LoRaWAN MAC layer implementation

Dependents:   LoRaWAN-demo-72_tjm LoRaWAN-demo-72_jlc LoRaWAN-demo-elmo frdm_LoRa_Connect_Woodstream_Demo_tjm ... more

LoRAWAN-lib is a port of the GitHub LoRaMac-node LoRaWAN MAC layer implementation.

This library depends on the SX1276Lib or SX1272Lib radio drivers depending on the used mbed component shield.

This library depends also on some cryptographic helper functions as well as helper functions for the timers management. These can be found on the example projects under the system directory.

The example projects are:

  1. LoRaWAN-demo-72
  2. LoRaWAN-demo-76
  3. LoRaWAN-demo-NAMote72

The LoRaWAN specification specifies different ISM bands operating parameters. These are all implemented under the LoRaMac-board.h file.

In order to select which band to use, please change line 24 of board.h file provided on the examples projects as follows:



#define USE_BAND_868



#define USE_BAND_915

US915 - Hybrid


#define USE_BAND_915_HYBRID



#define USE_BAND_780



#define USE_BAND_433
diff -r 91e4e6c60d1e -r 14a5d6ad92d5 LoRaMac-api-v3.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LoRaMac-api-v3.h	Tue Jan 05 16:41:54 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+ * \file      LoRaMac-api-v3.h
+ *
+ * \brief     LoRa MAC wrapper layer implementation
+ *
+ * \copyright Revised BSD License, see section \ref LICENSE.
+ *
+ * \code
+ *                ______                              _
+ *               / _____)             _              | |
+ *              ( (____  _____ ____ _| |_ _____  ____| |__
+ *               \____ \| ___ |    (_   _) ___ |/ ___)  _ \
+ *               _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
+ *              (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
+ *              (C)2013 Semtech
+ *
+ *               ___ _____ _   ___ _  _____ ___  ___  ___ ___
+ *              / __|_   _/_\ / __| |/ / __/ _ \| _ \/ __| __|
+ *              \__ \ | |/ _ \ (__| ' <| _| (_) |   / (__| _|
+ *              |___/ |_/_/ \_\___|_|\_\_| \___/|_|_\\___|___|
+ *              embedded.connectivity.solutions===============
+ *
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * \author    Miguel Luis ( Semtech )
+ *
+ * \author    Gregory Cristian ( Semtech )
+ *
+ * \author    Daniel Jäckle ( STACKFORCE )
+ */
+#ifndef __LORAMAC_API_V3_H__
+#define __LORAMAC_API_V3_H__
+// Includes board dependent definitions such as channels frequencies
+#include "LoRaMac.h"
+#include "LoRaMac-board.h"
+ * Beacon interval in us
+ */
+#define BEACON_INTERVAL                             128000000
+ * Class A&B receive delay in us
+ */
+#define RECEIVE_DELAY1                              1000000
+#define RECEIVE_DELAY2                              2000000
+ * Join accept receive delay in us
+ */
+#define JOIN_ACCEPT_DELAY1                          5000000
+#define JOIN_ACCEPT_DELAY2                          6000000
+ * Class A&B maximum receive window delay in us
+ */
+#define MAX_RX_WINDOW                               3000000
+ * Maximum allowed gap for the FCNT field
+ */
+#define MAX_FCNT_GAP                                16384
+ * ADR acknowledgement counter limit
+ */
+#define ADR_ACK_LIMIT                               64
+ * Number of ADR acknowledgement requests before returning to default datarate
+ */
+#define ADR_ACK_DELAY                               32
+ * Number of seconds after the start of the second reception window without
+ * receiving an acknowledge.
+ */
+#define ACK_TIMEOUT                                 2000000
+ * Random number of seconds after the start of the second reception window without
+ * receiving an acknowledge
+ */
+#define ACK_TIMEOUT_RND                             1000000
+ * Check the Mac layer state every MAC_STATE_CHECK_TIMEOUT
+ */
+#define MAC_STATE_CHECK_TIMEOUT                     1000000
