LoRaWAN MAC layer implementation

Dependents:   LoRaWAN-demo-72_tjm LoRaWAN-demo-72_jlc LoRaWAN-demo-elmo frdm_LoRa_Connect_Woodstream_Demo_tjm ... more

LoRAWAN-lib is a port of the GitHub LoRaMac-node LoRaWAN MAC layer implementation.

This library depends on the SX1276Lib or SX1272Lib radio drivers depending on the used mbed component shield.

This library depends also on some cryptographic helper functions as well as helper functions for the timers management. These can be found on the example projects under the system directory.

The example projects are:

  1. LoRaWAN-demo-72
  2. LoRaWAN-demo-76
  3. LoRaWAN-demo-NAMote72

The LoRaWAN specification specifies different ISM bands operating parameters. These are all implemented under the LoRaMac-board.h file.

In order to select which band to use, please change line 24 of board.h file provided on the examples projects as follows:



#define USE_BAND_868



#define USE_BAND_915

US915 - Hybrid


#define USE_BAND_915_HYBRID



#define USE_BAND_780



#define USE_BAND_433



File content as of revision 3:b9d87593a8ae:

 * \file      LoRaMac.h
 * \brief     LoRa MAC layer implementation
 * \copyright Revised BSD License, see section \ref LICENSE.
 * \code
 *                ______                              _
 *               / _____)             _              | |
 *              ( (____  _____ ____ _| |_ _____  ____| |__
 *               \____ \| ___ |    (_   _) ___ |/ ___)  _ \
 *               _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
 *              (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
 *              (C)2013 Semtech
 *               ___ _____ _   ___ _  _____ ___  ___  ___ ___
 *              / __|_   _/_\ / __| |/ / __/ _ \| _ \/ __| __|
 *              \__ \ | |/ _ \ (__| ' <| _| (_) |   / (__| _|
 *              |___/ |_/_/ \_\___|_|\_\_| \___/|_|_\\___|___|
 *              embedded.connectivity.solutions===============
 * \endcode
 * \author    Miguel Luis ( Semtech )
 * \author    Gregory Cristian ( Semtech )
 * \author    Daniel Jäckle ( STACKFORCE )
 * \defgroup  LORAMAC LoRa MAC layer implementation
 *            This module specifies the API implementation of the LoRaMAC layer.
 *            This is a placeholder for a detailed description of the LoRaMac
 *            layer and the supported features.
 * \{
 * \example   classA/LoRaMote/main.c
 *            LoRaWAN class A application example for the LoRaMote.
 * \example   classB/LoRaMote/main.c
 *            LoRaWAN class B application example for the LoRaMote.
 * \example   classC/LoRaMote/main.c
 *            LoRaWAN class C application example for the LoRaMote.
#ifndef __LORAMAC_H__
#define __LORAMAC_H__

// Includes board dependent definitions such as channels frequencies
#include "LoRaMac-board.h"

 * Beacon interval in us
#define BEACON_INTERVAL                             128000000

 * Class A&B receive delay 1 in us
#define RECEIVE_DELAY1                              1000000

 * Class A&B receive delay 2 in us
#define RECEIVE_DELAY2                              2000000

 * Join accept receive delay 1 in us
#define JOIN_ACCEPT_DELAY1                          5000000

 * Join accept receive delay 2 in us
#define JOIN_ACCEPT_DELAY2                          6000000

 * Class A&B maximum receive window delay in us
#define MAX_RX_WINDOW                               3000000

 * Maximum allowed gap for the FCNT field
#define MAX_FCNT_GAP                                16384

 * ADR acknowledgement counter limit
#define ADR_ACK_LIMIT                               64

 * Number of ADR acknowledgement requests before returning to default datarate
#define ADR_ACK_DELAY                               32

 * Number of seconds after the start of the second reception window without
 * receiving an acknowledge.
 * AckTimeout = \ref ACK_TIMEOUT + Random( -\ref ACK_TIMEOUT_RND, \ref ACK_TIMEOUT_RND )
#define ACK_TIMEOUT                                 2000000

