Example code for the UKESF Headstart robotics lab; code to make the PsiSwarm robot move forward and turn.

Dependencies:   PsiSwarm-Headstart mbed

Fork of PsiSwarm_V41 by James Hilder

--- a/BeautifulMeme/beacon.cpp	Tue Mar 15 00:58:43 2016 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
-/// PsiSwarm Beautiful Meme Project Source Code
-/// Version 0.41
-/// James Hilder, Alan Millard, Homero Elizondo, Jon Timmis
-/// University of York
-// beacon.cpp - Functions for detecting the beacon and taking IR readings of the robots
-#include "bmeme.h"
-int pulse_step = 1;                     //Pulse-step corresponds to which timeslot (0-9) is currently active, where beacon=0 and robots=2-8
-int low_threshold;                      //Set to be 2x mean background IR
-int beacon_threshold;                   //Set to be 4x mean background IR
-unsigned short ir_sensor_data[9][8];    // The raw sensor data from all 9x 50ms sample windows
-Ticker ir_sample_ticker;                // Ticker for the IR data sampling and processing; runs every 50ms in middle of timeslot
-Ticker ir_emitter_ticker;               // Ticker for turning on the IR emitters; runs every 50ms near start of timeslot
-Timeout ir_emitter_timeout;             // Timeout for turning off the IR emitters after 40ms
-Timer beacon_debug_timer;               // Timer for debug information only [remove later?]
-char show_ir_debug_info = 0;            // Set to 1 to display (via PC) the list of IR readings & visible robots every timestep
-/// The locate beacon function samples the IR radiation from all 8 side sensors over a period of 1 second in [BEACON_PERIOD / 2.5] (20ms) blocks.
-/// The infrared beacon is set to give a 50ms burst of IR every 500ms.  We should thus see in the sampled radiation 2 blocks
-/// of samples, 2 or 3 samples in duration, when a significant peak occurs; the blocks should be 25 samples apart.
-void locate_beacon()
-    int sample_period = (BEACON_PERIOD * 2) / 5;
-    out("1) Searching for IR beacon...");
-    unsigned short samples[50][9];
-    Timer beacon_timer;
-    beacon_timer.start();
-    int offset = 0;
-    //This loop samples the background IR values at 50Hz for 1 second and stores in an array
-    for(int i=0; i<50; i++) {
-        store_background_raw_ir_values ();
-        if(i%2 == 0){
-            set_center_led(1, 0.5);
-            set_leds(0xAA,0x55);
-        }else{
-            set_center_led(2, 0.5);
-            set_leds(0x55,0xAA);
-        }
-        samples[i][8]=0;
-        for(int j=0; j<8; j++) {
-            samples[i][j] = get_background_raw_ir_value(j);
-            samples[i][8] += get_background_raw_ir_value(j);
-        }
-        offset+=sample_period;
-        while(beacon_timer.read_us() < offset) {}
-    }
-    //Print values: for testing [comment out]
-    /*
-    for(int i=0; i<50; i++) {
-        out("IR %d:",i);
-        for(int j=0; j<8; j++) {
-            out("[%d:%d]",j,samples[i][j]);
-        }
-        out("  [SUM:%d]\n",samples[i][8]);
-    }
-    */
-    //Bubble sort sums to find (6) highest values
-    unsigned short sorted_array[50];
-    for(int i=0; i<50; i++) {
-        sorted_array[i]=samples[i][8];
-    }
-    for (int c = 0 ; c < 49; c++) {
-        for (int d = 0 ; d < (50-c-1); d++) {
-            if (sorted_array[d] > sorted_array[d+1]) {
-                unsigned short swap = sorted_array[d];
-                sorted_array[d] = sorted_array[d+1];
-                sorted_array[d+1] = swap;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    //Print sorted values: for testing [comment out]
-    /*
-    out("Sorted values:");
-    for (int c = 0 ; c < 50 ; c++ ) {
-        out("%d", sorted_array[c]);
-        if(c<49)out(",");
-    }
-    out("\n");
-    */
-    // Calculate mean background sum value by looking at 44 lowest sum values
-    int background_mean = 0;
-    for(int i=0;i<44;i++)background_mean += sorted_array[i];
-    background_mean /= 44;
-    //out("Background mean value: %d\n",background_mean);
-    //Our beacon threshold will be 4x the background mean value; find all instances where this occurs
-    low_threshold = background_mean * 2;
-    beacon_threshold = background_mean * 4;
-    char beacon_detected_indices[50];
-    for(int i=0;i<50;i++){
-        if(samples[i][8] > beacon_threshold) beacon_detected_indices[i]=1;
-        else beacon_detected_indices[i]=0;
-    }
-    //Count and display matches
-    int beacon_detected_count = 0;
-    //char output_string[251] = "";
-    for(int i=0;i<50;i++){
-        if(beacon_detected_indices[i] == 1){
-            beacon_detected_count++;
-           // char index_string[6];
-           // sprintf(index_string,"[%d],",i);   
-           // strcat(output_string,index_string);
-        }
-    }
-    //out("%d samples are above threshold:%s\n",beacon_detected_count,output_string);
-    //We will use this array to store average values for each sensor when the beacon is detected
-    unsigned short beacon_averages[8];
-    char beacon_averages_count = 0;
-    for(int i=0;i<8;i++)beacon_averages[i]=0;
-    //Now determine if the beacon is correctly found: must adhere to a set of rules
-    //Firstly, we should have not less than 4 and not more than 6 positive matches 
-    if(beacon_detected_count>3 && beacon_detected_count<7){
-        // Now verify that the positive samples are in valid places...
