As used for BB testing April / May 2016 (with the odd mod to the scope outputs)

Dependencies:   iC_MU mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of SweptSine by Vitec Group

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Jun 08 13:53:50 2016 +0000
Commit message:
As used for much of head tuning process documented in "T3 head Tuning" document.

Changed in this revision

Axis_Control.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Classic_PID.lib Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
MyAxis.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
MyAxis.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
PanVelocityLoop.cpp Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
ServiceKeyboard.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r be3b6a72f823 -r 4deb86f4ccfe Axis_Control.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Axis_Control.cpp	Wed Jun 08 13:53:50 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "iC_MU.h"
+#include "rtos.h"
+#include "MyAxis.h"
+extern iC_MU pan_Motor, PanPos;
+extern PwmOut Pan_Motor_PWM;
+extern iC_MU tilt_Motor, TiltPos;
+extern PwmOut Tilt_Motor_PWM;
+extern DigitalOut Pan_Motor_Direction;
+extern DigitalOut Tilt_Motor_Direction;
+extern Serial pc;
+// Deal with profiling and scoping (generic)
+bool scoping;
+int scope_duration = 1000;
+int scope_time = 0;
+float amplitude;
+float a;
+float Hz;
+extern float start_Hz;
+extern float stop_Hz;
+extern float run_time;
+float jogaccel_time = 2000;
+float jogaccel = 1;
+float dwell = 1000;
+float bits = 19;
+int OneTurnCts = pow(2, bits); //491520
+int MyLower = pow(2,(bits-4));
+int MyUpper = OneTurnCts - MyLower;
+int skip = 0;
+int primed = 0;
+// Motor Generics
+float c;
+float m;
+float Duty_Cycle = 0;
+float Motor_Direction;
+float Motor_PWM;
+float DeadBand = 0.012;
+int Motor_wrap = 4194304;
+void PanAxisInitialise()
+    //MyAxis Pan;
+    Pan.Number = 1;
+    Pan.jog = 3;
+    Pan.sysjogdir = 1;
+    Pan.sinusoidrun = 0;
+    Pan.scoping = 0;
+    Pan.setramp = 0;
+    Pan.setramp_x = 0;
+    Pan.moveme = 0;
+    Pan.ramp = 0.05;
+    Pan.run_count = 0;
+    Pan.ratio = 115;  //This is 115 on original breadboard, -113 on a prototype MS5
+    Pan.Motor_scale = 11100; //15728;  //(based on 1800RPM, 2^19 encoder and 0.001s loop)
+    Pan.c_moving = 20;
+    Pan.c_stationary = 2;
+    Pan.Jog_1 = 0;
+    Pan.Jog_2 = 60;
+    Pan.Kp = 0.060;
+    Pan.Kp_Sys = 0.0005;
+    Pan.Kff = 1;
+    Pan.Kff_Sys = 1;
+    Pan.Feed_Forward = 0;
+    Pan.Prev_Motor_final = 0;
+    Pan.Motor_Vel = 0;
+    Pan.Motor_position = 0;
+    Pan.dojog = 0;
+    Pan.sysdojog = 0;
+    Pan.jogdir = 1;
+    Pan.sysjogdir = 1;
+    Pan.start_MotPos = 0;
+    // Set up the Pan motor
+    Pan_Motor_PWM.period_us(50);                // Set PWM to 20 kHz
+    Pan_Motor_PWM = 1;                          // Start with motor static
+    Pan.Motor_Inst_Pos = pan_Motor.ReadPOSITION();
+    Pan.MotorLast_Inst_Pos = Pan.Motor_Inst_Pos;
+    Pan.Motor_position = 0;
+    Pan.MotorDemandPos = 0;
+    Pan.System_position = PanPos.ReadPOSITION();
+    Pan.SysDemandPos = Pan.System_position;
+    Pan.SysDemand_Prev = Pan.SysDemandPos;
+    Pan.Sys_follow_error = Pan.SysDemandPos - Pan.System_position;
+    //pc.printf("\n\r %d,%f,%f,%f,%f",scope_time,Axis.Motor_position,Axis.System_position,Axis.SysDemandPos,Axis.Sys_follow_error);
+void TiltAxisInitialise()
+    //MyAxis Pan;
+    Tilt.Number = 2;
+    Tilt.jog = 3;
+    Tilt.sysjogdir = 1;
+    Tilt.sinusoidrun = 0;
+    Tilt.scoping = 0;
+    Tilt.setramp = 0;
+    Tilt.setramp_x = 0;
+    Tilt.moveme = 0;
+    Tilt.ramp = 0.05;
+    Tilt.run_count = 0;
+    Tilt.ratio = -115;  // This is -115 on original prototype unit, -113 on a prototype MS5)
+    Tilt.Motor_scale = 11100; //15728;  //(based on 1800RPM, 2^19 encoder and 0.001s loop)
+    Tilt.c_moving = 20;
+    Tilt.c_stationary = 2;
+    Tilt.Jog_1 = 0;
+    Tilt.Jog_2 = 60;
+    Tilt.Kp = 0.06;
+    Tilt.Kp_Sys = 0.0005;
+    Tilt.Kff = 1;
+    Tilt.Kff_Sys = 1;
+    Tilt.Feed_Forward = 0;
+    Tilt.Prev_Motor_final = 0;
+    Tilt.Motor_Vel = 0;
+    Tilt.Motor_position = 0;
+    Tilt.dojog = 0;
+    Tilt.sysdojog = 0;
+    Tilt.jogdir = 1;
+    Tilt.sysjogdir = 1;
+    Tilt.start_MotPos = 0;
+    // Set up the Tilt motor
+    Tilt_Motor_PWM.period_us(50);                // Set PWM to 20 kHz
+    Tilt_Motor_PWM = 1;                          // Start with motor static
+    Tilt.Motor_Inst_Pos = tilt_Motor.ReadPOSITION();
+    Tilt.MotorLast_Inst_Pos = Tilt.Motor_Inst_Pos;
+    Tilt.Motor_position = 0;
+    Tilt.MotorDemandPos = 0;
+    Tilt.System_position = TiltPos.ReadPOSITION();
+    Tilt.SysDemandPos = Tilt.System_position;
+    Tilt.SysDemand_Prev = Tilt.SysDemandPos;
+    Tilt.Sys_follow_error = Tilt.SysDemandPos - Tilt.System_position;
+    //pc.printf("\n\r %d,%f,%f,%f,%f",scope_time,Axis.Motor_position,Axis.System_position,Axis.SysDemandPos,Axis.Sys_follow_error);
