Zusätzliche Funktionen eingeführt.
Fork of m3pi_ng by
- Committer:
- dpfeiffer
- Date:
- 2015-07-22
- Revision:
- 15:954081ec1a2d
- Parent:
- 12:78fd82b3fb09
File content as of revision 15:954081ec1a2d:
/* m3pi Library * * Copyright (c) 2007-2010 cstyles * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * This is a modified version of the library. Modifications by ngoldin, 2013 * */ #include "mbed.h" #include "m3pi_ng.h" m3pi::m3pi(PinName nrst, PinName tx, PinName rx) : Stream("m3pi"), _nrst(nrst), _ser(tx, rx) { _ser.baud(115200); reset(); } m3pi::m3pi() : Stream("m3pi"), _nrst(p23), _ser(p9, p10) { _ser.baud(115200); reset(); } void m3pi::signature (char * sig) { _ser.putc(SEND_SIGNATURE); for (int i=0; i<6;i++){ sig[i]=_ser.getc(); } } void m3pi::raw_sensor (int * raw) { _ser.putc(SEND_RAW_SENSOR_VALUES); for (int i=0; i<5; i++){ char lowbyte = _ser.getc(); char hibyte = _ser.getc(); int s = (lowbyte + (hibyte << 8)); raw[i] = s; } } void m3pi::calibrated_sensor (int * cal) { _ser.putc(SEND_CALIBRATED_SENSOR_VALUES); for (int i=0; i<5; i++){ char lowbyte = _ser.getc(); char hibyte = _ser.getc(); int s = (lowbyte + (hibyte << 8)); cal[i] = s; } } void m3pi::playtune (char* text, int length) { _ser.putc(DO_PLAY); _ser.putc(length); for (int i = 0 ; i < length ; i++) { _ser.putc(text[i]); } } void m3pi::slowstop (float speed, float waittime, int steps) { for (int i=2; i<steps ; i++) { float slowed; slowed=speed*float(steps-i)/float(steps); motor(0,slowed); motor(1,slowed); wait(waittime); } motor(0,0); motor(1,0); } void m3pi::reset () { _nrst = 0; wait (0.01); _nrst = 1; wait (0.1); } void m3pi::left_motor (float speed) { motor(1,speed); } void m3pi::right_motor (float speed) { motor(0,speed); } void m3pi::forward (float speed) { motor(0,speed); motor(1,speed); } void m3pi::backward (float speed) { motor(0,-1.0*speed); motor(1,-1.0*speed); } void m3pi::left (float speed) { motor(0,speed); motor(1,-1.0*speed); } void m3pi::right (float speed) { motor(0,-1.0*speed); motor(1,speed); } void m3pi::stop (void) { motor(0,0.0); motor(1,0.0); } void m3pi::motor (int motor, float speed) { char opcode = 0x0; if (speed > 0.0) { if (motor==1) opcode = M1_FORWARD; else opcode = M2_FORWARD; } else { if (motor==1) opcode = M1_BACKWARD; else opcode = M2_BACKWARD; } unsigned char arg = 0x7f * fabs(speed); _ser.putc(opcode); _ser.putc(arg); } float m3pi::battery() { _ser.putc(SEND_BATTERY_MILLIVOLTS); char lowbyte = _ser.getc(); char hibyte = _ser.getc(); float v = ((lowbyte + (hibyte << 8))/1000.0); return(v); } float m3pi::line_position() { int pos = 0; _ser.putc(SEND_LINE_POSITION); pos = _ser.getc(); pos += _ser.getc() << 8; float fpos = ((float)pos - 2048.0)/2048.0; return(fpos); } char m3pi::sensor_auto_calibrate() { _ser.putc(AUTO_CALIBRATE); return(_ser.getc()); } void m3pi::calibrate(void) { _ser.putc(PI_CALIBRATE); } void m3pi::reset_calibration() { _ser.putc(LINE_SENSORS_RESET_CALIBRATION); } void m3pi::PID_start(int max_speed, int a, int b, int c, int d) { _ser.putc(max_speed); _ser.putc(a); _ser.putc(b); _ser.putc(c); _ser.putc(d); } void m3pi::PID_stop() { _ser.putc(STOP_PID); } float m3pi::pot_voltage(void) { int volt = 0; _ser.putc(SEND_TRIMPOT); volt = _ser.getc(); volt += _ser.getc() << 8; return(volt); } void m3pi::leds(int val) { BusOut _leds(p20,p19,p18,p17,p16,p15,p14,p13); _leds = val; } void m3pi::locate(int x, int y) { _ser.putc(DO_LCD_GOTO_XY); _ser.putc(x); _ser.putc(y); } void m3pi::cls(void) { _ser.putc(DO_CLEAR); } int m3pi::print (char* text, int length) { _ser.putc(DO_PRINT); _ser.putc(length); for (int i = 0 ; i < length ; i++) { _ser.putc(text[i]); } return(0); } int m3pi::_putc (int c) { _ser.putc(DO_PRINT); _ser.putc(0x1); _ser.putc(c); wait (0.001); return(c); } int m3pi::_getc (void) { char r = 0; return(r); } int m3pi::putc (int c) { return(_ser.putc(c)); } int m3pi::getc (void) { return(_ser.getc()); } #ifdef MBED_RPC const rpc_method *m3pi::get_rpc_methods() { static const rpc_method rpc_methods[] = {{ "forward", rpc_method_caller<m3pi, float, &m3pi::forward> }, { "backward", rpc_method_caller<m3pi, float, &m3pi::backward> }, { "left", rpc_method_caller<m3pi, float, &m3pi::left> }, { "right", rpc_method_caller<m3pi, float, &m3pi::right> }, { "stop", rpc_method_caller<m3pi, &m3pi::stop> }, { "left_motor", rpc_method_caller<m3pi, float, &m3pi::left_motor> }, { "right_motor", rpc_method_caller<m3pi, float, &m3pi::right_motor> }, { "battery", rpc_method_caller<float, m3pi, &m3pi::battery> }, { "line_position", rpc_method_caller<float, m3pi, &m3pi::line_position> }, { "sensor_auto_calibrate", rpc_method_caller<char, m3pi, &m3pi::sensor_auto_calibrate> }, RPC_METHOD_SUPER(Base) }; return rpc_methods; } #endif