The Dream Team
Pop lock n drop it
- Committer:
- vsal
- Date:
- 2014-06-02
- Revision:
- 11:af3d70d153bb
- Parent:
- 10:86cb40bf1c17
File content as of revision 11:af3d70d153bb:
#include "mbed.h" #include "m3pi_ng.h" #include "DigitalIn.h" #include "btbee.h" #include "time.h" DigitalOut myled(LED1); m3pi huey; btbee btbee; DigitalIn m3pi_IN[]={(p12),(p21)}; // IR-Sensor DigitalOut mbed_led[] = {(LED1), (LED2),(LED3), (LED4)}; DigitalOut m3pi_led[] = {(p13), (p14), (p15), (p16), (p17), (p18), (p19), (p20)}; DigitalIn m3pi_pb(p21); void printBattery() { //prints battery voltage on led screen float bat = huey.battery(); huey.printf("Bat volt"); huey.locate(0,1); huey.printf("%f",bat); } float myLinePos(void) { int sensors[5]; huey.calibrated_sensor(sensors); //oat leftSen, rightSen, midSen; //ftSen = sensors[1] / 1000; //ghtSen = sensors[3] / 1000; //dSen = sensors[2] / 1000; float val; if(sensors[1] < 50 && sensors[2] < 50 && sensors[3] < 50) return -1; else { val = (((1000*sensors[2] + 2000*sensors[3])/(sensors[1]+sensors[2]+sensors[3]))); return (-1)+(val/1000); } } int rightCorner() { int sensors[5]; huey.calibrated_sensor(sensors); if(sensors[4] > 950) return 1; else return 0; } int leftCorner() { int sensors[5]; huey.calibrated_sensor(sensors); if(sensors[0] > 950) return 1; else return 0; } //returns 0 if side sensors aren't light, 1 if light int sideSensorsLight(void) { int sensors[5]; huey.calibrated_sensor(sensors); if(sensors[4] > 50 && sensors[0] > 50) return 0; else return 1; } //returns 0 if side sensors aren't dark, 1 if dark int sideSensorsDark(void) { if(rightCorner() == 1 && leftCorner() == 1) return 1; else return 0; } void rightTurn(float speed) { int side = sideSensorsLight(); huey.forward(speed/2); while(side == 0) { side = sideSensorsLight(); } wait(0.20); float pos = myLinePos(); huey.right(speed/2); while(pos > -0.1 && pos < 0.1) { pos = myLinePos(); } pos = myLinePos(); while(pos > 0.05 || pos < -0.05) { pos = myLinePos(); } } void leftTurn(float speed) { int side = sideSensorsLight(); huey.forward(speed/2); while(side == 0) { side = sideSensorsLight(); } wait(0.20); float pos = myLinePos(); huey.left(speed/2); while(pos > -0.1 && pos < 0.1) { pos = myLinePos(); } pos = myLinePos(); while(pos > 0.05 || pos < -0.05) { pos = myLinePos(); } } void turnAround(float speed) { float pos = myLinePos(); huey.right(speed/2); while(pos > -0.1 && pos < 0.1) { pos = myLinePos(); } pos = myLinePos(); while(pos > 0.05 || pos < -0.05) { pos = myLinePos(); } while(pos > -0.1 && pos < 0.1) { pos = myLinePos(); } pos = myLinePos(); while(pos > 0.05 || pos < -0.05) { pos = myLinePos(); } } //returns 1 for all turns, 0 for non turns, 2 for end of a task; int smoothFollow(float position, float speed, char direction) { float u = speed; u = u * position; if(rightCorner() == 1 && direction == 'R') { rightTurn(speed); huey.printf("R"); return 1; } else if(leftCorner() == 1 && direction == 'L') { leftTurn(speed); huey.printf("L"); return 1; } else if(sideSensorsDark() == 1 && direction == 'E') { turnAround(speed); huey.stop(); return 2; } else if((rightCorner() == 1 || leftCorner() == 1) && direction == 'S') { int side = sideSensorsLight(); huey.forward(speed/2); while(side == 0) { side = sideSensorsLight(); } return 1; } else if(speed+u > 1) { huey.stop(); huey.printf("Fast Er"); return 