+void UpdatePanFeedback()
+    Pan.MotorLast_Inst_Pos = Pan.Motor_Inst_Pos;
+    Pan.Motor_Inst_Pos = pan_Motor.ReadPOSITION();
+    Pan.Motor_Vel =  (Pan.Motor_Inst_Pos - Pan.MotorLast_Inst_Pos);
+    // Check to see if we have gone past the index point
+    if( (Pan.Motor_Inst_Pos < MyLower) && (Pan.MotorLast_Inst_Pos > MyUpper) ) {            // We have gone over the index point in 1 direction
+        Pan.Motor_Vel += OneTurnCts;
+    } else if( (Pan.Motor_Inst_Pos > MyUpper) && (Pan.MotorLast_Inst_Pos < MyLower) ) {     // We have gone over the index point in the other direction
+        Pan.Motor_Vel -= OneTurnCts;
+    }
+    Pan.Motor_position = Pan.Motor_position + Pan.Motor_Vel;
+    Pan.System_position_prev = Pan.System_position;
+    Pan.System_position = PanPos.ReadPOSITION();
+    Pan.SysActualVel = Pan.System_position - Pan.System_position_prev;
+void UpdateTiltFeedback()
+    Tilt.MotorLast_Inst_Pos = Tilt.Motor_Inst_Pos;
+    Tilt.Motor_Inst_Pos = tilt_Motor.ReadPOSITION();
+    Tilt.Motor_Vel =  (Tilt.Motor_Inst_Pos - Tilt.MotorLast_Inst_Pos);
+    // Check to see if we have gone past the index point
+    if( (Tilt.Motor_Inst_Pos < MyLower) && (Tilt.MotorLast_Inst_Pos > MyUpper) ) {            // We have gone over the index point in 1 direction
+        Tilt.Motor_Vel += OneTurnCts;
+    } else if( (Tilt.Motor_Inst_Pos > MyUpper) && (Tilt.MotorLast_Inst_Pos < MyLower) ) {     // We have gone over the index point in the other direction
+        Tilt.Motor_Vel -= OneTurnCts;
+    }
+    Tilt.Motor_position = Tilt.Motor_position + Tilt.Motor_Vel;
+  //  Tilt.System_position_prev = Tilt.System_position;
+    Tilt.System_position = TiltPos.ReadPOSITION();
+  //  Tilt.SysActualVel = Tilt.System_position - Tilt.System_position_prev;
+void AxisControlLoop(MyAxis& Axis)
+    if (Axis.Number == 1) {
+        UpdatePanFeedback();
+    } else if (Axis.Number == 2) {
+        UpdateTiltFeedback();
+    }
+    // ***********************************************************
+    // Sinusoid test
+    if ((Axis.sinusoidrun) && (Axis.jog > 0)) {
+        //pc.printf("\n\r%d,%d,%f,%f",run_count,(Motor_Inst_Pos-262144),outprint,(b*1000));
+        //Time (ms),Motor,System,SysDemandPos,frequency (Hz),Demand")
+        pc.printf("\n\r%f,%f,%f,%f,%f",Axis.run_count,(Axis.Motor_position - Axis.start_MotPos),((Axis.System_position - Axis.start_SysPos)* Axis.ratio),(Hz*100),((Axis.SysDemandPos - Axis.start_SysPos) * Axis.ratio));
+        if(Axis.run_count < (run_time * 1000)) {
+            // demandpos = 262144 + (amplitude * sin((a*run_count*run_count)+(b*run_count)));
+            Hz = (start_Hz + (a * Axis.run_count));  // This is the demand frequency
+            //SysDemandPos = SysDemandPos + (amplitude * sin(2 * 3.14159 * Hz * run_count / 1000));
+            Axis.SysDemandPos = Axis.start_SysPos + (amplitude * sin(2 * 3.14159 * Hz * Axis.run_count / 1000));
+            // PanVelocityPID.setSetPoint(demandpos);
+            Axis.run_count++;        // Inc run_count
+        } else {
+            Axis.sinusoidrun = 0;        // Stop the test
+            Axis.run_count = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    // ***********************************************************
+    // Calculate the effective ratio on the fly
+    if ((Axis.calcmyratio) && (fabs(Axis.SysActualVel) > 0)) {
+        Axis.dynamicratio = fabs((Axis.Motor_Vel) / (Axis.SysActualVel));
+    }
+    // ***********************************************************
+    // Go ahead and move at a set speed
+    if (Axis.moveme) {
+        Axis.SysDemandPos = Axis.SysDemandPos + (Axis.jog * Axis.sysjogdir);
+    }
+    // ***********************************************************
+    // Create set ramps to follow
+    // sysjog is System speed demand in counts/ms at the System encoder (output)
+    if (Axis.setramp) {
+        if (Axis.run_count_jog < jogaccel_time) {
+            if (primed) {
+                scoping = true;
+                primed = false;
+            }
+            Axis.sysjogdir = 1;
+            Axis.sysdojog = Axis.sysdojog + Axis.ramp;
+            Axis.run_count_jog++;
+            Axis.SysDemandPos = Axis.SysDemandPos + Axis.sysdojog;
+            Axis.SysDemandPos = Axis.SysDemandPos * Axis.sysjogdir;
+        } else if ((Axis.run_count_jog >= jogaccel_time) && (Axis.run_count_jog < (jogaccel_time + dwell))) {
+            Axis.sysdojog = Axis.jog;
+            Axis.run_count_jog++;
+            Axis.SysDemandPos = Axis.SysDemandPos + (Axis.sysdojog * Axis.sysjogdir);
+        } else if ((Axis.run_count_jog >= (jogaccel_time + dwell)) && (Axis.run_count_jog < ((2 * jogaccel_time) + dwell))) {
+            Axis.sysdojog = Axis.sysdojog - Axis.ramp;
+            Axis.run_count_jog++;
+            Axis.SysDemandPos = Axis.SysDemandPos + (Axis.sysdojog * Axis.sysjogdir);