 * Random number of seconds after the start of the second reception window without
 * receiving an acknowledge
 * AckTimeout = \ref ACK_TIMEOUT + Random( -\ref ACK_TIMEOUT_RND, \ref ACK_TIMEOUT_RND )
#define ACK_TIMEOUT_RND                             1000000

 * Check the Mac layer state every MAC_STATE_CHECK_TIMEOUT in us
#define MAC_STATE_CHECK_TIMEOUT                     1000000

 * Maximum number of times the MAC layer tries to get an acknowledge.
#define MAX_ACK_RETRIES                             8

 * RSSI free threshold [dBm]
#define RSSI_FREE_TH                                ( int8_t )( -90 )

 * Frame direction definition for up-link communications
#define UP_LINK                                     0

 * Frame direction definition for down-link communications
#define DOWN_LINK                                   1

 * Sets the length of the LoRaMAC footer field.
 * Mainly indicates the MIC field length
#define LORAMAC_MFR_LEN                             4

 * Syncword for Private LoRa networks
#define LORA_MAC_PRIVATE_SYNCWORD                   0x12

 * Syncword for Public LoRa networks
#define LORA_MAC_PUBLIC_SYNCWORD                    0x34

 * LoRaMac internal state
//uint32_t LoRaMacState;

 * LoRaWAN devices classes definition
typedef enum eDeviceClass
     * LoRaWAN device class A
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 3ff
     * LoRaWAN device class B
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 8ff
     * LoRaWAN device class C
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 17ff

 * LoRaMAC channels parameters definition
typedef union uDrRange
     * Byte-access to the bits
    int8_t Value;
     * Structure to store the minimum and the maximum datarate
    struct sFields
         * Minimum data rate
         * EU868 - [DR_0, DR_1, DR_2, DR_3, DR_4, DR_5, DR_6, DR_7]
         * US915 - [DR_0, DR_1, DR_2, DR_3, DR_4]
        int8_t Min : 4;
         * Maximum data rate
         * EU868 - [DR_0, DR_1, DR_2, DR_3, DR_4, DR_5, DR_6, DR_7]
         * US915 - [DR_0, DR_1, DR_2, DR_3, DR_4]
        int8_t Max : 4;

 * LoRaMAC band parameters definition
typedef struct sBand
     * Duty cycle
    uint16_t DCycle;
     * Maximum Tx power
    int8_t TxMaxPower;
     * Time stamp of the last Tx frame
    TimerTime_t LastTxDoneTime;
     * Holds the time where the device is off
    TimerTime_t TimeOff;

 * LoRaMAC channel definition
typedef struct sChannelParams
     * Frequency in Hz
    uint32_t Frequency;
     * Data rate definition
    DrRange_t DrRange;
     * Band index
    uint8_t Band;

 * LoRaMAC receive window 2 channel parameters
typedef struct sRx2ChannelParams
     * Frequency in Hz
    uint32_t Frequency;
     * Data rate
     * EU868 - [DR_0, DR_1, DR_2, DR_3, DR_4, DR_5, DR_6, DR_7]
     * US915 - [DR_8, DR_9, DR_10, DR_11, DR_12, DR_13]
    uint8_t  Datarate;

 * LoRaMAC multicast channel parameter
typedef struct sMulticastParams
     * Address
    uint32_t Address;
     * Network session key
    uint8_t NwkSKey[16];
     * Application session key
    uint8_t AppSKey[16];
     * Downlink counter
    uint32_t DownLinkCounter;
     * Reference pointer to the next multicast channel parameters in the list
    struct sMulticastParams *Next;

 * LoRaMAC frame types
 * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 4.2.1, table 1
typedef enum eLoRaMacFrameType
     * LoRaMAC join request frame
    FRAME_TYPE_JOIN_REQ              = 0x00,
     * LoRaMAC join accept frame
    FRAME_TYPE_JOIN_ACCEPT           = 0x01,
     * LoRaMAC unconfirmed up-link frame
     * LoRaMAC unconfirmed down-link frame
     * LoRaMAC confirmed up-link frame
     * LoRaMAC confirmed down-link frame
     * LoRaMAC RFU frame
    FRAME_TYPE_RFU                   = 0x06,
     * LoRaMAC proprietary frame
    FRAME_TYPE_PROPRIETARY           = 0x07,

