for u-blox

Fork of C027_Support by u-blox

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Jan 22 15:28:39 2016 +0000
Commit message:
CellLocate added functionality

Changed in this revision

MDM.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
MDM.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/MDM.cpp	Thu Jan 21 15:59:42 2016 +0000
+++ b/MDM.cpp	Fri Jan 22 15:28:39 2016 +0000
@@ -192,17 +192,51 @@
                     int socket = _findSocket(a);
                     TRACE("Socket %d: handle %d closed by remote host\r\n", socket, a);
                     if ((socket != SOCKET_ERROR) && _sockets[socket].connected)
-                        _sockets[socket].connected = false;                
+                        _sockets[socket].connected = false;                                    
                 // +UULOC: <date>,<time>,<lat>,<long>,<alt>,<uncertainty>,<speed>, <direction>,<vertical_acc>,<sensor_used>,<SV_used>,<antenna_status>, <jamming_status>
                 }else if (sscanf(cmd, "UULOC: %d/%d/%d,%d:%d:%d.%*d,%f,%f,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%*d,%*d",\
-                        &_loc.time.tm_mday, &_loc.time.tm_mon, &_loc.time.tm_year, &_loc.time.tm_hour, &_loc.time.tm_min, &_loc.time.tm_sec,\
-                        &_loc.latitue, &_loc.longitude, &_loc.altitutude, &_loc.uncertainty, &_loc.speed, &_loc.direction, &_loc.verticalAcc, \
-                        &_loc.sensorUsed, &_loc.svUsed) == 15) {
-                    _loc.time.tm_mon -= 1;
-                    _loc.time.tm_wday=0;
-                    _loc.time.tm_yday=0;
-                    _loc.validData = true;
-                    TRACE("Parsed UULOC position\r\n");
+                        &_loc[0].time.tm_mday, &_loc[0].time.tm_mon, &_loc[0].time.tm_year, &_loc[0].time.tm_hour, &_loc[0].time.tm_min, &_loc[0].time.tm_sec,\
+                        &_loc[0].latitude, &_loc[0].longitude, &_loc[0].altitutude, &_loc[0].uncertainty, &_loc[0].speed, &_loc[0].direction, &_loc[0].verticalAcc, \
+                        &b, &_loc[0].svUsed) == 15) {
+                    TRACE("Parsed UULOC position at index 0\r\n");                                        
+                    _loc[0].sensor = (b==0)? CELL_LAST : (b==1)? CELL_GNSS : (b==2)? CELL_LOCATE : (b==3)? CELL_HYBRID : CELL_LAST;
+                    _loc[0].time.tm_mon -= 1;
+                    _loc[0].time.tm_wday=0;
+                    _loc[0].time.tm_yday=0;
+                    _loc[0].validData = true;
+                    _locExpPos=1;
+                    _locRcvPos++;
+               // +UULOC: <sol>,<num>,<sensor_used>,<date>,<time>,<lat>,<long>,<alt>,<uncertainty>,<speed>, <direction>,<vertical_acc>,,<SV_used>,<antenna_status>, <jamming_status>                              
+               }else if (sscanf(cmd, "UULOC: %d,%d,%d,%d/%d/%d,%d:%d:%d.%*d,%f,%f,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%*d,%*d",\
+                        &a,&_locExpPos,&b, \
+                        &_loc[CELL_MAX_HYP-1].time.tm_mday, &_loc[CELL_MAX_HYP-1].time.tm_mon, &_loc[CELL_MAX_HYP-1].time.tm_year, &_loc[CELL_MAX_HYP-1].time.tm_hour, &_loc[CELL_MAX_HYP-1].time.tm_min, &_loc[CELL_MAX_HYP-1].time.tm_sec,\
+                        &_loc[CELL_MAX_HYP-1].latitude, &_loc[CELL_MAX_HYP-1].longitude, &_loc[CELL_MAX_HYP-1].altitutude, &_loc[CELL_MAX_HYP-1].uncertainty, &_loc[CELL_MAX_HYP-1].speed, &_loc[CELL_MAX_HYP-1].direction, &_loc[CELL_MAX_HYP-1].verticalAcc, \
+                        &_loc[CELL_MAX_HYP-1].svUsed) == 17) {  
+                    if (--a>=0){                         
+                        TRACE("Parsed UULOC position at index %d\r\n",a);                    
+                        memcpy(&_loc[a], &_loc[CELL_MAX_HYP-1], sizeof(*_loc)); 
+                        _loc[a].sensor = (b==0)? CELL_LAST : (b==1)? CELL_GNSS : (b==2)? CELL_LOCATE : (b==3)? CELL_HYBRID : CELL_LAST;                                       