+        } else if ((Axis.run_count_jog >= ((2 * jogaccel_time) + dwell)) && (Axis.run_count_jog < ((3 * jogaccel_time) + dwell))) {
+            Axis.sysdojog = Axis.sysdojog + Axis.ramp;
+            Axis.run_count_jog++;
+            Axis.sysjogdir = -1;
+            Axis.SysDemandPos = Axis.SysDemandPos + (Axis.sysdojog * Axis.sysjogdir);
+        } else if ((Axis.run_count_jog >= ((3* jogaccel_time) + dwell)) && (Axis.run_count_jog < ((3* jogaccel_time) + dwell + dwell))) {
+            Axis.sysdojog = 0;
+            Axis.run_count_jog++;
+        } else if (Axis.run_count_jog >= ((3* jogaccel_time) + dwell + dwell)) {
+            Axis.setramp = false;
+            Axis.run_count_jog = 0;
+            Axis.sysjogdir = 1;
+            scoping = false;
+        }
+    }
+    if (Axis.setramp_x) {
+        if (Axis.run_count_jog < jogaccel_time) {
+            if (primed) {
+                scoping = true;
+                primed = false;
+            }
+            Axis.sysdojog = Axis.sysdojog + Axis.ramp;
+            Axis.run_count_jog++;
+            Axis.SysDemandPos = Axis.SysDemandPos + (Axis.sysdojog * Axis.sysjogdir);
+        } else if ((Axis.run_count_jog >= jogaccel_time) && (Axis.run_count_jog < (jogaccel_time + dwell))) {
+            Axis.sysdojog = Axis.jog;
+            Axis.run_count_jog++;
+            Axis.SysDemandPos = Axis.SysDemandPos + (Axis.sysdojog * Axis.sysjogdir);
+        } else if ((Axis.run_count_jog >= (jogaccel_time + dwell)) && (Axis.run_count_jog < ((2 * jogaccel_time) + dwell))) {
+            Axis.sysdojog = Axis.sysdojog - Axis.ramp;
+            Axis.run_count_jog++;
+            Axis.SysDemandPos = Axis.SysDemandPos + (Axis.sysdojog * Axis.sysjogdir);
+        } else if ((Axis.run_count_jog >= ((2 * jogaccel_time) + dwell)) && (Axis.run_count_jog < ((2 * jogaccel_time) + dwell + dwell))) {
+            Axis.sysdojog = 0;
+            Axis.run_count_jog++;
+        } else if (Axis.run_count_jog >= ((2* jogaccel_time) + dwell + dwell)) {
+            Axis.setramp_x = false;
+            Axis.run_count_jog = 0;
+            scoping = false;
+        }
+    }
+    // **********************************************************
+    // Generate perfect velocity demand for the System:
+    Axis.SysProfilerVel = Axis.SysDemandPos - Axis.SysDemand_Prev;
+    Axis.SysDemand_Prev = Axis.SysDemandPos;
+    // **********************************************************
+    // Apply proportional gain to the System Velocity demand if sufficient
+    Axis.Sys_follow_error = Axis.System_position - Axis.SysDemandPos;
+    Axis.SysDerivedVel = Axis.SysProfilerVel - (Axis.Sys_follow_error * Axis.Kp_Sys);
+    // ^ LOAD SIDE
+    // *************************************************
+    // *************************************************
+    // V MOTOR SIDE
+    // Apply the system demand to the motor via the gearbox ratio:
+    Axis.dojog = Axis.SysDerivedVel * Axis.ratio;
+    //Derive a motor postion demand
+    Axis.MotorDemandPos = Axis.MotorDemandPos + Axis.dojog;
+    if (Axis.Motor_position <= -Motor_wrap) {
+        // Motor is moving to wrap in a negative direction so bulk values to the mid point of the encoder
+        Axis.Motor_position = Axis.Motor_position + (Motor_wrap);
+        Axis.MotorDemandPos = Axis.MotorDemandPos + (Motor_wrap);
+        //pc.printf("Wrap neg");
+    } else if (Axis.Motor_position >= Motor_wrap) {
+        // Motor is moving to wrap in a positive direction so bulk values back towards the mid point
+        Axis.Motor_position = Axis.Motor_position - (Motor_wrap);
+        Axis.MotorDemandPos = Axis.MotorDemandPos - (Motor_wrap);
+        //pc.printf("Wrap pos");
+    }
+    // *********************************************************
+    // Apply proportional position loop gain
+    Axis.follow_error = Axis.MotorDemandPos - Axis.Motor_position;
+    Axis.Motor_final = (Axis.Kp * Axis.follow_error);
+    // *********************************************************
+    // Apply feed forward profiling:
+    // Gain Schedule according to system demand - this prevent stationary oscillation
+    if (fabs(Axis.SysProfilerVel) > 0) {
+        c = Axis.c_moving;
+    } else {
+        c = Axis.c_stationary;
+    }
+    m = (Axis.Jog_2 - c)/Axis.Jog_2;
+    // Calculate the feed forward value
+    if ((fabs(Axis.dojog) > (Axis.Jog_1 + 0)) && (fabs(Axis.dojog) <= Axis.Jog_2)) {
+        Axis.Feed_Forward = ((m*fabs(Axis.dojog)) + c);
+        if (Axis.dojog <= 0) {
+            Axis.Feed_Forward = -Axis.Feed_Forward;
+        }
+    } else if (fabs(Axis.dojog) > Axis.Jog_2) {
+        Axis.Feed_Forward = (Axis.Kff * Axis.dojog);
+    } else {
+        Axis.Feed_Forward = 0;
+    }
+    // Add the feedforward term to the demand already calculated:
+    Axis.Motor_final = Axis.Motor_final + Axis.Feed_Forward;
+    // *****************************************************
+    // Apply scale factor from user units to motor duty cycle.