0; } else { huey.right_motor(speed-u); huey.left_motor(speed+u); return 0; } } /* void slowStop(float speed, float waitTime, int steps) { float i; for(i = speed; i > 0; i = i - (speed/steps)) { smoothFollow(huey.line_position(),i); wait(waitTime); } huey.stop(); } */ int pushToStart(void) { DigitalIn button(p21); int value =; return value; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int main() { //Matrix of paths from one point to another: Right = R, Left = L, Straight = S char map[6][6][20] = { {"", "LRLLRE", "LRLSSE", "LRLSRLLE", "LRRLSLRRRLE", "LRRLRE"}, {"LRRLRE", "", "LLSE", "LLRLLE", "LSRLRRLE", "LRSLRE"}, {"SSRLRE", "SRRE", "", "LLLE", "LLRSRLE", "SSSLRE"}, {"RLSRLRE", "RLRRE", "RRE", "", "SSRLE", "SRLRLE"}, {"RLLLRSRLLRE", "RLLRLSRE", "RLSLRE", "RLSSE", "", "RLLLRLE"}, {"LRLLRE", "LRSLRE", "LRSSSE", "RLRLSE", "RLRRRLE", ""} }; int points[3] = {1,2,4}; //time_t startt, endt; //time(&startt); //clock_t clock; //btbee trial // initialization stuff //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// huey.locate(0,1); btbee.reset(); for (int i = 0; i <4; i++) { mbed_led[i] = 0; } for (int i = 0; i <8; i++) { m3pi_led[i]=0; } m3pi_pb.mode(PullUp); // expected would be 1 when pb is pressed, 0 when not, opposite is the case // end initialization stuff //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// huey.locate(0,0); huey.printf("B:%0.3f%V",huey.battery()); wait(0.3); huey.locate(0,0); huey.printf("%s","btTest"); huey.locate(0,1); huey.printf("%s","PBonLNK"); // wait for the user to push P21, should be pressed when the bt link is established (green led "link") while(m3pi_pb) { m3pi_led[0]=!m3pi_led[0]; wait(0.1); } int iline=1; char arr_read[30]; // this should be long enough to store any reply coming in over bt. int chars_read; // number of chars read in a bt reply while (iline < 3) { // this writes "Line 001\n" to "Line 005\n" and then "end\n" to the btbee if ( btbee.writeable() ) { if (iline==2) { //btbee.printf("end\n"); iline++; }//if else { if (iline <2){ //time(&endt); //btbee.printf("%f seconds - ", clock); //btbee.printf("Battery Voltage: %f\n", huey.battery()); m3pi_led[0]=0; huey.locate(0,0); huey.printf("Sent %0.3d",iline); iline++; } }//else }//if_write // check for answers after each write /not write while ( btbee.readable() ) { m3pi_led[7]=1; btbee.read_all(arr_read, 30, &chars_read ); m3pi_led[6]=1; huey.locate(0,1); huey.print(arr_read,chars_read); m3pi_led[5]=1; }//while_readable wait(0.1); }//while_true //main //end of btbee trial m3pi_IN[0].mode(PullUp); m3pi_IN[1].mode(PullUp); int start; do { start = pushToStart(); }while(start == 1); wait(1); //calibrates sensors huey.sensor_auto_calibrate(); printBattery(); float speed = 0.25; float pos; int z=1; while(z==1) { huey.cls(); for(int p = 1; p < sizeof(points); p ++) { int s = points[p-1] - 1; int f = points[p] - 1; for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(map[s][f]); i++) { int change = 0; while(change == 0) { pos = myLinePos(); change = smoothFollow(pos, speed, map[s][f][i]); } if(change == 2) { huey.stop(); wait(1); break; } } } if(m3pi_IN[0]==0) { //slowStop(speed, 0.05, 3); huey.stop(); btbee.printf("Object in Front"); while(m3pi_IN[0]==0) { huey.stop(); } } if(pushToStart() == 0) { btbee.printf("end\n"); break; } } while(1) { myled = 1; wait(0.2); myled = 0; wait(0.2); } }