
Dependents of nsdl_lib

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

NSP demo runnig over WiFi
NanoService Example for u-blox Cellular modems
ok connect ethernet http://nanoservice-demo.mbed.org/ logout login name/password: demo demo see unique id on LCD click on that on that SAME id on web page interact with it: led on/off temp …
More advanced NanoService Demo for LPC1768 App Board using OMA Lightweight Objects
Red Hat Summit NanoService Demo for LPC1768 App Board using OMA Lightweight Objects
Sensinode NSDL demo with WiFi interface
NanoService device game controller for NSPong.
Demo starter application to connect WiGo to NSP and expose on-board sensors
LPC1768 hell world with LWM2M
NanoService Device Library Hello World NanoService, sensinode
Arch Pro mbed Device Server demo exposes LEDs as LWM2M style object
The WiFi version of the mbed Device Server client using cc3000
mDS demo using cc3000 WiFi Shields from Sparkfun or Adafruit CoAP, LWM2M, mDS
Project with example IPSO resources for LED bar, Gas Sensor, and Light Sensor
Initial commit
Initial commit
Demo for the problem with nsdl_lib and rtos on FRDM- K64F
mbed Sensor node for Instrumented Booth over ETH.
adding resources firmware and 1/0/8
adding resources firmware and 1/0/8
NanoService Device Library Hello World Ported to K64F K64F, NanoService
from LPC1768_LWM2M_Client