-        // Find first positive sample
-        int first_index = 0;
-        //out("Here\n",first_index);
-        while(beacon_detected_indices[first_index]==0)first_index ++;
-        //out("First index:%d\n",first_index);
-        // Check if first index is zero: if so, we need to check index 49 (and 48) to see if they are also high
-        if(first_index == 0){
-            if(beacon_detected_indices[49]>0)first_index = 49;
-            if(beacon_detected_indices[48]>0)first_index = 48;   
-        }
-        beacon_averages_count++;
-        for(int i=0;i<8;i++){beacon_averages[i]+=samples[first_index][i];}
-        // Now count the length of the 'block' of positive hits: must be equal to 2 or 3
-        char block_length = 1;
-        int end_index = first_index + 1;
-        if(end_index == 50) end_index = 0;
-        while(beacon_detected_indices[end_index]>0){
-            beacon_averages_count++;
-            for(int i=0;i<8;i++){beacon_averages[i]+=samples[end_index][i];}
-            block_length ++;
-            end_index ++;
-            if(end_index == 50) end_index = 0;   
-        }
-        if(block_length==2 || block_length == 3){
-            //We have found the first correct block and it is valid; now calculate its mid-point and check that the second block is also present 500ms later
-            float mid_point;
-            char second_block_okay = 0;
-            if(block_length == 2){
-                mid_point = first_index + 0.5;
-                char second_block_low = first_index + 25;
-                char second_block_high = first_index + 26;
-                if(second_block_low > 49) second_block_low -= 50;
-                if(second_block_high > 49) second_block_high -= 50;
-                beacon_averages_count+=2;
-                for(int i=0;i<8;i++){beacon_averages[i]+=samples[second_block_low][i]+samples[second_block_high][i];}
-                if(beacon_detected_indices[second_block_low]>0 && beacon_detected_indices[second_block_high]>0) second_block_okay = 1;
-            }
-            if(block_length == 3){
-                mid_point = first_index + 1;
-                if(mid_point == 50) mid_point = 0;
-                char second_block_single = first_index + 26;
-                if(second_block_single > 49) second_block_single -= 50;
-                beacon_averages_count++;
-                for(int i=0;i<8;i++){beacon_averages[i]+=samples[second_block_single][i];}
-                if(beacon_detected_indices[second_block_single]>0) second_block_okay = 1;
-            }   
-            if(second_block_okay >0){
-                beacon_found = 1;
-                beacon_heading = get_bearing_from_ir_array(beacon_averages);
-                out("Found at %d degrees\n",beacon_heading);
-                //for(int i=0;i<8;i++){
-                //    beacon_averages[i] /= beacon_averages_count;
-                //    out("[%d]",beacon_averages[i]);   
-                //}
-                out("2) Synchronising...\n");
-                // Calculate the offset to the expected start of the next beacon pulse
-                int microseconds_offset = (sample_period * mid_point) - sample_period - (sample_period / 4);
-                //out("MS Offset:%d Midpoint:%f\n Current Time:%d\n",microseconds_offset,mid_point,beacon_timer.read_us());
-                int cycle_period = (BEACON_PERIOD * 10);
-                if(microseconds_offset < 0) microseconds_offset += cycle_period;
-                //If we have missed the start of the beacon this cycle, wait until the next cycle
-                while(beacon_timer.read_us()% (cycle_period) > microseconds_offset){};
-                //Now wait until the start of the beacon pulse
-                while(beacon_timer.read_us()% (cycle_period) < microseconds_offset){};
-                /*
-                out("Now:%d",beacon_timer.read_us());
-                Timer test_timer;
-                test_timer.start();
-                for(int i=0;i<50;i++){
