Modularizando o src

Dependencies:   EALib EthernetInterface_vz mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of header_main_colinas_V0-20-09-14 by VZTECH



File content as of revision 119:ee6a53069455:

#include "prompt.h"

bool flood_silence = false;
bool delayed_flood = false;

Timer tcp_timer;
bool tcp_alive = false;
bool serial_pc_pending = false; 

char __debug_buf__[ DEBUGBUFSIZE ];
char * debug_buf = __debug_buf__;
char last_cmd[ DEBUGBUFSIZE ];
char tmp_cmd[ DEBUGBUFSIZE ] = "help";
char last_debug_buf[ DEBUGBUFSIZE ] = "help";
char eth_buffer[ PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE ];
char eth_udp_buffer[ PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE ]; 
char gp_buff[ DEBUGBUFSIZE ];

FILE *fip, *fmask, *fgate, *fport, *fsip, *fsport, *fext, *fserext, *fudpport, *ftcpport, *ffwip, *ffwport, *fmax, *fmin, *fshift_port;

uint16_t bufptr = 0;
uint16_t last_bufptr = 0;

int init_prompt_eth ()
    int return_value = 0;
    int udp_bind = udp_client.bind( UDP_PORT_LISTENER );
    udp_client.set_blocking( false, 0 );
    if ( debug_prompt_eth ) debug_msg("udp_client.bind :: %d", udp_bind );
    if ( udp_bind == 0 ) return_value |= BIT0;

    int tcp_bind = tcp_server.bind( TCP_PORT_LISTENER );
    tcp_server.set_blocking( false, 0 );    

    int tcp_listen = tcp_server.listen();
    if ( debug_prompt_eth ) debug_msg("tcp_server.bind :: %d", tcp_bind );
    if ( tcp_bind == 0 ) return_value |= BIT1;
    return ( return_value );

// main prompt process
char * prompt_process( char * msg_from_cb, int length )
    //FIXME dar flush na serial
    volatile char b = 0;
    static uint8_t bufret = 0;
    static Timer flood_timeout;
    static Timer flood_silence_timer;
    static uint8_t id_msg = 0x10;
    static int start_ext, end_ext, ext_count;
    bool miss_match = true;
    char eth_buffer[ PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE ];
    uint8_t write_buffer[ CB_BUFFER_SIZE ];
    if( > 60 ){
        pflood = 0;
    if( >= TCP_IDLE_MAX_TIME ) {
        tcp_alive = false;
        tcp_session = false;
        debug_buf = __debug_buf__;
        bufptr = last_bufptr;
        bufret = 0;
        from_eth = false;
        return( NULL );
    if( udp_query )
        if( msg_from_cb != NULL )
            last_bufptr = bufptr;
            if( ( length > 2 ) && ( msg_from_cb[ length - 2 ]  == '\r' ) ) msg_from_cb[ length - 2 ] = 0;
            if( ( length > 1 ) && ( msg_from_cb[ length - 1 ]  == '\n' ) ) msg_from_cb[ length - 1 ] = 0;

            if( ( length == 1 ) && msg_from_cb[ 0 ] == 0x0A ) strcpy( msg_from_cb, "\r" );
            bufptr = strlen( msg_from_cb );
            debug_buf = msg_from_cb;
            from_eth = true;
            bufret = 1;
        if( !tcp_server.accept( tcp_client ) )
            tcp_session = true;
            last_bufptr = bufptr;
            for( register int i = 0; i < PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE; i++ ) eth_buffer[ i ] = 0;
            if( tcp_session && !udp_query )
            tcp_client.set_blocking( false, 0 );
            //for( register int i = 0; i < PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE; i++ ) eth_buffer[ i ] = 0;
            int n = tcp_client.receive( eth_buffer, sizeof( eth_buffer ) - 1 );
            if( n > 0 ) {
                if( ( n > 2 ) && ( eth_buffer[ n - 2 ]  == '\r' ) ) eth_buffer[ n - 2 ] = 0;
                if( ( n > 1 ) && ( eth_buffer[ n - 1 ]  == '\n' ) ) eth_buffer[ n - 1 ] = 0;
                if( ( n == 1 ) && eth_buffer[ 0 ] == 0x0A ) strcpy( eth_buffer, "\r" );
                bufptr = strlen( eth_buffer );
                debug_buf = eth_buffer;
                from_eth = true;
                bufret = 1;
                if( !( strcmp( eth_buffer, "quit" ) ) )
                    debug_buf = __debug_buf__;
                    bufptr = last_bufptr;
                    from_eth = false;
                    tcp_session = false;
                    bufret = 0;
                    return( NULL );
            } else {
                debug_buf = __debug_buf__;
                bufptr = last_bufptr;
                from_eth = false;

    if( ( !from_eth ) && ( !udp_query ) )
        if( pc.readable() ) {
            b = pc.getc();
            if( b == 0x0D ) {
                // enter
                bufret = 1;
                if( from_eth ) serial_pc_pending = true;
            } else {
                pc.putc( b );
                if( b == 0x08 || b == 0x7F ) {
                    // BS | DEL
                    if( bufptr > 0 ) {
                        __debug_buf__[ --bufptr ] = 0;
                } else if( b == 0x09 ) {
                    // ignore tab
                } else {
                    //debug_msg("--%c,%d--%d--", b, bufptr, last_bufptr );
                    __debug_buf__[ bufptr ] = b;
                last_bufptr = bufptr;
    if( flood_silence ){
        if( flood_silence_timer.read_ms() > 250 ){
            char cmd[ 16 ] = "flood off";
            int str_end = strlen( cmd );
            cmd[ str_end ] = 0x0D;
            cmd[ str_end + 1 ] = 0x00;

            int port = convert_ext_to_port( ext_count );
            send2callboxes( build_cb_package( ext_count, port, PROMPT, cmd, id_msg++, CB_BUFFER_SIZE - VZ_HEADER_OFFSET, write_buffer ) );
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\r\nSilence sent to ext=%d port=%d", ext_count, port );

            if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                snprintf( eth_buffer, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "\r\nSilence sent to ext=%d port=%d", ext_count, port );
                tcp_client.send_all( eth_buffer, strlen( eth_buffer ) );
            } else if( udp_query ) {
                snprintf( eth_buffer, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "\r\nSilence sent to ext=%d port=%d", ext_count, port );
                udp_query_send_msg( eth_buffer );
            // importante para o uso da funçao silence
            if( ++ext_count > end_ext ) {
                flood_silence = false;

                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\r\n> " );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                    snprintf( eth_buffer, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "\r\n> " );
                    tcp_client.send_all( eth_buffer, strlen( eth_buffer ) );
                } else if( udp_query ) {
                    snprintf( eth_buffer, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "\r\n> " );
                    udp_query_send_msg( eth_buffer );
    if( delayed_flood ){
        floodcount =0;
        pflood = 1;
        delayed_flood = false;
        if( debug_uart3 ) pc.printf("\n\rFlood ON\n\r");
        if( from_eth ){
            snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Flood On\n\r" );
            //debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
    // Prompt commands here
    if ( bufret == 1 ) {
        static unsigned int promptcb_last_ext = 0;                                                                                                                                
        static unsigned int promptcb_last_port = 0;  
        static char promptcb_last_cmd[ 300 ];

