Added functionality to output stored data to sd card. Code for SPI communication to modular sensor array is commented out due to bugs in reading in SPI data from arduino. (Sending SPI data to arduino is working)

Dependencies:   Regrind RioRandHBridge SDFileSystem Solenoid mbed

Fork of ECE4012-PHD by Mitchell Pang

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Nov 24 09:36:53 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "Regrind.h"
+#include "TB6612FNG.h"
+#include "Solenoid.h"
+#define OG1_TO_OG2_DIST 1
+#define OG1_TO_OG3_DIST 2
+#define SOLENOID_ON_DELAY 0.001
+#define LED_ON_DELAY 0.5
+#define LED_OFF_DELAY 0.0
+DigitalOut led1(LED1,0); //Used as 1pps out indicator
+Solenoid led2(LED2, LED_ON_DELAY, LED_OFF_DELAY);
+Solenoid led3(LED3, LED_ON_DELAY, LED_OFF_DELAY);
+Solenoid led4(LED4, LED_ON_DELAY, LED_OFF_DELAY);
+DigitalOut onePPS_out(p29);
+Solenoid solenoid(p30, SOLENOID_ON_DELAY, SOLENOID_OFF_DELAY); //Solenoid(PinName pin, float ondelay, float offdelay)
+TB6612FNG augerMotors(p21, p26, p25, p22, p24, p23, p27); //TB6612FNG( PinName pinPwmA, PinName pinAin1, PinName pinAin2, PinName pinPwmB, PinName pinBin1, PinName pinBin2, PinName pinNStby );
+AnalogIn topMotorAdjuster(p15);
+AnalogIn bottomMotorAdjuster(p16);
+DigitalOut unused1(p17);
+AnalogIn og1(p20);
+AnalogIn og2(p19);
+AnalogIn og3(p18);
+Timer totalT;
+//Ticker 1pps;
+Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX); //used for debugging
+float og1Threshold = 0;
+float og2Threshold = 0;
+float og3Threshold = 0;
+int   og1Oneshot = 0;
+int   og2Oneshot = 0;
+int   og3Oneshot = 0;
+float og1_adc = 0;
+float og2_adc = 0;
+float og3_adc = 0;
+int   og1Ndx = 0;
+int   og2Ndx = 0;
+int   og3Ndx = 0;
+float og1_min = 0;
+float og1_max = 0;
+float og2_min = 0;
+float og2_max = 0;
+float og3_min = 0;
+float og3_max = 0;
+Regrind regrindArray[REGRIND_ARRAY_SIZE];
+void flip(){
+    led1 = !led1;
+    1pps_out = !1pps_out;
+    }
+int main() {
+    //Start Clock
+    totalT.start();
+    //Setup Information
+    /*
+    led1 = 0;
+    1pps_out = 0;
+    1pps.attach(&flip, 1.0);
+    */
+    //Setup motors
+    augerMotors.setPwmApulsewidth(0.0);
+    augerMotors.setPwmBpulsewidth(0.0);
+    augerMotors.motorA_ccw();
+    augerMotors.motorB_ccw();
+    //Spin up Motors until fluctuation of 10% seen
+    //Calibrate the ADC
+    //Done by spinning augers and measuring min and max then setting threshold as 0.9*(max-min) + min
+    while(1) {
+        //Sample ADCs
+        og1_adc = og1;
+        og2_adc = og2;
+        og3_adc = og3;
+        if((og1_adc < og1Threshold) && (og1Oneshot != 1)){ //Something passed through og1
+            og1Oneshot = 1;
+            pc.printf("Regrind seen at OG 1 : %dV\n\r", 3.3*og1_adc);
+            led2 = 1;
+            //Create Regrind
+            regrindArray[og1Ndx%REGRIND_ARRAY_SIZE] = Regrind(totalT.read_us(), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+        } //if(og1...)
+        else if(og1_adc >  0.95*og1_max){ //Regrind has passed ok to reset og
+            og1Oneshot = 0;
+        }//else if(og1 ...)
+        if((og2_adc < og2Threshold) && (og2Oneshot != 1)){
+            og2Oneshot = 1;
+            regrindArray[og2Ndx%REGRIND_ARRAY_SIZE].setVelocity(OG1_TO_OG2_DIST);
+            led3 = 1;
+        }//if(og2..)
+        else if(og2_adc >  0.95*og2_max){ //Regrind has passed ok to reset og
+            og2Oneshot = 0;
+        }//else if(og2 ...)
+        if((og3_adc < og3Threshold) && (og3Oneshot != 1)){
+            og3Oneshot = 1;
+            led4 = 1;
+            regrindArray[og3Ndx].setAcceleration(OG1_TO_OG3_DIST);
+            if(regrindArray[og3Ndx].divert == 1){//Regrind has been selected to be diverted. Turn on solenoid.
+                solenoid = 1;
+            }
+        }//if(og3..)
+        else if(og3_adc >  0.95*og3_max){ //Regrind has passed ok to reset og
+            og3Oneshot = 0;
+        }//else if(og3 ...)
+        //Check on 1pps clock
+        if((totalT.read_us() % 2000000) < 1000000){
+            led1 = 1;
+            onePPS_out = 1;
+        }
+        else {//timer is in off cycle
+            led1 = 0;
+            onePPS_out = 0;
+        }
+        //Check if data writing flag is set - if so, write to SD card
+        //Adjust PWM as necessary
+        augerMotors.setPwmApulsewidth(;
+        augerMotors.setPwmBpulsewidth(;
+    } //while(1)
+    totalT.stop();
+}// int main()