Import of CSR's demo for SirfV. Has minor cleanup.

Dependencies:   CsrLocation mbed GPSProvider

Fork of CsrLocationDemo by jie zhao


updating to the latest of GPSProvider. default tip

2014-11-07, by rgrover1 [Fri, 07 Nov 2014 08:28:41 +0000] rev 22

updating to the latest of GPSProvider.

call sleep() after process(); and remove extraneous header.

2014-11-05, by rgrover1 [Wed, 05 Nov 2014 13:25:15 +0000] rev 21

call sleep() after process(); and remove extraneous header.

switching to use CSR's private location library.

2014-11-04, by rgrover1 [Tue, 04 Nov 2014 14:25:31 +0000] rev 20

switching to use CSR's private location library.

improvements from Jie

2014-11-04, by rgrover1 [Tue, 04 Nov 2014 11:32:24 +0000] rev 19

improvements from Jie

remove extraneous code from the demo

2014-11-03, by rgrover1 [Mon, 03 Nov 2014 07:39:31 +0000] rev 18

remove extraneous code from the demo

updating the app due to improvements to GPSProvider and CSRLocation

2014-10-31, by rgrover1 [Fri, 31 Oct 2014 13:36:57 +0000] rev 17

updating the app due to improvements to GPSProvider and CSRLocation

update CSRLocation based on GPSProvider. The demo still doesn't work.

2014-10-30, by rgrover1 [Thu, 30 Oct 2014 14:44:13 +0000] rev 16

update CSRLocation based on GPSProvider. The demo still doesn't work.

minor review and cleanup

2014-10-16, by rgrover1 [Thu, 16 Oct 2014 12:42:11 +0000] rev 15

minor review and cleanup

Adjust GPIO map for button action.

2014-10-13, by zhjcpi [Mon, 13 Oct 2014 06:31:17 +0000] rev 14

Adjust GPIO map for button action.

Remove sBtn definition because interrupt pin will lead to system halt on StT F103RB.

2014-09-01, by zhjcpi [Mon, 01 Sep 2014 02:07:13 +0000] rev 13

Remove sBtn definition because interrupt pin will lead to system halt on StT F103RB.