+                        _loc[a].time.tm_mon -= 1;
+                        _loc[a].time.tm_wday=0;
+                        _loc[a].time.tm_yday=0;
+                        _loc[a].validData = true;                    
+                        _locRcvPos++;                                            
+                    }
+              //+UULOC: <sol>,<num>,<sensor_used>,<date>,<time>,<lat>,<long>,<alt>,<lat50>,<long50>,<major50>,<minor50>,<orientation50>,<confidence50>[,<lat95>,<long95>,<major95>,<minor95>,<orientation95>,<confidence95>]
+               }else if (sscanf(cmd, "UULOC: %d,%d,%d,%d/%d/%d,%d:%d:%d.%*d,%f,%f,%d,%*f,%*f,%d,%*d,%*d,%*d",\
+                        &a,&_locExpPos,&b, \
+                        &_loc[CELL_MAX_HYP-1].time.tm_mday, &_loc[CELL_MAX_HYP-1].time.tm_mon, &_loc[CELL_MAX_HYP-1].time.tm_year, &_loc[CELL_MAX_HYP-1].time.tm_hour, &_loc[CELL_MAX_HYP-1].time.tm_min, &_loc[CELL_MAX_HYP-1].time.tm_sec,\
+                        &_loc[CELL_MAX_HYP-1].latitude, &_loc[CELL_MAX_HYP-1].longitude, &_loc[CELL_MAX_HYP-1].altitutude, &_loc[CELL_MAX_HYP-1].uncertainty) == 13) {                    
+                    if (--a>=0){    
+                        TRACE("Parsed UULOC position at index %d\r\n",a);
+                        memcpy(&_loc[a], &_loc[CELL_MAX_HYP-1], sizeof(*_loc));                                        
+                        _loc[a].sensor = (b==0)? CELL_LAST : (b==1)? CELL_GNSS : (b==2)? CELL_LOCATE : (b==3)? CELL_HYBRID : CELL_LAST;
+                        _loc[a].time.tm_mon -= 1;
+                        _loc[a].time.tm_wday=0;
+                        _loc[a].time.tm_yday=0;
+                        _loc[a].validData = true;                    
+                        _locRcvPos++;                    
+                    }                              
                 // +UHTTPCR: <profile_id>,<op_code>,<param_val>
                 } else if ((sscanf(cmd, "UUHTTPCR: %d,%d,%d", &a, &b, &c) == 3)) {
                     _httpProfiles[a].cmd = b;          //command
@@ -252,7 +286,7 @@
                                 else if (a == 5) *reg = REG_ROAMING;  // 5: registered, roaming
                                 else if (a == 6) *reg = REG_HOME;     // 6: registered, sms only, home
                                 if ((r >= 3) && (b != 0xFFFF))      _net.lac = b; // location area code
-                                if ((r >= 4) && (c != 0xFFFFFFFF))  = c; // cell ID
+                                if ((r >= 4) && (c != 0xFFFFFFFF))  = c; // cell ID                                                                                                
                                 // access technology
                                 if (r >= 5) {
                                     if      (d == 0) _net.act = ACT_GSM;      // 0: GSM
@@ -1894,8 +1928,7 @@
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
-int MDMParser::cellLocSrvHttp (const char* token, const char* server_1, const char* server_2, int days/* = 14*/, \
+int MDMParser::cellLocSrvTcp(const char* token, const char* server_1, const char* server_2, int days/* = 14*/, \
         int period/* = 4*/, int resolution/* = 1*/)
     bool ok = false;
@@ -1904,7 +1937,7 @@
         sendFormated("AT+UGSRV=\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\"\r\n", server_1, server_2, token, days, period, resolution);
         ok = (RESP_OK == waitFinalResp());
     } else
-        ok = false; //command not supported by module
+        ERROR("Command not supported\r\n"); 
     return ok;
@@ -1918,12 +1951,12 @@
         sendFormated("AT+UGAOP=\"%s\",%d,%d,%d\r\n", server_1, port, latency, mode);
         ok = (RESP_OK == waitFinalResp());
     } else
-        ok = false; //command not supported by module
+        ERROR("Command not supported\r\n"); 
     return ok;
-int MDMParser::cellLocUnsolIndication(int mode)
