
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/RH_RF95.h	Sun Jun 11 04:05:05 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,792 @@
+// RH_RF95.h
+// Definitions for HopeRF LoRa radios per:
+// Author: Mike McCauley (
+// Copyright (C) 2014 Mike McCauley
+// $Id: RH_RF95.h,v 1.16 2017/03/04 00:59:41 mikem Exp $
+// Ported to mbed - support only a single radio - Dan Julio - 5/2017 
+#ifndef RH_RF95_h
+#define RH_RF95_h
+#include <RHGenericDriver.h>
+#include "swspi.h"
+// Max number of octets the LORA Rx/Tx FIFO can hold
+#define RH_RF95_FIFO_SIZE 255
+// This is the maximum number of bytes that can be carried by the LORA.
+// We use some for headers, keeping fewer for RadioHead messages
+// The length of the headers we add.
+// The headers are inside the LORA's payload
+#define RH_RF95_HEADER_LEN 4
+// This is the maximum message length that can be supported by this driver. 
+// Can be pre-defined to a smaller size (to save SRAM) prior to including this header
+// Here we allow for 1 byte message length, 4 bytes headers, user data and 2 bytes of FCS
+// The crystal oscillator frequency of the module
+#define RH_RF95_FXOSC 32000000.0
+// The Frequency Synthesizer step = RH_RF95_FXOSC / 2^^19
+#define RH_RF95_FSTEP  (RH_RF95_FXOSC / 524288)
+// Register names (LoRa Mode, from table 85)
+#define RH_RF95_REG_00_FIFO                                0x00
+#define RH_RF95_REG_01_OP_MODE                             0x01
+#define RH_RF95_REG_02_RESERVED                            0x02
+#define RH_RF95_REG_03_RESERVED                            0x03
+#define RH_RF95_REG_04_RESERVED                            0x04
+#define RH_RF95_REG_05_RESERVED                            0x05
+#define RH_RF95_REG_06_FRF_MSB                             0x06
+#define RH_RF95_REG_07_FRF_MID                             0x07
+#define RH_RF95_REG_08_FRF_LSB                             0x08
+#define RH_RF95_REG_09_PA_CONFIG                           0x09
+#define RH_RF95_REG_0A_PA_RAMP                             0x0a
+#define RH_RF95_REG_0B_OCP                                 0x0b
+#define RH_RF95_REG_0C_LNA                                 0x0c
+#define RH_RF95_REG_0D_FIFO_ADDR_PTR                       0x0d
+#define RH_RF95_REG_0E_FIFO_TX_BASE_ADDR                   0x0e
+#define RH_RF95_REG_0F_FIFO_RX_BASE_ADDR                   0x0f
+#define RH_RF95_REG_10_FIFO_RX_CURRENT_ADDR                0x10
+#define RH_RF95_REG_11_IRQ_FLAGS_MASK                      0x11
+#define RH_RF95_REG_12_IRQ_FLAGS                           0x12
+#define RH_RF95_REG_13_RX_NB_BYTES                         0x13
+#define RH_RF95_REG_14_RX_HEADER_CNT_VALUE_MSB             0x14
+#define RH_RF95_REG_15_RX_HEADER_CNT_VALUE_LSB             0x15
+#define RH_RF95_REG_16_RX_PACKET_CNT_VALUE_MSB             0x16
+#define RH_RF95_REG_17_RX_PACKET_CNT_VALUE_LSB             0x17
+#define RH_RF95_REG_18_MODEM_STAT                          0x18
+#define RH_RF95_REG_19_PKT_SNR_VALUE                       0x19
+#define RH_RF95_REG_1A_PKT_RSSI_VALUE                      0x1a
+#define RH_RF95_REG_1B_RSSI_VALUE                          0x1b
+#define RH_RF95_REG_1C_HOP_CHANNEL                         0x1c
+#define RH_RF95_REG_1D_MODEM_CONFIG1                       0x1d
+#define RH_RF95_REG_1E_MODEM_CONFIG2                       0x1e
+#define RH_RF95_REG_1F_SYMB_TIMEOUT_LSB                    0x1f
+#define RH_RF95_REG_20_PREAMBLE_MSB                        0x20
+#define RH_RF95_REG_21_PREAMBLE_LSB                        0x21
+#define RH_RF95_REG_22_PAYLOAD_LENGTH                      0x22
+#define RH_RF95_REG_23_MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH                  0x23
+#define RH_RF95_REG_24_HOP_PERIOD                          0x24
+#define RH_RF95_REG_25_FIFO_RX_BYTE_ADDR                   0x25
+#define RH_RF95_REG_26_MODEM_CONFIG3                       0x26
+#define RH_RF95_REG_27_PPM_CORRECTION                      0x27
+#define RH_RF95_REG_28_FEI_MSB                             0x28
+#define RH_RF95_REG_29_FEI_MID                             0x29
+#define RH_RF95_REG_2A_FEI_LSB                             0x2a
+#define RH_RF95_REG_2C_RSSI_WIDEBAND                       0x2c
+#define RH_RF95_REG_31_DETECT_OPTIMIZ                      0x31
+#define RH_RF95_REG_33_INVERT_IQ                           0x33
+#define RH_RF95_REG_37_DETECTION_THRESHOLD                 0x37
