Grove I2C Colour Sensor

Dependents:   CapCouleur FindTheColor

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GroveColourSensor Class Reference

GroveColourSensor Class Reference

This module is based on the color sensor TCS3414CS with digital output over I2C. More...

#include <GroveColourSensor.hpp>

Detailed Description

This module is based on the color sensor TCS3414CS with digital output over I2C.

example use:

GroveColourSensor colorSensor(I2C_SDA0, I2C_SCL0);

colorSensor.powerUp(); unsigned colour; for (colour = GroveColourSensor::GREEN; colour < GroveColourSensor::NUM_COLORS; colour++) { uint16_t colourValue = colorSensor.readColour(colour); ... } colorSensor.powerDown();

Definition at line 39 of file GroveColourSensor.hpp.