+int MDMParser::cellLocUnsol(int mode)
     bool ok = false;
@@ -1931,12 +1964,12 @@
         sendFormated("AT+ULOCIND=%d\r\n", mode);
         ok = (RESP_OK == waitFinalResp());
     } else
-        ok = false; //command not supported by module
+        ERROR("Command not supported\r\n"); 
     return ok;
-int MDMParser::cellLocConfigSensor(int scanMode)
+int MDMParser::cellLocConfig(int scanMode)
     bool ok = false;
@@ -1944,39 +1977,62 @@
         sendFormated("AT+ULOCCELL=%d\r\n", scanMode);
         ok = (RESP_OK == waitFinalResp());    
-        ok = false; //command not supported by module
+        ERROR("Command not supported\r\n"); 
     return ok;
-int MDMParser::cellLocRequest(int sensor, int timeout, int accuracy, int numHypotesis /* =1*/)
+int MDMParser::cellLocRequest(CellSensType sensor, int timeout, int accuracy, CellRespType type/* =1*/, int hypotesis/* =1*/)
     bool ok = false;
-    LOCK();
-     _loc.validData = false;
+    if (hypotesis > 1 && type != CELL_MULTIHYP){
+        ERROR("Num hypotesis is not set accordelying to CellRespType\r\n");
+        return false;
+        }        
+    if (hypotesis > CELL_MAX_HYP){
+        ERROR("Number of hypotesis is too big\r\n");
+        return false;  
+    }        
+    LOCK();      
+    _locRcvPos=0;
+    _locExpPos=0;
+    for (int i=0; i < hypotesis; i++)
+        _loc[i].validData = false;          
     if ( == DEV_LISA_U2_03S){
-        sendFormated("AT+ULOC=2,%d,1,%d,%d,%d\r\n", sensor, timeout, accuracy, numHypotesis);
+        sendFormated("AT+ULOC=2,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\r\n", sensor, type, timeout, accuracy, hypotesis);        
         ok = (RESP_OK == waitFinalResp());
     } else if ( != DEV_TOBY_L2){
         sendFormated("AT+ULOC=2,%d,1,%d,%d\r\n",  sensor, timeout, accuracy);
         ok = (RESP_OK == waitFinalResp());
-    }
-    else  ok = false; //command not supported by module
+    } else
+        ERROR("Command not supported\r\n");  
     return ok;
-int MDMParser::cellLocGet(CellLocData *data){
+int MDMParser::cellLocGetRes()
+    return _locRcvPos;
+int MDMParser::cellLocGetExpRes()
+    int res=0;
-    if (_loc.validData){
-        memcpy(data, &_loc, sizeof(_loc));
-        _loc.validData = false;
-        return true;
-    }
-    return false;
+    LOCK();
+    if (_locRcvPos>0)
+        res = _locExpPos;
+    UNLOCK();
+    return res;
+int MDMParser::cellLocGetData(CellLocData *data, int index/*=0*/){
+    if (!_loc[index].validData)
+          return false;
+    LOCK(); 
+    memcpy(data, &_loc[index], sizeof(*_loc));
+    UNLOCK();
+    return true;
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
--- a/MDM.h	Thu Jan 21 15:59:42 2016 +0000
+++ b/MDM.h	Fri Jan 22 15:28:39 2016 +0000
@@ -72,21 +72,25 @@
         unsigned int ci;     //!< Cell ID in hexadecimal format (2 to 4 bytes in hex)
         CopsMode regStatus;    //!< Cops mode
     } NetStatus;
+    typedef enum { CELL_LAST = 0, CELL_GNSS, CELL_LOCATE, CELL_HYBRID} CellSensType;
+    typedef enum { CELL_DETAILED = 1, CELL_MULTIHYP = 2} CellRespType;
+    #define CELL_MAX_HYP    (16 + 1)
+    int _locRcvPos;     //!< Received positions
+    int _locExpPos;     //!< Expected positions
    //! Cell Locate Data
    typedef struct {
        bool validData;      //!< Flag for indicating if data is valid
        struct tm time;      //!< GPS Timestamp
        float longitude;     //!< Estimated longitude, in degrees
-       float  latitue;      //!< Estimated latitude, in degrees
+       float latitude;      //!< Estimated latitude, in degrees
        int altitutude;      //!< Estimated altitude, in meters^2
        int uncertainty;     //!< Maximum possible error, in meters
        int speed;           //!< Speed over ground m/s^2
        int direction;       //!< Course over ground in degrees
        int verticalAcc;     //!< Vertical accuracy, in meters^2