+#define RH_RF95_REG_39_SYNC_WORD                           0x39
+#define RH_RF95_REG_40_DIO_MAPPING1                        0x40
+#define RH_RF95_REG_41_DIO_MAPPING2                        0x41
+#define RH_RF95_REG_42_VERSION                             0x42
+#define RH_RF95_REG_4B_TCXO                                0x4b
+#define RH_RF95_REG_4D_PA_DAC                              0x4d
+#define RH_RF95_REG_5B_FORMER_TEMP                         0x5b
+#define RH_RF95_REG_61_AGC_REF                             0x61
+#define RH_RF95_REG_62_AGC_THRESH1                         0x62
+#define RH_RF95_REG_63_AGC_THRESH2                         0x63
+#define RH_RF95_REG_64_AGC_THRESH3                         0x64
+// RH_RF95_REG_01_OP_MODE                             0x01
+#define RH_RF95_LONG_RANGE_MODE                       0x80
+#define RH_RF95_ACCESS_SHARED_REG                     0x40
+#define RH_RF95_LOW_FREQUENCY_MODE                    0x08
+#define RH_RF95_MODE                                  0x07
+#define RH_RF95_MODE_SLEEP                            0x00
+#define RH_RF95_MODE_STDBY                            0x01
+#define RH_RF95_MODE_FSTX                             0x02
+#define RH_RF95_MODE_TX                               0x03
+#define RH_RF95_MODE_FSRX                             0x04
+#define RH_RF95_MODE_RXCONTINUOUS                     0x05
+#define RH_RF95_MODE_RXSINGLE                         0x06
+#define RH_RF95_MODE_CAD                              0x07
+// RH_RF95_REG_09_PA_CONFIG                           0x09
+#define RH_RF95_PA_SELECT                             0x80
+#define RH_RF95_MAX_POWER                             0x70
+#define RH_RF95_OUTPUT_POWER                          0x0f
+// RH_RF95_REG_0A_PA_RAMP                             0x0a
+#define RH_RF95_LOW_PN_TX_PLL_OFF                     0x10
+#define RH_RF95_PA_RAMP                               0x0f
+#define RH_RF95_PA_RAMP_3_4MS                         0x00
+#define RH_RF95_PA_RAMP_2MS                           0x01
+#define RH_RF95_PA_RAMP_1MS                           0x02
+#define RH_RF95_PA_RAMP_500US                         0x03
+#define RH_RF95_PA_RAMP_250US                         0x0
+#define RH_RF95_PA_RAMP_125US                         0x05
+#define RH_RF95_PA_RAMP_100US                         0x06
+#define RH_RF95_PA_RAMP_62US                          0x07
+#define RH_RF95_PA_RAMP_50US                          0x08
+#define RH_RF95_PA_RAMP_40US                          0x09
+#define RH_RF95_PA_RAMP_31US                          0x0a
+#define RH_RF95_PA_RAMP_25US                          0x0b
+#define RH_RF95_PA_RAMP_20US                          0x0c
+#define RH_RF95_PA_RAMP_15US                          0x0d
+#define RH_RF95_PA_RAMP_12US                          0x0e
+#define RH_RF95_PA_RAMP_10US                          0x0f
+// RH_RF95_REG_0B_OCP                                 0x0b
+#define RH_RF95_OCP_ON                                0x20
+#define RH_RF95_OCP_TRIM                              0x1f
+// RH_RF95_REG_0C_LNA                                 0x0c
+#define RH_RF95_LNA_GAIN                              0xe0
+#define RH_RF95_LNA_GAIN_G1                           0x20
+#define RH_RF95_LNA_GAIN_G2                           0x40
+#define RH_RF95_LNA_GAIN_G3                           0x60                
+#define RH_RF95_LNA_GAIN_G4                           0x80
+#define RH_RF95_LNA_GAIN_G5                           0xa0
+#define RH_RF95_LNA_GAIN_G6                           0xc0
+#define RH_RF95_LNA_BOOST_LF                          0x18
+#define RH_RF95_LNA_BOOST_LF_DEFAULT                  0x00
+#define RH_RF95_LNA_BOOST_HF                          0x03
+#define RH_RF95_LNA_BOOST_HF_DEFAULT                  0x00
+#define RH_RF95_LNA_BOOST_HF_150PC                    0x11
+// RH_RF95_REG_11_IRQ_FLAGS_MASK                      0x11
+#define RH_RF95_RX_TIMEOUT_MASK                       0x80
+#define RH_RF95_RX_DONE_MASK                          0x40
+#define RH_RF95_PAYLOAD_CRC_ERROR_MASK                0x20
+#define RH_RF95_VALID_HEADER_MASK                     0x10
+#define RH_RF95_TX_DONE_MASK                          0x08
+#define RH_RF95_CAD_DONE_MASK                         0x04
+#define RH_RF95_FHSS_CHANGE_CHANNEL_MASK              0x02
+#define RH_RF95_CAD_DETECTED_MASK                     0x01
+// RH_RF95_REG_12_IRQ_FLAGS                           0x12
