Geolocation and NTP Example for WizFi250 on WIZwiki-W7500
Dependencies: Adafruit_GFX HTTPClient NTPClient WizFi250Interface mbed
System Diagram
I want to make a watch, that can check my location and time. So I decide to make this watch using Wi-Fi module(WizFi250) and Cortex-M0 MCU(WIZwiki-W7500). For getting geolocation of this watch, I used ip-api.com which geolocation server and I used NTP server for getting current time. This picture is system diagram of my project.
WIZwiki-W7500 ( MCU )
WizFi250-EVB ( Wi-Fi Module )
Sensor Shield
Refer to this URL.
Hardware Configuration
UART0 RX/TX/CTS/RTS pins of WIZwiki-W7500 board are used to control WizFi250 which Wi-Fi module and It use I2C SDA/SCL pins for using SSD1306 OLED.
Demo Video
For more detailed information, refer to this URL.