-                    store_background_raw_ir_values ();
-                    out("Time %d: %d\n",test_timer.read_ms(),get_background_raw_ir_value(2));
-                    while(test_timer.read_ms() % 10 < 9){};
-                }
-                */
-            }else{
-                beacon_found = 0;
-                out("Beacon not found: a matching second block %dms after first block not detected\n",(BEACON_PERIOD / 100));   
-            }
-        }else{
-            beacon_found = 0;
-            if(block_length == 1) out("Beacon not found: a single sample [%d] was high but not its neighbours\n",first_index);
-            if(block_length > 3) out("Beacon not found: a block of %d high samples was detected\n",block_length);   
-        }
-    } else {
-        beacon_found = 0;
-        if(beacon_detected_count > 6) out("Beacon not found: too many high samples [%d]\n",beacon_detected_count);
-        else out("Beacon not found: too few high samples [%d]\n",beacon_detected_count);
-    }
-    if(beacon_found == 0){
-        set_leds(0x00,0x00);
-        set_center_led(1, 1);
-        display.clear_display();
-        display.set_position(0,0);
-        display.write_string("BEACON NOT FOUND");   
-    }
-// The start_infrared_timers() function is called as soon as the beacon has been detected and synchronised to
-// It launches 2 tickers at offset times; the first is responsible for turning the robots IR emitters on in its proper timeslot
-// The other reads the values given from the IR sensor in the middle of each timeslot and processes that information in the final timeslot  
-void start_infrared_timers()
-    // At this point we should be exactly at the start of a beacon cycle.
-    // We want the emitter ticker to start in approx 5ms (this will let us set a 40ms pulse)
-    // We want the sample ticker to start in approx 25ms (this will let us sample in the middle each step
-    out("3) Starting TDMA infrared timers\n");
-    beacon_debug_timer.start();
-    wait_us(BEACON_PERIOD / 10);  
-    ir_emitter_ticker.attach_us(emitter_ticker_block,BEACON_PERIOD);
-    wait_us(((BEACON_PERIOD * 4) / 10)); //Wait for middle of pulse
-    ir_sample_ticker.attach_us(sample_ticker_block,BEACON_PERIOD);
-//Return the max value in IR array
-unsigned short get_highest_sample(unsigned short * ir_array){
-    unsigned short highest = 0;
-    for(int i=0;i<8;i++){
-        if(ir_array[i]>highest) highest=ir_array[i];
-    }   
-    return highest;
-//Return the sum total of IR array
-unsigned short get_sum_sample(unsigned short * ir_array){
-    unsigned short sum = 0;
-    for(int i=0;i<8;i++){
-        sum+=ir_array[i];
-    }   
-    return sum;  
-//The emitter_ticker_block function runs every 50ms and turns the IR emitters on when pulse_step-1 matches the robot ID
-//It then starts a timeout to run emitter_timeout_block after 40ms, which turns off the emitters
-void emitter_ticker_block(){
-    //If the time-step (-1) equals my ID, turn on my emitters for 40ms
-    if(pulse_step-1 == robot_id && disable_ir_emitters == 0){
-        IF_set_IR_emitter_output(0, 1);
-        IF_set_IR_emitter_output(1, 1);
-        ir_emitter_timeout.attach_us(emitter_timeout_block,(BEACON_PERIOD * 8)/10);
-    }  
-//Turn off the emitters
-void emitter_timeout_block(){
-     //Turn off IR emitters
-     IF_set_IR_emitter_output(0, 0);
-     IF_set_IR_emitter_output(1, 0);
-//The function sample_ticker_block() is called every 50ms, and should run close to the middle of every timeslot
-//There are 10 time slots in each 500ms period
-//Slot 0 is when the beacon is flashing
-//Slot 1 should be IR-free and is used to measure background IR data, stored in background_sensor_data[]
-//Slot 2-8 are for the 7 robots; slot-1 = robot_id
-//In slot 9, the robot processes the data [and doesn't store and new readings]
-//It checks if the beacon is visible, if any robots are, calculates their bearings if they are, and transfers the background and active IR data for the robot
-void sample_ticker_block(){
