Code supports writing to the SD card as well as working with the Volckens group smartphone apps for the mbed HRM1017

Dependencies:   ADS1115 BLE_API BME280 Calibration CronoDot EEPROM LSM303 MCP40D17 NCP5623BMUTBG SDFileSystem SI1145 STC3100 mbed nRF51822

Fork of UPAS_BLE_and_USB by Volckens Group Sensors

--- a/main.cpp	Sun May 31 22:03:37 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Jun 02 20:33:49 2015 +0000
@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
 #include "SDFileSystem.h"
 #include "Adafruit_ADS1015.h"
 #include "MCP40D17.h"
-#include "wire.h" //Used with the RTC in this code. Will need to try and remove this, and also create the correct library/update addresses and registers for the RTC.
 #include "STC3100.h"
 #include "LSM303.h"
 #include "BME280.h"
 #include "SI1145.h"
+#include "NCP5623BMUTBG.h"
+#include "CronoDot.h"
 #define SERIAL_BAUD_RATE    9600
-#define SCL         20  
+#define SCL         20
 #define SDA         22
-#define Crono       0xD0       //D0 for the chronoDot
 I2C i2c(p22, p20);
 Adafruit_ADS1115 ads(&i2c);
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
 DigitalOut pbKill(p18, 1);
 LSM303 movementsensor(p22, p20);
 SI1145 lightsensor(p22, p20);
+NCP5623BMUTBG RGBLED(p22, p20);
+CronoDot RTC(p22, p20);
 float press;
 float temp;
@@ -50,7 +52,7 @@
 float massflow; //g/min
 float volflow; //L/min
 float volflowSet = 1.0; //L/min
-float massflowSet; 
+float massflowSet;
 float deltaflow;
 float gainFlow = 1.0;
@@ -58,139 +60,104 @@
 int digital_pot_setpointCK;
 char filename[] = "/sd/UPAS0005LOG000000000000.txt";
-TwoWire Wire = TwoWire(NRF_TWI0);    
+//TwoWire Wire = TwoWire(NRF_TWI0);
 SDFileSystem sd(SPIS_PSELMOSI, SPIS_PSELMISO, SPIS_PSELSCK, SPIS_PSELSS, "sd"); // I believe this matches Todd's pinout, let me know if this doesn't work. (p12, p13, p15, p14)
-uint8_t Seconds = 0;//Seconds
-uint8_t Minutes = 0;//Minutes
-uint8_t Hour    = 0;//Hour
-uint8_t Date    = 0;//Date
-uint8_t Month   = 0;//Month
-uint8_t Year    = 0;//Year
+char * RTCtime;
 double secondsD = 0;
-void get_time()
-    Wire.beginTransmission(Crono); // address DS3231
-    Wire.write(0x0E);              // select register
-    Wire.write(0x1C);              // write register bitmap, bit 7 is /EOSC
-    Wire.endTransmission();
-    wait(0.05);
-    Wire.beginTransmission(Crono);
-    Wire.write(0x00);
-    Wire.endTransmission();
-    Wire.requestFrom(Crono+1, 7);
-    while( Wire.available() > 0 )
-    {
-        Seconds =;
-        Minutes =;
-        Hour    =;
-        uint8_t day; // we don't uses this, it's just day of the week
-        Date    =;
-        Month   =;
-        Year    =;
-    }
-    Year    = ((Year&0xF0)>>4)*10 + (Year&0x0F);           //Year
-    Month   = ((Month&0x10)>>4)*10 + (Month&0x0F);         //Month
-    Date    = ((Date&0x30)>>4)*10 + (Date&0x0F);           //Date
-    Hour    = ((Hour&0x30)>>4)*10 + (Hour&0x0F);         //Hour
-    Minutes = ((Minutes&0x70)>>4)*10 + (Minutes&0x0F);   //Minutes
-    Seconds = ((Seconds&0x70)>>4)*10 + (Seconds&0x0F);   //Seconds
 int main()
+    RGBLED.set_led(31, 0, 0); // (R, G, B) max of 31 (five bits)
     press = bmesensor.getPressure();
     temp = bmesensor.getTemperature();
     rh = bmesensor.getHumidity();
     atmoRho = ((press-((6.1078*pow((float)10,(float)((7.5*temp)/(237.3+temp))))*(rh/100)))*100)/(287.0531*(temp+273.15))+((6.1078*pow((float)10,(float)((7.5*temp)/(237.3+temp))))*(rh/100)*100)/(461.4964*(temp+273.15));
     massflowSet = volflowSet*atmoRho;
     //Digtal pot tf from file: UPAS v2 OSU-PrimaryFlowData FullSet 2015-05-29 CQ mods.xlsx
     digital_pot_setpoint = (int)floor(9.2456*pow(massflowSet,4)-89.538*pow(massflowSet,3)+329.03*pow(massflowSet,2)-566.12*massflowSet+412.72); //min = 0x7F, max = 0x00
-   DigPot.writeRegister(digital_pot_setpoint);
-   Wire.begin(SCL, SDA, TWI_FREQUENCY_100K);// 
