LP Long Distance IR Vision Robot

Dependencies:   max77650_charger_sample BufferedSerial SX1276GenericLib Adafruit-MotorShield NEO-6m-GPS MAX17055_EZconfig Adafruit_GFX USBDeviceHT Adafruit-PWM-Servo-Driver

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UARTService Class Reference

BLE Service to enable UART over BLE. More...

#include <UARTService_custom.h>

Public Member Functions

 UARTService (BLE &_ble)
uint16_t getTXCharacteristicHandle ()
 Note: TX and RX characteristics are to be interpreted from the viewpoint of the GATT client using this service.
uint16_t getRXCharacteristicHandle ()
 Note: TX and RX characteristics are to be interpreted from the viewpoint of the GATT client using this service.
size_t write (const void *_buffer, size_t length)
 We attempt to collect bytes before pushing them to the UART RX characteristic; writing to the RX characteristic then generates notifications for the client.
size_t writeString (const char *str)
 Helper function to write out strings.
int _putc (int c)
 Override for Stream::_putc().
int _getc ()
 Override for Stream::_getc().

Static Public Attributes

 < Maximum length of data (in bytes) that the UART service module can transmit to the peer.

Protected Member Functions

void onDataWritten (const GattWriteCallbackParams *params)
 This callback allows the UART service to receive updates to the txCharacteristic.

Protected Attributes

uint8_t receiveBuffer [BLE_UART_SERVICE_MAX_DATA_LEN]
 The local buffer into which we receive inbound data before forwarding it to the application.
uint8_t sendBuffer [BLE_UART_SERVICE_MAX_DATA_LEN]
 The local buffer into which outbound data is accumulated before being pushed to the rxCharacteristic.
GattCharacteristic txCharacteristic
 From the point of view of the external client, this is the characteristic they'd write into in order to communicate with this application.
GattCharacteristic rxCharacteristic
 From the point of view of the external client, this is the characteristic they'd read from in order to receive the bytes transmitted by this application.

Detailed Description

BLE Service to enable UART over BLE.

Definition at line 46 of file UARTService_custom.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

UARTService ( BLE &  _ble )
ref]ble BLE object for the underlying controller.

Definition at line 57 of file UARTService_custom.h.

Member Function Documentation

int _getc (  )

Override for Stream::_getc().

The character read.

Definition at line 159 of file UARTService_custom.h.

int _putc ( int  c )

Override for Stream::_putc().

cThis function writes the character c, cast to an unsigned char, to stream.
The character written as an unsigned char cast to an int or EOF on error.

Definition at line 150 of file UARTService_custom.h.

uint16_t getRXCharacteristicHandle (  )

Note: TX and RX characteristics are to be interpreted from the viewpoint of the GATT client using this service.

Definition at line 84 of file UARTService_custom.h.

uint16_t getTXCharacteristicHandle (  )

Note: TX and RX characteristics are to be interpreted from the viewpoint of the GATT client using this service.

Definition at line 77 of file UARTService_custom.h.

void onDataWritten ( const GattWriteCallbackParams *  params ) [protected]

This callback allows the UART service to receive updates to the txCharacteristic.

The application should forward the call to this function from the global onDataWritten() callback handler; if that's not used, this method can be used as a callback directly.

Definition at line 174 of file UARTService_custom.h.

size_t write ( const void *  _buffer,
size_t  length 

We attempt to collect bytes before pushing them to the UART RX characteristic; writing to the RX characteristic then generates notifications for the client.

Updates made in quick succession to a notification-generating characteristic result in data being buffered in the Bluetooth stack as notifications are sent out. The stack has its limits for this buffering - typically a small number under 10. Collecting data into the sendBuffer buffer helps mitigate the rate of updates. But we shouldn't buffer a large amount of data before updating the characteristic, otherwise the client needs to turn around and make a long read request; this is because notifications include only the first 20 bytes of the updated data.

bufferThe received update.
lengthNumber of characters to be appended.
Number of characters appended to the rxCharacteristic.

Definition at line 105 of file UARTService_custom.h.

size_t writeString ( const char *  str )

Helper function to write out strings.

strThe received string.
Number of characters appended to the rxCharacteristic.

Definition at line 139 of file UARTService_custom.h.

Field Documentation


< Maximum length of data (in bytes) that the UART service module can transmit to the peer.

Definition at line 49 of file UARTService_custom.h.

The local buffer into which we receive inbound data before forwarding it to the application.

Definition at line 188 of file UARTService_custom.h.

GattCharacteristic rxCharacteristic [protected]

From the point of view of the external client, this is the characteristic they'd read from in order to receive the bytes transmitted by this application.

Definition at line 201 of file UARTService_custom.h.

The local buffer into which outbound data is accumulated before being pushed to the rxCharacteristic.

Definition at line 192 of file UARTService_custom.h.

GattCharacteristic txCharacteristic [protected]

From the point of view of the external client, this is the characteristic they'd write into in order to communicate with this application.

Definition at line 199 of file UARTService_custom.h.