+#define RH_RF95_RX_TIMEOUT                            0x80
+#define RH_RF95_RX_DONE                               0x40
+#define RH_RF95_PAYLOAD_CRC_ERROR                     0x20
+#define RH_RF95_VALID_HEADER                          0x10
+#define RH_RF95_TX_DONE                               0x08
+#define RH_RF95_CAD_DONE                              0x04
+#define RH_RF95_FHSS_CHANGE_CHANNEL                   0x02
+#define RH_RF95_CAD_DETECTED                          0x01
+// RH_RF95_REG_18_MODEM_STAT                          0x18
+#define RH_RF95_RX_CODING_RATE                        0xe0
+#define RH_RF95_MODEM_STATUS_CLEAR                    0x10
+#define RH_RF95_MODEM_STATUS_RX_ONGOING               0x04
+#define RH_RF95_MODEM_STATUS_SIGNAL_DETECTED          0x01
+// RH_RF95_REG_1C_HOP_CHANNEL                         0x1c
+#define RH_RF95_PLL_TIMEOUT                           0x80
+#define RH_RF95_RX_PAYLOAD_CRC_IS_ON                  0x40
+#define RH_RF95_FHSS_PRESENT_CHANNEL                  0x3f
+// RH_RF95_REG_1D_MODEM_CONFIG1                       0x1d
+#define RH_RF95_BW                                    0xf0
+#define RH_RF95_BW_7_8KHZ                             0x00
+#define RH_RF95_BW_10_4KHZ                            0x10
+#define RH_RF95_BW_15_6KHZ                            0x20
+#define RH_RF95_BW_20_8KHZ                            0x30
+#define RH_RF95_BW_31_25KHZ                           0x40
+#define RH_RF95_BW_41_7KHZ                            0x50
+#define RH_RF95_BW_62_5KHZ                            0x60
+#define RH_RF95_BW_125KHZ                             0x70
+#define RH_RF95_BW_250KHZ                             0x80
+#define RH_RF95_BW_500KHZ                             0x90
+#define RH_RF95_CODING_RATE                           0x0e
+#define RH_RF95_CODING_RATE_4_5                       0x02
+#define RH_RF95_CODING_RATE_4_6                       0x04
+#define RH_RF95_CODING_RATE_4_7                       0x06
+#define RH_RF95_CODING_RATE_4_8                       0x08
+#define RH_RF95_IMPLICIT_HEADER_MODE_ON               0x01
+// RH_RF95_REG_1E_MODEM_CONFIG2                       0x1e
+#define RH_RF95_SPREADING_FACTOR                      0xf0
+#define RH_RF95_SPREADING_FACTOR_64CPS                0x60
+#define RH_RF95_SPREADING_FACTOR_128CPS               0x70
+#define RH_RF95_SPREADING_FACTOR_256CPS               0x80
+#define RH_RF95_SPREADING_FACTOR_512CPS               0x90
+#define RH_RF95_SPREADING_FACTOR_1024CPS              0xa0
+#define RH_RF95_SPREADING_FACTOR_2048CPS              0xb0
+#define RH_RF95_SPREADING_FACTOR_4096CPS              0xc0
+#define RH_RF95_TX_CONTINUOUS_MOE                     0x08
+#define RH_RF95_PAYLOAD_CRC_ON                        0x04
+#define RH_RF95_SYM_TIMEOUT_MSB                       0x03
+// RH_RF95_REG_4B_TCXO                                0x4b
+#define RH_RF95_TCXO_TCXO_INPUT_ON                    0x10
+// RH_RF95_REG_4D_PA_DAC                              0x4d
+#define RH_RF95_PA_DAC_DISABLE                        0x04
+#define RH_RF95_PA_DAC_ENABLE                         0x07
+/// \class RH_RF95 RH_RF95.h <RH_RF95.h>
+/// \brief Driver to send and receive unaddressed, unreliable datagrams via a LoRa 
+/// capable radio transceiver.
+/// For Semtech SX1276/77/78/79 and HopeRF RF95/96/97/98 and other similar LoRa capable radios.
+/// Based on
+/// and
+/// and
+/// and
+/// and
+/// FSK/GFSK/OOK modes are not (yet) supported.
+/// Works with
+/// - the excellent MiniWirelessLoRa from Anarduino
+/// - The excellent Modtronix inAir4 
+/// and inAir9 modules
+/// - the excellent Rocket Scream Mini Ultra Pro with the RFM95W 
+/// - Lora1276 module from NiceRF
+/// - Adafruit Feather M0 with RFM95 
+/// \par Overview
+/// This class provides basic functions for sending and receiving unaddressed, 
+/// unreliable datagrams of arbitrary length to 251 octets per packet.
+/// Manager classes may use this class to implement reliable, addressed datagrams and streams, 
+/// mesh routers, repeaters, translators etc.
+/// Naturally, for any 2 radios to communicate that must be configured to use the same frequency and 
+/// modulation scheme.
+/// This Driver provides an object-oriented interface for sending and receiving data messages with Hope-RF
+/// RFM95/96/97/98(W), Semtech SX1276/77/78/79 and compatible radio modules in LoRa mode.