+    Duty_Cycle = Axis.Motor_final / Axis.Motor_scale;
+    if(Duty_Cycle < 0) {
+        Motor_Direction = 1;
+        Motor_PWM = 1 - ((Duty_Cycle - DeadBand) * -1.0);
+    } else {
+        Motor_Direction = 0;
+        Motor_PWM = 1 - Duty_Cycle - DeadBand;
+    }
+    // Send demand to the (correct) motor:
+    if (Axis.Number == 1) {
+        Pan_Motor_Direction = Motor_Direction;
+        Pan_Motor_PWM = Motor_PWM;
+    } else if (Axis.Number == 2) {
+        Tilt_Motor_Direction = Motor_Direction;
+        Tilt_Motor_PWM = Motor_PWM;
+    }
+// ***************************************************
+    if ((scoping) && (Axis.Number == 2)) {
+        if (scope_time < 1) {
+            // pc.printf("\n\r \n\rTime,Motor_position,follow_error,Sys_follow_error,dojog,SysProfilerVel,sysdojog,Feed_Forward");
+            pc.printf("\n\r \n\rscope_time,Pan Sys Error,Pan Motor Error,Tilt Sys error,Tilt Motor Error, Pan Virtual, Tilt Virtual");
+        }
+        pc.printf("\n\r %d,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f",scope_time,Pan.Sys_follow_error,Pan.follow_error,Tilt.Sys_follow_error,Tilt.follow_error, (Pan.follow_error / Pan.ratio), (Tilt.follow_error / Tilt.ratio));
+        scope_time = scope_time + 1;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r be3b6a72f823 -r 4deb86f4ccfe Classic_PID.lib
--- a/Classic_PID.lib	Tue Mar 22 15:35:01 2016 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
diff -r be3b6a72f823 -r 4deb86f4ccfe MyAxis.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MyAxis.cpp	Wed Jun 08 13:53:50 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#include "MyAxis.h"
+MyAxis Pan;
+MyAxis Tilt;
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r be3b6a72f823 -r 4deb86f4ccfe MyAxis.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MyAxis.h	Wed Jun 08 13:53:50 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+//#ifndef MYAXIS_H
+#define MYAXIS_H
+// Axis Specific structure
+struct MyAxis {
+    int Number;    
+    float jog;
+    int sysjogdir;    
+    bool sinusoidrun;
+    bool scoping;
+    bool calcmyratio;
+    float dynamicratio;
+    bool setramp;
+    bool setramp_x;
+    bool moveme;
+    double ramp;
+    int run_count_jog;
+    float run_count;
+    float System_position;
+    float System_position_prev;
+    double Sys_follow_error;
+    double SysDemandPos;
+    double SysDemand;
+    double SysProfilerVel;
+    double SysDerivedVel;
+    double SysActualVel;
+    double SysDemand_Prev;
+    float start_SysPos;
+    double MotorDemand_DerivedVel;
+    float ratio;
+    float Motor_scale; //15728;  //(based on 1800RPM, 2^19 encoder and 0.001s loop)
+    double Motor_final;
+    float c_moving;
+    float c_stationary;
+    float Jog_1;
+    float Jog_2;
+    float Kp;
+    float Kp_Sys;
+    float Kff;
+    float Kff_Sys;
+    double follow_error;
+    float Feed_Forward;
+    float Prev_Motor_final;
+    int Motor_Inst_Pos;
+    double MotorDemandPos;
+    int MotorLast_Inst_Pos;
+    float Motor_Vel;
+    float Motor_position;
+    float dojog;
+    float sysdojog;
+    int jogdir;
+    float start_MotPos;
+extern MyAxis Pan;
+extern MyAxis Tilt;
diff -r be3b6a72f823 -r 4deb86f4ccfe PanVelocityLoop.cpp
--- a/PanVelocityLoop.cpp	Tue Mar 22 15:35:01 2016 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "iC_MU.h"
-#include "rtos.h"
-#include "Classic_PID.h"
-// Define limits for zero crossing
-// These values should allow operation upto 3750 RPM
-#define bits 18                 // The number of bits we want to use
-#define OneTurn (1<<bits)       // 262144 counts per rev
-#define Lower (1<<(bits-5))     // 8192 counts = 11.25 degrees
-#define Upper OneTurn - Lower   // 262144 - 8192 = 253952
-extern iC_MU icMu, icMu_Output;
-extern PwmOut Pan_Motor_PWM;
-extern DigitalOut Pan_Motor_Direction;
-extern Classic_PID PanVelocityPID;
-extern Serial pc;
-extern bool running;
-extern float amplitude;
-extern float a;
-extern float b;
-int LasticMuPosition = 0;
-int run_count = 0;
-void PanVelocityLoop(void const *args)
-    float Duty_Cycle = 0.0;
-    // Find the icMu data
-    int icMuPosition = icMu.ReadPOSITION();          // Read the current position from the iC-MU
-    PanVelocityPID.setProcessValue(icMuPosition);    // Pass the Position onto the PID loop
-    //int icMuPosition = icMu.ReadPOSITION() >> (19 - bits);          // Read the current position from the iC-MU and bitshift to reduce noise
-    //int icMuVelocity = icMuPosition - LasticMuPosition;             // Calculate change in position (i.e. Velocity)
-    if(running) {
-        pc.printf("\n\r%d %d %d",run_count,icMuPosition,icMu_Output.ReadPOSITION());
-        if(run_count < 5000) {
-            PanVelocityPID.setSetPoint(262144 + (amplitude * sin((a*run_count*run_count)+(b*run_count))));
-            run_count++;        // Inc run_count
-        } else {
-            running = 0;        // Stop the test
-            //PanVelocityPID.setSetPoint(0);
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-       // Check to see if the icMu has gone past the index point