        strcpy( tmp_cmd, debug_buf );
        if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "." ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            strcpy( debug_buf, last_cmd );
            strcpy( tmp_cmd, debug_buf );
        }else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "+" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            strcpy( debug_buf, "flood on" );
            strcpy( tmp_cmd, debug_buf );
        }else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "-" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            strcpy( debug_buf, "flood off" );
            strcpy( tmp_cmd, debug_buf );
        }else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "++ ", 3 ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            delayed_flood = true;
            int ext = atoi( debug_buf + 3 );
            sprintf( debug_buf, "pcb %i flood on", ext );
        }else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "-- ", 3 ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            int ext = atoi( debug_buf + 3 );
            if( debug_uart3 ) pc.printf("\n\rFlood OFF\n\r");
            if( from_eth ){
                snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Flood OFF\n\r" );
                //debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
            pflood = 0;
            sprintf( debug_buf, "pcb %i flood off", ext );           
        //tratamento dos enters
        if( !bufptr ){
            miss_match = false;
        }else if( bufptr == 1 ) {
            if( debug_buf[ 0 ] == 0x0D || debug_buf[ 0 ] == 0x0D ) miss_match = false;
        if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "ifconfig" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            if( debug_uart3 ) pc.printf("\n\r");
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "rx" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            rx = true;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "tx" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            tx = true;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "stats" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            stats = true;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "reset_stats" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            r_stats = true;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "rtp" ) ) {
            miss_match = false;
            dshow_rtp = true;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "callrtp" ) ) {
            miss_match = false;
            dcallshow_rtp = true;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "format" ) ){
            miss_match = false;

            if( from_eth )
                char msg[ 32 ];
                snprintf( msg, 32, "Not Allowed\n\r");
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                    tcp_client.send_all( msg, strlen( msg ) );
                } else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( msg );
            } else {
                if ( debug_uart3 ) pc.printf("\n\rFormatando o sistema de arquivos... espere o sistema reiniciar\n\r");

        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "ipset ", 6 )) {
            miss_match = false;
            set_ip( debug_buf + 6 );
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "extset ", 7 ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            set_header_ext( atoi( debug_buf + 7 ) );
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "serextset ", 10 ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            set_server_ext( atoi( debug_buf + 10 ) );
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "shift_port ", 11 ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            set_shift_port( atoi( debug_buf + 11 ) );

        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "maskset ",8 ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            set_mask( debug_buf + 8 );

        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "gatewayset ",11 ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            set_gateway( debug_buf + 11 );

        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "msipport ",9 ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            set_header_sip_port( atoi( debug_buf + 9 ) );

        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "serverip ",9 ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            set_server_ip( debug_buf + 9 );
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "maxext ", 7 ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            set_max_ext( atoi( debug_buf + 7 ) );
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "minext ", 7 ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            set_min_ext( atoi( debug_buf + 7 ) );

        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "ssport ", 7 ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            set_server_port( atoi( debug_buf + 7 ) );
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "fw_ip ", 6 ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            set_fw_ip( debug_buf + 6 );
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "fw_port ", 8 ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            set_fw_port( atoi( debug_buf + 8 ) );

        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dconfig" ) ){
            miss_match = false;

        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "reset" ) ) {
            miss_match = false;
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\rJob is done\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Job is done\n\r");
                debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                    tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                } else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );

        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dog" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\r MUUUUUUUuuuuUUUUUU - I'm not a dog!!!! \n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "MUUUUUUUuuuuUUUUUU - I'm not a dog!!!!\n\r");
                debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                    tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                } else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "date" ) ) {
            miss_match = false;
            send_msg(" %s %s", __DATE__, __TIME__ );
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "clock" ) ) {
            miss_match = false;
            show_current_time = true;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "overflow" ) ) {
            miss_match = false;
            send_msg("Overflow messages :: %d", string_msg_overflow );
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dep" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            drop_entendi_pkg = !drop_entendi_pkg;
            if ( drop_entendi_pkg )
                debug_msg ("Entendi pkgs will be droped");
                debug_msg ("Entendi pkgs don't will be droped");    
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dita" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            drop_invite_to_ast_pkg = !drop_invite_to_ast_pkg;
            if ( drop_invite_to_ast_pkg )
                debug_msg ("Invite pkgs to ast will be droped");
                debug_msg ("Invite pkgs to ast don't will be droped");    

        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dop" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            drop_ok_pkg = !drop_ok_pkg;
            if ( drop_ok_pkg )
                debug_msg ("Ok pkgs will be droped");
                debug_msg ("Ok pkgs don't will be droped");    
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dip" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            drop_invite_pkg = !drop_invite_pkg;
            if ( drop_invite_pkg )
                debug_msg ("invite pkgs from cbx will be droped");
                debug_msg ("invite pkgs from cbx don't will be droped");    
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "drp" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            drop_registry_pkg = !drop_registry_pkg;
            if ( drop_registry_pkg )
                debug_msg ("registrys pkgs from cbx will be droped");
                debug_msg ("registrys pkgs from cbx don't will be droped");    
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "rafc" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            received_audio_from_cb = !received_audio_from_cb;
            if ( received_audio_from_cb )
                debug_msg ("audio pkgs from cbx will printed");
                debug_msg ("audio pkgs from cbx don't will printed");
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dap" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            drop_ack_pkg = !drop_ack_pkg;
            if ( drop_ack_pkg )
                debug_msg ("ack pkgs will be droped");
                debug_msg ("ack pkgs don't will be droped");    

        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "drfa" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            drop_rtp_from_ast_pkg = !drop_rtp_from_ast_pkg;
            if ( drop_rtp_from_ast_pkg )
                debug_msg ("rtp pkgs from ast will be droped");
                debug_msg ("rtp pkgs from ast don't will be droped");    
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "drfc" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            drop_rtp_from_cbx_pkg = !drop_rtp_from_cbx_pkg;
            if ( drop_rtp_from_cbx_pkg )
                debug_msg ("rtp pkgs from cbx will be droped");
                debug_msg ("rtp pkgs from cbx don't will be droped");    
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "uptime" ) ) {
            miss_match = false;
            send_msg(" %d", uptime );
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "sizes" ) ) {
            miss_match = false;
            sizes = true;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "ftq" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            if( debug_uart3 ) pc.printf( "\n\rFTQ ON\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ){
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "FTQ  On\n\r" );
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                big_bug_pkg = true;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "ktq" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            if( debug_uart3 ) pc.printf( "\n\rFTQ!!!\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ){
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "FTQ!!!\n\r" );
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                flood_bug_pkg = !flood_bug_pkg;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "ls" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            list = true;
         else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "drtp ", 5 ) ) {
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 5 ), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rRtp Debug ON\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Rtp Debug On\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                debug_rtp = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)( debug_buf + 5 ), (uint8_t*) "off", 3 ) ){
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rRtp Debug OFF\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Rtp Debug Off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                debug_rtp = false;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "print_v_cb" ) ) {
            miss_match = false;
            print_v_cb = true;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "print_v_call" ) ) {
            miss_match = false;
            print_v_call = true;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "ls -l" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            long_list = true;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "tt" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            main_test = !main_test;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "cogumelo" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            cogumelo = true;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "registra" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            registra = true;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "gnomo" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            gnomo = true;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "tango" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            tango = !tango;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "canada" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            canada = !canada;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "america" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            america = !america;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "york" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            york = !york;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "chicago" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            chicago = !chicago;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "show_sip" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            show_sip = true;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "reset_cks" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            reset_cks = true;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "malasia" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            malasia = !malasia;
        //replaced by ls
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "status" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            list = true;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "wdt" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            debug_wdt = true;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "eth" ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            debug_eth = true;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "deleted" ) ) {
            miss_match = false;
            send_msg("::deleted_sip [%5i]::", deleted_sip );
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "types" ) ) {
            miss_match = false;

            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rhex  :: dec :: Type \n\r0x00 :: 0   :: boot \n\r0x02 :: 2   :: registry \n\r0x04 :: 4   :: invite \n\r0x08 :: 8   :: audio \n\r0x10 :: 16  :: telemetry \n\r0x20 :: 32  :: cb_bye \n\r0x01 :: 1   :: prompt \n\r0x40 :: 64  :: flood \n\r" );

            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "hex  :: dec :: Type \n\r0x00 :: 0   :: boot \n\r0x02 :: 2   :: registry \n\r0x04 :: 4   :: invite \n\r0x08 :: 8   :: audio \n\r0x10 :: 16  :: telemetry \n\r0x20 :: 32  :: cb_bye \n\r0x01 :: 1   :: prompt \n\r0x40 :: 64  :: flood\n\r");
                debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                    tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                } else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "protocol" ) ){
             miss_match = false;