+ * Maximum number of times the MAC layer tries to get an acknowledge.
+ */
+#define MAX_ACK_RETRIES                             8
+ * RSSI free threshold
+ */
+#define RSSI_FREE_TH                                ( int8_t )( -90 ) // [dBm]
+ * Frame direction definition
+ */
+#define UP_LINK                                     0
+#define DOWN_LINK                                   1
+ * Sets the length of the LoRaMAC footer field.
+ * Mainly indicates the MIC field length
+ */
+#define LORAMAC_MFR_LEN                             4
+ * Syncword for Private LoRa networks
+ */
+#define LORA_MAC_PRIVATE_SYNCWORD                   0x12
+ * Syncword for Public LoRa networks
+ */
+#define LORA_MAC_PUBLIC_SYNCWORD                    0x34
+ * LoRaMAC event flags
+ */
+typedef union
+    uint8_t Value;
+    struct
+    {
+        uint8_t Tx              : 1;
+        uint8_t Rx              : 1;
+        uint8_t RxData          : 1;
+        uint8_t Multicast       : 1;
+        uint8_t RxSlot          : 2;
+        uint8_t LinkCheck       : 1;
+        uint8_t JoinAccept      : 1;
+    }Bits;
+ * LoRaMAC event information
+ */
+typedef struct
+    LoRaMacEventInfoStatus_t Status;
+    bool TxAckReceived;
+    uint8_t TxNbRetries;
+    uint8_t TxDatarate;
+    uint8_t RxPort;
+    uint8_t *RxBuffer;
+    uint8_t RxBufferSize;
+    int16_t RxRssi;
+    uint8_t RxSnr;
+    uint16_t Energy;
+    uint8_t DemodMargin;
+    uint8_t NbGateways;
+ * LoRaMAC events structure
+ * Used to notify upper layers of MAC events
+ */
+typedef struct sLoRaMacCallbacks
+    /*!
+     * MAC layer event callback prototype.
+     *
+     * \param [IN] flags Bit field indicating the MAC events occurred
+     * \param [IN] info  Details about MAC events occurred
+     */
+    void ( *MacEvent )( LoRaMacEventFlags_t *flags, LoRaMacEventInfo_t *info );
+    /*!
+     * Function callback to get the current battery level
+     *
+     * \retval batteryLevel Current battery level
+     */
+    uint8_t ( *GetBatteryLevel )( void );
+ * LoRaMAC layer initialization
+ *
+ * \param [IN] callbacks     Pointer to a structure defining the LoRaMAC
+ *                           callback functions.
+ */
+void LoRaMacInit( LoRaMacCallbacks_t *callbacks );
+ * Enables/Disables the ADR (Adaptive Data Rate)
+ *
+ * \param [IN] enable [true: ADR ON, false: ADR OFF]
+ */
+void LoRaMacSetAdrOn( bool enable );
+ * Initializes the network IDs. Device address,
+ * network session AES128 key and application session AES128 key.
+ *
+ * \remark To be only used when Over-the-Air activation isn't used.
+ *
+ * \param [IN] netID   24 bits network identifier
+ *                     ( provided by network operator )
+ * \param [IN] devAddr 32 bits device address on the network
+ *                     (must be unique to the network)
+ * \param [IN] nwkSKey Pointer to the network session AES128 key array
+ *                     ( 16 bytes )
+ * \param [IN] appSKey Pointer to the application session AES128 key array
+ *                     ( 16 bytes )
+ */
+void LoRaMacInitNwkIds( uint32_t netID, uint32_t devAddr, uint8_t *nwkSKey, uint8_t *appSKey );
+ * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacMulticastChannelLink.
+ */
+void LoRaMacMulticastChannelAdd( MulticastParams_t *channelParam );
+ * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacMulticastChannelUnlink.
+ */
+void LoRaMacMulticastChannelRemove( MulticastParams_t *channelParam );
+ * Initiates the Over-the-Air activation
+ *
+ * \param [IN] devEui Pointer to the device EUI array ( 8 bytes )
+ * \param [IN] appEui Pointer to the application EUI array ( 8 bytes )
+ * \param [IN] appKey Pointer to the application AES128 key array ( 16 bytes )
+ *
+ * \retval status [0: OK, 1: Tx error, 2: Already joined a network]
+ */
+uint8_t LoRaMacJoinReq( uint8_t *devEui, uint8_t *appEui, uint8_t *appKey );
