Yunting Zou 201199716

Dependencies:   mbed MotionSensor

Thu May 14 17:18:58 2020 +0000
Final Submission. I have read and agreed with Statement of Academic Integrity.

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 1 #include <stdio.h>
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 2 #include <time.h>
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 3 #include "mbed.h"
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 4 #include "Gamepad.h"
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 5 #include "N5110.h"
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 6 #define length 80
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 7 /** main Class
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 8 @author Zou yunting, University of Leeds
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 9 @brief used to set the lparameters of the snake and the food
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 10 @15th May 2020
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 11 **/
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 12
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 13 /** objects **/
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 14 N5110 lcd(PTC9,PTC0,PTC7,PTD2,PTD1,PTC11);
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 15 Gamepad pad;
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 16
zhouyun123 3:4bd22344278d 17 /**structure**/
zhouyun123 2:a2f88b2d5da4 18 struct vip { //@set the location of the snake
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 19 int x;
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 20 int y;
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 21 }COOR;
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 22
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 23 struct Serpent {
zhouyun123 1:9a8033d80067 24 vip head[length]; //@set the length of the viper
zhouyun123 1:9a8033d80067 25 int n; //@number of snake's section
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 26 }SER;
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 27 struct target{
zhouyun123 1:9a8033d80067 28 vip var;//@set the variable of target
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 29 }target;
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 30
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 31
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 32
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 33 void viper();
zhouyun123 1:9a8033d80067 34 void Movement(); //set the direction control of the snake
zhouyun123 1:9a8033d80067 35 void goal(); //set the target food
zhouyun123 1:9a8033d80067 36 void gameover(); //set the failure screen
zhouyun123 1:9a8033d80067 37 float wtime; //related to the speed of the snake
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 38 int score ;
zhouyun123 1:9a8033d80067 39 int HP; // Snake's health point(HP), if HP=0, game over.
zhouyun123 1:9a8033d80067 40 int D; //set the variable of direction
zhouyun123 3:4bd22344278d 41 int d; //set the variable for the control of joystick
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 42
zhouyun123 1:9a8033d80067 43 // define the location of the snake 1
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 44 void defineSnake(){
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 45 for(int i = 1; i < SER.n; i++){
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 46 SER.head[i].x = SER.head[i-1].x;
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 47 SER.head[i].y = SER.head[i-1].y-1;//draw snake from top to bottom
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 48 }
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 49 }
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 50
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 51
zhouyun123 1:9a8033d80067 52 //show a snake by creating array 2
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 53 void viper()
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 54 {
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 55 for(int i = 0; i < SER.n; i++){
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 56 lcd.drawRect(SER.head[i].x,SER.head[i].y,1,1,FILL_TRANSPARENT);
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 57 }
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 58
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 59 }
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 60
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 61
zhouyun123 1:9a8033d80067 62 //implement the movement function 3
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 63 void Movement()
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 64 {
zhouyun123 1:9a8033d80067 65 d = pad.get_direction();//use joystick to control the direction of snake
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 66 if (d == N ){
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 67 D = 1;//up
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 68 }
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 69 else if ( d == S ){
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 70 D = 2;//down
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 71 }
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 72 else if (d == W ){
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 73 D = 3;//left
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 74 }
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 75 else if ( d == E ){
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 76 D = 4;//right
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 77 }
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 78 //@add or substract the array to move the snake in x,y axis
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 79 for(int i = SER.n; i >0; i--){
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 80 SER.head[i].x = SER.head[i-1].x;
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 81 SER.head[i].y = SER.head[i-1].y;
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 82 }
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 83 //@let snake move for different direction
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 84 if (D == 1 ){
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 85 SER.head[0].x = SER.head[0].x;
zhouyun123 1:9a8033d80067 86 SER.head[0].y -= 1;
zhouyun123 1:9a8033d80067 87 }//turn upwards
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 88 else if (D == 2 ){
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 89 SER.head[0].x = SER.head[0].x;
zhouyun123 1:9a8033d80067 90 SER.head[0].y += 1;
zhouyun123 1:9a8033d80067 91 }//turn downwards
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 92 else if (D == 3 ){
zhouyun123 1:9a8033d80067 93 SER.head[0].x -= 1;
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 94 SER.head[0].y = SER.head[0].y;
zhouyun123 1:9a8033d80067 95 }//turn left
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 96 else if (D == 4 ){
zhouyun123 1:9a8033d80067 97 SER.head[0].x += 1;
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 98 SER.head[0].y = SER.head[0].y;
zhouyun123 1:9a8033d80067 99 }//turn right
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 100
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 101 }
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 102
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 103
zhouyun123 1:9a8033d80067 104 //generate a random target 4
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 105 void goal(){
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 106 srand(unsigned (time(NULL)));
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 107 target.var.x = rand() % 80; // The target appears at random location
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 108 target.var.y = rand() % 40;
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 109
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 110 }
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 111
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 112
zhouyun123 1:9a8033d80067 113 // if snake get the target, change the length and the score 6
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 114 void gettarget(){
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 115 //juge if snake eat food
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 116 if(SER.head[0].x == target.var.x && SER.head[0].y == target.var.y ){
zhouyun123 1:9a8033d80067 117 SER.n += 7;
zhouyun123 1:9a8033d80067 118 goal();//generate a new target when the previous target has been eaten
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 119 pad.tone(650,1);// @sounds
zhouyun123 1:9a8033d80067 120 score += 1;// when the snake get its target, the score plus one
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 121 }
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 122 }
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 123
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 124
zhouyun123 0:047e14f53977 125