-    //If we are in time-step 0 to 8, store the background data in an array
-    if(pulse_step < 9){
-    store_background_raw_ir_values ();
-    for(int i=0;i<8;i++)ir_sensor_data[pulse_step][i]=get_background_raw_ir_value(i);
-    }else{
-      //If not, process the data   
-      for(int i=0;i<9;i++){
-         unsigned short sum = get_sum_sample(ir_sensor_data[i]);
-         unsigned short highest = get_highest_sample(ir_sensor_data[i]);
-         //Check if beacon is visible
-         if(i==0){
-             if(sum > beacon_threshold){
-                 beacon_found = 1;
-                 beacon_heading = get_bearing_from_ir_array (ir_sensor_data[0]);
-             }else beacon_found = 0;
-             //out("Beacon sum:%d 0:%d 4:%d\n",sum,ir_sensor_data[0][0],ir_sensor_data[0][4]);
-         }
-         if(i==1){
-            for(int j=0;j<8;j++)background_sensor_data[j]=ir_sensor_data[1][j];   
-         }
-         if(i>1){
-            char test_robot = i-1;
-            if(test_robot == robot_id){
-                for(int j=0;j<8;j++)reflected_sensor_data[j]=ir_sensor_data[i][j];   
-            }else{
-                if(sum > low_threshold){
-                    robots_found[test_robot] = 1;
-                    //Debug--
-                    //out("Robot %d: [%d][%d][%d][%d][%d][%d][%d][%d]\n",test_robot,ir_sensor_data[i][0],ir_sensor_data[i][1],ir_sensor_data[i][2],ir_sensor_data[i][3],ir_sensor_data[i][4],ir_sensor_data[i][5],ir_sensor_data[i][6],ir_sensor_data[i][7]);
-                    robots_heading[test_robot] = get_bearing_from_ir_array (ir_sensor_data[i]);
-                    robots_distance[test_robot] = highest;
-                }else robots_found[test_robot] = 0;   
-            }  
-         }
-      }
-      if(show_ir_debug_info == 1)display_ir_readings();
-    }
-    //Increment pulse step
-    pulse_step++;
-    if(pulse_step == 10) pulse_step = 0;
-//Testing function to print out lines showing what robot can currently see in terms of beacon, other robots and obstacles
-void display_ir_readings()
-    out("____________________________________\nInfrared Detection at %d ms\n",beacon_debug_timer.read_ms());
-    if(beacon_found==1){
-        out("Beacon detected at %d degrees\n",beacon_heading);
-    }  
-    for(int j=1;j<8;j++){
-        if(robots_found[j])out("Robot %d detected at %d degrees, %d distance\n",j,robots_heading[j],robots_distance[j]);       
-    }   
-    out("Reflected values:");
-    for(int i=0;i<8;i++){
-        out("[%d,%d]",i,reflected_sensor_data[i]);
-    }
-    out("\nBackground values:");
-    for(int i=0;i<8;i++){
-        out("[%d,%d]",i,background_sensor_data[i]);
-    }
-    out("\n\n");
-//Returns a 0 if turn is likely to complete in a single timestep, 1 if it is beyond range for single timestep and 2 if the beacon is not found so bearing unknown
-char turn_to_bearing(int bearing)
-    if(beacon_found == 0){
-        out("Beacon not found: cannot turn to specific bearing\n");   
-        return 2;
-    }else{
-        //First calculate the bearing using the angle of beacon relative to robot
-        int current_bearing = 360 - beacon_heading;
-        //Now work out turn needed to face intended heading
-        int target_turn = (bearing - current_bearing) % 360;
-        //Adjust to take 10% off turn, stops overshoot
-        target_turn = (target_turn * 9) / 10;
-        if(target_turn > 180) target_turn -= 360;
-        if(target_turn < -180) target_turn += 360;
-        //We can't reliably turn more than 280 degrees per second, so set a limit for the turn to that
-        char beyond_limit = 0;
-        int turn_limit = BEACON_PERIOD / 358;
-        if(target_turn > turn_limit) {target_turn = turn_limit; beyond_limit = 1;};
-        if(target_turn < -turn_limit) {target_turn = -turn_limit; beyond_limit = 1;};
-        out("Turning %d degrees\n",target_turn);
-        time_based_turn_degrees(1, target_turn,1);
-        return beyond_limit;
-    }
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