+ * Sends a LinkCheckReq MAC command on the next uplink frame
+ *
+ * \retval status Function status [0: OK, 1: Busy]
+ */
+uint8_t LoRaMacLinkCheckReq( void );
+ * LoRaMAC layer send frame
+ *
+ * \param [IN] fPort       MAC payload port (must be > 0)
+ * \param [IN] fBuffer     MAC data buffer to be sent
+ * \param [IN] fBufferSize MAC data buffer size
+ *
+ * \retval status          [0: OK, 1: Busy, 2: No network joined,
+ *                          3: Length or port error, 4: Unknown MAC command
+ *                          5: Unable to find a free channel
+ *                          6: Device switched off]
+ */
+uint8_t LoRaMacSendFrame( uint8_t fPort, void *fBuffer, uint16_t fBufferSize );
+ * LoRaMAC layer send frame
+ *
+ * \param [IN] fPort       MAC payload port (must be > 0)
+ * \param [IN] fBuffer     MAC data buffer to be sent
+ * \param [IN] fBufferSize MAC data buffer size
+ * \param [IN] fBufferSize MAC data buffer size
+ * \param [IN] nbRetries   Number of retries to receive the acknowledgement
+ *
+ * \retval status          [0: OK, 1: Busy, 2: No network joined,
+ *                          3: Length or port error, 4: Unknown MAC command
+ *                          5: Unable to find a free channel
+ *                          6: Device switched off]
+ */
+uint8_t LoRaMacSendConfirmedFrame( uint8_t fPort, void *fBuffer, uint16_t fBufferSize, uint8_t nbRetries );
+ * ============================================================================
+ * = LoRaMac test functions                                                   =
+ * ============================================================================
+ */
+ * LoRaMAC layer generic send frame
+ *
+ * \param [IN] macHdr      MAC header field
+ * \param [IN] fOpts       MAC commands buffer
+ * \param [IN] fPort       MAC payload port
+ * \param [IN] fBuffer     MAC data buffer to be sent
+ * \param [IN] fBufferSize MAC data buffer size
+ * \retval status          [0: OK, 1: Busy, 2: No network joined,
+ *                          3: Length or port error, 4: Unknown MAC command
+ *                          5: Unable to find a free channel
+ *                          6: Device switched off]
+ */
+uint8_t LoRaMacSend( LoRaMacHeader_t *macHdr, uint8_t *fOpts, uint8_t fPort, void *fBuffer, uint16_t fBufferSize );
+ * LoRaMAC layer frame buffer initialization.
+ *
+ * \param [IN] channel     Channel parameters
+ * \param [IN] macHdr      MAC header field
+ * \param [IN] fCtrl       MAC frame control field
+ * \param [IN] fOpts       MAC commands buffer
+ * \param [IN] fPort       MAC payload port
+ * \param [IN] fBuffer     MAC data buffer to be sent
+ * \param [IN] fBufferSize MAC data buffer size
+ * \retval status          [0: OK, 1: N/A, 2: No network joined,
+ *                          3: Length or port error, 4: Unknown MAC command]
+ */
+uint8_t LoRaMacPrepareFrame( ChannelParams_t channel,LoRaMacHeader_t *macHdr, LoRaMacFrameCtrl_t *fCtrl, uint8_t *fOpts, uint8_t fPort, void *fBuffer, uint16_t fBufferSize );
+ * LoRaMAC layer prepared frame buffer transmission with channel specification
+ *
+ * \remark LoRaMacPrepareFrame must be called at least once before calling this
+ *         function.
+ *
+ * \param [IN] channel     Channel parameters
+ * \retval status          [0: OK, 1: Busy]
+ */
+uint8_t LoRaMacSendFrameOnChannel( ChannelParams_t channel );
+ * LoRaMAC layer generic send frame with channel specification
+ *
+ * \param [IN] channel     Channel parameters
+ * \param [IN] macHdr      MAC header field
+ * \param [IN] fCtrl       MAC frame control field
+ * \param [IN] fOpts       MAC commands buffer
+ * \param [IN] fPort       MAC payload port
+ * \param [IN] fBuffer     MAC data buffer to be sent
+ * \param [IN] fBufferSize MAC data buffer size
