A replacement for InterruptIn that debounces the interrupt.

Dependents:   D7A_Demo-Get-started CVtoOSCConverter EE3501keypad D7A_Localisation ... more

Fork of DebouncedInterrupt by Anil Kandangath

Example code:

#include "DebouncedInterrupt.h"

DebouncedInterrupt up_button(USER_BUTTON);

void onUp()
    // Do Something

int main()
    // Will immediatly call function and ignore other interrupts until timeout
    up_button.attach(&onUp, IRQ_FALL, 1000, true);

    // Will call function only if button has been held for the specified time
    //up_button.attach(&onUp, IRQ_FALL, 500, false);

    while(1) {}
--- a/DebounceInterrupts.h	Tue Feb 18 01:07:31 2014 +0000
+++ b/DebounceInterrupts.h	Tue Feb 18 02:59:41 2014 +0000
@@ -15,13 +15,10 @@
     void (*fCallback)(void);
     void onInterrupt(void);
-    /** Setup debounce for an InterruptIn.
-     *  fptr: pointer to function to be called when debounced Interrupt fires
-     *  interrupt: InterruptIn to monitor
-     *  rise: true:rise, false: fall
-     *  debounce_ms: milliseconds to wait for a stable input
-     */
-    DebounceInterrupts(void (*fptr)(void), InterruptIn *interrupt, const bool& rise=true, const uint32_t& debounce_ms=10);
+    DebounceInterrupts(void (*fptr)(void),              /* function to be called after debounced InterruptIn */
+                       InterruptIn *interrupt,          /* InterruptIn to monitor */
+                       const bool& rise=true,           /* true: rise, false: fall */
+                       const uint32_t& debounce_ms=10); /* stability duration required */
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