
Dependencies:   DRV88255 mbed

Tue Jun 27 21:13:09 2017 +0000

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 1 #include "TextLCD.h"
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 2 #include "general_control.h"
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 3 #include "temp.h"
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 4
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 5 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 6 TextLCD lcd(p25, p26, p24, p23, p22, p21); // rs, e, A4-A7
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 7 InterruptIn rfl_swt(p6), rsm_htr(p5); //Refill switch, resume heater
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 8 DigitalOut led1(p28), led2(p29), buzzer(p30); //led1 (Green-normal operation), led2 (under/overflow), buzzer
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 9
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 10
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 11 int bC, pw_csv, sw_csv, pwTC, pwTV, swTC, swTV; //Beaker Capacity, Current syringe pure water volume (ml), Current syringe salted water volume (ml),
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 12 //Pure water tank capacity (ml), Pure water tank volume (ml), Salted water tank capacity (ml), Salted water tank volume (ml)
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 13 float cbV, air_temp; //Current beaker volume (ml), air temperature (celcius)
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 14 bool rfl_flag, htr_suspension, vol_state, sal_suspension; //Refill flag, heater suspension flag, state of mixture's volume
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 15
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 16 //Interrupt handlers
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 17 void refill() {
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 18 rfl_flag = true;
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 19 }
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 20
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 21 void resume_operations() {
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 22 htr_suspension = false;
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 23 sal_suspension = false;
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 24 }
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 25
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 26 void change_volume() {
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 27 char buf[6];
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 28 pc.gets(buf, 6); //Get the extra/less volume
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 29 cbV += (float) atoi(buf); //Apply the change in volume
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 30 pc.printf("I recieved %s at the change volume function\n", buf);
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 31 capacity_control(); //Check for over/underflow
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 32 }
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 33
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 34
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 35 //Initialization Functions
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 36 void set_bC() {
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 37 char str[6];
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 38 pc.gets(str, 6); //Get the extra/less volume
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 39 bC = atoi(str);
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 40 pc.printf("Mbed received beaker's capacity: %d ml\n", bC);
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 41 }
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 42
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 43 void set_cbV() {
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 44 char str[6];
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 45 pc.gets(str, 6);
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 46 cbV = atof(str);
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 47 pc.printf("Mbed received current beaker's volume: %.3f ml\n", cbV);
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 48 }
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 49
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 50 void set_pwTC() {
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 51 char str[6];
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 52 pc.gets(str, 6);
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 53 pwTC = atoi(str);
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 54 pc.printf("Mbed received pure water tank's capacity: %d ml\n", pwTC);
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 55 }
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 56
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 57 void set_pwTV() { //Set pure water tank volume
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 58 char str[6];
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 59 pc.gets(str, 6);
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 60 pwTV = atoi(str);
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 61 pc.printf("Mbed received pure water tank's volume: %d ml\n", pwTV);
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 62
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 63 }
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 64
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 65 void set_swTC() {
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 66 char str[6];
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 67 pc.gets(str, 6);
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 68 swTC = atoi(str);
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 69 pc.printf("Mbed received pure water tank's capacity: %d ml\n", swTC);
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 70 }
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 71
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 72 void set_swTV() {
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 73 char str[6];
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 74 pc.gets(str, 6);
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 75 swTV = atoi(str);
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 76 pc.printf("Mbed received pure water tank's volume: %d ml\n", swTV);
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 77 }
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 78
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 79
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 80 void initialization() {
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 81 buzzer = 0; //Silence buzzer
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 82 pw_csv = SDC; //Syringes start with 25ml deploying water capacity
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 83 sw_csv = SDC;
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 84 vol_state=true; //Assume normal starting state
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 85 rfl_flag = false; //Not refilling atm
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 86 htr_suspension = false; //No heater suspension
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 87 sal_suspension = false; //No salinity operations suspended
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 88 rfl_swt.rise(&refill); //Attach refill switch to respective function
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 89 rsm_htr.rise(&resume_operations); //Attach resume operations
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 90 set_bC(); //Set the beaker capacity
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 91 set_cbV(); //Set current beaker volume
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 92 set_pwTC(); //Set pure water tank capacity
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 93 set_pwTV(); //Set pure water tank volume
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 94 set_swTC(); //Set salted water tank capacity
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 95 set_swTV(); //Set salted water tank volume
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 96 air_temp = take_air_temp();
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 97 pc.printf("air temp = %.3f\n", air_temp);
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 98 pc.attach(change_volume); //extra/less volume in the beaker
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 99 pc.printf("Initialization completed!\n");
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 100 }
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 101
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 102 void normality_test(bool sal_state, bool temp_state){
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 103 if (sal_state && temp_state && vol_state) {led1=1; led2=0; pc.printf("Normal operation\n");}
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 104 else {led1=0; led2=1;}
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 105 }
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 106
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 107 void danger() {
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 108 led2 = 1; //switch the led on, by setting the output to logic 1
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 109 wait(0.1); //wait 0.2 seconds
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 110 led2 = 0; //switch the led off
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 111 wait(0.1);
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 112 buzzer = 1;
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 113 wait(0.1);
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 114 buzzer = 0;
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 115 wait(0.1);
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 116 }
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 117
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 118 void capacity_control() {
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 119 if (cbV > bC*BHC) {
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 120 lcd.cls();
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 121 lcd.printf("CBV > 80%% Cap.");
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 122 lcd.printf("\nAbort operation!");
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 123 while(1) {
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 124 pc.printf("Overflow danger! Current Beaker Volume over 80%% capacity!\nABORT OPERATION!");
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 125 danger();
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 126 }
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 127 }
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 128 if (cbV < bC*BLC) {
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 129 lcd.cls();
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 130 lcd.printf("CBV < 20%% Cap.");
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 131 lcd.printf("\nAbort operation!");
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 132 while(1) {
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 133 pc.printf("Underflow danger! Current Beaker Volume under 20%% capacity!\nABORT OPERATION!");
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 134 danger();
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 135 }
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 136 }
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 137 pc.printf("Everythink OK with capacity control\n");
BillyGrande 1:924bead61d21 138 }