+ * \retval status          [0: OK, 1: Busy, 2: No network joined,
+ *                          3: Length or port error, 4: Unknown MAC command]
+ */
+uint8_t LoRaMacSendOnChannel( ChannelParams_t channel, LoRaMacHeader_t *macHdr, LoRaMacFrameCtrl_t *fCtrl, uint8_t *fOpts, uint8_t fPort, void *fBuffer, uint16_t fBufferSize );
+ * ============================================================================
+ * = LoRaMac setup functions                                                  =
+ * ============================================================================
+ */
+ * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm to
+ * set the LoRaWan device class.
+ */
+void LoRaMacSetDeviceClass( DeviceClass_t deviceClass );
+ * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm to
+ * set the network type to public or private.
+ */
+void LoRaMacSetPublicNetwork( bool enable );
+ * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacChannelAdd.
+ */
+void LoRaMacSetChannel( uint8_t id, ChannelParams_t params );
+ * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm to
+ * set the receive window 2 channel.
+ */
+void LoRaMacSetRx2Channel( Rx2ChannelParams_t param );
+ * Sets channels tx output power
+ *
+ * \param [IN] txPower [TX_POWER_20_DBM, TX_POWER_14_DBM,
+                        TX_POWER_11_DBM, TX_POWER_08_DBM,
+                        TX_POWER_05_DBM, TX_POWER_02_DBM]
+ */
+void LoRaMacSetChannelsTxPower( int8_t txPower );
+ * Sets channels datarate
+ *
+ * \param [IN] datarate eu868 - [DR_0, DR_1, DR_2, DR_3, DR_4, DR_5, DR_6, DR_7]
+ *                      us915 - [DR_0, DR_1, DR_2, DR_3, DR_4]
+ */
+void LoRaMacSetChannelsDatarate( int8_t datarate );
+ * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm to
+ * set the channels mask.
+ */
+void LoRaMacSetChannelsMask( uint16_t *mask );
+ * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm to
+ * set the number of repetitions on a channel.
+ */
+void LoRaMacSetChannelsNbRep( uint8_t nbRep );
+ * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm to
+ * set the maximum receive window duration in [us].
+ */
+void LoRaMacSetMaxRxWindow( uint32_t delay );
+ * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm to
+ * set the receive delay 1 in [us].
+ */
+void LoRaMacSetReceiveDelay1( uint32_t delay );
+ * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm to
+ * set the receive delay 2 in [us].
+ */
+void LoRaMacSetReceiveDelay2( uint32_t delay );
+ * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm to
+ * set the join accept delay 1 in [us].
+ */
+void LoRaMacSetJoinAcceptDelay1( uint32_t delay );
+ * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm to
+ * set the join accept delay 2 in [us].
+ */
+void LoRaMacSetJoinAcceptDelay2( uint32_t delay );
+ * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacMibGetRequestConfirm to
+ * get the up-link counter.
+ */
+uint32_t LoRaMacGetUpLinkCounter( void );
+ * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacMibGetRequestConfirm to
+ * get the down-link counter.
+ */
+uint32_t LoRaMacGetDownLinkCounter( void );
+ * ============================================================================
+ * = LoRaMac test functions                                                   =
+ * ============================================================================
+ */
+ * Disables/Enables the duty cycle enforcement (EU868)
+ *
+ * \param   [IN] enable - Enabled or disables the duty cycle
+ */
+void LoRaMacTestSetDutyCycleOn( bool enable );
+ * Disables/Enables the reception windows opening
+ *
+ * \param [IN] enable [true: enable, false: disable]
+ */
+void LoRaMacTestRxWindowsOn( bool enable );
+ * Enables the MIC field test
+ *
+ * \param [IN] upLinkCounter Fixed Tx packet counter value
+ */
+void LoRaMacTestSetMic( uint16_t upLinkCounter );
+#endif /* __LORAMAC_API_V3_H__ */