Liu Liting 201199465

Dependencies:   mbed N5110

diff -r 1447cb7dce3c -r 3b7811c3502c Engine/Engine.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Engine/Engine.cpp	Thu May 14 14:10:49 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+#include "Engine.h"
+void Engine::init(int wall_width,int wall_gap,int foods_bulk,int velocity) {
+    // initialise the game parameters
+    _wall_width = wall_width;
+    _wall_gap = wall_gap; // wall gap presents the distance between the top wall and the bottom wall, which is licked to difficulty
+    _foods_bulk = foods_bulk; // larger foods means it will have larger area to trigger it "_rocket.add_score();"
+    _velocity = velocity; 
+    // x position on screen - WIDTH is defined in N5110.h
+    _w0x = WIDTH; // there is total 5 types of wall in the game, all are placed in distributed positions
+    _w1x = WIDTH + 30;
+    _w2x = WIDTH + 60;
+    _w3x = WIDTH + 90;
+    _w4x = WIDTH + 120;
+    _rocketx = 8;
+    _foodsx = WIDTH + 105;
+    _w0.init(_w0x,_wall_gap,_wall_width,_velocity); // initiate all walls with random holes
+    _w1.init(_w1x,_wall_gap,_wall_width,_velocity);
+    _w2.init(_w2x,_wall_gap,_wall_width,_velocity);
+    _w3.init(_w3x,_wall_gap,_wall_width,_velocity);
+    _w4.init(_w4x,_wall_gap,_wall_width,_velocity);
+    _rocket.init(_rocketx); // set the rocket in the middle
+    _foods.init(_foodsx,_foods_bulk,_velocity); // initiate foods bulk and a random y position
+void Engine::read_input(Gamepad &pad) { // get joystick reading
+    _d = pad.get_direction();
+    _mag = pad.get_mag();
+    _mapped_coord = pad.get_mapped_coord();
+void Engine::draw(N5110 &lcd) {
+    // draw the elements in the LCD buffer
+    // pitch
+    // walls
+    _w0.draw1(lcd);
+    _w0.draw2(lcd);
+    _w1.draw1(lcd);
+    _w1.draw2(lcd);
+    _w2.draw1(lcd);
+    _w2.draw2(lcd);
+    _w3.draw1(lcd);
+    _w3.draw2(lcd);
+    _w4.draw1(lcd);
+    _w4.draw2(lcd);
+    // the rocket
+    _rocket.draw(lcd);
+    // foods
+    _foods.draw(lcd);
+void Engine::check_score(Gamepad &pad) { //check the score to trigger how many leds should be turned on
+    int rocket_score = _rocket.get_final_score(); // get score
+    if (rocket_score == 0) { // 7 if statements represents 7 conditions
+        pad.leds_off();
+    }
+    if (rocket_score == 1) { // getting one food turns on 1 led
+        pad.led(1,1.0f);
+        pad.led(2,0.0f);
+        pad.led(2,0.0f);
+        pad.led(2,0.0f);
+        pad.led(2,0.0f);
+        pad.led(2,0.0f);
+    }
+    if (rocket_score == 2) { // two foodds, two led
+        pad.led(1,1.0f);
+        pad.led(2,0.0f);
+        pad.led(3,0.0f);
+        pad.led(4,0.0f);
+        pad.led(5,0.0f);
+        pad.led(6,1.0f);
+    }
+    if (rocket_score == 3) {
+        pad.led(1,1.0f);
+        pad.led(2,1.0f);
+        pad.led(3,0.0f);
+        pad.led(4,0.0f);
+        pad.led(5,0.0f);
+        pad.led(6,1.0f);
+    }
+    if (rocket_score == 4) {
+        pad.led(1,1.0f);
+        pad.led(2,1.0f);
+        pad.led(3,0.0f);
+        pad.led(4,0.0f);
+        pad.led(5,1.0f);
+        pad.led(6,1.0f);
+    }
+    if (rocket_score == 5) {
+        pad.led(1,1.0f);
+        pad.led(2,1.0f);
+        pad.led(3,1.0f);
+        pad.led(4,0.0f);
+        pad.led(5,1.0f);
+        pad.led(6,1.0f);
+    }
+    if (rocket_score == 6) {
+        pad.led(1,1.0f);
+        pad.led(2,1.0f);
+        pad.led(3,1.0f);
+        pad.led(4,1.0f);
+        pad.led(5,1.0f);
+        pad.led(6,1.0f);
+    }
+    Vector2D rocket_pos = _rocket.get_pos(); // This section also checks the contact between the rocket and the food, where the current position of the rocket and the food is obtained
+    Vector2D foods_pos = _foods.get_pos();
+    if (foods_pos.x <= 1) {  // if the food leaves the left side of the screen, replace it to the right side for the next foods retrieval
+        _foods.replace();
+    }
+    if (
+        (rocket_pos.y + 4 >= foods_pos.y - _foods_bulk) && (rocket_pos.y + 2 <= foods_pos.y + _foods_bulk) // check if rrocket and the foods are overlap
+        && //bottom
+        (rocket_pos.x + 10 >= foods_pos.x) && (rocket_pos.x + 10 <= foods_pos.x + 1)  //right
+    ) {
+        // if it has, fix position and reflect x velocity
+        _rocket.add_score();
+        pad.tone(550.0,0.25);
