias"]   = asset_alias;
		val["actions"][0]["amount"] = amount;
		val["actions"][0]["reference_data"] = reference_data;
		val["actions"][0]["type"] = type;

		val["actions"][1]["account_alias"] = receiver;
		val["actions"][1]["asset_alias"]   = asset_alias;
		val["actions"][1]["amount"] = amount;
		val["actions"][1]["reference_data"] = reference_data;
		val["actions"][1]["type"] = "control_account";

	//serialize it into a JSON string
	valArray[0] = val;
	strJson = valArray.serialize();

	//printf("json: %s\r\n", strJson.c_str());

	string strRep = "";
	string strUrl = "/build-transaction";

	// get http response content
	string content = client.get_content(strRep);

	// decode content json 
	MbedJSONValue valRep;
	m_valRep = valRep;

	std::string raw_transaction = valRep[0]["raw_transaction"].get<std::string>();
	MbedJSONValue valSign;
	valSign = valRep[0]["signing_instructions"][0];

	string xpub;
	xpub = valSign["witness_components"][0]["keys"][0]["xpub"].get<std::string>();
	m_strXpub = xpub;

	return strJson;

string Transaction::buildTransaction(vector<Actions> &actions)
	string strJson = "";
	MbedJSONValue val;
	MbedJSONValue reference_data;
	MbedJSONValue valArray;
	//fill the object
	vector<Actions>::iterator it;
	int i = 0;
	for (it = actions.begin(),i = 0; it != actions.end(); it++,i++)
		if (it->type == "spend_account")
			val["actions"][i]["account_alias"] = it->accounts_alias;
			val["actions"][i]["asset_alias"]   = it->asset_alias;
			val["actions"][i]["amount"] = it->amount;
			val["actions"][i]["reference_data"] = it->reference_data;
			val["actions"][i]["type"] = it->type;
		else if (it->type == "issue")
			val["actions"][i]["asset_alias"]   = it->asset_alias;
			val["actions"][i]["amount"] = it->amount;
			val["actions"][i]["reference_data"] = it->reference_data;
			val["actions"][i]["type"] = it->type;
		else if (it->type == "control_account")
			val["actions"][i]["account_alias"] = it->accounts_alias;
			val["actions"][i]["asset_alias"]   = it->asset_alias;
			val["actions"][i]["amount"] = it->amount;
			val["actions"][i]["reference_data"] = it->reference_data;
			val["actions"][i]["type"] = it->type;


	//serialize it into a JSON string
	valArray[0] = val;
	strJson = valArray.serialize();

	printf("json: %s\r\n", strJson.c_str());

	string strRep = "";
	string strUrl = "/build-transaction";
	if (client.http_post(strUrl,strJson,strRep) < 0)
		return "http post error";
	else if (strRep.find("HTTP/1.1 200 OK") < 0)
		return strRep.substr(0,strRep.find_first_of("\r\n"));

	// get http response content
	string content = client.get_content(strRep);
	if (content.find("raw_transaction") < 0)
		return content;
	// decode content json 
	MbedJSONValue valRep;
	string err = parse(valRep,content.c_str());
	int ret = 0;
	ret = err.find("error");
	if ( ret > 1)
		return err;
	m_valRep = valRep;

	std::string raw_transaction = valRep[0]["raw_transaction"].get<std::string>();
	MbedJSONValue valSign;
	valSign = valRep[0]["signing_instructions"][0];

	string xpub;
	xpub = valSign["witness_components"][0]["keys"][0]["xpub"].get<std::string>();
	m_strXpub = xpub;

	return strJson;

string Transaction::signTransaction()
	string strJson = "";

	MbedJSONValue val;

	//fill the object
	val["transactions"] = m_valRep;
	val["xpubs"][0]  = m_strXpub;

	//serialize it into a JSON string
	strJson = val.serialize();

	string strRep = "";
	string strUrl = "/mockhsm/sign-transaction";

	// get http response content
	string content = client.get_content(strRep);

	// decode content json 
	MbedJSONValue valRep;

	m_valRep = valRep;

	return strJson;

string Transaction::submitTransaction()
	string strJson = "";

	MbedJSONValue val;

	//fill the object
	val["transactions"] = m_valRep;

	//serialize it into a JSON string
	strJson = val.serialize();

	//printf("json: %s\r\n", strJson.c_str());

	string strRep = "";
	string strUrl = "/submit-transaction";

	// get http response content
	string content = client.get_content(strRep);

	// decode content json 
	MbedJSONValue valRep;

	id = valRep[0]["id"].get<std::string>();

	return strJson;

string Transaction::listTransactions()
	string strJson = "";

	MbedJSONValue val;

	//fill the object
	val["filter"] = "id='" + id + "'";

	//serialize it into a JSON string
	strJson = val.serialize();

	//printf("json: %s\r\n", strJson.c_str());

	string strRep = "";
	string strUrl = "/list-transactions";

	// get http response content
	string content = client.get_content(strRep);

	// decode content json 
	MbedJSONValue valRep;
	m_valRep = valRep;

	return strJson;