+/// The Hope-RF ( RFM95/96/97/98(W) and Semtech SX1276/77/78/79 is a low-cost ISM transceiver
+/// chip. It supports FSK, GFSK, OOK over a wide range of frequencies and
+/// programmable data rates, and it also supports the proprietary LoRA (Long Range) mode, which
+/// is the only mode supported in this RadioHead driver.
+/// This Driver provides functions for sending and receiving messages of up
+/// to 251 octets on any frequency supported by the radio, in a range of
+/// predefined Bandwidths, Spreading Factors and Coding Rates.  Frequency can be set with
+/// 61Hz precision to any frequency from 240.0MHz to 960.0MHz. Caution: most modules only support a more limited
+/// range of frequencies due to antenna tuning.
+/// Up to 2 modules can be connected to an Arduino (3 on a Mega),
+/// permitting the construction of translators and frequency changers, etc.
+/// Support for other features such as transmitter power control etc is
+/// also provided.
+/// Tested on MinWirelessLoRa with arduino-1.0.5
+/// on OpenSuSE 13.1. 
+/// Also tested with Teensy3.1, Modtronix inAir4 and Arduino 1.6.5 on OpenSuSE 13.1
+/// \par Packet Format
+/// All messages sent and received by this RH_RF95 Driver conform to this packet format:
+/// - LoRa mode:
+/// - 8 symbol PREAMBLE
+/// - Explicit header with header CRC (handled internally by the radio)
+/// - 4 octets HEADER: (TO, FROM, ID, FLAGS)
+/// - 0 to 251 octets DATA 
+/// - CRC (handled internally by the radio)
+/// \par Connecting RFM95/96/97/98 and Semtech SX1276/77/78/79 to Arduino
+/// We tested with Anarduino MiniWirelessLoRA, which is an Arduino Duemilanove compatible with a RFM96W
+/// module on-board. Therefore it needs no connections other than the USB
+/// programming connection and an antenna to make it work.
+/// If you have a bare RFM95/96/97/98 that you want to connect to an Arduino, you
+/// might use these connections (untested): CAUTION: you must use a 3.3V type
+/// Arduino, otherwise you will also need voltage level shifters between the
+/// Arduino and the RFM95.  CAUTION, you must also ensure you connect an
+/// antenna.
+/// \code
+///                 Arduino      RFM95/96/97/98
+///                 GND----------GND   (ground in)
+///                 3V3----------3.3V  (3.3V in)
+/// interrupt 0 pin D2-----------DIO0  (interrupt request out)
+///          SS pin D10----------NSS   (CS chip select in)
+///         SCK pin D13----------SCK   (SPI clock in)
+///        MOSI pin D11----------MOSI  (SPI Data in)
+///        MISO pin D12----------MISO  (SPI Data out)
+/// \endcode
+/// With these connections, you can then use the default constructor RH_RF95().
+/// You can override the default settings for the SS pin and the interrupt in
+/// the RH_RF95 constructor if you wish to connect the slave select SS to other
+/// than the normal one for your Arduino (D10 for Diecimila, Uno etc and D53
+/// for Mega) or the interrupt request to other than pin D2 (Caution,
+/// different processors have different constraints as to the pins available
+/// for interrupts).
+/// You can connect a Modtronix inAir4 or inAir9 directly to a 3.3V part such as a Teensy 3.1 like
+/// this (tested).
+/// \code
+///                 Teensy      inAir4 inAir9
+///                 GND----------GND   (ground in)
+///                 3V3----------3.3V  (3.3V in)
+/// interrupt 0 pin D2-----------D00   (interrupt request out)
+///          SS pin D10----------CS    (CS chip select in)
+///         SCK pin D13----------CK    (SPI clock in)
+///        MOSI pin D11----------SI    (SPI Data in)
+///        MISO pin D12----------SO    (SPI Data out)
+/// \endcode
+/// With these connections, you can then use the default constructor RH_RF95().
+/// you must also set the transmitter power with useRFO:
+/// driver.setTxPower(13, true);
+/// Note that if you are using Modtronix inAir4 or inAir9,or any other module which uses the
+/// transmitter RFO pins and not the PA_BOOST pins
+/// that you must configure the power transmitter power for -1 to 14 dBm and with useRFO true. 
+/// Failure to do that will result in extremely low transmit powers.
+/// If you have an Arduino M0 Pro from, 
+/// you should note that you cannot use Pin 2 for the interrupt line 
+/// (Pin 2 is for the NMI only). The same comments apply to Pin 4 on Arduino Zero from
+/// Instead you can use any other pin (we use Pin 3) and initialise RH_RF69 like this:
+/// \code
+/// // Slave Select is pin 10, interrupt is Pin 3
+/// RH_RF95 driver(10, 3);
+/// \endcode
+/// If you have a Rocket Scream Mini Ultra Pro with the RFM95W:
+/// - Ensure you have Arduino SAMD board support 1.6.5 or later in Arduino IDE 1.6.8 or later.