            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\r| E | E | P | P | C | C | T | [ Seq_num | Audio ] | 14[ Clock | Audio ] | [ TS | Audio ] | ... |\n\r \n\rE = Ext = Ramal\n\r \n\rP = Port = Porta\n\r \n\rC = Checksum\n\r \n\rT = Type = Tipo\n\r \n\rSeq_num = Sequence Number = Numero de sequencia\n\r \n\rClock = 14 bytes to sync\n\r \n\r... = demais CB_BUFFER_SIZE - __VZ_HEADER_OFFSET__  bytes\n\r" );

            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "| E | E | P | P | C | C | T | [ Seq_num | Audio ] | 14[ Clock | Audio ] | [ TS | Audio ] | ... |\n\r \n\rE = Ext = Ramal\n\r \n\rP = Port = Porta\n\r \n\rC = Checksum\n\r \n\rT = Type = Tipo\n\r \n\rSeq_num = Sequence Number = Numero de sequencia\n\r \n\rClock = 14 bytes to sync\n\r \n\r... = demais CB_BUFFER_SIZE - __VZ_HEADER_OFFSET__  bytes\n\r");
                debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                    tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                } else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "flood ", 6 ) ){
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf+6), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 ) ){
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 ) pc.printf("\n\rFlood ON\n\r");
                if( from_eth ){
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Flood On\n\r" );
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                floodcount =0;
                pflood = 1;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf+6), (uint8_t*) "more", 4 ) ){
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 ) pc.printf("\n\rFlood ON\n\r");
                if( from_eth ){
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Flood On\n\r" );
                    //debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                floodcount = 0;
                pflood = 1;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf+6), (uint8_t*) "off", 3 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 ) pc.printf("\n\rFlood OFF\n\r");
                if( from_eth ){
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Flood Off\n\r" );
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                pflood = 0;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "silence ", 8 ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            char *ref, *split;

            strcpy( promptcb_last_cmd, debug_buf );

            if( !( strcmp( debug_buf + 8, "-h" ) && strcmp( debug_buf + 8, "--help" ) ) ) {
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\rUsage :: silence start_ext end_ext | start_ext must be greater than end_ext\n\rObs : ( end_ext - start_ext ) < 50 ");

                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Usage :: silence start_ext end_ext | start_ext must be greater than end_ext\n\rObs : ( end_ext - start_ext ) < 50 ");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
            } else {
                ref = debug_buf;

                split = strtok( debug_buf + 8, " " );

                start_ext = atoi( split );

                split += strlen( split ) + 1;

                end_ext = atoi( split );

                debug_buf = ref;

                if( start_ext < end_ext && ( end_ext - start_ext ) < 50 ) {
                    if( start_ext % 2 ) start_ext--;
                    if( !( end_ext % 2 ) ) end_ext++;

                    ext_count = start_ext;
                } else {
                    if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\rUsage Error :: silence start_ext end_ext | start_ext must be greater than end_ext\n\rObs : ( end_ext - start_ext ) < 50 ");

                    if( from_eth ) {
                        snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Usage Error :: silence start_ext end_ext | start_ext must be greater than end_ext\n\rObs : ( end_ext - start_ext ) < 50 ");
                        debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                        if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                            tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                        } else if( udp_query ) {
                            udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                flood_silence = true;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "debug ",6 ) ){
            if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf+6), (uint8_t*) "on",2 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\rDebug ON\n\r");
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Debug On\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_alive = true;
            if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf+6), (uint8_t*) "off",3 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\rDebug OFF\n\r");
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Debug Off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_alive = false;
            if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf+6), (uint8_t*) "show",4 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\rdsip");
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\rdebug_alive");
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\rdebug_prompt");
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\rdebug_vector");
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\rdebug_cb");
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\rdebug_main");
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\rdcks");
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\rdebug_cb_rx");
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\rdebug_cb_tx*");
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\rdebug_eth_rx*");
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\rdebug_eth_tx*");
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\rdebug_file");
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "\n\rdsip \n\rdebug_alive \n\rdebug_prompt \n\rdebug_vector \n\rdebug_cb \n\rdebug_main \n\rdcks \n\rdebug_cb_rx \n\rdebug_cb_tx* \n\rdebug_eth_rx* \n\rdebug_eth_tx* \n\rdebug_file\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dsip ", 5 ) ){
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 5 ), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rSip Debug ON\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Sip Debug On\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_sip = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 5 ), (uint8_t*) "off",3 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rSip Debug OFF\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Sip Debug Off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_sip = false;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dclock ", 7 ) ){
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 7 ), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rClock Debug ON\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Clock Debug On\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_clock = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 7 ), (uint8_t*) "off",3 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rClock Debug OFF\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Clock Debug Off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_clock = false;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dlength ", 8 ) ){
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 8 ), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rString length debug ON\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "String length debug On\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_string_length = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 8 ), (uint8_t*) "off",3 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rString length debug OFF\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "String length debug Off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_string_length = false;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dbind ", 6 ) ){
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 6 ), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rUDP Bind Debug ON\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "UDP Bind Debug On\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_bind = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 6 ), (uint8_t*) "off",3 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rUDP Bind Debug OFF\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "UDP Bind Debug Off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_bind = false;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dresetrtp ", 10 ) ) {
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 10 ), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rReset RTP Debug ON\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Reset RTP Debug On\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_reset_rtp = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 10 ), (uint8_t*) "off",3 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rReset RTP Debug OFF\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Reset RTP Debug Off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_reset_rtp = false;
                else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "duart ", 6 ) ) {
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 6 ), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rEnable UART3 usage\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Enable UART3 usage\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_uart3 = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 6 ), (uint8_t*) "off",3 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rDisable UART3 usage\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Disable UART3 usage\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_uart3 = false;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dprint ", 7 ) ){
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 7 ), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 ) ){
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 ) pc.printf( "\n\rDebug print On\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ){
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Debug print On\n\r" );
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                print_values = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 7 ), (uint8_t*) "off",3 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 ) pc.printf( "\n\rDebug print Off\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ){
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Debug print Off\n\r" );
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                print_values = false;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dmissed ", 8 ) ) {
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 8 ), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rDebug Missed ON\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Debug Missed ON\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_missed = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 8 ), (uint8_t*) "off", 3 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rDebug Missed Off\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Debug Missed Off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_missed = false;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dreconnect ", 11 ) ) {
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 11 ), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rReconnecet Debug ON\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Reconnecet Debug On\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_reconnect = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 11 ), (uint8_t*) "off", 3 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rReconnecet Debug OFF\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Reconnecet Debug Off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_reconnect = false;
                else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dmatch ", 7 ) ) {
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 7 ), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rPort Match Debug ON\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Port Match Debug On\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_port_match = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 7 ), (uint8_t*) "off",3 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rPort Match Debug OFF\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Port Match Debug Off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_port_match = false;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dmuted ", 7 ) ) {
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 7 ), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rMuted Debug ON\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Muted Debug On\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_muted = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 7 ), (uint8_t*) "off",3 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rMuted Debug OFF\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Muted Debug Off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_muted = false;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dwdt ", 5 ) ) {
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 5 ), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rWdt Debug ON\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Wdt Debug On\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                wdt_show = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 5 ), (uint8_t*) "off",3 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rWdt Debug OFF\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Wdt Debug Off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                wdt_show = false;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "drefresh ", 9 ) ) {
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 9 ), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rRefresh Debug ON\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Refresh Debug On\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_refresh= true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 9 ), (uint8_t*) "off",3 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rRefresh Debug OFF\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Refresh Debug Off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_refresh = false;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dping ", 6 ) ) {
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 6 ), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rPing Debug ON\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Ping Debug On\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_ping = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 6 ), (uint8_t*) "off",3 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rPing Debug OFF\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Ping Debug Off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_ping= false;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dwu ", 4 ) ) {
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 4 ), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rWake Up Debug ON\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Wake Up Debug On\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_wake = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 4 ), (uint8_t*) "off",3 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rWake Up Debug OFF\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Wake Up Debug Off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_wake = false;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "tcp_alive ", 10 ) ) {
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 10 ), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rTCP don't drop mode on\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "TCP don't drop mode on\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                tcp_alive = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 10 ), (uint8_t*) "off",3 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rTCP don't drop mode off\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "TCP don't drop mode off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                tcp_alive = false;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "daging ",7 ) ) {
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 7 ), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rAging Debug ON\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Aging Debug On\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_aging = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 7 ), (uint8_t*) "off",3 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rAging Debug OFF\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Aging Debug Off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_aging = false;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dcpld ", 6 ) ) {
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 6 ), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rDCPLD Debug ON\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "DCPLD Debug On\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_cpld = true;
                debug_cb_rx = true;
                debug_cb_tx = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 6 ), (uint8_t*) "off",3 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rDCPLD Debug OFF\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "DCPLD Debug Off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_cpld = false;
                debug_cb_rx = false;
                debug_cb_tx = false;
         else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dshowcpld ", 10 ) ) {
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 10 ), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rDCPLD Show Debug ON\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "DCPLD Show Debug On\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_show_cpld = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 10 ), (uint8_t*) "off",3 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rDCPLD Show Debug OFF\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "DCPLD Show Debug Off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_show_cpld = false;