-       if(icMuPosition < Lower & LasticMuPosition > Upper) {           // The icMu has gone over the index point in 1 direction
-           icMuVelocity += OneTurn;
-       } else if(icMuPosition > Upper & LasticMuPosition < Lower) {    // The icMu has gone over the index point in the other direction
-           icMuVelocity -= OneTurn;
-       }
-       LasticMuPosition = icMuPosition;                                // Update new position from next time
-       // Set the process value
-       PanVelocityPID.setProcessValue(icMuVelocity);                   // Pass the Velocity onto the PID loop
-    */
-    Duty_Cycle = PanVelocityPID.compute_ff();
-    if(Duty_Cycle < 0) {
-        Pan_Motor_Direction = 1;
-        Pan_Motor_PWM = 1 - (Duty_Cycle * -1.0);
-    } else {
-        Pan_Motor_Direction = 0;
-        Pan_Motor_PWM = 1 - Duty_Cycle;
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r be3b6a72f823 -r 4deb86f4ccfe ServiceKeyboard.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ServiceKeyboard.cpp	Wed Jun 08 13:53:50 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "rtos.h"
+#include "MyAxis.h"
+extern Serial pc;
+extern float DeadBand;
+extern bool scoping;
+extern int scope_duration;
+extern int scope_time;
+extern bool sinusoid;
+extern bool ratiocalc;
+extern float jogaccel_time;
+extern float jogaccel;
+extern int pos_enc_start;
+extern int run_count_jog;
+extern int primed;
+float temp;
+// Returns the new set point entered via the keyboard
+int ServiceKeyboard ()
+    int key;                                            // The keypress by the user
+    int value = 0;                                      // The variable to return
+    key = pc.getc();                                    // Read the intial keypress
+    switch (key)   {
+// List keypresses used:
+        case 'q':
+            // To move up and down: 8, 2:  To move left and right 4,6. To start stop both: 5:
+            pc.printf("\n\r Left, Right, Up Down:  4,6,8,2.  \n\r Start & Stop both: 5 \n\r Toggle all directions = d \n\r");
+            pc.printf("\n\r Scope = s \n\r Run Test sinusoid = t \n\r Run Ratio Calculator = r \n\r Set Motor Kp = g \n\r Set Sys Kp_Sys = h \n\r Fetch Gain = f \n\r Set Kff_Sys = k \n\r Prime Start Scope = p \n\r Set Kff = 2 \n\r Set Gearbox Ratio = 1  \n\r");
+            pc.printf(" Set Stationary c value = c \n\r Set Moving c value = b \n\r Set Jog_2 value = 3 \n\r \n\r \n\r Jog Speed PAN,TILT = j,m \n\r Set Jog Acceleration = a \n\r Cycle to hard Stop = z \n\r Fade = x \n\r");
+            break;
+// Turn on Scope Tool:
+        case 's':
+            if (!scoping) {
+                scope_time = 0;
+                scoping = true;
+            } else {
+                scoping = false;
+            }
+            break;
+// Turn on Ratio Calculator:
+        case 'r':
+            if (!ratiocalc) {
+                ratiocalc = true;
+                pc.printf("\n\r Running Ratio Calculator");
+            } else {
+                Tilt.calcmyratio = false;
+                Pan.calcmyratio = false;
+            }
+            break;
+// We are going to jog Tilt up
+        case '8':
+            Tilt.sysjogdir = -1;
+            if (Tilt.moveme) {
+                //pc.printf("\n\r Moving stop");
+                Tilt.moveme = false;
+            } else {
+                //pc.printf("\n\r Moving Start");
+                Tilt.moveme = true;
+            }
+            break;
+// We are going to jog Tilt down
+        case '2':
+            Tilt.sysjogdir = 1;
+            if (Tilt.moveme) {
+                //pc.printf("\n\r Moving stop");
+                Tilt.moveme = false;
+            } else {
+                //pc.printf("\n\r Moving Start");
+                Tilt.moveme = true;
+            }
+            break;
+// We are going to jog Tilt up
+        case '4':
+            Pan.sysjogdir = -1;
+            if (Pan.moveme) {
+                //pc.printf("\n\r Moving stop");
+                Pan.moveme = false;
+            } else {
+                //pc.printf("\n\r Moving Start");
+                Pan.moveme = true;
+            }
+            break;
+// We are going to jog Tilt down
+        case '6':
+            Pan.sysjogdir = 1;
+            if (Pan.moveme) {
+                //pc.printf("\n\r Moving stop");
+                Pan.moveme = false;
+            } else {
+                //pc.printf("\n\r Moving Start");
+                Pan.moveme = true;
+            }
+            break;
+// We are going to jog everything
+        case '5':
+            if (Pan.moveme) {
+                //pc.printf("\n\r Moving stop");
+                Pan.moveme = false;
+            } else {
+                //pc.printf("\n\r Moving Start");
+                Pan.moveme = true;
+            }
+            if (Tilt.moveme) {
+                //pc.printf("\n\r Moving stop");
+                Tilt.moveme = false;
+            } else {
+                //pc.printf("\n\r Moving Start");
+                Tilt.moveme = true;
+            }
+            break;
+// We are going to toggle all directions
+        case 'd':
+            Pan.sysjogdir = -Pan.sysjogdir;
+            Tilt.sysjogdir = -Tilt.sysjogdir;
