Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of SerialPassthroughcjsESP8266 by chris stevens

Wed Jun 15 14:47:19 2016 +0000
WIFI ESP8266 & KL25Z

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
cstevens 7:d78ed22a787d 1 /* Simpler prog based on the serial passthrough code to enable a command line driven test of esp8266
cstevens 7:d78ed22a787d 2 * wifi modules.
cstevens 7:d78ed22a787d 3 * NB this uses the mbed sleep() command to form a low power system but on some MCUs this is a problem
cstevens 7:d78ed22a787d 4 * this works fine on an lpc1768 but not as yet on the KL25Z
cstevens 7:d78ed22a787d 5 */
mbedAustin 0:59bec1fd956e 6 #include "mbed.h"
mbedAustin 2:a8dcb07a1d00 7
wadh4587 10:f7a48cc24892 8 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // serial terminal for the pc connection
wadh4587 10:f7a48cc24892 9 Serial dev(PTE0,PTE1); // for KL25Z... asuming one can't use the PTA1 version which is the stdio
wadh4587 10:f7a48cc24892 10 DigitalOut led1(LED1); // twp leds
wadh4587 10:f7a48cc24892 11 DigitalOut led4(LED2); // to allow visual check of bidirectional comms
wadh4587 10:f7a48cc24892 12 DigitalOut rst(PTD7); // single digital pin to drive the esp8266 reset line
mbedAustin 2:a8dcb07a1d00 13
cstevens 7:d78ed22a787d 14 // subroutine to run anytime a serial interrupt arrives from the device
cstevens 7:d78ed22a787d 15 // this basically passes everything thatthe device produces on to the pc terminal screen
sam_grove 5:96cb82af9996 16 void dev_recv()
mbedAustin 2:a8dcb07a1d00 17 {
sam_grove 5:96cb82af9996 18 led1 = !led1;
sam_grove 5:96cb82af9996 19 while(dev.readable()) {
sam_grove 5:96cb82af9996 20 pc.putc(dev.getc());
wadh4587 10:f7a48cc24892 21 wait_us(1);
sam_grove 5:96cb82af9996 22 }
sam_grove 5:96cb82af9996 23 }
cstevens 7:d78ed22a787d 24 // subroutine to service the serial interrupt on the pc connection
wadh4587 10:f7a48cc24892 25 // this is a bit more complex - it takes what the use sends on the pc and copies it on to the device
cstevens 7:d78ed22a787d 26 // the esp should echo these straight back to the the pc if all is well
cstevens 7:d78ed22a787d 27 // this also detects the end of command character which is ascii 13 (0x0d) adn adds a linefeed after it =asscii 10 (0x0a)
sam_grove 5:96cb82af9996 28 void pc_recv()
sam_grove 5:96cb82af9996 29 {
cstevens 6:dc4c165f6b53 30 char c;
sam_grove 5:96cb82af9996 31 led4 = !led4;
sam_grove 5:96cb82af9996 32 while(pc.readable()) {
wadh4587 10:f7a48cc24892 33 c = pc.getc();
cstevens 6:dc4c165f6b53 34 dev.putc(c);
wadh4587 10:f7a48cc24892 35 // pc.putc(c); // echo back
wadh4587 10:f7a48cc24892 36 if(c==13) {
wadh4587 10:f7a48cc24892 37 dev.putc(10); // send the linefeed to complement the carriage return generated by return key on the pc
wadh4587 10:f7a48cc24892 38 pc.putc(10);
wadh4587 10:f7a48cc24892 39 }
mbedAustin 0:59bec1fd956e 40 }
mbedAustin 0:59bec1fd956e 41 }
mbedAustin 4:ba9100d52e48 42
mbedAustin 4:ba9100d52e48 43 int main()
mbedAustin 4:ba9100d52e48 44 {
wadh4587 10:f7a48cc24892 45 pc.baud(115200);
wadh4587 10:f7a48cc24892 46 dev.baud(115200);
cstevens 6:dc4c165f6b53 47 rst=0;
cstevens 6:dc4c165f6b53 48 wait(1);
wadh4587 10:f7a48cc24892 49 rst = 1; // send the esp8266 reset
cstevens 6:dc4c165f6b53 50 wait(1);
mbedAustin 4:ba9100d52e48 51
cstevens 8:34cc66421054 52 pc.attach(&pc_recv, Serial::RxIrq); // attach the two interrupt services
sam_grove 5:96cb82af9996 53 dev.attach(&dev_recv, Serial::RxIrq);
wadh4587 10:f7a48cc24892 54 pc.printf("ok off we go....\n\r");
wadh4587 10:f7a48cc24892 55 // wait(10);
wadh4587 10:f7a48cc24892 56 // pc.printf("AT+RST\n\r");
wadh4587 10:f7a48cc24892 57 // wait(20);
wadh4587 10:f7a48cc24892 58 // pc.printf("AT+CWJAP="CWMWIFI","CWM2016TT""\n\r);
wadh4587 10:f7a48cc24892 59
mbedAustin 4:ba9100d52e48 60 while(1) {
wadh4587 10:f7a48cc24892 61 // (i++)%10; // THIS USED TO BE A SLEEP COMMAND BUT IT WAS CAUSING SOME TROUBLE.
mbedAustin 4:ba9100d52e48 62 }
wadh4587 10:f7a48cc24892 63 }