Using TCP Client on WIZwiki-W7500, display weather conditions on led and temperature with servo-motor
Dependencies: WIZnetInterface mbed-src
This example is for PIR test using digital I/O.
To implement this function, you need a Platform board, network Interface board.
- WIZwiki-W7500 from WIZnet (Platform board and Ethernet I/F board)
Hardware Configuration¶
WIZwiki-W7500 Pin map¶
Just connect Ethernet Cable & USB Cable
Init Ethernet
void initEthernet(uint8_t* mac_addr) { int phy_link; eth.init(mac_addr); //Use DHCP eth.connect(); /* phy link */ do{ phy_link = eth.ethernet_link(); printf("."); wait(2); }while(!phy_link); printf("\r\n"); printf("IP Address is %s\r\n", eth.getIPAddress()); }
Request to server using HTTP
void requestHTTP(void) { char req_buf[256]; /* TCP socket connect */ sock.connect(WEB_SERVER, 80); /* Request to WEB Server using HTTP */ sprintf(req_buf,"GET /data/2.5/weather?q=%s,%s&appid=%s HTTP/1.1\nHost: %s\nConnection: close\n\n", CITY,COUNTRY, API_KEY, WEB_SERVER); sock.send_all(req_buf, strlen(req_buf)); }
Get data from server & Parsing it
void parsingGetData(void) { char buffer[1024]; /* get info */ int ret; while (true) { ret = sock.receive_all(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1); if (ret <= 0) break; buffer[ret] = '\0'; pc.printf("Received %d chars from server: %s\n", ret, buffer); } /* parsing weather, city, tempurature */ char *weather; char *city; char *temp; uint8_t i; pc.printf("\r\n\r\n======== WeatherForecast ========\r\n"); weather = strstr(buffer, "main"); pc.printf("\t State : "); for(i = 7; i < 20; i++) { if(*(weather+i) == '\"') break; pc.printf("%c", *(weather+i)); } city = strstr(buffer, "name"); pc.printf("\r\n\t City : "); for(i = 7; i < 20; i++) { if(*(city+i) == '\"') break; pc.printf("%c", *(city+i)); } temp = strstr(buffer, "temp"); pc.printf("\r\n\t temp(kelvin) : "); for(i = 6; i < 12; i++) { if((*(temp+i) == '\"')||(*(temp+i) == ',')) break; pc.printf("%c", *(temp+i)); } pc.printf("\r\n\r\n"); }
Must fix API_KEY & MAC Address