        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dcks_err ", 9 ) ){
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 9 ), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rCKS_ERR Debug ON\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "CKS_ERR Debug On\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_cks_err = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 9 ), (uint8_t*) "off", 3 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rCKS_ERR Debug OFF\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "CKS_ERR Debug off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_cks_err = false;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dinvite ", 8 ) ){
            if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 8 ), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rInvite Debug ON\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Invite Debug On\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_invite = true;
            if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 8 ), (uint8_t*) "off",3 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rInvite Debug OFF\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Invite Debug Off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_invite = 0;
       else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dparallel ", 10 ) ) {
            if( xmemmatch( ( uint8_t * )( debug_buf + 10 ), ( uint8_t * )"on", 2 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rParallel Write Debug ON\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "\n\rParallel Write Debug ON\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                dparallel = true;
            if( xmemmatch( ( uint8_t * )( debug_buf + 10 ), ( uint8_t *)"off", 3 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rParallel Write Debug OFF\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "\n\rParallel Write Debug Off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                dparallel = false;
                else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dtelos ", 7 ) ) {
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)( debug_buf + 7 ), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rTelemetry Debug ON\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "\n\rTelemetry Debug On\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_telemetry = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 7 ), (uint8_t*) "off", 3 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "\n\rTelemetry Debug OFF\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "\n\rTelemetry Debug Off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_telemetry = false;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dcks ", 5 ) ){
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 5 ), (uint8_t*) "on",2 ) ){
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 ) pc.printf( "\n\rCKS Debug ON\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ){
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "CKS Debug On\n\r" );
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                debug_cks = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)(debug_buf + 5 ), (uint8_t*) "off",3 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 ) pc.printf( "\n\rCKS Debug OFF\n\r" );
                if( from_eth ){
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "CKS Debug Off\n\r" );
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                debug_cks = false;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "pcb ", 4 )) {
            miss_match = false;
            int ext,port;
            char *split, *ref, *cmd;

            ref = debug_buf;

            strcat( debug_buf, "\r" );

            split = strtok( debug_buf + 4, " " );
            ext = atoi( split );

            port = convert_ext_to_port( ext );
            split += strlen( split ) + 1;
            cmd = split;

            promptcb_last_ext = ext;
            promptcb_last_port = port;

            strcpy( promptcb_last_cmd, cmd );

            for( register int i = strlen( cmd ); i < DEBUGBUFSIZE; i++ ) cmd[ i ] = 0;

            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\r\next=%d port=%d cmd=%s", ext, port, cmd );
            send2callboxes( build_cb_package( ext, port, PROMPT, cmd, id_msg++, CB_BUFFER_SIZE - VZ_HEADER_OFFSET, write_buffer ) );
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\rComando enviado");

            if( from_eth ) {
                char eth_msg[ 512 ];
                snprintf( eth_msg, 512 - 1, "\r\next=%d port=%d cmd=%s\r\nComando enviado\n\r> ", ext, port, cmd );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                    tcp_client.send_all( eth_msg, strlen( eth_msg ) );
                } else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( eth_msg );

            debug_buf = ref;
            bufptr = 0;
            for( register int i = 0; i < DEBUGBUFSIZE; i++ ) debug_buf[ i ] = 0;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "bye ", 4 ) ){
            miss_match = false;
            int ext,port;
            char *split, *ref;
            uint8_t write_buffer[ 300 ], data[ 300 ];
            ref = debug_buf;
            strcat( debug_buf, "\r\r\r\n" );
            split = strtok( debug_buf + 4, " " );
            ext = atoi( split );
            port = convert_ext_to_port( ext );
            if( debug_uart3 ) pc.printf("\r\next=%d port=%d request bye", ext, port );
            send2callboxes( build_cb_package( ext, port, CB_BYE, (char * )data, 0x20, CB_BUFFER_SIZE - VZ_HEADER_OFFSET, write_buffer ) );
            if( debug_uart3 ) pc.printf("\n\rBye enviado");
            if( from_eth ){
                char eth_msg[ 512 ];
                snprintf( eth_msg, 512 - 1, "\r\next=%d port=%d request bye\n\r", ext, port );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                    tcp_client.send_all( eth_msg, strlen( eth_msg ) );
                } else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( eth_msg );
            debug_buf = ref;
            bufptr = 0;
            for( register int i = 0; i < DEBUGBUFSIZE; i++ ) debug_buf[ i ] = 0;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "pcc ", 4 )) {
            miss_match = false;
            int ext,port;
            char *split, *ref, *cmd;

            ref = debug_buf;

            strcat( debug_buf, "\r" );

            split = strtok( debug_buf + 4, " " );
            ext = atoi( split );

            split += strlen( split ) + 1;
            split = strtok( NULL, " " );
            port = atoi( split );

            split += strlen( split ) + 1;
            cmd = split;

            promptcb_last_ext = ext;
            promptcb_last_port = port;

            strcpy( promptcb_last_cmd, cmd );

            for( register int i = strlen( cmd ); i < DEBUGBUFSIZE; i++ ) cmd[ i ] = 0;

            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\r\next=%d port=%d cmd=%s", ext, port, cmd );
            send2callboxes( build_cb_package( ext, port, PROMPT, cmd, id_msg++, CB_BUFFER_SIZE - VZ_HEADER_OFFSET, write_buffer ) );
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\rComando enviado");

            if( from_eth ) {
                char eth_msg[ 512 ];
                snprintf( eth_msg, 512 - 1, "\r\next=%d port=%d cmd=%s\r\nComando enviado\n\r", ext, port, cmd );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                    tcp_client.send_all( eth_msg, strlen( eth_msg ) );
                } else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( eth_msg );

