mbed-rtos // fixed error.h
Fork of mbed-rtos by
- Committer:
- mbed_official
- Date:
- 2014-07-08
- Revision:
- 36:512640f00564
- Parent:
- 31:015df9e602b6
File content as of revision 36:512640f00564:
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * RL-ARM - RTX *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Name: RT_LIST.C * Purpose: Functions for the management of different lists * Rev.: V4.60 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (c) 1999-2009 KEIL, 2009-2012 ARM Germany GmbH * All rights reserved. * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - Neither the name of ARM nor the names of its contributors may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "rt_TypeDef.h" #include "RTX_Conf.h" #include "rt_System.h" #include "rt_List.h" #include "rt_Task.h" #include "rt_Time.h" #include "rt_HAL_CM.h" /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Global Variables *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* List head of chained ready tasks */ struct OS_XCB os_rdy; /* List head of chained delay tasks */ struct OS_XCB os_dly; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Functions *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--------------------------- rt_put_prio -----------------------------------*/ void rt_put_prio (P_XCB p_CB, P_TCB p_task) { /* Put task identified with "p_task" into list ordered by priority. */ /* "p_CB" points to head of list; list has always an element at end with */ /* a priority less than "p_task->prio". */ P_TCB p_CB2; U32 prio; BOOL sem_mbx = __FALSE; if (p_CB->cb_type == SCB || p_CB->cb_type == MCB || p_CB->cb_type == MUCB) { sem_mbx = __TRUE; } prio = p_task->prio; p_CB2 = p_CB->p_lnk; /* Search for an entry in the list */ while (p_CB2 != NULL && prio <= p_CB2->prio) { p_CB = (P_XCB)p_CB2; p_CB2 = p_CB2->p_lnk; } /* Entry found, insert the task into the list */ p_task->p_lnk = p_CB2; p_CB->p_lnk = p_task; if (sem_mbx) { if (p_CB2 != NULL) { p_CB2->p_rlnk = p_task; } p_task->p_rlnk = (P_TCB)p_CB; } else { p_task->p_rlnk = NULL; } } /*--------------------------- rt_get_first ----------------------------------*/ P_TCB rt_get_first (P_XCB p_CB) { /* Get task at head of list: it is the task with highest priority. */ /* "p_CB" points to head of list. */ P_TCB p_first; p_first = p_CB->p_lnk; p_CB->p_lnk = p_first->p_lnk; if (p_CB->cb_type == SCB || p_CB->cb_type == MCB || p_CB->cb_type == MUCB) { if (p_first->p_lnk != NULL) { p_first->p_lnk->p_rlnk = (P_TCB)p_CB; p_first->p_lnk = NULL; } p_first->p_rlnk = NULL; } else { p_first->p_lnk = NULL; } return (p_first); } /*--------------------------- rt_put_rdy_first ------------------------------*/ void rt_put_rdy_first (P_TCB p_task) { /* Put task identified with "p_task" at the head of the ready list. The */ /* task must have at least a priority equal to highest priority in list. */ p_task->p_lnk = os_rdy.p_lnk; p_task->p_rlnk = NULL; os_rdy.p_lnk = p_task; } /*--------------------------- rt_get_same_rdy_prio --------------------------*/ P_TCB rt_get_same_rdy_prio (void) { /* Remove a task of same priority from ready list if any exists. Other- */ /* wise return NULL. */ P_TCB p_first; p_first = os_rdy.p_lnk; if (p_first->prio == os_tsk.run->prio) { os_rdy.p_lnk = os_rdy.p_lnk->p_lnk; return (p_first); } return (NULL); } /*--------------------------- rt_resort_prio --------------------------------*/ void rt_resort_prio (P_TCB p_task) { /* Re-sort ordered lists after the priority of 'p_task' has changed. */ P_TCB p_CB; if (p_task->p_rlnk == NULL) { if (p_task->state == READY) { /* Task is chained into READY list. */ p_CB = (P_TCB)&os_rdy; goto res; } } else { p_CB = p_task->p_rlnk; while (p_CB->cb_type == TCB) { /* Find a header of this task chain list. */ p_CB = p_CB->p_rlnk; } res:rt_rmv_list (p_task); rt_put_prio ((P_XCB)p_CB, p_task); } } /*--------------------------- rt_put_dly ------------------------------------*/ void rt_put_dly (P_TCB p_task, U16 delay) { /* Put a task identified with "p_task" into chained delay wait list using */ /* a delay value of "delay". */ P_TCB p; U32 delta,idelay = delay; p = (P_TCB)&os_dly; if (p->p_dlnk == NULL) { /* Delay list empty */ delta = 0; goto last; } delta = os_dly.delta_time; while (delta < idelay) { if (p->p_dlnk == NULL) { /* End of list found */ last: p_task->p_dlnk = NULL; p->p_dlnk = p_task; p_task->p_blnk = p; p->delta_time = (U16)(idelay - delta); p_task->delta_time = 0; return; } p = p->p_dlnk; delta += p->delta_time; } /* Right place found */ p_task->p_dlnk = p->p_dlnk; p->p_dlnk = p_task; p_task->p_blnk = p; if (p_task->p_dlnk != NULL) { p_task->p_dlnk->p_blnk = p_task; } p_task->delta_time = (U16)(delta - idelay); p->delta_time -= p_task->delta_time; } /*--------------------------- rt_dec_dly ------------------------------------*/ void rt_dec_dly (void) { /* Decrement delta time of list head: remove tasks having a value of zero.*/ P_TCB p_rdy; if (os_dly.p_dlnk == NULL) { return; } os_dly.delta_time--; while ((os_dly.delta_time == 0) && (os_dly.p_dlnk != NULL)) { p_rdy = os_dly.p_dlnk; if (p_rdy->p_rlnk != NULL) { /* Task is really enqueued, remove task from semaphore/mailbox */ /* timeout waiting list. */ p_rdy->p_rlnk->p_lnk = p_rdy->p_lnk; if (p_rdy->p_lnk != NULL) { p_rdy->p_lnk->p_rlnk = p_rdy->p_rlnk; p_rdy->p_lnk = NULL; } p_rdy->p_rlnk = NULL; } rt_put_prio (&os_rdy, p_rdy); os_dly.delta_time = p_rdy->delta_time; if (p_rdy->state == WAIT_ITV) { /* Calculate the next time for interval wait. */ p_rdy->delta_time = p_rdy->interval_time + (U16)os_time; } p_rdy->state = READY; os_dly.p_dlnk = p_rdy->p_dlnk; if (p_rdy->p_dlnk != NULL) { p_rdy->p_dlnk->p_blnk = (P_TCB)&os_dly; p_rdy->p_dlnk = NULL; } p_rdy->p_blnk = NULL; } } /*--------------------------- rt_rmv_list -----------------------------------*/ void rt_rmv_list (P_TCB p_task) { /* Remove task identified with "p_task" from ready, semaphore or mailbox */ /* waiting list if enqueued. */ P_TCB p_b; if (p_task->p_rlnk != NULL) { /* A task is enqueued in semaphore / mailbox waiting list. */ p_task->p_rlnk->p_lnk = p_task->p_lnk; if (p_task->p_lnk != NULL) { p_task->p_lnk->p_rlnk = p_task->p_rlnk; } return; } p_b = (P_TCB)&os_rdy; while (p_b != NULL) { /* Search the ready list for task "p_task" */ if (p_b->p_lnk == p_task) { p_b->p_lnk = p_task->p_lnk; return; } p_b = p_b->p_lnk; } } /*--------------------------- rt_rmv_dly ------------------------------------*/ void rt_rmv_dly (P_TCB p_task) { /* Remove task identified with "p_task" from delay list if enqueued. */ P_TCB p_b; p_b = p_task->p_blnk; if (p_b != NULL) { /* Task is really enqueued */ p_b->p_dlnk = p_task->p_dlnk; if (p_task->p_dlnk != NULL) { /* 'p_task' is in the middle of list */ p_b->delta_time += p_task->delta_time; p_task->p_dlnk->p_blnk = p_b; p_task->p_dlnk = NULL; } else { /* 'p_task' is at the end of list */ p_b->delta_time = 0; } p_task->p_blnk = NULL; } } /*--------------------------- rt_psq_enq ------------------------------------*/ void rt_psq_enq (OS_ID entry, U32 arg) { /* Insert post service request "entry" into ps-queue. */ U32 idx; idx = rt_inc_qi (os_psq->size, &os_psq->count, &os_psq->first); if (idx < os_psq->size) { os_psq->q[idx].id = entry; os_psq->q[idx].arg = arg; } else { os_error (OS_ERR_FIFO_OVF); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * end of file *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/