 * LoRaMAC mote MAC commands
 * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 5, table 4
typedef enum eLoRaMacMoteCmd
     * LinkCheckReq
    MOTE_MAC_LINK_CHECK_REQ          = 0x02,
     * LinkADRAns
    MOTE_MAC_LINK_ADR_ANS            = 0x03,
     * DutyCycleAns
    MOTE_MAC_DUTY_CYCLE_ANS          = 0x04,
     * RXParamSetupAns
    MOTE_MAC_RX_PARAM_SETUP_ANS      = 0x05,
     * DevStatusAns
    MOTE_MAC_DEV_STATUS_ANS          = 0x06,
     * NewChannelAns
    MOTE_MAC_NEW_CHANNEL_ANS         = 0x07,
     * RXTimingSetupAns

 * LoRaMAC server MAC commands
 * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 5, table 4
typedef enum eLoRaMacSrvCmd
     * LinkCheckAns
    SRV_MAC_LINK_CHECK_ANS           = 0x02,
     * LinkADRReq
    SRV_MAC_LINK_ADR_REQ             = 0x03,
     * DutyCycleReq
    SRV_MAC_DUTY_CYCLE_REQ           = 0x04,
     * RXParamSetupReq
    SRV_MAC_RX_PARAM_SETUP_REQ       = 0x05,
     * DevStatusReq
    SRV_MAC_DEV_STATUS_REQ           = 0x06,
     * NewChannelReq
    SRV_MAC_NEW_CHANNEL_REQ          = 0x07,
     * RXTimingSetupReq
    SRV_MAC_RX_TIMING_SETUP_REQ      = 0x08,

 * LoRaMAC Battery level indicator
typedef enum eLoRaMacBatteryLevel
     * External power source
    BAT_LEVEL_EXT_SRC                = 0x00,
     * Battery level empty
    BAT_LEVEL_EMPTY                  = 0x01,
     * Battery level full
    BAT_LEVEL_FULL                   = 0xFE,
     * Battery level - no measurement available
    BAT_LEVEL_NO_MEASURE             = 0xFF,

 * LoRaMAC header field definition (MHDR field)
 * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 4.2
typedef union uLoRaMacHeader
     * Byte-access to the bits
    uint8_t Value;
     * Structure containing single access to header bits
    struct sHdrBits
         * Major version
        uint8_t Major           : 2;
         * RFU
        uint8_t RFU             : 3;
         * Message type
        uint8_t MType           : 3;

 * LoRaMAC frame control field definition (FCtrl)
 * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 4.3.1
typedef union uLoRaMacFrameCtrl
     * Byte-access to the bits
    uint8_t Value;
    struct sCtrlBits
         * Frame options length
        uint8_t FOptsLen        : 4;
         * Frame pending bit
        uint8_t FPending        : 1;
         * Message acknowledge bit
        uint8_t Ack             : 1;
         * ADR acknowledgment request bit
        uint8_t AdrAckReq       : 1;
         * ADR control in frame header
        uint8_t Adr             : 1;

 * Enumeration containing the status of the operation of a MAC service
typedef enum eLoRaMacEventInfoStatus
     * Service performed successfully
     * An error occured during the execution of the service
     * A Tx timeouit occured
     * An Rx timeout occured on receive window 2
     * An Rx error occured on receive window 2
     * An error occured in the join procedure
     * A frame with an invalid downlink counter was received. The
     * downlink counter of the frame was equal to the local copy
     * of the downlink counter of the node.
     * An address error occured
     * message integrity check failure

 * LoRaMac tx/rx operation state
typedef union eLoRaMacFlags_t
     * Byte-access to the bits
    uint8_t Value;
    struct sMacFlagBits
         * MCPS-Req pending
        uint8_t McpsReq         : 1;
         * MCPS-Ind pending
        uint8_t McpsInd         : 1;
         * MLME-Req pending
        uint8_t MlmeReq         : 1;
         * MAC cycle done
        uint8_t MacDone         : 1;