            debug_buf = ref;
            bufptr = 0;
            for( register int i = 0; i < DEBUGBUFSIZE; i++ ) debug_buf[ i ] = 0;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "print_cb ", 9 )) {
            miss_match = false;
            char *split;
            split = strtok( debug_buf + 9, " " );
            if( 0 == ( strcasecmp( split, "all" ) ) )
                print_cb_all = true;
                print_cb_var = true;
                print_this_cb = atoi( split );
            bufptr = 0;
            for( register int i = 0; i < DEBUGBUFSIZE; i++ ) debug_buf[ i ] = 0;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "drop_ack ", 9 )) {
            miss_match = false;
            char *split;
            split = strtok( debug_buf + 9, " " );
            drop_this_amount_of_ack_to_ast = atoi( split );
            send_msg("Will be droped %d acks", drop_this_amount_of_ack_to_ast );
            bufptr = 0;
            for( register int i = 0; i < DEBUGBUFSIZE; i++ ) debug_buf[ i ] = 0;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "frtp ", 5 )) {
            miss_match = false;
            char *split;
            split = strtok( debug_buf + 5, " " );
            frtp = true;
            frtp_target = atoi( split );
            bufptr = 0;
            for( register int i = 0; i < DEBUGBUFSIZE; i++ ) debug_buf[ i ] = 0;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "rrtp ", 5 )) {
            miss_match = false;
            char *split;
            split = strtok( debug_buf + 5, " " );
            rescue_rtp = true;
            rescue_rtp_target = atoi( split );
            split += strlen( split ) + 1;
            split = strtok( NULL, " " );
            rescue_rtp_value = atoi( split );
            bufptr = 0;
            for( register uint16_t i = 0; i < DEBUGBUFSIZE; i++ ) debug_buf[ i ] = 0;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "print_hex_cb ", 13 )) {
            miss_match = false;
            char *split;
            split = strtok( debug_buf + 13, " " );
            if( 0 == ( strcasecmp( split, "all" ) ) )
                print_hex_cb_all = true;
                print_hex_cb_var = true;
                print_hex_this_cb = atoi( split );
            bufptr = 0;
            for( register uint16_t i = 0; i < DEBUGBUFSIZE; i++ ) debug_buf[ i ] = 0;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "print_sip ", 10 )) {
            miss_match = false;
            char *split;
            split = strtok( debug_buf + 10, " " );
            if( 0 == ( strcasecmp( split, "all" ) ) )
                print_sip_all = true;
                print_sip_var = true;
                print_this_sip = atoi( split );
            bufptr = 0;
            for( register uint16_t i = 0; i < DEBUGBUFSIZE; i++ ) debug_buf[ i ] = 0;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "print_hex_sip ", 14 )) {
            miss_match = false;
            char *split;
            split = strtok( debug_buf + 14, " " );
            if( 0 == ( strcasecmp( split, "all" ) ) )
                print_hex_sip_all = true;
                print_hex_sip_var = true;
                print_hex_this_sip = atoi( split );
            bufptr = 0;
            for( register uint16_t i = 0; i < DEBUGBUFSIZE; i++ ) debug_buf[ i ] = 0;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "print_call ", 11 ) ) 
            miss_match = false;
            char *split;
            split = strtok( debug_buf + 11, " " );
            if( 0 == ( strcasecmp( split, "all" ) ) )
                print_call_all = true;
                print_call_var = true;
                print_this_call = atoi( split );
            bufptr = 0;
            for( register uint16_t i = 0; i < DEBUGBUFSIZE; i++ ) debug_buf[ i ] = 0;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "print_hex_call ", 15 ) ) 
            miss_match = false;
            char *split;
            split = strtok( debug_buf + 15, " " );
            if( 0 == ( strcasecmp( split, "all" ) ) )
                print_hex_call_all = true;
                print_hex_call_var = true;
                print_hex_this_call = atoi( split );
            bufptr = 0;
            for( register uint16_t i = 0; i < DEBUGBUFSIZE; i++ ) debug_buf[ i ] = 0;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "print_rtp ", 10 ) ) 
            miss_match = false;
            char *split;
            split = strtok( debug_buf + 10, " " );
            if( 0 == ( strcasecmp( split, "all" ) ) )
                print_rtp_all = true;
                print_rtp_var = true;
                print_this_rtp = atoi( split );
            bufptr = 0;
            for( register uint16_t i = 0; i < DEBUGBUFSIZE; i++ ) debug_buf[ i ] = 0;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "print_hex_rtp ", 14 ) ) 
            miss_match = false;
            char *split;
            split = strtok( debug_buf + 14, " " );
            if( 0 == ( strcasecmp( split, "all" ) ) )
                print_hex_rtp_all = true;
                print_hex_rtp_var = true;
                print_hex_this_rtp = atoi( split );
            bufptr = 0;
            for( register uint16_t i = 0; i < DEBUGBUFSIZE; i++ ) debug_buf[ i ] = 0;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "log ", 4 )) {
            miss_match = false;
            char * split = strtok( debug_buf + 4, " " );
                print_cb_var = true;
                print_this_cb = atoi( split );
                print_sip_var = true;
                print_this_sip = print_this_cb;
                print_call_var = true;
                print_this_call = print_this_cb;
                print_rtp_var = true;
                print_this_rtp = print_this_cb;
            bufptr = 0;
            for( register uint16_t i = 0; i < DEBUGBUFSIZE; i++ ) debug_buf[ i ] = 0;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "rush ", 5 )) {
            miss_match = false;
            int ext,port;
            char *split, *ref, cmd[ 32 ];

            ref = debug_buf;

            strcat( debug_buf, "\r" );

            split = strtok( debug_buf + 5, " " );
            ext = atoi( split );

            split += strlen( split ) + 1;
            split = strtok( NULL, " " );
            port = atoi( split );

            strcpy( cmd, "ping\r\n" );

            promptcb_last_ext = ext;
            promptcb_last_port = port;

            strcpy( promptcb_last_cmd, cmd );
            strcat( cmd, "\r\r\r\n" );

            for( register uint8_t i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\r\next=%d port=%d cmd=%s", ext, port, cmd );
                send2callboxes( build_cb_package( ext, port, PROMPT, cmd, id_msg++, CB_BUFFER_SIZE - VZ_HEADER_OFFSET, write_buffer ) );
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\rComando enviado");

                if( from_eth ) {
                    char eth_msg[ 512 ];
                    snprintf( eth_msg, 512 - 1, "\r\next=%d port=%d cmd=%s\r\nComando enviado\n\r", ext, port, cmd );
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( eth_msg, strlen( eth_msg ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( eth_msg );

            debug_buf = ref;
            bufptr = 0;
            for( register int i = 0; i < DEBUGBUFSIZE; i++ ) debug_buf[ i ] = 0;
        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "_pcb",4 )) {
            miss_match = false;
            debug_buf[ bufptr++ ] = 0x0D;
            debug_buf[ bufptr++ ] = 0x00;

            if( debug_uart3 ) pc.printf("\r\next=%d port=%d\r\ncmd=%s\r\n",promptcb_last_ext, promptcb_last_port, debug_buf + 4 );
            send2callboxes( build_cb_package( promptcb_last_ext, promptcb_last_port, PROMPT, debug_buf + 4, id_msg++, CB_BUFFER_SIZE - VZ_HEADER_OFFSET, write_buffer ) );
            if( debug_uart3 ) pc.printf("\n\rComando enviado\n\r");

        else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "cks",3 )) {
            miss_match = false;
            pcks_s = true;

