Dependencies: mbed Adafruit_GFX
- Committer:
- xkzy
- Date:
- 2018-12-16
- Revision:
- 1:8daae36234f1
- Parent:
- 0:bd6942344437
File content as of revision 1:8daae36234f1:
#include "mbed.h" #include <Adafruit_GFX.h> #define TFTWIDTH 320 #define TFTHEIGHT 480 #define TFT_NORTH {SPFD5408_MADCTL_MY | SPFD5408_MADCTL_BGR} #define TFT_EAST {SPFD5408_MADCTL_MX | SPFD5408_MADCTL_MY | SPFD5408_MADCTL_MV | SPFD5408_MADCTL_BGR} #define TFT_SOUTH {SPFD5408_MADCTL_MX | SPFD5408_MADCTL_BGR} #define TFT_WEST {SPFD5408_MADCTL_MV | SPFD5408_MADCTL_BGR} #define BLACK 0x0000 #define BLUE 0x001F #define RED 0xF800 #define GREEN 0x07E0 #define CYAN 0x07FF #define MAGENTA 0xF81F #define YELLOW 0xFFE0 #define WHITE 0xFFFF #define SPFD5408_SOFTRESET 0x01 #define SPFD5408_SLEEPIN 0x10 #define SPFD5408_SLEEPOUT 0x11 #define SPFD5408_NORMALDISP 0x13 #define SPFD5408_INVERTOFF 0x20 #define SPFD5408_INVERTON 0x21 #define SPFD5408_GAMMASET 0x26 #define SPFD5408_DISPLAYOFF 0x28 #define SPFD5408_DISPLAYON 0x29 #define SPFD5408_COLADDRSET 0x2A #define SPFD5408_PAGEADDRSET 0x2B #define SPFD5408_MEMORYWRITE 0x2C #define SPFD5408_PIXELFORMAT 0x3A #define SPFD5408_FRAMECONTROL 0xB1 #define SPFD5408_DISPLAYFUNC 0xB6 #define SPFD5408_ENTRYMODE 0xB7 #define SPFD5408_POWERCONTROL1 0xC0 #define SPFD5408_POWERCONTROL2 0xC1 #define SPFD5408_VCOMCONTROL1 0xC5 #define SPFD5408_VCOMCONTROL2 0xC7 #define SPFD5408_MEMCONTROL 0x36 #define SPFD5408_MADCTL 0x36 #define SPFD5408_MADCTL_MY 0x80 #define SPFD5408_MADCTL_MX 0x40 #define SPFD5408_MADCTL_MV 0x20 #define SPFD5408_MADCTL_ML 0x10 #define SPFD5408_MADCTL_RGB 0x00 #define SPFD5408_MADCTL_BGR 0x08 #define SPFD5408_MADCTL_MH 0x04 #define IDLE 1 #define ACTIVE 0 #define COMMAND 0 #define DATA 1 #define TEMPS 60 #define VERT_LINE 0 #define HORI_LINE 1 /** setup tft **/ DigitalOut pinRD(A0); //PA_0; DigitalOut pinWR(A1); //PA_1; DigitalOut pinCD(A2); //PA_4; DigitalOut pinCS(A3); //PB_0; DigitalOut pinReset(A4);//PC_1; BusInOut portTFT(D8, D9, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7); /**set up cam*/ RawSerial pc(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX); //has to use rawserial ,serial too slow and has byte loss. RawSerial cam(PA_11, PA_12); RawSerial esp(PB_6, PA_10); DigitalOut read_state(LED1); InterruptIn frame_start(PC_5); InterruptIn ccap(USER_BUTTON); void WriteCommand(uint8_t c) { pinCD = COMMAND; pinWR = ACTIVE; portTFT = c; pinWR = IDLE; } void WriteData(uint8_t d) { pinCD = DATA; pinWR = ACTIVE; portTFT = d; pinWR = IDLE; } //Serial pc(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX); DigitalOut myled(LED1); void begin(void) { pinCS = IDLE; pinCD = DATA; pinWR = IDLE; pinRD = IDLE; portTFT.output(); pinReset = ACTIVE; pinReset = IDLE; pinCS = ACTIVE; WriteCommand(SPFD5408_SOFTRESET); WriteData(0); wait_ms(100); WriteCommand(SPFD5408_MEMCONTROL); WriteData(SPFD5408_MADCTL_MY | SPFD5408_MADCTL_BGR); WriteCommand(SPFD5408_PIXELFORMAT); WriteData(0x55); WriteCommand(SPFD5408_FRAMECONTROL); WriteData(0x00); WriteData(0x1B); WriteCommand(SPFD5408_SLEEPOUT); WriteData(0); WriteCommand(SPFD5408_DISPLAYON); WriteData(0); } void setAddrWindow(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { pinCS = ACTIVE; wait_us(TEMPS); WriteCommand(SPFD5408_COLADDRSET); WriteData(x1 >> 8); WriteData(x1); WriteData(x2 >> 8); WriteData(x2); wait_us(TEMPS); pinCS = IDLE; pinCS = ACTIVE; wait_us(TEMPS); WriteCommand(SPFD5408_PAGEADDRSET); WriteData(y1 >> 8); WriteData(y1); WriteData(y2 >> 8); WriteData(y2); wait_us(TEMPS); pinCS = IDLE; } void fillRect(uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, uint16_t fillcolor) { uint8_t hi, lo; uint16_t x2, y2; uint16_t i, j; x2 = x1 + w - 1; y2 = y1 + h - 1; setAddrWindow(x1, y1, x2, y2); hi = fillcolor >> 8; lo = fillcolor; pinCS = ACTIVE; WriteCommand(SPFD5408_MEMORYWRITE); pinCD = DATA; for (i = h; i > 0; i--) { for (j = w; j > 0; j--) { pinWR = ACTIVE; portTFT = hi; pinWR = IDLE; pinWR = ACTIVE; portTFT = lo; pinWR = IDLE; } } pinCS = IDLE; } void drawLine(uint8_t orientation,uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t lenght, uint16_t fillcolor) { uint8_t hi, lo; uint16_t x2, y2; uint16_t i, j; if(orientation == VERT_LINE) { x2 = x1 - 1; y2 = y1 + lenght - 1; } else if(orientation == HORI_LINE) { x2 = x1 + lenght - 1; y2 = y1 - 1; } setAddrWindow(x1, y1, x2, y2); hi = fillcolor >> 8; lo = fillcolor; pinCS = ACTIVE; WriteCommand(SPFD5408_MEMORYWRITE); pinCD = DATA; for (i = lenght; i > 0; i--) { pinWR = ACTIVE; portTFT = hi; pinWR = IDLE; pinWR = ACTIVE; portTFT = lo; pinWR = IDLE; } pinCS = IDLE; } void drawPixel(uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t fillcolor) { uint8_t hi, lo; uint16_t x2, y2; x2 = x1 - 1; y2 = y1 - 1; setAddrWindow(x1, y1, x2, y2); hi = fillcolor >> 8; lo = fillcolor; pinCS = ACTIVE; WriteCommand(SPFD5408_MEMORYWRITE); pinCD = DATA; // for (i = 1; i > 0; i--) // { pinWR = ACTIVE; portTFT = hi; pinWR = IDLE; pinWR = ACTIVE; portTFT = lo; pinWR = IDLE; // // } // pinCS = IDLE; } void draw_text_korn(uint64_t rttd,int x_k=100,int y_k=100) { for(int i=0;i<8;i++) {for(int j=0;j<8;j++) { if( ( (rttd>>(i*8+j)) &0x01)==1){drawPixel(i*3+x_k,-1*2*j+y_k,GREEN);} } } } void korn_text(char ttd,int y_k,int x_k)//important note x is y, y is x { const uint64_t IMAGES[] = { 0x6666667e66663c00, 0x3e66663e66663e00, 0x3c66060606663c00, 0x3e66666666663e00, 0x7e06063e06067e00, 0x0606063e06067e00, 0x3c66760606663c00, 0x6666667e66666600, 0x3c18181818183c00, 0x1c36363030307800, 0x66361e0e1e366600, 0x7e06060606060600, 0xc6c6c6d6feeec600, 0xc6c6e6f6decec600, 0x3c66666666663c00, 0x06063e6666663e00, 0x603c766666663c00, 0x66361e3e66663e00, 0x3c66603c06663c00, 0x18181818185a7e00, 0x7c66666666666600, 0x183c666666666600, 0xc6eefed6c6c6c600, 0xc6c66c386cc6c600, 0x1818183c66666600, 0x7e060c1830607e00, 0x0000000000000000, 0x7c667c603c000000, 0x3e66663e06060600, 0x3c6606663c000000, 0x7c66667c60606000, 0x3c067e663c000000, 0x0c0c3e0c0c6c3800, 0x3c607c66667c0000, 0x6666663e06060600, 