Virtual COM AO31

Dependencies:   USBDevice


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
28:f86ec29d719c 2021-12-29 walterluu Virtual COM AO31 default tip
27:6e67717398b6 2020-08-14 walterluu Modified firmware to read current sense IC
26:35b91346d40c 2019-10-10 cyberjoey Publishing with mbed lib (86....) and USBDevice lib (dad...)
25:b4aa3ea96ead 2019-10-09 cyberjoey publishing again
24:5ee9d36089f3 2019-02-08 cyberjoey untested but simplified main
23:9bcf097cbfc2 2019-02-08 cyberjoey edited for simplicity
22:ee0d36d534cd 2019-02-08 cyberjoey Working I2C bridge
21:0f358a702561 2018-09-25 cyberjoey fixed bug with log file printing where rom IDs were all zeros
20:ba06efe24970 2018-09-25 cyberjoey Optimized read all registers from GUI ; and fixed reading range of rgeisters (printed new line before result instead of after) ; and wrote clear_log_file() fxn
19:7081d6f6288b 2018-08-31 cyberjoey I2C version OT07 GUI firmware
18:d913ec9dd9c2 2018-08-31 cyberjoey First attempt full conversion to I2C
17:401a5bb8d403 2018-08-31 cyberjoey all commands converted to i2c first attempt
16:2f373d3c8214 2018-07-10 cyberjoey removed spaces from sd csv data
15:61dce4bef44f 2018-07-06 cyberjoey changed serial to non-blocking so code will continue even when serial connection is not present
14:480f2398fe6a 2018-07-06 cyberjoey checkpoint before serial modification
13:674c647d12dd 2018-07-03 cyberjoey code cleanup
12:aa9fff0aec91 2018-07-03 cyberjoey removed echo when serial client send commands so client does not have to read dummy line
11:94a7379c0db8 2018-07-03 cyberjoey fixed bugs involving infinite settings/log printing after live insertion of sd card
10:148da21c297e 2018-07-02 cyberjoey fixed serial com issue on idle by modifying revisions of mbed-os, USBDevice, and other libs
9:36ba3626aab7 2018-06-29 cyberjoey flash logging working but without settings.txt interface
8:be1c3495b9ea 2017-11-17 h_keyur Changed the SDFileSystem library; Does not include FATFileSystem. FATFileSystem is pulled from mbed-os/features/filesystem/
7:37d8023d0fb4 2017-11-16 h_keyur Updated all libraries to the latest revision
6:96d8d823e292 2017-02-06 switches Publishing to Maxim Integrated Team
5:7d50a651f3f3 2017-02-03 switches Replaced development library with official library
4:bafcac667ef6 2016-12-13 switches Updated pegasus_dev and max32630fthr libraries
3:247c750f9f3d 2016-11-20 switches Updated to new MAX32630FTHR Class Library
2:6a9f1c5338b6 2016-11-16 switches Example showing SD card library demonstrates how to select 3.3V IO
1:90313362ec11 2016-11-16 switches New SD card demo showing how to select 3.3V IO
0:60a522ae2e35 2016-11-11 switches Basic blinky demo with development libraries for MAX32630FTHR