        else if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "showcb",6 )) {
            miss_match = false;
            pshowcb = true;
        else if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "debug_main ", 11 )) {
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)( debug_buf + 11 ), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\r\nDebug Main ON");
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Debug Main On\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_main = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)( debug_buf + 11 ), (uint8_t*) "off", 3 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\r\nDebug Main OFF");
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Debug Main Off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_main = 0;
                else if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dout ", 5 ) ) {
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)( debug_buf + 5 ), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\r\nOut Debug ON");
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Out Debug On\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_out_of_range = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)( debug_buf + 5 ), (uint8_t*) "off", 3 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\r\nOut Debug OFF");
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Out Debug Off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_out_of_range = false;
                else if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dboot ", 6 ) ) {
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)( debug_buf + 6 ), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\r\nBoot Debug ON");
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Boot Debug On\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_boot = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)( debug_buf + 6 ), (uint8_t*) "off", 3 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\r\nBoot Debug OFF");
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Boot Debug Off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_boot = false;
        else if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dfw ", 4 ) ) {
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)( debug_buf + 4 ), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\r\nFW Debug ON");
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "FW Debug On\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_fw = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)( debug_buf + 4 ), (uint8_t*) "off", 3 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\r\nFW Debug OFF");
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "FW Debug Off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_fw = false;
        else if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dfwp ", 5 ) ) {
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)( debug_buf + 5 ), (uint8_t*) "on", 2 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\r\nFWPrint Debug ON");
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "FWPrint Debug On\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_fw_print = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)( debug_buf + 5 ), (uint8_t*) "off", 3 ) ) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\r\nFWPrint Debug OFF");
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "FWPrint Debug Off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_fw_print = false;
        else if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "drx ", 4 )) {
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)( debug_buf + 4 ), (uint8_t*) "on",2 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\tDebug Cbx Rx ON");
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "\tDebug Cbx On Rx on\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_cb_rx = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)( debug_buf + 4 ), (uint8_t*) "off",3 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\tDebug Cbx Rx OFF");
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "\tDebug Cbx On Rx off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_cb_rx = false;
        else if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dtx ", 4 )) {
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)( debug_buf + 4 ), (uint8_t*) "on",2 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\tDebug Cbx Tx ON");
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "\tDebug Cbx Tx on\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_cb_tx = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)( debug_buf + 4 ), (uint8_t*) "off",3 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\tDebug Cbx Tx OFF");
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "\tDebug Cbx Tx off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_cb_tx = false;
        else if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "debug_file ", 11 )) {
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)( debug_buf + 11 ), (uint8_t*) "on",2 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\tDebug File ON");
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "\tDebug File On\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_file = true;
            if (xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)( debug_buf + 11 ), (uint8_t*) "off",3 )) {
                miss_match = false;
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("Debug File OFF");
                if( from_eth ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Debug File Off\n\r");
                    debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                        tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    } else if( udp_query ) {
                        udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                debug_file = false;
        else if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "help" )) {
            miss_match = false;
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\r****************************PROMPT HELP******************\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "\n\r****************************PROMPT HELP******************\n\r" );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
                    int send = udp_client.sendTo( udp_server, debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );

                    if( send != strlen( debug_buf ) ) {
                        if( debug_reconnect ) send_msg("Reconnect udp_query client");

            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("ifconfig                        - mostra o arquivo de configuracao do sistema\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "ifconfig                        - mostra o arquivo de configuracao do sistema\n\r" );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("dconfig                         - volta as configuracoes do sistema para o padrao de fabrica\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "dconfig                         - volta as configuracoes do sistema para o padrao de fabrica\n\r" );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("callme [ramal porta]            - envia o pedido de ligacao para o callbox com o ramal e porta indicada\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "callme [ramal porta]            - envia o pedido de ligacao para o callbox com o ramal e porta indicada\n\r" );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("pcb porta comando               - envia o <comando> para o cbx <ramal> e <porta> executar\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "promptcb ramal porta comando    - envia o <comando> para o cbx <ramal> e <porta> executar\n\r" );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("format                          - formata o sistema de arquivos\n\r");
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("reset                           - resta o sistema\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "reset                           - resta o sistema\n\r" );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("ipset [ip]                      - Configura o IP da cabeceira\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "ipset [ip]                      - Configura o IP da cabeceira\n\r" );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("extset [ext]                    - Configura a ext da cabeceira\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "extset [ext]                    - Configura a ext da cabeceira\n\r" );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("msipport [port]                 - Configura a porta SIP da cabeceira\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "msipport [port]                 - Configura a porta SIP da cabeceira\n\r" );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("serverip [ip]                   - Configura o ip do servidor asterisk\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "serverip [ip]                   - Configura o ip do servidor asterisk\n\r" );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("serextset [ext]                 - Configura a server ext da cabeceira\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "serextset [ext]                 - Configura a server ext da cabeceira\n\r" );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("ssport [port]                   - Configura a porta SIP do servidor asterisk\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "ssport [port]                   - Configura a porta SIP do servidor asterisk\n\r" );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("maskset [mask]                  - Configura a mascara da cabeceira\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "maskset [mask]                  - Configura a mascara da cabeceira\n\r" );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("gatewayset [gateway]            - Configura o gateway da cabeceira\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "gatewayset [gateway]            - Configura o gateway da cabeceira\n\r" );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );

            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("fw_ip                           - Configura o IP do servidor de fw\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "fw_ip                           - Configura o IP do servidor de fw\n\r" );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("fw_port                         - Configura a porta do servidor de fw\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "fw_port                         - Configura a porta do servidor de fw\n\r" );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );

            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("maxext                          - Configura o maior ramal possivel de ser registrado nesse ramo\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "maxext                          - Configura o maior ramal possivel de ser registrado nesse ramo\n\r" );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );

            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("minext                          - Configura o menor ramal possivel de ser registrado nesse ramo\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "minext                          - Configura o menor ramal possivel de ser registrado nesse ramo\n\r" );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );

            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("showcb                          - lista os Cbx registrados na header\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "showcb                          - lista os Cbx registrados na header\n\r" );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("cks                             - exibe estatisticas de check sum\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "cks                             - exibe estatisticas de check sum\n\r" );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("reset_cks                       - reseta estatisticas de check sum\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "reset_cks                       - reseta estatisticas de check sum\n\r" );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );

            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf(".                               - executa o comando anterior novamente\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, ".                               - executa o comando anterior novamente\n\r" );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("debug [on|off|show]             - seleciona debugs gerais | lista de debugs \n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "debug [on|off|show]             - seleciona debugs gerais | lista de debugs \n\r" );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("{ flood [ on | off ] | [+|-] }  - simula envio de pacotes de audio\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "{ flood [ on | off ] | [+|-] }  - simula envio de pacotes de audio\n\r");
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );

            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("silence <start_ext end_ext>     - envia comando de flood off para os ramais no intervalo end_ext - start_ext\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "silence <start_ext end_ext>     - envia comando de flood off para os ramais no intervalo end_ext - start_ext\n\r");
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );

            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("++ ext                          - Header flood on, ext flood on\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "++ ext                          - Header flood on, ext flood on\n\r");
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );

            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("-- ext                          - Header flood off, ext flood off\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "++ ext                          - Header flood on, ext flood on\n\r");
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );

            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("rx                              - Exibe ultimo pacote recebido dos CBx\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "rx                              - Exibe ultimo pacote recebido dos CBx\n\r");
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("tx                              - Exibe ultimo pacote enviado para os CBx\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "tx                              - Exibe ultimo pacote enviado para os CBx\n\r");
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("ls | status                     - Exibe uma lista ordenada por ext do CBx registrados na Header\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "ls | status                     - Exibe uma lista ordenada por ext do CBx registrados na Header\n\r");
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("types                           - Lista os types usados no protocolo de comunicacao Header -- CBx\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "types                           - Lista os types usados no protocolo de comunicacao Header -- CBx\n\r");
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("protocol                        - Exibe formato do pacote seguindo o protocolo de comunicacao Header -- CBx\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "protocol                        - Exibe formato do pacote seguindo o protocolo de comunicacao Header -- CBx\n\r");
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

                else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );

            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("PROMPT VERSION: V%d\n\r", PVERSION);
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf,PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "PROMPT VERSION: V%d\n\r", PVERSION);
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                    while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );
                } else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
            //*------------ formatando a saida ----------------*//
            strcpy( last_cmd, tmp_cmd );
            bufptr = 0;
            for( register int i = 0; i < DEBUGBUFSIZE; i++ ) debug_buf[ i ] = 0;
            if( from_eth ) {
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                    snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "> " );
                    if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );
                } else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( "> " );
       else if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "callme ", 7 )) {
            miss_match = false;
            int ext,port;
            char cmd[ 16 ];

            ext = atoi( debug_buf + 7 );
            port = convert_ext_to_port( ext );

            strcpy( cmd, ( ext % 2 ) ? "call init B" : "call init A" );

            if( ext % 2 ) ext--;

            promptcb_last_ext = ext;
            promptcb_last_port = port;

            int tmp = strlen( cmd );
            cmd[ tmp ] = 0x0D;
            cmd[ tmp + 1 ] = 0x00;
            strcpy( promptcb_last_cmd, cmd );