+            break;
+// Turn on Potentiometer control:
+        case 't':
+            if (!sinusoid) {
+                pc.printf("\n\r Running sinusoid test");
+                sinusoid = true;
+            } else {
+                sinusoid = false;
+            }
+            break;
+// We are going to set the Motor gain
+        case 'g':
+            pc.printf("\n\r Enter a new Motor Kp gain x 1000: ");
+            //key = pc.getc();
+            do {
+                key = pc.getc();                            // Wait for a keypress
+                if(key >= '0' && key <= '9') {              // Check it is a number
+                    value *= 10;                            // Index the old number
+                    value += (key - '0');                   // Add on the new number
+                    pc.printf("%c",key);                    // Display the new number
+                }
+            } while(key != 0x0D);
+            Pan.Kp = value;
+            Pan.Kp = Pan.Kp / 1000;
+            Tilt.Kp = Pan.Kp;
+            //PanVelocityPID.setKp(Kp/1000);
+            pc.printf("\n\r");
+            break;
+// We are going to set the System gain
+        case 'h':
+            pc.printf("\n\r Enter a new System Sys_Kp gain x 10000: ");
+            //key = pc.getc();
+            do {
+                key = pc.getc();                            // Wait for a keypress
+                if(key >= '0' && key <= '9') {              // Check it is a number
+                    value *= 10;                            // Index the old number
+                    value += (key - '0');                   // Add on the new number
+                    pc.printf("%c",key);                    // Display the new number
+                }
+            } while(key != 0x0D);
+            Pan.Kp_Sys = value;
+            Pan.Kp_Sys = Pan.Kp_Sys / 10000;
+            Tilt.Kp_Sys = Pan.Kp_Sys;
+            //PanVelocityPID.setKp(Kp/1000);
+            pc.printf("\n\r");
+            break;
+// We are going to confirm what the gain is
+        case 'f':
+            //Kp = PanVelocityPID.getKp();
+            pc.printf("\n\r Kp = %f, Kff = %f, Kp_Sys = %f, Kff_Sys = %f, Ratio = %f, c_stationary = %f, c_moving = %f, Jog_2 = %f \n\r", Pan.Kp,Pan.Kff,Pan.Kp_Sys,Pan.Kff_Sys,Pan.ratio,Pan.c_stationary, Pan.c_moving, Pan.Jog_2);
+            break;
+// We are going to set the Jog_2 Value:
+        case '3':
+            pc.printf("\n\r Enter a new Jog_2 value: ");
+            //key = pc.getc();
+            do {
+                key = pc.getc();                            // Wait for a keypress
+                if(key >= '0' && key <= '9') {              // Check it is a number
+                    value *= 10;                            // Index the old number
+                    value += (key - '0');                   // Add on the new number
+                    pc.printf("%c",key);                    // Display the new number
+                }
+            } while(key != 0x0D);
+            Pan.Jog_2 = value;
+            pc.printf("\n\r");
+            break;
+// We are going to set the new threshold:
+        case '1':
+            pc.printf("\n\r Enter a new gearbox ratio: ");
+            //key = pc.getc();
+            do {
+                key = pc.getc();                            // Wait for a keypress
+                if(key >= '0' && key <= '9') {              // Check it is a number
+                    value *= 10;                            // Index the old number
+                    value += (key - '0');                   // Add on the new number
+                    pc.printf("%c",key);                    // Display the new number
+                }
+            } while(key != 0x0D);
+            Pan.ratio = value;
+            pc.printf("\n\r");
+            break;
+// We are going to set the Kff gain
+        case 'w':
+            pc.printf("\n\r Enter a new Kff gain x 100: ");
+            //key = pc.getc();
+            do {
+                key = pc.getc();                            // Wait for a keypress
+                if(key >= '0' && key <= '9') {              // Check it is a number
+                    value *= 10;                            // Index the old number
+                    value += (key - '0');                   // Add on the new number
+                    pc.printf("%c",key);                    // Display the new number
+                }
+            } while(key != 0x0D);
+            Pan.Kff = value;
+            Pan.Kff = Pan.Kff / 100;
+            pc.printf("\n\r");
+            break;
+// We are going to set the dead band for the Motor PWM
+        case 'k':
+            pc.printf("\n\r Enter a new Kff_Sys x 100: ");
+            //key = pc.getc();
+            do {
+                key = pc.getc();                            // Wait for a keypress
+                if(key >= '0' && key <= '9') {              // Check it is a number
+                    value *= 10;                            // Index the old number
+                    value += (key - '0');                   // Add on the new number