-   wait(1);
-   blower = 1;
-    get_time(); 
-    sprintf(filename, "/sd/UPAS0005LOG_%02d-%02d-%02d_%02d-%02d-%02d.txt",Year,Month,Date,Hour,Minutes,Seconds);
+    DigPot.writeRegister(digital_pot_setpoint);
+    //Wire.begin(SCL, SDA, TWI_FREQUENCY_100K);//
+    wait(1);
+    blower = 1;
+    RTCtime = RTC.get_time();
+    sprintf(filename, "/sd/UPAS0005LOG_%02d-%02d-%02d_%02d-%02d-%02d.txt",RTCtime[5],RTCtime[4],RTCtime[3],RTCtime[2],RTCtime[1],RTCtime[0]);
     FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "w");
-    while(1){
-    get_time(); 
-    secondsD = Seconds;
-    if(fmod(secondsD,2)==0){
-    omronVolt = (omronReading*4.096)/(32768*2);
-    //Mass Flow tf from file: UPAS v2 OSU-PrimaryFlowData FullSet 2015-05-29 CQ mods.xlsx
-    massflow = -2.4541*pow(omronVolt,(float)4)+15.522*pow(omronVolt,(float)3)-34.578*pow(omronVolt,(float)2)+34.05*omronVolt-11.794;
-    digital_pot_setpointCK = (int)floor(9.2456*pow(massflow,4)-89.538*pow(massflow,3)+329.03*pow(massflow,2)-566.12*massflow+412.72); //min = 0x7F, max = 0x00
-    atmoRho = ((press-((6.1078*pow((float)10,(float)((7.5*temp)/(237.3+temp))))*(rh/100)))*100)/(287.0531*(temp+273.15))+((6.1078*pow((float)10,(float)((7.5*temp)/(237.3+temp))))*(rh/100)*100)/(461.4964*(temp+273.15));
-    massflowSet = volflowSet*atmoRho; 
-    digital_pot_setpoint = (int)floor(9.2456*pow(massflowSet,4)-89.538*pow(massflowSet,3)+329.03*pow(massflowSet,2)-566.12*massflowSet+412.72); //min = 0x7F, max = 0x00
-    deltaflow = massflow-massflowSet;
-    if(abs(deltaflow)>.025*massflowSet){
-        digital_pot_setpoint = digital_pot_setpoint+gainFlow*(digital_pot_setpointCK-digital_pot_setpoint);
-        DigPot.writeRegister(digital_pot_setpoint);
+    while(1) {
+        RTCtime = RTC.get_time();
+        secondsD = RTCtime[0];
+        if(fmod(secondsD,2)==0) {
+            omronVolt = (omronReading*4.096)/(32768*2);
+            //Mass Flow tf from file: UPAS v2 OSU-PrimaryFlowData FullSet 2015-05-29 CQ mods.xlsx
+            massflow = -2.4541*pow(omronVolt,(float)4)+15.522*pow(omronVolt,(float)3)-34.578*pow(omronVolt,(float)2)+34.05*omronVolt-11.794;
+            digital_pot_setpointCK = (int)floor(9.2456*pow(massflow,4)-89.538*pow(massflow,3)+329.03*pow(massflow,2)-566.12*massflow+412.72); //min = 0x7F, max = 0x00
+            atmoRho = ((press-((6.1078*pow((float)10,(float)((7.5*temp)/(237.3+temp))))*(rh/100)))*100)/(287.0531*(temp+273.15))+((6.1078*pow((float)10,(float)((7.5*temp)/(237.3+temp))))*(rh/100)*100)/(461.4964*(temp+273.15));
+            massflowSet = volflowSet*atmoRho;
+            digital_pot_setpoint = (int)floor(9.2456*pow(massflowSet,4)-89.538*pow(massflowSet,3)+329.03*pow(massflowSet,2)-566.12*massflowSet+412.72); //min = 0x7F, max = 0x00
+            deltaflow = massflow-massflowSet;
+            if(abs(deltaflow)>.025*massflowSet) {
+                digital_pot_setpoint = digital_pot_setpoint+gainFlow*(digital_pot_setpointCK-digital_pot_setpoint);
+                DigPot.writeRegister(digital_pot_setpoint);
+            }
-    }
-    if(fmod(secondsD,10)==0){
-    omronVolt = (omronReading*4.096)/(32768*2);
-    //Mass Flow tf from file: UPAS v2 OSU-PrimaryFlowData FullSet 2015-05-29 CQ mods.xlsx
-    massflow = -2.4541*pow(omronVolt,(float)4)+15.522*pow(omronVolt,(float)3)-34.578*pow(omronVolt,(float)2)+34.05*omronVolt-11.794;
-    atmoRho = ((press-((6.1078*pow((float)10,(float)((7.5*temp)/(237.3+temp))))*(rh/100)))*100)/(287.0531*(temp+273.15))+((6.1078*pow((float)10,(float)((7.5*temp)/(237.3+temp))))*(rh/100)*100)/(461.4964*(temp+273.15));
-    volflow = massflow/atmoRho;
-    deltaflow = volflow-volflowSet;
-    movementsensor.getACCEL();
-    movementsensor.getCOMPASS();
-    accel_x = movementsensor.AccelData.x;
-    accel_y = movementsensor.AccelData.y;
-    accel_z = movementsensor.AccelData.z;
-    mag_x = movementsensor.MagData.x;
