
Dependencies:   mbed X-NUCLEO-IHM05A1

--- a/stats_report.h	Fri Sep 13 09:24:19 2019 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-/* mbed Microcontroller Library
- * Copyright (c) 2018 ARM Limited
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- */
-#include "mbed.h"
- *  System Reporting library. Provides runtime information on device:
- *      - CPU sleep, idle, and wake times
- *      - Heap and stack usage
- *      - Thread information
- *      - Static system information
- */
-class SystemReport {
-    mbed_stats_heap_t   heap_stats;
-    mbed_stats_cpu_t    cpu_stats;
-    mbed_stats_sys_t    sys_stats;
-    mbed_stats_thread_t *thread_stats;
-    uint8_t   thread_count;
-    uint8_t   max_thread_count;
-    uint32_t  sample_time_ms;
-    /**
-     *  SystemReport - Sample rate in ms is required to handle the CPU percent awake logic
-     */
-    SystemReport(uint32_t sample_rate) : max_thread_count(8), sample_time_ms(sample_rate)
-    {
-        thread_stats = new mbed_stats_thread_t[max_thread_count];
-        // Collect the static system information
-        mbed_stats_sys_get(&sys_stats);
-        printf("=============================== SYSTEM INFO  ================================\r\n");
-        printf("Mbed OS Version: %ld \r\n", sys_stats.os_version);
-        printf("CPU ID: 0x%lx \r\n", sys_stats.cpu_id);
-        printf("Compiler ID: %d \r\n", sys_stats.compiler_id);
-        printf("Compiler Version: %ld \r\n", sys_stats.compiler_version);
-    }
-    ~SystemReport(void)
-    {
-        free(thread_stats);
-    }
-    /**
-     *  Report on each Mbed OS Platform stats API
-     */
-    void report_state(void)
-    {
-        report_cpu_stats();
-        report_heap_stats();
-        report_thread_stats();
-        // Clear next line to separate subsequent report logs
-        printf("\r\n");
-    }
-    /**
-     *  Report CPU idle and awake time in terms of percentage
-     */
-    void report_cpu_stats(void)
-    {
-        static uint64_t prev_idle_time = 0;
-        printf("================= CPU STATS =================\r\n");
-        // Collect and print cpu stats
-        mbed_stats_cpu_get(&cpu_stats);
-        uint64_t diff = (cpu_stats.idle_time - prev_idle_time);
-        uint8_t idle = (diff * 100) / (sample_time_ms * 1000);  // usec;
-        uint8_t usage = 100 - ((diff * 100) / (sample_time_ms * 1000));  // usec;;
-        prev_idle_time = cpu_stats.idle_time;
-        printf("Idle: %d%% Usage: %d%% \r\n", idle, usage);
-    }
-    /**
-     *  Report current heap stats. Current heap refers to the current amount of
-     *  allocated heap. Max heap refers to the highest amount of heap allocated
-     *  since reset.
-     */
-    void report_heap_stats(void)
-    {
-        printf("================ HEAP STATS =================\r\n");
-        // Collect and print heap stats
-        mbed_stats_heap_get(&heap_stats);
-        printf("Current heap: %lu\r\n", heap_stats.current_size);
-        printf("Max heap size: %lu\r\n", heap_stats.max_size);
-    }
-    /**
-     *  Report active thread stats
-     */
-    void report_thread_stats(void)
-    {
-        printf("================ THREAD STATS ===============\r\n");
-        // Collect and print running thread stats
-        int count = mbed_stats_thread_get_each(thread_stats, max_thread_count);
-        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-            printf("ID: 0x%lx \r\n",        thread_stats[i].id);
-            printf("Name: %s \r\n",         thread_stats[i].name);
-            printf("State: %ld \r\n",       thread_stats[i].state);
-            printf("Priority: %ld \r\n",    thread_stats[i].priority);
-            printf("Stack Size: %ld \r\n",  thread_stats[i].stack_size);
-            printf("Stack Space: %ld \r\n", thread_stats[i].stack_space);
-        }
-    }
-#endif // STATS_REPORT_H