+                    pc.printf("%c",key);                    // Display the new number
+                }
+            } while(key != 0x0D);
+            temp = value;
+            Pan.Kff_Sys = temp / 100;
+            pc.printf("\n\r");
+            break;
+// We are going to set a stationary c value
+        case 'c':
+            pc.printf("\n\r Enter a new stationary c value: ");
+            //key = pc.getc();
+            do {
+                key = pc.getc();                            // Wait for a keypress
+                if(key >= '0' && key <= '9') {              // Check it is a number
+                    value *= 10;                            // Index the old number
+                    value += (key - '0');                   // Add on the new number
+                    pc.printf("%c",key);                    // Display the new number
+                }
+            } while(key != 0x0D);
+            Pan.c_stationary = value;
+            pc.printf("\n\r");
+            break;
+// We are going to set a moving b value
+        case 'b':
+            pc.printf("\n\r Enter a new moving c value: ");
+            //key = pc.getc();
+            do {
+                key = pc.getc();                            // Wait for a keypress
+                if(key >= '0' && key <= '9') {              // Check it is a number
+                    value *= 10;                            // Index the old number
+                    value += (key - '0');                   // Add on the new number
+                    pc.printf("%c",key);                    // Display the new number
+                }
+            } while(key != 0x0D);
+            Pan.c_moving = value;
+            pc.printf("\n\r");
+            break;
+//  Set a jog speed
+        case 'j':
+            pc.printf("\n\r Set Jog PAN speed (Deg/s) x100 ");
+            //key = pc.getc();
+            do {
+                key = pc.getc();                            // Wait for a keypress
+                if(key >= '0' && key <= '9') {              // Check it is a number
+                    value *= 10;                            // Index the old number
+                    value += (key - '0');                   // Add on the new number
+                    pc.printf("%c",key);                    // Display the new number
+                }
+            } while(key != 0x0D);
+            Pan.jog = value;
+            Pan.jog = (Pan.jog * 0.0145);
+            pc.printf("\n\r");
+            break;
+//  Set a jog speed
+        case 'm':
+            pc.printf("\n\r Set Jog TILT speed (Deg/s) x100 ");
+            //key = pc.getc();
+            do {
+                key = pc.getc();                            // Wait for a keypress
+                if(key >= '0' && key <= '9') {              // Check it is a number
+                    value *= 10;                            // Index the old number
+                    value += (key - '0');                   // Add on the new number
+                    pc.printf("%c",key);                    // Display the new number
+                }
+            } while(key != 0x0D);
+            Tilt.jog = value;
+            Tilt.jog = (Tilt.jog * 0.0145);
+            pc.printf("\n\r");
+            break;
+// Set the jog function to cycle to a stop
+        case 'z':
+            pc.printf("\n\r Set to ramp to stop \n\r");
+            Pan.ramp = Pan.jog / jogaccel_time;
+            Pan.run_count_jog = 0;
+            scope_time = 0;
+            Pan.setramp = true;
+            break;
+// Set a Fade like move
+        case 'x':
+            pc.printf("\n\r Set to Fade like move \n\r");
+            Pan.ramp = Pan.jog / jogaccel_time;
+            Pan.run_count_jog = 0;
+            scope_time = 0;
+            Pan.setramp_x = true;
+            Tilt.ramp = Tilt.jog / jogaccel_time;
+            Tilt.run_count_jog = 0;
+            scope_time = 0;
+            Tilt.setramp_x = true;
+            break;
+//  Set a jog acceleration
+        case 'a':
+            pc.printf("\n\r Set ramp jogaccel_time, (ms) ");
+            //key = pc.getc();
+            do {
+                key = pc.getc();                            // Wait for a keypress
+                if(key >= '0' && key <= '9') {              // Check it is a number
+                    value *= 10;                            // Index the old number
+                    value += (key - '0');                   // Add on the new number
+                    pc.printf("%c",key);                    // Display the new number
+                }
+            } while(key != 0x0D);
+            temp = value;
+            jogaccel_time = temp;
+            //ramp = ramp / 1000;
+            pc.printf("\n\r");
+            break;
+//  Prime the scope tool
+        case 'p':
+            pc.printf("\n\r Prime the scope tool \n\r");
+            primed = true;
+            break;
+    }
+    return(1);
diff -r be3b6a72f823 -r 4deb86f4ccfe main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Tue Mar 22 15:35:01 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Jun 08 13:53:50 2016 +0000
@@ -1,85 +1,128 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "iC_MU.h"