 * \brief   LoRaMAC data services
 * \details The following table list the primitives which are supported by the
 *          specific MAC data service:
 * Name                  | Request | Indication | Response | Confirm
 * --------------------- | :-----: | :--------: | :------: | :-----:
 * \ref MCPS_UNCONFIRMED | YES     | YES        | NO       | YES
 * \ref MCPS_CONFIRMED   | YES     | YES        | NO       | YES
 * \ref MCPS_MULTICAST   | NO      | YES        | NO       | NO
 * \ref MCPS_PROPRIETARY | YES     | YES        | NO       | YES
 * The following table provides links to the function implementations of the
 * related MCPS primitives:
 * Primitive        | Function
 * ---------------- | :---------------------:
 * MCPS-Request     | \ref LoRaMacMlmeRequest
 * MCPS-Confirm     | MacMcpsConfirm in \ref LoRaMacPrimitives_t
 * MCPS-Indication  | MacMcpsIndication in \ref LoRaMacPrimitives_t
typedef enum eMcps
     * Unconfirmed LoRaMAC frame
     * Confirmed LoRaMAC frame
     * Multicast LoRaMAC frame
     * Proprietary frame

 * LoRaMAC MCPS-Request for an unconfirmed frame
typedef struct sMcpsReqUnconfirmed
     * Frame port field. Must be set if the payload is not empty. Use the
     * application specific frame port values: [1...223]
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 4.3.2
    uint8_t fPort;
     * Pointer to the buffer of the frame payload
    void *fBuffer;
     * Size of the frame payload
    uint16_t fBufferSize;
     * Uplink datarate, if ADR is off
    int8_t Datarate;

 * LoRaMAC MCPS-Request for a confirmed frame
typedef struct sMcpsReqConfirmed
     * Frame port field. Must be set if the payload is not empty. Use the
     * application specific frame port values: [1...223]
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 4.3.2
    uint8_t fPort;
     * Pointer to the buffer of the frame payload
    void *fBuffer;
     * Size of the frame payload
    uint16_t fBufferSize;
     * Uplink datarate, if ADR is off
    int8_t Datarate;
     * Number of trials to transmit the frame, if the LoRaMAC layer did not
     * receive an acknowledgment. The MAC performs a datarate adaptation,
     * according to the LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 18.4, according
     * to the following table:
     * Transmission nb | Data Rate
     * ----------------|-----------
     * 1 (first)       | DR
     * 2               | DR
     * 3               | max(DR-1,0)
     * 4               | max(DR-1,0)
     * 5               | max(DR-2,0)
     * 6               | max(DR-2,0)
     * 7               | max(DR-3,0)
     * 8               | max(DR-3,0)
     * Note, that if NbTrials is set to 1 or 2, the MAC will not decrease
     * the datarate, in case the LoRaMAC layer did not receive an acknowledgment
    uint8_t NbTrials;

 * LoRaMAC MCPS-Request for a proprietary frame
typedef struct sMcpsReqProprietary
     * Pointer to the buffer of the frame payload
    void *fBuffer;
     * Size of the frame payload
    uint16_t fBufferSize;
     * Uplink datarate, if ADR is off
    int8_t Datarate;

 * LoRaMAC MCPS-Request structure
typedef struct sMcpsReq
     * MCPS-Request type
    Mcps_t Type;

     * MCPS-Request parameters
    union uMcpsParam
         * MCPS-Request parameters for an unconfirmed frame
        McpsReqUnconfirmed_t Unconfirmed;
         * MCPS-Request parameters for a confirmed frame
        McpsReqConfirmed_t Confirmed;
         * MCPS-Request parameters for a proprietary frame
        McpsReqProprietary_t Proprietary;