+/// - The radio SS is hardwired to pin D5 and the DIO0 interrupt to pin D2, 
+/// so you need to initialise the radio like this:
+/// \code
+/// RH_RF95 driver(5, 2);
+/// \endcode
+/// - The name of the serial port on that board is 'SerialUSB', not 'Serial', so this may be helpful at the top of our
+///   sample sketches:
+/// \code
+/// #define Serial SerialUSB
+/// \endcode
+/// - You also need this in setup before radio initialisation  
+/// \code
+/// // Ensure serial flash is not interfering with radio communication on SPI bus
+///  pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
+///  digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
+/// \endcode
+/// - and if you have a 915MHz part, you need this after driver/manager intitalisation:
+/// \code
+/// rf95.setFrequency(915.0);
+/// \endcode
+/// which adds up to modifying sample sketches something like:
+/// \code
+/// #include <SPI.h>
+/// #include <RH_RF95.h>
+/// RH_RF95 rf95(5, 2); // Rocket Scream Mini Ultra Pro with the RFM95W
+/// #define Serial SerialUSB
+/// void setup() 
+/// {
+///   // Ensure serial flash is not interfering with radio communication on SPI bus
+///   pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
+///   digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
+///   Serial.begin(9600);
+///   while (!Serial) ; // Wait for serial port to be available
+///   if (!rf95.init())
+///     Serial.println("init failed");
+///   rf95.setFrequency(915.0);
+/// }
+/// ...
+/// \endcode
+/// For Adafruit Feather M0 with RFM95, construct the driver like this:
+/// \code
+/// RH_RF95 rf95(8, 3);
+/// \endcode
+/// It is possible to have 2 or more radios connected to one Arduino, provided
+/// each radio has its own SS and interrupt line (SCK, SDI and SDO are common
+/// to all radios)
+/// Caution: on some Arduinos such as the Mega 2560, if you set the slave
+/// select pin to be other than the usual SS pin (D53 on Mega 2560), you may
+/// need to set the usual SS pin to be an output to force the Arduino into SPI
+/// master mode.
+/// Caution: Power supply requirements of the RFM module may be relevant in some circumstances: 
+/// RFM95/96/97/98 modules are capable of pulling 120mA+ at full power, where Arduino's 3.3V line can
+/// give 50mA. You may need to make provision for alternate power supply for
+/// the RFM module, especially if you wish to use full transmit power, and/or you have
+/// other shields demanding power. Inadequate power for the RFM is likely to cause symptoms such as:
+/// - reset's/bootups terminate with "init failed" messages
+/// - random termination of communication after 5-30 packets sent/received
+/// - "fake ok" state, where initialization passes fluently, but communication doesn't happen
+/// - shields hang Arduino boards, especially during the flashing
+/// \par Interrupts
+/// The RH_RF95 driver uses interrupts to react to events in the RFM module,
+/// such as the reception of a new packet, or the completion of transmission
+/// of a packet.  The RH_RF95 driver interrupt service routine reads status from
+/// and writes data to the the RFM module via the SPI interface. It is very
+/// important therefore, that if you are using the RH_RF95 driver with another
+/// SPI based deviced, that you disable interrupts while you transfer data to
+/// and from that other device.  Use cli() to disable interrupts and sei() to
+/// reenable them.
+/// \par Memory
+/// The RH_RF95 driver requires non-trivial amounts of memory. The sample
+/// programs all compile to about 8kbytes each, which will fit in the
+/// flash proram memory of most Arduinos. However, the RAM requirements are
+/// more critical. Therefore, you should be vary sparing with RAM use in
+/// programs that use the RH_RF95 driver.
+/// It is often hard to accurately identify when you are hitting RAM limits on Arduino. 
+/// The symptoms can include:
+/// - Mysterious crashes and restarts
+/// - Changes in behaviour when seemingly unrelated changes are made (such as adding print() statements)
+/// - Hanging
+/// - Output from Serial.print() not appearing
+/// \par Range
+/// We have made some simple range tests under the following conditions:
+/// - rf95_client base station connected to a VHF discone antenna at 8m height above ground
+/// - rf95_server mobile connected to 17.3cm 1/4 wavelength antenna at 1m height, no ground plane.
+/// - Both configured for 13dBm, 434MHz, Bw = 125 kHz, Cr = 4/8, Sf = 4096chips/symbol, CRC on. Slow+long range
+/// - Minimum reported RSSI seen for successful comms was about -91
+/// - Range over flat ground through heavy trees and vegetation approx 2km.
+/// - At 20dBm (100mW) otherwise identical conditions approx 3km.
+/// - At 20dBm, along salt water flat sandy beach, 3.2km.
+/// It should be noted that at this data rate, a 12 octet message takes 2 seconds to transmit.
+/// At 20dBm (100mW) with Bw = 125 kHz, Cr = 4/5, Sf = 128chips/symbol, CRC on. 
+/// (Default medium range) in the conditions described above.
+/// - Range over flat ground through heavy trees and vegetation approx 2km.
+/// Caution: the performance of this radio, especially with narrow bandwidths is strongly dependent on the
+/// accuracy and stability of the chip clock. HopeRF and Semtech do not appear to 
+/// recommend bandwidths of less than 62.5 kHz 
+/// unless you have the optional Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator (TCXO) installed and 
+/// enabled on your radio module. See the refernece manual for more data.