 #include "rtos.h"
-#include "Classic_PID.h"
+#include "MyAxis.h"
 // iC-MU Encoder Objects
-iC_MU icMu(p5,p6,p7,p8);
-iC_MU icMu_Output(p5,p6,p7,p11);
+iC_MU tilt_Motor(p5,p6,p7,p8);
+iC_MU TiltPos(p5,p6,p7,p11);
+iC_MU pan_Motor(p5,p6,p7,p12);
+iC_MU PanPos(p5,p6,p7,p13);
+// Tilt Motor
+PwmOut Tilt_Motor_PWM(p23);                     // Purple wire
+DigitalOut Tilt_Motor_Direction(p24);           // Yellow wire
 // Pan Motor
 PwmOut Pan_Motor_PWM(p21);                      // Purple wire
 DigitalOut Pan_Motor_Direction(p22);            // Yellow wire
-/* Kp = 0.00018, Ki = 0.000006, Kd = 0.0, 0.0001 */
-//Classic_PID PanVelocityPID(0.00018, 0.000006, 0.0, 0.0);     //Kp, ki, kd, kvelff
-Classic_PID PanVelocityPID(0.000006, 0.0000001, 0.0, 0.0);     //Kp, ki, kd, kvelff
 // Serial objects
 Serial pc (USBTX,USBRX);
-// Global Variables
-float run_time = 5.0;
+int ServiceKeyboard();
+// Global Variables for sinusoidrun
+float run_time = 10.0;
 float start_Hz = 1.0, stop_Hz = 2.0;
-float amplitude;
-bool running = 0;
-float w1;
-float w2;
-float a;
-float b;
+extern float amplitude;
+bool sinusoid = 0;
+extern float a;
+extern float Hz;
+// Global variables for auto gearbox calculator
+bool ratiocalc = 0;
 // External variables
 extern int LasticMuPosition;
 // Functions
-void PanVelocityLoop(void const *args);
+void PanAxisInitialise();
+void TiltAxisInitialise();
+void AxisControlLoop(MyAxis& Axis);
+void RunLoop(void const *args)
+    AxisControlLoop(Pan);
+    AxisControlLoop(Tilt);
 int main()
-    // Set up the Pan motor
-    Pan_Motor_PWM.period_us(50);                // Set PWM to 20 kHz
-    Pan_Motor_PWM = 1;                          // Start with motor static
     // Initalise Pan Velocity loop RtosTimer thread
-    RtosTimer PanVelocityLoop_timer(PanVelocityLoop, osTimerPeriodic);
-    PanVelocityLoop_timer.start(1);             // Run at 1kHz
-    // Initalise Pan PID Loop
-    PanVelocityPID.setProcessLimits(1.0, -1.0);
-    PanVelocityPID.setSetPoint(262144);    // Set the motor to 2^18
-    //PanVelocityPID.setSetPoint(0);
-    //LasticMuPosition = icMu.ReadPOSITION() >> 1;
-    // Increase terminal speed
+    //Startme();
+    pc.printf("\n\r AH-10 Full Test V2 \n\r");
+    pc.printf("\n\r Press q for menu \n\r");
+    PanAxisInitialise();
+    TiltAxisInitialise();
+    RtosTimer RunLoop_timer(RunLoop, osTimerPeriodic);
+    RunLoop_timer.start(1);             // Run at 1kHz
-    // Prompt the user to enter the test parameters
-    pc.printf("\n\r Enter Start frequency (Hz): ");
-    pc.scanf("%f", &start_Hz);
-    pc.printf("%f",start_Hz);
-    pc.printf("\n\r Enter Stop frequency (Hz): ");
-    pc.scanf("%f", &stop_Hz);
-    pc.printf("%f",stop_Hz);
-    pc.printf("\n\r Enter Amplitude (encoder counts): ");
-    pc.scanf("%f", &amplitude);
-    pc.printf("%f",amplitude);
-    pc.printf("\n\n\r Press any key to start test...");
-    pc.getc();
-    w1 = start_Hz * 3.14159 * 2;
-    w2 = stop_Hz * 3.14159 * 2;
-    a = (w2 - w1) / (2 * run_time * 1000000);
-    b = w1 / 1000;
-    // Set the test running
-    running = 1;
     while(1) {
-        ;
+        if(pc.readable()) {
+            ServiceKeyboard();
+        }
+        if (sinusoid) {
+            sinusoid = false;
+            // Prompt the user to enter the test parameters
+            pc.printf("\n\r Enter Start frequency (Hz): ");
+            pc.scanf("%f", &start_Hz);
+            pc.printf("%f",start_Hz);
+            pc.printf("\n\r Enter Stop frequency (Hz): ");
+            pc.scanf("%f", &stop_Hz);
+            pc.printf("%f",stop_Hz);
+            pc.printf("\n\r Enter Amplitude (encoder counts): ");
+            pc.scanf("%f", &amplitude);
+            pc.printf("%f",amplitude);
+            pc.printf("\n\r Enter Time (s): ");
+            pc.scanf("%f", &run_time);
+            pc.printf("%f",run_time);
+            pc.printf("\n\n\r Press any key to start test...");
+            pc.getc();
+            a = (stop_Hz - start_Hz) / (run_time * 1000);  // This is the incrementor
+            pc.printf("\n\n\n\r ********************************************* \n\n\n\r *************************************************");
+            // pc.printf("\n\n\r Time (ms),input,output,frequency (Hz)");
+            pc.printf("\n\n\r Time (ms),Motor,System,frequency (Hz x 100),Demand");
+            Pan.start_SysPos = Pan.System_position;
+            Pan.start_MotPos = Pan.Motor_position;
+            Tilt.start_SysPos = Tilt.System_position;
+            Tilt.start_MotPos = Tilt.Motor_position;
+            // Set the test running#
+            if (Pan.jog > 0){
+            Pan.sinusoidrun = 1;
+            }
+            if (Tilt.jog > 0) {
+            Tilt.sinusoidrun = 1;
+            }
+        }
+        if (ratiocalc) {
+            ratiocalc = false;
+            Pan.start_SysPos = Pan.System_position;
+            Pan.start_MotPos = Pan.Motor_position;
+            Pan.calcmyratio = true;
+            Tilt.start_SysPos = Tilt.System_position;
+            Tilt.start_MotPos = Tilt.Motor_position;
+            Tilt.calcmyratio = true;
+        }