            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\r\next=%d port=%d\r\ncmd=%s\r\n", ext, port, cmd );

            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\r--------------------------------------------------------\n\r");
            for( uint16_t i = 0; i < strlen( cmd ) ; i++ ) if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "%02x ", cmd[ i ] );

            send2callboxes( build_cb_package( ext, port, PROMPT, cmd, id_msg++, CB_BUFFER_SIZE - VZ_HEADER_OFFSET, write_buffer ) );
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\r--------------------------------------------------------\n\r");
            for( uint16_t i = 0; i < 300 ; i++ ) {
                if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf( "%02x ", write_buffer[ i ] );
                if( i != 0 && !( ( i + 1 ) % 30 ) ) if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\r");

            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\rComando enviado\n\r");

            if( from_eth ) {
                char eth_msg[ 512 ];
                snprintf( eth_msg, 512 - 1, "\r\next=%d port=%d\r\ncmd=%s\r\n\n\rComando enviado\n\r", ext, port, cmd );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                    tcp_client.send_all( eth_msg, strlen( eth_msg ) );
                } else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( eth_msg );

            bufptr = 0;
            for( register int i = 0; i < DEBUGBUFSIZE; i++ ) debug_buf[ i ] = 0;

    if( miss_match ) {
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\r> %s: command not found\n\r", debug_buf );
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "> %s: command not found\n ", debug_buf );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                    tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                } else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
        } else {
            if( from_eth && strlen( debug_buf ) > 2 ) strcpy( last_cmd, tmp_cmd );

            else if( strlen( debug_buf ) > 2 ) strcpy( last_cmd, tmp_cmd );
    if( b == 0x0D || bufret == 1 || bufptr > DEBUGBUFSIZE ) {
        bufret = 0;

        if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.putc(0x0A);
        if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.putc(0x0D);
        if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("> ");
        if( from_eth )
            if( strlen( debug_buf ) > 0 )
                if( debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] == '\r' || debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] == '\n' ) 
                    //strcat( debug_buf, "> " );
                    strcpy( debug_buf, "> " );
                } else {
                    //strcat( debug_buf, "\n\r> " );
                    strcpy( debug_buf, "\n\r> " );
            if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) 
                tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
            } else if( udp_query ) {
                    udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
            for( register uint16_t i = 0; i < PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE; i++ ) eth_buffer[ i ] = 0;
            debug_buf = __debug_buf__;
            bufptr = last_bufptr;
            bufptr = 0;
            last_bufptr = 0;
            for( register int i = 0; i < DEBUGBUFSIZE; i++ ) debug_buf[ i ] = 0;
    return( NULL );
}//fim prompt_process

// operantion with the system config files
void files( const char type )
    // show files
    if (type == 's' ) {
        if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("Header IP " );
        if( from_eth ) {
            snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Header IP " );
            if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

            else if( udp_query ) {
                udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );


        if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("Header ext ");
        if( from_eth ) {
            snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Header ext " );
            if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

            else if( udp_query ) {
                udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );


        if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("Header port ");
        if( from_eth ) {
            snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Header port " );
            if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

            else if( udp_query ) {
                udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );


        if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("Server IP ");
        if( from_eth ) {
            snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Server IP " );
            if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

            else if( udp_query ) {
                udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );


        if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("Server ext ");
        if( from_eth ) {
            snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Server ext " );
            if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

            else if( udp_query ) {
                udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );


        if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("Server port ");
        if( from_eth ) {
            snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Server port " );
            if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

            else if( udp_query ) {
                udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );

        if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("Mascara de rede ");
        if( from_eth ) {
            snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Mascara de rede " );
            if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

            else if( udp_query ) {
                udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );

        if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("Gateway IP ");
        if( from_eth ) {
            snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Gateway IP " );
            if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

            else if( udp_query ) {
                udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );

        if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("UDP Port ");
        if( from_eth ) {
            snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "UDP Port " );
            if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

            else if( udp_query ) {
                udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );


        if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("TCP Port ");
        if( from_eth  ) {
            snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "TCP Port " );
            if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

            else if( udp_query ) {
                udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );


        if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("FW Server IP ");
        if( from_eth  ) {
            snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "FW Server IP " );
            if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

            else if( udp_query ) {
                udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );


        if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("FW Server Port ");
        if( from_eth ) {
            snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "FW Server Port " );
            if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

            else if( udp_query ) {
                udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );


        if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("Max Ext ");
        if( from_eth ) {
            snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Max Ext " );
            if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

            else if( udp_query ) {
                udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );


        if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("Min Ext ");
        if( from_eth ) {
            snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Min Ext " );
            if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

            else if( udp_query ) {
                udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );

        if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("Shift Port ");
        if( from_eth ) {
            snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Shift Port " );
            if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );

            else if( udp_query ) {
                udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );


        //*------------ formatando a saida ----------------*//
        strcpy( last_cmd, tmp_cmd );
        bufptr = 0;
        for( register int i = 0; i < DEBUGBUFSIZE; i++ ) debug_buf[ i ] = 0;

        if( from_eth ) {
            if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "> " );
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) while( !( tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) ) ) );
            } else if( udp_query ) {
                udp_query_send_msg( "> " );

    if (type == 'c' ) {
        // close all files
        if( fip ) fclose( fip );
        if( fmask ) fclose( fmask );
        if( fgate ) fclose( fgate );
        if( fport )fclose( fport );
        if( fsip ) fclose( fsip );
        if( fsport ) fclose( fsport );
        if( fext ) fclose( fext );
        if( fserext ) fclose( fserext );
        if( fudpport ) fclose( fudpport );
        if( ftcpport ) fclose( ftcpport );
        if( fmax ) fclose( fmax );
        if( fmin ) fclose( fmin );
        if( ffwip ) fclose( ffwip );
        if( ffwport) fclose( ffwport );
        if( fshift_port ) fclose ( fshift_port );
    // Check if files exist, if not create the files
    //fixme criar um bool pra cada file
    if (type == 'i' ) 
        bool exists = true;

        fip = fopen("/qspi/myip.txt", "r");
        if( fip == NULL) {
            set_ip( MY_IP );
            exists = false;
        if ( fip ) fclose ( fip );
        fip = NULL;

        fserext = fopen("/qspi/myext.txt", "r");
        if( fserext == NULL ) {
            set_header_ext( MY_EXT );
            exists = false;
        if ( fserext ) fclose ( fserext );
        fserext = NULL;

        fport = fopen("/qspi/mysipport.txt", "r");
        if (fport == NULL) {
            set_header_sip_port( MY_PORT );
            exists = false;
        if ( fport ) fclose ( fport );
        fport = NULL;

        fsip = fopen("/qspi/serverip.txt", "r");
        if (fsip == NULL) {
            set_server_ip( SERVER_IP );
            exists = false;
        if ( fsip ) fclose ( fsip );
        fsip = NULL;

        fext = fopen("/qspi/peerext.txt", "r");
        if ( fext == NULL ) {
            set_server_ext( PEER_EXT );
            exists = false;
        if ( fext ) fclose ( fext );
        fext = NULL;

        fsport = fopen("/qspi/serverport.txt", "r");
        if (fsport == NULL) {
            set_server_port( SERVER_PORT );
            exists = false;
        if ( fsport ) fclose ( fsport );
        fsport = NULL;

