Example node for Yodiwo's Plegma API

Dependencies:   EthernetInterface FXOS8700Q HTTPClient HTTPD MQTTS SDFileSystem YodiwoPlegma mbed-rpc mbed-rtos mbed wolfSSL



File content as of revision 5:1ef168357347:

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "jsmn.h"
#include "yodiwo_helpers.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "pairing_backend.h"

char recvBuff[1024*20];
void *__get_tokens(pairing_context *ctx);
void *__get_keys(pairing_context *ctx);

void *do_on_thread(thread_func func, void *args, unsigned int stack_size);

#define PAGE_SERVER_PHASE2 "userconfirm"

int pairing_context_init_with_defaults(pairing_context *ctx, onPaired_callback callback)
    ctx->postUrl = "";
    ctx->uuid = "1337CNode";
    ctx->name = "Nodas";
    ctx->onPaired = callback;
    return 0;

extern Yodiwo_Tools_APIGenerator_CNodeConfig_t *activeConfig;

int pairing_context_init_from_config(pairing_context *ctx, onPaired_callback callback)
    printf("server url: %s\n", activeConfig->PairingServerUrl);
    printf("uuid: %s\n", activeConfig->Uuid);
    printf("name: %s\n", activeConfig->Name);
    ctx->postUrl = activeConfig->PairingServerUrl;
    ctx->uuid = activeConfig->Uuid;
    ctx->name = activeConfig->Name;
    ctx->onPaired = callback;
    return 0;    

#define STACK_SIZE 24000

int pairing_get_tokens(pairing_context *ctx)
    printf("getting tokens from server\n");
    return (int)do_on_thread((thread_func)__get_tokens, ctx, STACK_SIZE);

char* get_server_phase2_url(pairing_context *ctx, char *hostname, int port, char *urlBase)
        int len = 200; //TODO: proper calculation
        char* result = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * len);
        if (!result)
            return NULL;
        sprintf(result, "%s" "1/" PAGE_SERVER_PHASE2 "?token2=%s&noderedirect=http://%s:%d%snext",
        		ctx->postUrl, ctx->token2, hostname, (port == 0) ? 80 : port, urlBase);
        return result;        

int pairing_get_keys(pairing_context *ctx)
    printf("getting keys from server\n");
    return (int)do_on_thread((thread_func)__get_keys, ctx, STACK_SIZE);

void *do_on_thread(thread_func func, void *args, unsigned int stack_size)
	int r;
    thread_t t;
    r = thread_run(&t, func, args, 0, stack_size);
    printf("run: %d\n", r);
    if (r < 0)
    	return (void *)-1;
    return thread_join(&t);  
void *__get_tokens(pairing_context *ctx)
	char url[100];
    char postfields[100];
    char response[512];
    int ret;
    strcpy(url, ctx->postUrl);
    strcat(url, "/1/gettokensreq");

    //POST data
    sprintf(postfields, "name=%s&uuid=%s", ctx->name, ctx->uuid);
    printf("\nTrying to post data...\n");
    ret = http_post(url, postfields, response, 512);
    Yodiwo_Plegma_NodePairing_PairingServerTokensResponse_t tokens;
    if (ret > 0)
        printf("Executed POST successfully - read %zu characters\n", strlen(response));
        printf("Result: %s\n", response);
        int jret = Yodiwo_Plegma_NodePairing_PairingServerTokensResponse_FromJson(response, strlen(response), &tokens);
        if (jret == Yodiwo_JsonSuccessParse) {
            ctx->token1 = tokens.token1;
            ctx->token2 = tokens.token2;
            return (void *)0;
        } else {
            printf("error parsing response");
            return (void *)-2;
      printf("Error HTTP Post return code = %d\n", ret);
    return (void *)ret;

void *__get_keys(pairing_context *ctx)
	char url[100];
    char postfields[100];
    char response[512];

    strcpy(url, ctx->postUrl);
    strcat(url, "/1/getkeysreq");
    int ret;

    //POST data
    sprintf(postfields, "uuid=%s&token1=%s", ctx->uuid, ctx->token1);

    printf("\nTrying to post data...\n");
    ret = http_post(url, postfields, response, 512);
    Yodiwo_Plegma_NodePairing_PairingServerKeysResponse_t keys;
    if (ret > 0)
        printf("Executed POST successfully - read %zu characters\n", strlen(response));
        printf("Result: %s\n", response);
        int jret = Yodiwo_Plegma_NodePairing_PairingServerKeysResponse_FromJson(response, strlen(response), &keys);
        if (jret == Yodiwo_JsonSuccessParse) {
            ctx->nodeKey = keys.nodeKey;
            ctx->secretKey = keys.secretKey;
            return (void *)0;
        } else {
            printf("error parsing response");
            return (void *)-2;
        printf("Error HTTP Post return code = %d\n", ret);
    return (void *)ret;