Bmag incl gps rettelse

Dependencies:   mbed WDT MODSERIAL BME280

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ErrorHandler Class Reference

ErrorHandler Class Reference

An Error Handler class. More...

#include <ErrorHandler.h>

Public Member Functions

 ErrorHandler ()
 ErrorHandler, default constructor.
 ErrorHandler (string *batteryvoltage, bool *fix, BMAG *bmag, NMEA *gps)
 ErrorHandler, constructor taking a few inputs.
string getLine1 (void)
 getLine1 is an error string getter method
string getLine2 (void)
 getLine2 is an error string getter method
bool getMagTimePromtStatus (void)
 getMagTimePromtStatus is a prompt status flag getter method
void setErrorState (ErrorState es)
 setErrorState is a error state setter method.
ErrorState getErrorState (void)
 getErrorState is a method returning the current errorstate

Detailed Description

An Error Handler class.

This class is used to handle error states, and display texts of the bmag usb logger.

Definition at line 16 of file ErrorHandler.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ErrorHandler (  )

ErrorHandler, default constructor.

Definition at line 5 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

ErrorHandler ( string *  batteryvoltage,
bool *  fix,
BMAG bmag,
NMEA gps 

ErrorHandler, constructor taking a few inputs.

This constuctor takes a few inputs, to enable more functionality

batteryvoltageA string pointer, enabling the class to access the current battery voltage string
fixA bool pointer, pointing to a boolean flag with gps fix status
bmagA BMAG object pointer, enabling the access to mag data directly from this class
gpsAn NMEA object pointer to a gps in this case

Definition at line 24 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

ErrorState getErrorState ( void   )

getErrorState is a method returning the current errorstate

Returns the current errorstate

currentState The current ErrorState

Definition at line 163 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

string getLine1 ( void   )

getLine1 is an error string getter method

This method returns the first row of input used in a display

errorStr1 a string containing the first display row

Definition at line 44 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

string getLine2 ( void   )

getLine2 is an error string getter method

This method returns the second row of input used in a display

errorStr2 a string containing the second display row

Definition at line 55 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

bool getMagTimePromtStatus ( void   )

getMagTimePromtStatus is a prompt status flag getter method

Returns the status of the setMagTimePrompted flag, indicating if a "please set the clock on bmag" prompt has been shown on display.

setMagTimePrompted A bool indicating if user has been prompted to set time on mag or not.

Definition at line 153 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

void setErrorState ( ErrorState  es )

setErrorState is a error state setter method.

Used to set the current errorstate, and changing the display texts accordingly

esThe errorstate needed of type ErrorState

Definition at line 66 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.