Lcd companion boards support (VKLCD50RTA & VKLCD70RT)

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vdc5_period_rect_t Struct Reference

vdc5_period_rect_t Struct Reference

#include <r_vdc5.h>

Data Fields

uint16_t vs
uint16_t vw
uint16_t hs
uint16_t hw

Detailed Description

The horizontal/vertical timing of the VDC5 signals

Definition at line 142 of file r_vdc5.h.

Field Documentation

uint16_t hs

Horizontal signal start position from the reference signal

Definition at line 145 of file r_vdc5.h.

uint16_t hw

Horizontal signal width

Definition at line 146 of file r_vdc5.h.

uint16_t vs

Vertical signal start position from the reference signal

Definition at line 143 of file r_vdc5.h.

uint16_t vw

Vertical signal width (height)

Definition at line 144 of file r_vdc5.h.