0x3c18181800180000, 0x1c36363030003000, 0x66361e3666060600, 0x1818181818181800, 0xd6d6feeec6000000, 0x6666667e3e000000, 0x3c6666663c000000, 0x06063e66663e0000, 0xf0b03c36363c0000, 0x060666663e000000, 0x3e403c027c000000, 0x1818187e18180000, 0x7c66666666000000, 0x183c666600000000, 0x7cd6d6d6c6000000, 0x663c183c66000000, 0x3c607c6666000000, 0x3c0c18303c000000, 0x0000000000000000,0x7c667c603c000000,0x3e66663e06060600,0x3c6606663c000000,0x3c607c66667c0000, 0x7c66667c60606000,0x3c067e663c000000,0x0c0c3e0c0c6c3800,0x6666663e06060600,0x3c18181800180000, 0x1c36363030003000,0x66361e3666060600,0x1818181818181800,0xd6d6feeec6000000,0x6666667e3e000000, 0x3c6666663c000000,0x06063e66663e0000,0xf0b03c36363c0000,0x060666663e000000,0x3e403c027c000000, 0x1818187e18180000,0x7c66666666000000,0x183c666600000000,0x7cd6d6d6c6000000,0x663c183c66000000, 0x3c607c6666000000,0x3c0c18303c000000 }; /*switch(ttd) { case 'F': draw_text_korn(0x0606063e06067e00); break; }*/ draw_text_korn(IMAGES[ttd-'A'],x_k,480-y_k); } void korn_text_string(char st[15]) {int x_s=100,y_s=100; for(int sz=0;sz<15;st++) { korn_text(st[sz],x_s,y_s); x_s+=16; } } /*cam part*/ bool cap=1; uint8_t image[76800]; uint32_t pix_count; bool read=1; void read_to_image(){ pix_count = 0; read=1; while(pix_count<76800&&read){ read_state=!read_state; if(cam.readable()) { image[pix_count++]=cam.getc(); } } read_state=0; } void set_cap(){cap = 1;} void end_read(){read = 0;} long map(long x, long in_min, long in_max, long out_min, long out_max) { return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min; } uint16_t P2RGB(uint8_t val){ uint8_t bits_5=val/8; uint8_t bits_6=val/4; uint16_t rgb= bits_5<<11|bits_6<<5|bits_5; return rgb; } int main() { pc.baud(1000000); cam.baud(1000000); esp.baud(1000000); frame_start.fall(&read_to_image); frame_start.rise(&end_read); ccap.fall(&set_cap); begin(); //drawLine(VERT_LINE,0, 20, 60,GREEN ); //drawLine(HORI_LINE,30, 10, 20, RED); drawPixel(100,100,RED); drawPixel(200,200,'H'); fillRect(20, 100, 15,15, 0); //ซ้ายบน fillRect(30, 110, 15,15, RED); fillRect(40, 120, 15,15, RED); fillRect(50, 130, 15,15, RED); fillRect(60, 140, 15,15, RED); fillRect(20, 90, 15,15, RED);//ขวาบน fillRect(30, 80, 15,15, RED); fillRect(40, 70, 15,15, RED); fillRect(50, 60, 15,15, RED); fillRect(60, 50, 15,15, RED); fillRect(70, 140, 15,15, RED); //ซ้ายล่าง fillRect(80, 130, 15,15, RED); fillRect(90, 120, 15,15, RED); fillRect(100, 110, 15,15, RED); fillRect(110, 100, 15,15, RED); fillRect(70, 50, 15,15, RED); //ขวาล่าง fillRect(80, 60, 15,15, RED); fillRect(90, 70, 15,15, RED); fillRect(100, 80, 15,15, RED); fillRect(110, 90, 15,15, RED); while(1) { //setRotation(3); korn_text_string("SFRDHTRTSYSTEM"); korn_text_string("SFDSFDGSTEM"); int yh=0; for(int y=0;y<240;y++){ for (int x=0;x<480;x++){ drawPixel(320-yh,480-x,P2RGB(image[(int)((x+y*480)/1.5)])); } if(y%3==0){ yh++; for (int x=0;x<480;x++){ drawPixel(320-yh,480-x,P2RGB(image[(int)((x+y*480)/1.5)])); } } yh++; } //korn_text_string("SF-SYSTEM"); } }