Import of CSR's demo for SirfV. Has minor cleanup.

Dependencies:   CsrLocation mbed GPSProvider

Fork of CsrLocationDemo by jie zhao


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
22:05eb1dc5da3c 2014-11-07 rgrover1 updating to the latest of GPSProvider. default tip
21:398bb500bb37 2014-11-05 rgrover1 call sleep() after process(); and remove extraneous header.
20:42aca3a90941 2014-11-04 rgrover1 switching to use CSR's private location library.
19:b8703d1c1b38 2014-11-04 rgrover1 improvements from Jie
18:c75558f5959f 2014-11-03 rgrover1 remove extraneous code from the demo
17:ebf95368b2d8 2014-10-31 rgrover1 updating the app due to improvements to GPSProvider and CSRLocation
16:24128dedf8db 2014-10-30 rgrover1 update CSRLocation based on GPSProvider. The demo still doesn't work.
15:495c22f32cc6 2014-10-16 rgrover1 minor review and cleanup
14:fca7e09f5b78 2014-10-13 zhjcpi Adjust GPIO map for button action.
13:e0b3e914c709 2014-09-01 zhjcpi Remove sBtn definition because interrupt pin will lead to system halt on StT F103RB.
12:0dd8bbcca560 2014-08-11 zhjcpi Add wakeup pin definition in LCP1768 project.
11:4e0bba518108 2014-08-11 zhjcpi Add wakeup pin input process.
10:8dbf356c44ec 2014-08-06 zhjcpi Add a test pin(D10) to pull up/low level for test, for example, to trigger on_off.
9:87d1555b6219 2014-08-05 zhjcpi Add button support to triger position report in PTF mode.
8:e2c9664bfcb4 2014-08-04 zhjcpi Adjust the IO interface pin map for H13467V1 LED1/LED2.
7:5b626d9df186 2014-08-01 zhjcpi Adjust the interface to Arduino standard.
6:d040264b3329 2014-05-28 zhjcpi Fix bug, now allow get postion in runing state and PTF mode.
5:a4f421140212 2014-05-27 zhjcpi Add protection code for state transferring and commands
4:b917d49df4bd 2014-05-27 zhjcpi Add protmpt information because NEMA does not support LPM.
3:7a3ed8ae071d 2014-05-21 zhjcpi Unify code for different platform.
2:b70e3a839116 2014-03-26 zhjcpi Optimization
1:e6c96c984e2b 2014-03-25 zhjcpi optimization demo application
0:789f6b6f710d 2014-03-24 zhjcpi The Csr Location demo application to show the location and satellite information.