Modified for BG96
Fork of mbed-dev by
- Committer:
- AnnaBridge
- Date:
- 2018-04-19
- Revision:
- 184:08ed48f1de7f
- Parent:
- 174:b96e65c34a4d
File content as of revision 184:08ed48f1de7f:
/** ******************************************************************************* * @file sleep.c * @brief Implementation of an sleep functionality * @internal * @author ON Semiconductor * $Rev: 0.1 $ * $Date: 01-21-2016 $ ****************************************************************************** * Copyright 2016 Semiconductor Components Industries LLC (d/b/a ON Semiconductor). * All rights reserved. This software and/or documentation is licensed by ON Semiconductor * under limited terms and conditions. The terms and conditions pertaining to the software * and/or documentation are available at * (ON Semiconductor Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale, Section 8 Software) and * if applicable the software license agreement. Do not use this software and/or * documentation unless you have carefully read and you agree to the limited terms and * conditions. By using this software and/or documentation, you agree to the limited * terms and conditions. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED * OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. * ON SEMICONDUCTOR SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, * INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. * @endinternal * * @ingroup sleep * * @details * Sleep implementation * */ #if DEVICE_SLEEP #include "mbed_power_mgmt.h" #include "sleep_api.h" #include "cmsis_nvic.h" #define ENABLE (uint8_t)0x01 #define DISABLE (uint8_t)0x00 #define MAC_LUT_SIZE (uint8_t)96 #define portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG ( * ( ( volatile unsigned long * ) 0xe000e010 ) ) #define portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK_BIT ( 1UL << 2UL ) #define portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT_BIT ( 1UL << 1UL ) #define portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT ( 1UL << 0UL ) void fncs36510_sleep(void) { /** Unset SLEEPDEEP (SCR) and COMA to select sleep mode */ SCB->SCR &= ~SCB_SCR_SLEEPDEEP_Msk; PMUREG->CONTROL.BITS.ENCOMA = DISABLE; /* Enter into sleep mode */ __ISB(); __WFI(); } void fncs36510_deepsleep(void) { /** Set SLEEPDEEP (SCR) and unset COMA to select deep sleep mode */ SCB->SCR |= SCB_SCR_SLEEPDEEP_Msk; PMUREG->CONTROL.BITS.ENCOMA = DISABLE; /** Enter into deep sleep mode */ __ISB(); __WFI(); __NOP(); __NOP(); /** Wait for the external 32MHz to be power-ed up & running * Re-power down the 32MHz internal osc */ while (!CLOCKREG->CSR.BITS.XTAL32M); PMUREG->CONTROL.BITS.INT32M = 1; } void fncs36510_coma(void) { /** Set SLEEPDEEP (SCR) and set COMA to select coma mode */ SCB->SCR |= SCB_SCR_SLEEPDEEP_Msk; PMUREG->CONTROL.BITS.ENCOMA = ENABLE; /* TODO Wait till MAC is idle */ // while((MACHWREG->SEQUENCER == MACHW_SEQ_TX) || (MACHWREG->SEQUENCER == MACHW_SEQ_ED) || (MACHWREG->SEQUENCER == MACHW_SEQ_CCA)); /* TODO Back up MAC_LUT * uint8_t MAC_LUT_BackUp[MAC_LUT_SIZE]; fMacBackupFrameStoreLUT(MAC_LUT_BackUp); */ /* Disable UART 1 & 2 FIFO during coma*/ UART1REG->FCR.WORD &= ~(FCR_FIFO_ENABLE); UART2REG->FCR.WORD &= ~(FCR_FIFO_ENABLE); /** Enter into coma mode */ __ISB(); __WFI(); /** Wait for the external 32MHz to be power-ed up & running * Re-power down the 32MHz internal osc */ while (!CLOCKREG->CSR.BITS.XTAL32M); PMUREG->CONTROL.BITS.INT32M = 1; /** Trim the oscillators */ if ((TRIMREG->TRIM_32K_EXT & 0xFFFF0000) != 0xFFFF0000) { CLOCKREG->TRIM_32K_EXT.WORD = TRIMREG->TRIM_32K_EXT; } if ((TRIMREG->TRIM_32M_EXT & 0xFFFF0000) != 0xFFFF0000) { CLOCKREG->TRIM_32M_EXT.WORD = TRIMREG->TRIM_32M_EXT; } /* Enable UART 1 & 2 FIFO */ UART1REG->FCR.WORD |= FCR_FIFO_ENABLE; UART2REG->FCR.WORD |= FCR_FIFO_ENABLE; /* TODO Restore MAC_LUT * fMacRestoreFrameStoreLUT(MAC_LUT_BackUp); */ } #endif /* DEVICE_SLEEP */