        fmask = fopen("/qspi/mymask.txt", "r");
        if (fmask == NULL) {
            set_mask( MY_MSK );
            exists = false;
        if ( fmask ) fclose ( fmask );
        fmask = NULL;

        fgate = fopen("/qspi/mygateway.txt", "r");
        if (fgate == NULL) {
            set_gateway( MY_GTW );
            exists = false;
        if ( fgate ) fclose ( fgate );
        fgate = NULL;

        fudpport = fopen("/qspi/udpport.txt", "r" );
        if( fudpport == NULL ) {
            set_udp_port_listener( UDP_PORT_LISTENER );
            exists = false;
        if ( fudpport ) fclose ( fudpport );
        fudpport = NULL;

        ftcpport = fopen("/qspi/tcpport.txt", "r" );
        if( ftcpport == NULL ) {
            set_tcp_port_listener( TCP_PORT_LISTENER );
            exists = false;
        if ( ftcpport ) fclose ( ftcpport );
        ftcpport = NULL;

        ffwip = fopen("/qspi/fw_ip.txt", "r" );
        if( ffwip == NULL ) {
            set_fw_ip( __FW_SERVER_IP__ );
            exists = false;
        if ( ffwip ) fclose ( ffwip );
        ffwip = NULL;

        ffwport = fopen("/qspi/fw_port.txt", "r" );
        if( ffwport == NULL ) {
            set_fw_port( __FW_SERVER_PORT__ );
            exists = false;
        if ( ffwport ) fclose ( ffwport );
        ffwport = NULL;

        fmax = fopen("/qspi/maxext.txt", "r" );
        if( fmax == NULL ) {
            set_max_ext( MAX_EXT );
            exists = false;
        if ( fmax ) fclose ( fmax );
        fmax = NULL;

        fmin = fopen("/qspi/minext.txt", "r" );
        if( fmin == NULL ) {
            if( debug_file ) debug_msg("Don't exist /qspi/minext.txt");
            set_min_ext( MIN_EXT );
            exists = false;
        if ( fmin ) fclose ( fmin );
        fmin = NULL;
        fshift_port = fopen("/qspi/shift_port.txt", "r" );
        if( fshift_port == NULL )
            if( debug_file ) debug_msg("Don't exist /qspi/shift_port.txt");
            set_shift_port( SHIFT_PORT );
            exists = false;
        if ( fshift_port ) fclose ( fshift_port );
        fshift_port = NULL;
        if( !exists ) {
            if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\rDefault configurations set!\n\r");
            if( from_eth ) {
                snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "Default configurations set!\n\r");
                debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
                if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                    tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
                    bufptr = 0;
                    for( register int i = 0; i < DEBUGBUFSIZE; i++ ) debug_buf[ i ] = 0;

    if (type == 'r' ) {
        // Just open for read
        fip = fopen("/qspi/myip.txt", "r");
        fmask = fopen("/qspi/mymask.txt", "r");
        fgate = fopen("/qspi/mygateway.txt", "r");
        fport = fopen("/qspi/mysipport.txt", "r");
        fsip = fopen("/qspi/serverip.txt", "r");
        fsport = fopen("/qspi/serverport.txt", "r");
        fext = fopen( "/qspi/myext.txt", "r" );
        fserext = fopen( "/qspi/peerext.txt", "r" );
        fudpport = fopen( "/qspi/udpport.txt", "r" );
        ftcpport = fopen( "/qspi/tcpport.txt", "r" );
        ffwip = fopen("/qspi/fw_ip.txt", "r" );
        ffwport = fopen("/qspi/fw_port.txt", "r" );
        fmax = fopen("/qspi/maxext.txt", "r" );
        fmin = fopen("/qspi/minext.txt", "r" );
        fshift_port = fopen("/qspi/shift_port.txt", "r" );

    if( type == 'w') {
        // Create and write the default configs
        set_ip( MY_IP );

        set_header_sip_port( MY_PORT );

        set_header_ext( MY_EXT );

        set_server_ip( SERVER_IP );

        set_server_ext( PEER_EXT );

        set_server_port( SERVER_PORT );

        set_mask( MY_MSK );

        set_gateway( MY_GTW );

        set_udp_port_listener( UDP_PORT_LISTENER );

        set_tcp_port_listener( TCP_PORT_LISTENER );

        set_fw_ip( __FW_SERVER_IP__ );

        set_fw_port( __FW_SERVER_PORT__ );

        set_max_ext( MAX_EXT );

        set_min_ext( MIN_EXT );
        set_shift_port( SHIFT_PORT );

        strcpy( last_cmd, tmp_cmd );

        if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\rDefault configurations set!\n\r");
        if( from_eth ) {
            snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "\n\rDefault configurations set!\n\r");
            debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
            if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
            } else if( udp_query ) {
                udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
            bufptr = 0;
            for( register int i = 0; i < DEBUGBUFSIZE; i++ ) debug_buf[ i ] = 0;

    if (type == 'e')
        //Erase configs    
        fip = fopen("/qspi/myip.txt", "w");
        fmask = fopen("/qspi/mymask.txt", "w");
        fgate = fopen("/qspi/mygateway.txt", "w");
        fport = fopen("/qspi/mysipport.txt", "w");
        fsip = fopen("/qspi/serverip.txt", "w");
        fsport = fopen("/qspi/serverport.txt", "w");
        fext = fopen( "/qspi/myext.txt", "w" );
        fserext = fopen( "/qspi/peerext.txt", "w" );
        fudpport = fopen( "/qspi/udpport.txt", "w" );
        ftcpport = fopen( "/qspi/tcpport.txt", "w" );
        ffwip = fopen("/qspi/fw_ip.txt", "w" );
        ffwport = fopen("/qspi/fw_port.txt", "w" );
        fmax = fopen("/qspi/maxext.txt", "w" );
        fmin = fopen("/qspi/minext.txt", "w" );
        fshift_port = fopen("/qspi/shift_port.txt", "w" );

        if( fip ) fprintf( fip, "%s\n\r", ""  );
        if( fport ) fprintf( fport, "%i\n\r", 0 );
        if( fext ) fprintf( fext, "%i\n\r", 0 );

        if( fsip ) fprintf( fsip, "%s\n\r", ""  );
        if( fserext ) fprintf( fserext, "%i\n\r", 0 );
        if( fsport ) fprintf( fsport, "%i\n\r", 0 );

        if( fmask ) fprintf( fmask, "%s\n\r","" );
        if( fgate ) fprintf( fgate, "%s\n\r", "" );

        if( fudpport ) fprintf( fudpport, "%i\n\r", 0 );
        if( ftcpport ) fprintf( ftcpport, "%i\n\r", 0 );

        if( ffwip ) fprintf( ffwip, "%s\n\r","" );
        if( ffwport ) fprintf( ffwport, "%i\n\r",0 );

        if( fmax ) fprintf( fmax, "%i\n\r", 0 );
        if( fmin ) fprintf( fmin, "%i\n\r", 0 );
        if( fshift_port ) fprintf( fshift_port, "%i\n\r", 0 );


        if( debug_uart3 && !( from_eth ) ) pc.printf("\n\rErased configurations set!\n\r");
        if( from_eth ) {
            snprintf( debug_buf, PROMPT_ETH_BUFFER_SIZE, "\n\rErased configurations set!\n\r");
            debug_buf[ strlen( debug_buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
            if( tcp_session && !udp_query ) {
                tcp_client.send_all( debug_buf, strlen( debug_buf ) );
            } else if( udp_query ) {
                udp_query_send_msg( debug_buf );
            bufptr = 0;
            for( register int i = 0; i < DEBUGBUFSIZE; i++ ) debug_buf[ i ] = 0;

int init_fsystem(){
    //  init file system and check if files exist
    int return_value = 0;
    if (!qspifs.isformatted()) {
        return_value |= BIT0;
    // check if the files are created
    return ( return_value |= BIT1 );