SCPI interface to SX1272 and SX1276

Dependencies:   SX127x lib_gps lib_mma8451q lib_mpl3115a2 lib_sx9500 libscpi mbed


This program implements a SCPI command parser. When connected via the debug virtual comm port, you can command the radio and peripherals to perform specific tasks or to set specific parameters. The serial port defaults to 9600bps N-8-1.


The following exampling causes the NA Mote to transmit a continuous LoRa signal.

Example SCPI Commands

RA:OCP 170
RA:LORA:TXContinuous ON
RA:FI "test"


SCPI is case-insensitive. Commands can be entered lower case.

  • RAdio
    • :FIfo "text" write to fifo, and transmit packet
    • :FIfo? read from fifo (last received packet)
    • :REGister { address }, {value} write radio register (SCPI takes #H for hex prefix)
    • :REGister? { address } read radio register (SCPI takes #H for hex prefix)
    • :MODulation { FSK | OOK | LORa } set modem type
    • :MODulation? get modem type
    • :OPmode { SLE | STB | FST | TX | FSR | RXC | RXS | CAD } set mode
    • :OPmode? get mode
    • :DIOMap { 0 - 5 }, { 0 - 3 } set DIO pin function {pin number}, {map value}
    • :DIOMap? { 0 - 5 } get DIO pin function {pin number}
    • :DIO? { 0 - 5 } read DIO pin level
    • :RSSI? read received signal strength (if in RXC mode)
    • :PASelect { RFO | PA_BOOST } set RF output pin
    • :PASelect? get RF output pin selected
    • :OCP {mA} set over current protection
    • :OCP? read current limit
    • :POWer {0 to 15} set OutputPower
    • :POWer? get OutputPower
    • :BGR { 0 - 7 } set PA ref current
    • :BGR? get PA ref current
    • :FREQuency {MHz} set FRF
    • :FREQuency? get FRF
    • :LNABoost { OFF | ON } set LNA boost
    • :LNABoost? get LNA boost
    • :LORa
      • :BW {KHz} set lora bandwidth
      • :BW? get lora bandwidth (in KHz)
      • :SF {7 to 12} set spreading factor
      • :SF? get spreading factor
      • :TXContinuous { OFF | ON } set continuous TX (end transmit by turning off)
      • :TXContinuous? get continuous TX
      • :PRELen {n-symbols} set preamble length
      • :PRELen? get preamble length
      • :CR {0-4} set coding rate
      • :CR? get coding rate
      • :LDRO { OFF | ON } set LowDataRateOptimize bit
      • :LDRO? get LowDataRateOptimize bit
      • :CRC { OFF | ON} enable CRC in transmitted packet
      • :CRC? read CRC enabled state
      • :INVRx { OFF | ON } enable receiver spectral invert
      • :INVRx? get receiver inversion state
      • :INVTx { OFF | ON } enable transmitter spectral invert
      • :INVTx? get transmitter inversion state
      • :FEI? get frequency error of last received packet
      • :PKTSnr? get S/N (dB) of last received packet
    • :FSK
      • :DATAMode { CONT | PKT } select continuous/packet mode
      • :DATAMode? get packet mode / continuous
      • :FDev {Hz} set TX frequency deviation
      • :FDev? get TX frequency deviation
      • :BITRate {bps} set bit rate
      • :BITRate? get bit rate
      • :BT { 1.0 | 0.5 | 0.3 | 0.0 } set transmit shaping
      • :BT? get transmit shaping
      • :PRELen {n} set preamble size
      • :PRELen? get preamble size
      • :RXBW {Hz} set receive bandwidth
      • :RXBW? set receive bandwidth
      • :AFCBW {Hz} set receive bandwidth (during preamble)
      • :AFCBW? set receive bandwidth (during preamble)
      • :DCFree { OFF | MAN | WHIT } set DC-free encoding
      • :DCFree? get DC-free encoding
      • :RXTrigger { OFF | RSSI | PRE | BOTH } set RX trigger mode
      • :RXTrigger? get RX trigger selection

radio events

Radio events are reported into the Questionable Data Status Event Register, which is summarized in Bit 3 (QSB) of Status Byte Register.

enabling event and reading event


Bit 9 of QUEStionable event register indicates DIO0 event occurred upon radio packet reception.

NA Mote-72 specific commands

  • PD2 { OFF | ON } set power amplifier voltage state
  • PD2? get power amplifier voltage state
  • VBAT? read battery voltage
  • GPS
    • :EN { OFF | ON } enable GPS
    • :EN? get GPS enabled state
    • :NUMCoords {n} set count of coordinates received (use to clear count)
    • :NUMCoords? get count of coordinates received
    • :LOngitude {n} set longitude
    • :LOngitude? get longitude
    • :LAtitude {n} set latitude
    • :LAtitude? get latitude
  • MMA MMA8451Q
    • :ID? read ID register (WHO_AM_I == 0x1a)
  • MPL MPL3115A2
    • :ID? read ID register (WHO_AM_I == 0xc4)
  • SX9500
    • :RST reset SX9500
    • :REGister {addr}, {value} write SX9500 register
    • :REGister? {addr} read SX9500 register

SX127x.lib/shortlog@8767be3c1b7f: not found in manifest