+/// Also
+/// and
+/// \par Transmitter Power
+/// You can control the transmitter power on the RF transceiver
+/// with the RH_RF95::setTxPower() function. The argument can be any of
+/// +5 to +23 (for modules that use PA_BOOST)
+/// -1 to +14 (for modules that use RFO transmitter pin)
+/// The default is 13. Eg:
+/// \code
+/// driver.setTxPower(10); // use PA_BOOST transmitter pin
+/// driver.setTxPower(10, true); // use PA_RFO pin transmitter pin
+/// \endcode
+/// We have made some actual power measurements against
+/// programmed power for Anarduino MiniWirelessLoRa (which has RFM96W-433Mhz installed)
+/// - MiniWirelessLoRa RFM96W-433Mhz, USB power
+/// - 30cm RG316 soldered direct to RFM96W module ANT and GND
+/// - SMA connector
+/// - 12db attenuator
+/// - SMA connector
+/// - MiniKits AD8307 HF/VHF Power Head (calibrated against Rohde&Schwartz 806.2020 test set)
+/// - Tektronix TDS220 scope to measure the Vout from power head
+/// \code
+/// Program power           Measured Power
+///    dBm                         dBm
+///      5                           5
+///      7                           7
+///      9                           8
+///     11                          11
+///     13                          13
+///     15                          15
+///     17                          16
+///     19                          18
+///     20                          20 
+///     21                          21 
+///     22                          22 
+///     23                          23 
+/// \endcode
+/// We have also measured the actual power output from a Modtronix inAir4
+/// connected to a Teensy 3.1:
+/// Teensy 3.1 this is a 3.3V part, connected directly to:
+/// Modtronix inAir4 with SMA antenna connector, connected as above:
+/// 10cm SMA-SMA cable
+/// - MiniKits AD8307 HF/VHF Power Head (calibrated against Rohde&Schwartz 806.2020 test set)
+/// - Tektronix TDS220 scope to measure the Vout from power head
+/// \code
+/// Program power           Measured Power
+///    dBm                         dBm
+///      -1                         0
+///      1                          2
+///      3                          4
+///      5                          7
+///      7                         10
+///      9                         13
+///     11                         14.2
+///     13                         15
+///     14                         16
+/// \endcode
+/// (Caution: we dont claim laboratory accuracy for these power measurements)
+/// You would not expect to get anywhere near these powers to air with a simple 1/4 wavelength wire antenna.
+class RH_RF95 : public RHGenericDriver
+    /// \brief Defines register values for a set of modem configuration registers
+    ///
+    /// Defines register values for a set of modem configuration registers
+    /// that can be passed to setModemRegisters() if none of the choices in
+    /// ModemConfigChoice suit your need setModemRegisters() writes the
+    /// register values from this structure to the appropriate registers
+    /// to set the desired spreading factor, coding rate and bandwidth
+    typedef struct
+    {
+    uint8_t    reg_1d;   ///< Value for register RH_RF95_REG_1D_MODEM_CONFIG1
+    uint8_t    reg_1e;   ///< Value for register RH_RF95_REG_1E_MODEM_CONFIG2
+    uint8_t    reg_26;   ///< Value for register RH_RF95_REG_26_MODEM_CONFIG3
+    } ModemConfig;
+    /// Choices for setModemConfig() for a selected subset of common
+    /// data rates. If you need another configuration,
+    /// determine the necessary settings and call setModemRegisters() with your
+    /// desired settings. It might be helpful to use the LoRa calculator mentioned in 
+    ///
+    /// These are indexes into MODEM_CONFIG_TABLE. We strongly recommend you use these symbolic
+    /// definitions and not their integer equivalents: its possible that new values will be
+    /// introduced in later versions (though we will try to avoid it).
+    /// Caution: if you are using slow packet rates and long packets with RHReliableDatagram or subclasses
+    /// you may need to change the RHReliableDatagram timeout for reliable operations.
+    /// Caution: for some slow rates nad with ReliableDatagrams youi may need to increase the reply timeout 
+    /// with manager.setTimeout() to
+    /// deal with the long transmission times.
+    typedef enum
+    {
+    Bw125Cr45Sf128 = 0,    ///< Bw = 125 kHz, Cr = 4/5, Sf = 128chips/symbol, CRC on. Default medium range
+    Bw500Cr45Sf128,            ///< Bw = 500 kHz, Cr = 4/5, Sf = 128chips/symbol, CRC on. Fast+short range
+    Bw31_25Cr48Sf512,      ///< Bw = 31.25 kHz, Cr = 4/8, Sf = 512chips/symbol, CRC on. Slow+long range
+    Bw125Cr48Sf4096,           ///< Bw = 125 kHz, Cr = 4/8, Sf = 4096chips/symbol, CRC on. Slow+long range
+    } ModemConfigChoice;
+    /// Constructor. You can have multiple instances, but each instance must have its own
+    /// interrupt and slave select pin. After constructing, you must call init() to initialise the interface
+    /// and the radio module. A maximum of 3 instances can co-exist on one processor, provided there are sufficient
+    /// distinct interrupt lines, one for each instance.