+        wait(0.25);
+        pad.tone(1500.0,0.25);
+        wait(0.25);
+    }
+void Engine::update(Gamepad &pad) {
+    //It's important to check that the walls, rockets, and food are updated before the collision, so that it can be fixed before the new food is updated
+    _w0.update();
+    _w1.update();
+    _w2.update();
+    _w3.update();
+    _w4.update();
+    _rocket.replace(_d,_mag,_mapped_coord);
+    _foods.update();
+    collision(pad);
+    check_score(pad);
+void Engine::collision(Gamepad &pad) {
+    // read the position of rocket
+    Vector2D rocket_pos = _rocket.get_pos();
+    //read all of these positions of the FIVE wall
+    int w0_x = _w0.get_x();
+    int w1_x = _w1.get_x();
+    int w2_x = _w2.get_x();
+    int w3_x = _w3.get_x();
+    int w4_x = _w4.get_x();
+    if (w0_x <= 1) {  //  When the rocket passes behind the wall, it will reset to its original position to continue the game
+        _w0.reset();
+    }
+    if (w1_x <= 1) {
+        _w1.reset();
+    }
+    if (w2_x <= 1) {
+        _w2.reset();
+    }
+    if (w3_x <= 1) {
+        _w3.reset();
+    }
+    if (w4_x <= 1) {
+        _w4.reset();
+    }
+    int w0_height = _w0.get_height(); // get the specific, random height for each of the walls
+    int w1_height = _w1.get_height();
+    int w2_height = _w2.get_height();
+    int w3_height = _w3.get_height();
+    int w4_height = _w4.get_height();
+    if ((
+         (rocket_pos.y + 5 >= 0) && (rocket_pos.y + 1 <= w0_height) && // check all the top wall corner collision and the bottom for all the walls
+         (rocket_pos.x + 10 >= _w0.get_x()) && (rocket_pos.x + 10 <= _w0.get_x() + 1) // left and right collisions
+        ) || (
+         (rocket_pos.y + 5 >= 0) && (rocket_pos.y + 1 <= w1_height) &&
+         (rocket_pos.x + 10 >= _w1.get_x()) && (rocket_pos.x + 10 <= _w1.get_x() + 1)
+        ) || (
+         (rocket_pos.y + 5 >= 0) && (rocket_pos.x + 1 <= w2_height) &&
+         (rocket_pos.x + 10 >= _w2.get_x()) && (rocket_pos.x + 10 <= _w2.get_x() + 1)
+        ) || (
+         (rocket_pos.y + 5 >= 0) && (rocket_pos.y + 1 <= w3_height) &&
+         (rocket_pos.x + 10 >= _w3.get_x()) && (rocket_pos.x + 10 <= _w3.get_x() + 1)
+        ) || (
+         (rocket_pos.y + 5 >= 0) && (rocket_pos.y + 1 <= w4_height) &&
+         (rocket_pos.x + 10 >= _w4.get_x()) && (rocket_pos.x + 10 <= _w4.get_x() + 1)
+        )
+       ) {
+        _rocket.lose_score(); // if collision does happen, foods are lost because of the unnecessary time of interference
+        pad.tone(130.0,0.1); // sad sound playing
+        wait(0.1);
+        pad.tone(230.0,0.1);
+        wait(0.1);
+        pad.tone(330.0,0.1);
+        wait(0.1);
+        pad.tone(430.0,0.1);
+        wait(0.1);
+        pad.tone(530.0,0.1);
+        wait(0.1);
+    }
+    if ((
+         (rocket_pos.y + 5 >= _wall_gap + w0_height) && (rocket_pos.y + 1 <= HEIGHT) && // check collisions for the bottom wall
+         (rocket_pos.x + 10 >= _w0.get_x()) && (rocket_pos.x + 10 <= _w0.get_x() + 1) // left and right side
+        ) || (
+         (rocket_pos.y + 5 >= _wall_gap + w1_height) && (rocket_pos.y + 1 <= HEIGHT) &&
+         (rocket_pos.x + 10 >= _w1.get_x()) && (rocket_pos.x + 10 <= _w1.get_x() + 1)
+        ) || (
+         (rocket_pos.y + 5 >= _wall_gap + w2_height) && (rocket_pos.y + 1 <= HEIGHT) &&
+         (rocket_pos.x + 10 >= _w2.get_x()) && (rocket_pos.x + 10 <= _w2.get_x() + 1)
+        ) || (
+         (rocket_pos.y + 5 >= _wall_gap + w3_height) && (rocket_pos.y + 1 <= HEIGHT) &&
+         (rocket_pos.x + 10 >= _w3.get_x()) && (rocket_pos.x + 10 <= _w3.get_x() + 1)
+        ) || (
+         (rocket_pos.y + 5 >= _wall_gap + w4_height) && (rocket_pos.y + 1 <= HEIGHT) &&
+         (rocket_pos.x + 10 >= _w4.get_x()) && (rocket_pos.x + 10 <= _w4.get_x() + 1)
+        )
+       ) {
+        _rocket.lose_score(); // score lost
+        pad.tone(100.0,0.1); // sad sound
+        wait(0.1);
+        pad.tone(200.0,0.1);
+        wait(0.1);
+        pad.tone(300.0,0.1);
+        wait(0.1);
+        pad.tone(400.0,0.1);
+        wait(0.1);
+        pad.tone(500.0,0.1);
+        wait(0.1);
+    }
+int Engine::get_final_score() { // get score for the main function to determine the ending
+    return _rocket.get_final_score();
\ No newline at end of file