Gainspan module evaluation with WIZwiki-W7500 using SerialPassthrough.
Dependencies: mbed
Fork of SerialPassthrough_GainspanModule_W7500 by
This is a serial-passthrough example using WIZwiki-W7500 and gainspan-WiFi-module.
With this example, I can issue at-command-sets to the WiFi module with WIZwiki-W7500's serial. UART data flow is shown as below.
[PC Serial Terminal] <=> [WIZwiki-W7500's UIART1/DAP] <=> [WIZwiki-W7500's UIART0] <=> [Gainspan WiFi module]
Connected pins between WIZwiki-W7500 and WiFi-module are only 4 pins.
(3.3V, GND, UART-Tx, UART-Rx)
And, here is a picture.
And here is a captures of test logs. Red box is what I issued.
[PS] ASYNC_DEBUG is for internal-debugging like ISR. You can ignore it.