+    /// \param[in] slaveSelectPin the Arduino pin number of the output to use to select the RH_RF22 before
+    /// accessing it. Defaults to the normal SS pin for your Arduino (D10 for Diecimila, Uno etc, D53 for Mega, D10 for Maple)
+    /// \param[in] interruptPin The interrupt Pin number that is connected to the RFM DIO0 interrupt line. 
+    /// Defaults to pin 2, as required by Anarduino MinWirelessLoRa module.
+    /// Caution: You must specify an interrupt capable pin.
+    /// On many Arduino boards, there are limitations as to which pins may be used as interrupts.
+    /// On Leonardo pins 0, 1, 2 or 3. On Mega2560 pins 2, 3, 18, 19, 20, 21. On Due and Teensy, any digital pin.
+    /// On Arduino Zero from, any digital pin other than 4.
+    /// On Arduino M0 Pro from, any digital pin other than 2.
+    /// On other Arduinos pins 2 or 3. 
+    /// See for more details.
+    /// On Chipkit Uno32, pins 38, 2, 7, 8, 35.
+    /// On other boards, any digital pin may be used.
+    /// \param[in] spi Pointer to the SPI interface object to use. 
+    /// \param[in] ssNum the swspi slave select number to use
+    RH_RF95(swspi& spi, int ssNum);
+    /// Initialise the Driver transport hardware and software.
+    /// Make sure the Driver is properly configured before calling init().
+    /// \return true if initialisation succeeded.
+    virtual bool    init();
+    /// Prints the value of all chip registers
+    /// to the Serial device if RH_HAVE_SERIAL is defined for the current platform
+    /// For debugging purposes only.
+    /// \return true on success
+    bool printRegisters();
+    /// Sets all the registered required to configure the data modem in the RF95/96/97/98, including the bandwidth, 
+    /// spreading factor etc. You can use this to configure the modem with custom configurations if none of the 
+    /// canned configurations in ModemConfigChoice suit you.
+    /// \param[in] config A ModemConfig structure containing values for the modem configuration registers.
+    void           setModemRegisters(const ModemConfig* config);
+    /// Select one of the predefined modem configurations. If you need a modem configuration not provided 
+    /// here, use setModemRegisters() with your own ModemConfig.
+    /// \param[in] index The configuration choice.
+    /// \return true if index is a valid choice.
+    bool        setModemConfig(ModemConfigChoice index);
+    /// Tests whether a new message is available
+    /// from the Driver. 
+    /// On most drivers, this will also put the Driver into RHModeRx mode until
+    /// a message is actually received by the transport, when it wil be returned to RHModeIdle.
+    /// This can be called multiple times in a timeout loop
+    /// \return true if a new, complete, error-free uncollected message is available to be retreived by recv()
+    virtual bool    available();
+    /// Turns the receiver on if it not already on.
+    /// If there is a valid message available, copy it to buf and return true
+    /// else return false.
+    /// If a message is copied, *len is set to the length (Caution, 0 length messages are permitted).
+    /// You should be sure to call this function frequently enough to not miss any messages
+    /// It is recommended that you call it in your main loop.
+    /// \param[in] buf Location to copy the received message
+    /// \param[in,out] len Pointer to available space in buf. Set to the actual number of octets copied.
+    /// \return true if a valid message was copied to buf
+    virtual bool    recv(uint8_t* buf, uint8_t* len);
+    /// Waits until any previous transmit packet is finished being transmitted with waitPacketSent().
+    /// Then optionally waits for Channel Activity Detection (CAD) 
+    /// to show the channnel is clear (if the radio supports CAD) by calling waitCAD().
+    /// Then loads a message into the transmitter and starts the transmitter. Note that a message length
+    /// of 0 is permitted. 
+    /// \param[in] data Array of data to be sent
+    /// \param[in] len Number of bytes of data to send
+    /// specify the maximum time in ms to wait. If 0 (the default) do not wait for CAD before transmitting.
+    /// \return true if the message length was valid and it was correctly queued for transmit. Return false
+    /// if CAD was requested and the CAD timeout timed out before clear channel was detected.
+    virtual bool    send(const uint8_t* data, uint8_t len);
+    /// Sets the length of the preamble
+    /// in bytes. 
+    /// Caution: this should be set to the same 
+    /// value on all nodes in your network. Default is 8.
+    /// Sets the message preamble length in RH_RF95_REG_??_PREAMBLE_?SB
+    /// \param[in] bytes Preamble length in bytes.  
+    void           setPreambleLength(uint16_t bytes);
+    /// Returns the maximum message length 
+    /// available in this Driver.
+    /// \return The maximum legal message length
+    virtual uint8_t maxMessageLength();
+    /// Sets the transmitter and receiver 
+    /// centre frequency.
+    /// \param[in] centre Frequency in MHz. 137.0 to 1020.0. Caution: RFM95/96/97/98 comes in several
+    /// different frequency ranges, and setting a frequency outside that range of your radio will probably not work
+    /// \return true if the selected frquency centre is within range
+    bool        setFrequency(float centre);
+    /// If current mode is Rx or Tx changes it to Idle. If the transmitter or receiver is running, 
+    /// disables them.