-       int sensorUsed;      //!< Sensor used for last calculation
+       CellSensType sensor;      //!< Sensor used for last calculation
        int svUsed;          //!< number of satellite used
-   }CellLocData;
+   }CellLocData;    
     //! An IP v4 address
     typedef uint32_t IP;
     #define NOIP ((MDMParser::IP)0) //!< No IP address
@@ -440,10 +444,10 @@
     int infoFile(const char* filename);
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Cell Locate
+    // CellLocate
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------
-     /** Configures CellLocate Http Aiding server
+     /** Configures CellLocate Tcp Aiding server
         \server_1   Host name of the primary MGA server
         \server_2   Host name of the secondary MGA server
         \token      Authentication Token for MGA server access
@@ -451,7 +455,7 @@
         \period     The number of weeks into the future the Offline data for u-blox M8
         \resolution Resolution of offline data for u-blox M8: 1 everyday, 0 every other day
-    int cellLocSrvHttp(const char* token, const char* server_1 = "", \
+    int cellLocSrvTcp(const char* token, const char* server_1 = "", \
             const char* server_2 = "", int days = 14, int period = 4, int resolution = 1);
     /** Configures  CellLocate Udp Aiding server
@@ -466,28 +470,38 @@
     /** Configures CellLocate URCs in the case of +ULOC operations
         \mode       Urc configuration: 0 disabled, 1 enabled
-    int cellLocUnsolIndication(int mode);
+    int cellLocUnsol(int mode);
     /**  Configures CellLocate location sensor 
          \scanMode Network scan mode: 0 normal, 1 deep scan
-    int cellLocConfigSensor(int scanMode);
+    int cellLocConfig(int scanMode);
     /** Request CellLocate 
         This function is not blocking, the result has to be retrived using cellLocGet
-         \cb            Call back function called when position is available
-         \sensor        Sensor selection: 0: use last fix and stop GNSS receiver, 1: use GNSS, 2: CellLocate, 3: Hybrid
+         \sensor        Sensor selection: 
          \timeout       Timeout period in seconds (1 - 999)
          \accuracy      Target accuracy in meters (1 - 999999)
-         \numHypotesis  Maximum desired number of responses from CellLocate® (up to 16)
+         \type
+         \hypotesis  Maximum desired number of responses from CellLocate® (up to 16)
-    int cellLocRequest(int sensor, int timeout, int accuracy, int numHypotesis =1);
+    int cellLocRequest(CellSensType sensor, int timeout, int accuracy, CellRespType type = CELL_DETAILED,int hypotesis = 1);
-    /** Check if a position is available
+    /** Get a position record
         \data pointer to a CellLocData struct where the location will be copied in
-        \return 1 if data is available, 0 otherwise
+        \index of the position to retrive
+        \return 1 if data has been retrived and copied, 0 otherwise
-    int cellLocGet(CellLocData *data);
+    int cellLocGetData(CellLocData *data, int index =0);
+    /** Get number of position records received       
+        \return number of position received
+    */
+    int cellLocGetRes();
+    /** Get expected number of position to be received       
+        \return number of expected position to be received
+    */
+    int cellLocGetExpRes();
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------
     // DEBUG/DUMP status to standard out (printf)
@@ -724,7 +738,7 @@
     DevStatus   _dev; //!< collected device information
     NetStatus   _net; //!< collected network information 
     IP          _ip;  //!< assigned ip address
-    CellLocData _loc; //!< CellLocate data
+    CellLocData _loc[CELL_MAX_HYP]; //!< CellLocate data
     // management struture for sockets
     typedef struct { int handle; int timeout_ms; volatile bool connected; volatile int pending; } SockCtrl;
     // LISA-C has 6 TCP and 6 UDP sockets