Example code for the UKESF Headstart robotics lab; code to make the PsiSwarm robot move forward and turn.

Dependencies:   PsiSwarm-Headstart mbed

Fork of PsiSwarm_V41 by James Hilder

Tue Mar 15 00:58:43 2016 +0000
Added serial handling for Psi Console

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
jah128 6:ff3c66f7372b 1 /***********************************************************************
jah128 0:8a5497a2e366 2 ** ██████╗ ███████╗██╗███████╗██╗ ██╗ █████╗ ██████╗ ███╗ ███╗ **
jah128 0:8a5497a2e366 3 ** ██╔══██╗██╔════╝██║██╔════╝██║ ██║██╔══██╗██╔══██╗████╗ ████║ **
jah128 0:8a5497a2e366 4 ** ██████╔╝███████╗██║███████╗██║ █╗ ██║███████║██████╔╝██╔████╔██║ **
jah128 0:8a5497a2e366 5 ** ██╔═══╝ ╚════██║██║╚════██║██║███╗██║██╔══██║██╔══██╗██║╚██╔╝██║ **
jah128 0:8a5497a2e366 6 ** ██║ ███████║██║███████║╚███╔███╔╝██║ ██║██║ ██║██║ ╚═╝ ██║ **
jah128 0:8a5497a2e366 7 ** ╚═╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝╚══════╝ ╚══╝╚══╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ **
jah128 0:8a5497a2e366 8 ************************************************************************
jah128 0:8a5497a2e366 9 **(C) Dr James Hilder - York Robotics Laboratory - University of York **
jah128 0:8a5497a2e366 10 ***********************************************************************/
jah128 0:8a5497a2e366 11
jah128 30:513457c1ad12 12 /// PsiSwarm Blank Example Code
jah128 30:513457c1ad12 13 /// Version 0.41
jah128 30:513457c1ad12 14 /// James Hilder, Alan Millard, Alexander Horsfield, Homero Elizondo, Jon Timmis
jah128 6:ff3c66f7372b 15 /// University of York
jah128 0:8a5497a2e366 16
jah128 10:1b09d4bb847b 17 /// Include main.h - this includes psiswarm.h all the other necessary core files
jah128 10:1b09d4bb847b 18 #include "main.h"
jah128 9:085e090e1ec1 19
jah128 30:513457c1ad12 20 char * program_name = "Blank";
jah128 10:1b09d4bb847b 21 char * author_name = "YRL";
jah128 30:513457c1ad12 22 char * version_name = "0.41";
jah128 6:ff3c66f7372b 23
jah128 30:513457c1ad12 24 void user_code_loop()
jah128 9:085e090e1ec1 25 {
jah128 30:513457c1ad12 26 wait(1);
jah128 9:085e090e1ec1 27 }
jah128 9:085e090e1ec1 28
jah128 1:f6356cf1cefc 29 ///Place user code here that should be run after initialisation but before the main loop
jah128 6:ff3c66f7372b 30 void user_code_setup()
jah128 13:f5994956b1ba 31 {
jah128 30:513457c1ad12 32 wait(1);
jah128 9:085e090e1ec1 33 display.clear_display();
jah128 9:085e090e1ec1 34 display.set_position(0,0);
jah128 30:513457c1ad12 35 display.write_string("No Code");
jah128 30:513457c1ad12 36
jah128 30:513457c1ad12 37 //bmeme_user_code_setup();
jah128 0:8a5497a2e366 38 }
jah128 0:8a5497a2e366 39
jah128 1:f6356cf1cefc 40 /// Code goes here to handle what should happen when the user switch is pressed
jah128 0:8a5497a2e366 41 void handle_switch_event(char switch_state)
jah128 0:8a5497a2e366 42 {
jah128 6:ff3c66f7372b 43 /// Switch_state = 1 if up is pressed, 2 if down is pressed, 4 if left is pressed, 8 if right is pressed and 16 if the center button is pressed
jah128 1:f6356cf1cefc 44 /// NB For maximum compatability it is recommended to minimise reliance on center button press
jah128 30:513457c1ad12 45
jah128 30:513457c1ad12 46 //bmeme_handle_switch_event(switch_state);
jah128 30:513457c1ad12 47 }
jah128 30:513457c1ad12 48
jah128 30:513457c1ad12 49 void handle_user_serial_message(char * message, char length, char interface)
jah128 30:513457c1ad12 50 {
jah128 30:513457c1ad12 51 // This is where user code for handling a (non-system) serial message should go
jah128 30:513457c1ad12 52 //
jah128 30:513457c1ad12 53 // message = pointer to message char array
jah128 30:513457c1ad12 54 // length = length of message
jah128 30:513457c1ad12 55 // interface = 0 for PC serial connection, 1 for Bluetooth
jah128 30:513457c1ad12 56
jah128 30:513457c1ad12 57 //bmeme_handle_user_serial_message(message, length, interface);
jah128 0:8a5497a2e366 58 }
jah128 0:8a5497a2e366 59
jah128 1:f6356cf1cefc 60 /// The main routine: it is recommended to leave this function alone and add user code to the above functions
jah128 6:ff3c66f7372b 61 int main()
jah128 6:ff3c66f7372b 62 {
jah128 1:f6356cf1cefc 63 ///init() in psiswarm.cpp sets up the robot
jah128 0:8a5497a2e366 64 init();
jah128 0:8a5497a2e366 65 user_code_setup();
jah128 0:8a5497a2e366 66 user_code_running = 1;
jah128 0:8a5497a2e366 67 while(1) {
jah128 30:513457c1ad12 68 user_code_loop();
jah128 0:8a5497a2e366 69 }
jah128 0:8a5497a2e366 70 }