Solution to the deadlock problem

Fork of Task617Solution-mbedos54 by Nicholas Outram

--- a/main.cpp	Wed Mar 09 10:12:51 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Mar 09 17:18:55 2016 +0000
@@ -4,74 +4,7 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <ctype.h>
-#define RED_DONE 1
-#define YELLOW_DONE 2
-//Delays in ms
-#define TUNIT 250
-#define TDOT  TUNIT
-#define TDASH (3*TUNIT)
-#define TGAP TUNIT
-#define TLETTER (3*TUNIT)
-#define TWORD (7*TUNIT)
-//Size of the morse character buffer
-#define BUFFERSIZE 100
-**** Morse Code ***
-.               1 unit
--               3 units
-inter-space     1 unit
-between letters 3 units
-between words   7 units
-//Morse code
-const char* const morseAlpha[] = {
-    ".-",   //A
-    "-...", //B
-    "-.-.", //C
-    "-..",  //D
-    ".",    //E
-    "..-.", //F
-    "--.",  //G
-    "....", //H
-    "..",   //I
-    ".---", //J
-    "-.-",  //K
-    ".-..", //L
-    "--",   //M
-    "-.",   //N
-    "---",  //O
-    ".--.", //P
-    "--.-", //Q
-    ".-.",  //R
-    "...",  //S
-    "-",    //T
-    "..-",  //U
-    "...-", //V
-    ".--",  //W
-    "-..-", //X
-    "-.--", //Y
-    "--.."  //Z
-const char* const morseNumeric[] = {
-    "-----",    //0
-    ".----",    //1
-    "..---",    //2
-    "...--",    //3
-    "....-",    //4
-    ".....",    //5
-    "-....",    //6
-    "--...",    //7
-    "---..",    //8
-    "----."     //9    
+#define DELAY 200
 //Digital outputs
 DigitalOut onBoardLED(LED1);
@@ -91,144 +24,83 @@
 osThreadId tidMain;
 //Thread sychronisation primatives
-Semaphore *spaceAvailable;
-Semaphore *samplesInBuffer;
-Mutex *bufferLock;
-//Output buffer
-char buffer[BUFFERSIZE];
-unsigned int newestIndex = BUFFERSIZE-1;    //First time it is incremented, it will be 0
-unsigned int oldestIndex = BUFFERSIZE-1;          
+Mutex lock1;
+Mutex lock2;
+unsigned long sw1Count = 0;
+unsigned long sw2Count = 0;
-void addCharacterToQueue(const char c)
-    //Is there space?
-    int32_t Nspaces = spaceAvailable->wait();
-    //Ok, there is space - take the lock
-    bufferLock->lock();
-    redLED = 1;       
+void thread1( const void* arg ) 
+    pc.printf("Entering thread 1\n");
+    while (true) {
+        //Start critical section
+        lock1.lock();
+        sw1Count++;
+        printf("\nCount1 = %lu", sw1Count);
+        //Thread::wait(1); //1ms
-    //Update buffer
-    newestIndex = (newestIndex+1) % BUFFERSIZE;  
-    buffer[newestIndex] = c;
-    pc.printf("\tAdded ASCII Character: %2Xh (%c) to buffer, %d spaces available\n", c, c, Nspaces-1);
-    //Release lock
-    bufferLock->unlock();
-    redLED = 0;
-    //Signal that a sample has been added
-    samplesInBuffer->release();
+        if (SW1 == 1) {
+            yellowLED = 1;
+            lock2.lock();
+            sw2Count--;
+            lock2.unlock();  
+            yellowLED = 0; 
+        }
+        //End critical section
+        lock1.unlock();
+        Thread::wait(DELAY);       
+    }
-char takeCharacterFromQueue()
-    //Are thre any samples in the buffer
-    int32_t Nsamples = samplesInBuffer->wait();
-    //Ok, there are samples - take the lock
-    bufferLock->lock();   
-    yellowLED = 1;
-    //Update buffer - remove oldest
-    oldestIndex = (oldestIndex+1) % BUFFERSIZE;
-    char cc = buffer[oldestIndex];
-    pc.printf("\t\tTaking ASCII Character: %2Xh (%c) from buffer, %d bytes remaining\n", cc, cc, Nsamples-1);
-    //Release lock
-    bufferLock->unlock();
-    yellowLED = 0;
-    //Signal there is space in the buffer
-    spaceAvailable->release();
-    //return a copy of the result
-    return cc;
-void morseGenerator( const void* arg ) 
+void thread2( const void* arg ) 
+    pc.printf("Entering thread 2\n");  
     while (true) {
-        //Are there samples available?
-        char nextChar = takeCharacterFromQueue();  
-        nextChar = tolower(nextChar);
-        //Look up morse code
-        //Space between words - assumes only one
-        if (nextChar == ' ') {
-            Thread::wait(TWORD-TLETTER);
-            continue;   
-        }
+        //Start critical section
+        lock2.lock();
-        //Number?
-        const char *nextString;
-        if ((nextChar >= '0') && (nextChar <= '9')) {
-            nextString = morseNumeric[nextChar - '0'];   
-        }
-        //Character?
-        else if ((nextChar >='a') && (nextChar <= 'z')) {
-            nextString = morseAlpha[nextChar - 'a'];   
-        } else {
-            //Invalid
-            continue;   
-        }
+        sw2Count++;
+        printf("\nCount2 = %lu", sw2Count);
+        //Thread::wait(1);  //1ms
-        //Flash morse for this letter
-        for (unsigned int n=0; n<strlen(nextString); n++) {
-            char symb = nextString[n];
-            greenLED = 1;
-            switch (symb) {
-                case '.':
-                    Thread::wait(TDOT);
-                    break;
-                case '-':
-                    Thread::wait(TDASH);
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    break;  
-            }
-            greenLED = 0;
-            //A gap between symbols
-            Thread::wait(TGAP);    
-        } 
+        if (SW2 == 1) {
+            redLED = 1; 
+            lock1.lock();
+            sw1Count--;
+            lock1.unlock();  
+            redLED = 0;
+        }  
+        //End critical section
+        lock2.unlock();
-        //Gap between letters
-        Thread::wait(TLETTER-TGAP);
-    }      
+        Thread::wait(DELAY); 
+    } 
 //Main thread
 int main() {
     redLED    = 0;
     yellowLED = 0;
     greenLED  = 0;
-    //Semaphores
-    bufferLock = new Mutex();
-    spaceAvailable = new Semaphore(BUFFERSIZE);
-    samplesInBuffer = new Semaphore(0);
     //Main thread ID
     tidMain = Thread::gettid();  
-    //Thread for outputting mors
-    Thread writer(morseGenerator);
+    //Threads
+    Thread t1(thread1);
+    Thread t2(thread2);
-    pc.printf("Type characters to send\n");
+    pc.printf("Main Thread\n");
     while (true) {
-        //Read keyboard (serial port)
-        char c = pc.getc();
-        addCharacterToQueue(c);
+        Thread::wait(osWaitForever);