Llibrary for the WiGo MPL3115A2, I2C Precision Altimeter sensor. This is a temp fork

Dependents:   sensor AerCloud_MutliTech_Socket_Modem_Example Freescale_Multi-Sensor_Shield 2lemetry_Sensor_Example ... more

Fork of MPL3115A2 by clemente di caprio

diff -r 000000000000 -r cfecfabc5e23 MPL3115A2.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MPL3115A2.h	Thu May 23 06:42:15 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+#ifndef MPL3115A2_H
+#define MPL3115A2_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+/* Oversampling */
+#define OVERSAMPLE_RATIO_1      0
+#define OVERSAMPLE_RATIO_2      1
+#define OVERSAMPLE_RATIO_4      2
+#define OVERSAMPLE_RATIO_8      3
+#define OVERSAMPLE_RATIO_16     4
+#define OVERSAMPLE_RATIO_32     5
+#define OVERSAMPLE_RATIO_64     6
+#define OVERSAMPLE_RATIO_128    7
+/* Mode */
+#define ALTIMETER_MODE      1
+#define BAROMETRIC_MODE     2
+* MPL3115A2 Altimeter example
+* @code
+* #include "mbed.h"
+* #include "MPL3115A2.h"
+* #define MPL3115A2_I2C_ADDRESS (0x60<<1)
+* MPL3115A2 altimeter(PTE0, PTE1, MPL3115A2_I2C_ADDRESS);
+* Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+* int main(void) {
+*    pc.baud( 230400);
+*    pc.printf("MPL3115A2 Altimeter mode. [%d]\r\n", wigo_sensor1.getDeviceID()); 
+*    wigo_sensor1.Oversample_Ratio( OVERSAMPLE_RATIO_32);
+*    while(1) {
+*        //
+*        if ( wigo_sensor1.isDataAvailable()) {
+*            wigo_sensor1.getAllData( &sensor_data[0]);
+*            pc.printf("\Altitude: %f\tTemperature: %f\r\n", sensor_data[0], sensor_data[1]);
+*        }
+*        //
+*        wait( 0.001);
+*    }
+* }
+* @endcode
+class MPL3115A2
+* MPL3115A2 constructor
+* @param sda SDA pin
+* @param sdl SCL pin
+* @param addr addr of the I2C peripheral
+MPL3115A2(PinName sda, PinName scl, int addr);
+* Get the value of the WHO_AM_I register
+* @returns DEVICE_ID value == 0xC4
+uint8_t getDeviceID();
+* Return the STATUS register value
+* @returns STATUS register value
+unsigned char getStatus( void);
+* Get the altimeter value
+* @returns altimeter value as float
+float getAltimeter( void);
+* Get the pressure value
+* @returns pressure value as float
+float getPressure( void);
+* Get the temperature value
+* @returns temperature value as float
+float getTemperature( void);
+* Set the Altimeter Mode
+* @returns none
+void Altimeter_Mode( void);
+* Set the Barometric Mode
+* @returns none
+void Barometric_Mode( void);
+* Get the altimeter, pressure and temperature values
+* @param array of float f[3]
+* @returns none
+void getAllData( float *f);
+/** Return is there are date available
+* @return 1 for data available, 0 for no data available
+unsigned int isDataAvailable( void);
+/** Set the oversampling rate value
+* @param oversampling values. See MPL3115A2.h
+* @return none
+void Oversample_Ratio( unsigned int ratio);
+  I2C m_i2c;
+  int m_addr;
+  unsigned char MPL3115A2_mode;
+  unsigned char MPL3115A2_oversampling;
+  /** Set the device in active mode
+  */
+  void Active( void);
+  /** Set the device in standby mode
+  */
+  void Standby( void);
+  void readRegs(int addr, uint8_t * data, int len);
+  void writeRegs(uint8_t * data, int len);