-    mag_y = movementsensor.MagData.y;
-    mag_z = movementsensor.MagData.z;
-    omronReading = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(0, 0xC583); // read channel 0 PGA = 2 : Full Scale Range = 2.048V
-    vInReading = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(1, 0xD583); // read channel 0
-    vBlowerReading = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(2, 0xE783); // read channel 0
-    omronDiff = ads.readADC_Differential(0x8583); // differential channel 2-3
-    press = bmesensor.getPressure();
-    temp = bmesensor.getTemperature()-3;
-    rh = bmesensor.getHumidity();
-    uv =  lightsensor.getUV();
-    vis = lightsensor.getVIS();
-    ir = lightsensor.getIR();
+        if(fmod(secondsD,10)==0) {
+            omronVolt = (omronReading*4.096)/(32768*2);
+            //Mass Flow tf from file: UPAS v2 OSU-PrimaryFlowData FullSet 2015-05-29 CQ mods.xlsx
+            massflow = -2.4541*pow(omronVolt,(float)4)+15.522*pow(omronVolt,(float)3)-34.578*pow(omronVolt,(float)2)+34.05*omronVolt-11.794;
+            atmoRho = ((press-((6.1078*pow((float)10,(float)((7.5*temp)/(237.3+temp))))*(rh/100)))*100)/(287.0531*(temp+273.15))+((6.1078*pow((float)10,(float)((7.5*temp)/(237.3+temp))))*(rh/100)*100)/(461.4964*(temp+273.15));
+            volflow = massflow/atmoRho;
+            deltaflow = volflow-volflowSet;
-    //Mount the filesystem
-    sd.mount();
-    FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "a");
-    fprintf(fp, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%f,%f,%f,%f,%2.2f,%04.2f,%2.2f,%.0f,%.0f,%.0f,%.0f,%.0f,%.0f,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\r\n", Year,Month,Date,Hour,Minutes,Seconds,omronVolt,atmoRho,volflow,massflow,temp,press,rh,accel_x, accel_y, accel_z, mag_x, mag_y, mag_z, uv, vis, ir, omronReading,vInReading, vBlowerReading, omronDiff, gasG.getAmps(), gasG.getVolts(), gasG.getCharge(), digital_pot_setpoint);
-    fclose(fp);
-    //Unmount the filesystem
-    sd.unmount();
-    wait(1);
-    }
+            movementsensor.getACCEL();
+            movementsensor.getCOMPASS();
+            accel_x = movementsensor.AccelData.x;
+            accel_y = movementsensor.AccelData.y;
+            accel_z = movementsensor.AccelData.z;
+            mag_x = movementsensor.MagData.x;
+            mag_y = movementsensor.MagData.y;
+            mag_z = movementsensor.MagData.z;
+            omronReading = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(0, 0xC583); // read channel 0 PGA = 2 : Full Scale Range = 2.048V
+            vInReading = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(1, 0xD583); // read channel 0
+            vBlowerReading = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(2, 0xE783); // read channel 0
+            omronDiff = ads.readADC_Differential(0x8583); // differential channel 2-3
+            press = bmesensor.getPressure();
+            temp = bmesensor.getTemperature()-3;
+            rh = bmesensor.getHumidity();
+            uv =  lightsensor.getUV();
+            vis = lightsensor.getVIS();
+            ir = lightsensor.getIR();
+            //Mount the filesystem
+            sd.mount();
+            FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "a");
+            fprintf(fp, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%f,%f,%f,%f,%2.2f,%04.2f,%2.2f,%.0f,%.0f,%.0f,%.0f,%.0f,%.0f,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\r\n", RTCtime[5],RTCtime[4],RTCtime[3],RTCtime[2],RTCtime[1],RTCtime[0],omronVolt,atmoRho,volflow,massflow,temp,press,rh,accel_x, accel_y, accel_z, mag_x, mag_y, mag_z, uv, vis, ir, omronReading,vInReading, vBlowerReading, omronDiff, gasG.getAmps(), gasG.getVolts(), gasG.getCharge(), digital_pot_setpoint);
+            fclose(fp);
+            //Unmount the filesystem
+            sd.unmount();
+            wait(1);
+        }