+    void           setModeIdle();
+    /// If current mode is Tx or Idle, changes it to Rx. 
+    /// Starts the receiver in the RF95/96/97/98.
+    void           setModeRx();
+    /// If current mode is Rx or Idle, changes it to Rx. F
+    /// Starts the transmitter in the RF95/96/97/98.
+    void           setModeTx();
+    /// Sets the transmitter power output level, and configures the transmitter pin.
+    /// Be a good neighbour and set the lowest power level you need.
+    /// Some SX1276/77/78/79 and compatible modules (such as RFM95/96/97/98) 
+    /// use the PA_BOOST transmitter pin for high power output (and optionally the PA_DAC)
+    /// while some (such as the Modtronix inAir4 and inAir9) 
+    /// use the RFO transmitter pin for lower power but higher efficiency.
+    /// You must set the appropriate power level and useRFO argument for your module.
+    /// Check with your module manufacturer which transmtter pin is used on your module
+    /// to ensure you are setting useRFO correctly. 
+    /// Failure to do so will result in very low 
+    /// transmitter power output.
+    /// Caution: legal power limits may apply in certain countries.
+    /// After init(), the power will be set to 13dBm, with useRFO false (ie PA_BOOST enabled).
+    /// \param[in] power Transmitter power level in dBm. For RFM95/96/97/98 LORA with useRFO false, 
+    /// valid values are from +5 to +23.
+    /// For Modtronix inAir4 and inAir9 with useRFO true (ie RFO pins in use), 
+    /// valid values are from -1 to 14.
+    /// \param[in] useRFO If true, enables the use of the RFO transmitter pins instead of
+    /// the PA_BOOST pin (false). Choose the correct setting for your module.
+    void           setTxPower(int8_t power, bool useRFO = false);
+    /// Sets the radio into low-power sleep mode.
+    /// If successful, the transport will stay in sleep mode until woken by 
+    /// changing mode it idle, transmit or receive (eg by calling send(), recv(), available() etc)
+    /// Caution: there is a time penalty as the radio takes a finite time to wake from sleep mode.
+    /// \return true if sleep mode was successfully entered.
+    virtual bool    sleep();
+    // Bent G Christensen (, 08/15/2016
+    /// Use the radio's Channel Activity Detect (CAD) function to detect channel activity.
+    /// Sets the RF95 radio into CAD mode and waits until CAD detection is complete.
+    /// To be used in a listen-before-talk mechanism (Collision Avoidance)
+    /// with a reasonable time backoff algorithm.
+    /// This is called automatically by waitCAD().
+    /// \return true if channel is in use.  
+    virtual bool    isChannelActive();
+    /// Enable TCXO mode
+    /// Call this immediately after init(), to force your radio to use an external 
+    /// frequency source, such as a Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator (TCXO).
+    /// See the comments in the main documentation about the sensitivity of this radio to
+    /// clock frequency especially when using narrow bandwidths.
+    /// Leaves the module in sleep mode.
+    /// Caution, this function has not been tested by us.
+    void enableTCXO();
+    /// Returns the last measured frequency error.
+    /// The LoRa receiver estimates the frequency offset between the receiver centre frequency
+    /// and that of the received LoRa signal. This function returns the estimates offset (in Hz) 
+    /// of the last received message. Caution: this measurement is not absolute, but is measured 
+    /// relative to the local receiver's oscillator. 
+    /// Apparent errors may be due to the transmitter, the receiver or both.
+    /// \return The estimated centre frequency offset in Hz of the last received message. 
+    /// If the modem bandwidth selector in 
+    /// register RH_RF95_REG_1D_MODEM_CONFIG1 is invalid, returns 0.
+    int frequencyError();
+    /// Returns the Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the last received message, as measured
+    /// by the receiver.
+    /// \return SNR of the last received message in dB
+    int lastSNR();
+    /// This is a low level function to handle the interrupts for one instance of RH_RF95.
+    /// Must be called from user code in mbed because the swspi library mutex cannot be
+    /// executed in an ISR.  It should be executed when the ISR pin is seen low.
+    void           handleInterrupt();
+    /// Examine the revceive buffer to determine whether the message is for this node
+    void validateRxBuf();
+    /// Clear our local receive buffer
+    void clearRxBuf();
+    /// SPI
+    swspi&              _spi;
+    int                 _ssn;
+    /// Number of octets in the buffer
+    volatile uint8_t    _bufLen;
+    /// The receiver/transmitter buffer
+    uint8_t             _buf[RH_RF95_MAX_PAYLOAD_LEN];
+    /// True when there is a valid message in the buffer
+    volatile bool       _rxBufValid;
+    // True if we are using the HF port (779.0 MHz and above)
+    bool                _usingHFport;
+    // Last measured SNR, dB
+    int8_t              _lastSNR;
+/// @example rf95_client.pde
+/// @example rf95_server.pde
+/// @example rf95_reliable_datagram_client.pde
+/// @example rf95_reliable_datagram_server.pde