 * LoRaMAC MCPS-Confirm
typedef struct sMcpsConfirm
     * Holds the previously performed MCPS-Request
    Mcps_t McpsRequest;
     * Status of the operation
    LoRaMacEventInfoStatus_t Status;
     * Uplink datarate
    uint8_t Datarate;
     * Transmission power
    int8_t TxPower;
     * Set if an acknowledgement was received
    bool AckReceived;
     * Provides the number of retransmissions
    uint8_t NbRetries;
     * The transmission time on air of the frame
    TimerTime_t TxTimeOnAir;
     * The uplink counter value related to the frame
    uint32_t UpLinkCounter;

 * LoRaMAC MCPS-Indication primitive
typedef struct sMcpsIndication
     * MCPS-Indication type
    Mcps_t McpsIndication;
     * Status of the operation
    LoRaMacEventInfoStatus_t Status;
     * Multicast
    uint8_t Multicast;
     * Application port
    uint8_t Port;
     * Downlink datarate
    uint8_t RxDatarate;
     * Frame pending status
    uint8_t FramePending;
     * Pointer to the received data stream
    uint8_t *Buffer;
     * Size of the received data stream
    uint8_t BufferSize;
     * Indicates, if data is available
    bool RxData;
     * Rssi of the received packet
    int16_t Rssi;
     * Snr of the received packet
    uint8_t Snr;
     * Receive window
     * [0: Rx window 1, 1: Rx window 2]
    uint8_t RxSlot;
     * Set if an acknowledgement was received
    bool AckReceived;
     * The downlink counter value for the received frame
    uint32_t DownLinkCounter;

 * \brief LoRaMAC management services
 * \details The following table list the primitives which are supported by the
 *          specific MAC management service:
 * Name                  | Request | Indication | Response | Confirm
 * --------------------- | :-----: | :--------: | :------: | :-----:
 * \ref MLME_JOIN        | YES     | NO         | NO       | YES
 * \ref MLME_LINK_CHECK  | YES     | NO         | NO       | YES
 * The following table provides links to the function implementations of the
 * related MLME primitives.
 * Primitive        | Function
 * ---------------- | :---------------------:
 * MLME-Request     | \ref LoRaMacMlmeRequest
 * MLME-Confirm     | MacMlmeConfirm in \ref LoRaMacPrimitives_t
typedef enum eMlme
     * Initiates the Over-the-Air activation
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 6.2
     * LinkCheckReq - Connectivity validation
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 5, table 4

 * LoRaMAC MLME-Request for the join service
typedef struct sMlmeReqJoin
     * Globally unique end-device identifier
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 6.2.1
    uint8_t *DevEui;
     * Application identifier
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 6.1.2
    uint8_t *AppEui;
     * AES-128 application key
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 6.2.2
    uint8_t *AppKey;

typedef struct sMlmeReq
     * MLME-Request type
    Mlme_t Type;

     * MLME-Request parameters
    union uMlmeParam
         * MLME-Request parameters for a join request
        MlmeReqJoin_t Join;

 * LoRaMAC MLME-Confirm primitive
typedef struct sMlmeConfirm
     * Holds the previously performed MLME-Request
    Mlme_t MlmeRequest;
     * Status of the operation
    LoRaMacEventInfoStatus_t Status;
     * The transmission time on air of the frame
    TimerTime_t TxTimeOnAir;
     * Demodulation margin. Contains the link margin [dB] of the last
     * successfully received LinkCheckReq
    uint8_t DemodMargin;
     * Number of gateways which received the last LinkCheckReq
    uint8_t NbGateways;

 * LoRa Mac Information Base (MIB)
 * The following table lists the MIB parameters and the related attributes:
 * Attribute                         | Get | Set
 * --------------------------------- | :-: | :-:
 * \ref MIB_DEVICE_CLASS             | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_NETWORK_JOINED           | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_ADR                      | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_NET_ID                   | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_DEV_ADDR                 | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_NWK_SKEY                 | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_APP_SKEY                 | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_PUBLIC_NETWORK           | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_REPEATER_SUPPORT         | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_CHANNELS                 | YES | NO
 * \ref MIB_RX2_CHANNEL              | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_CHANNELS_MASK            | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_CHANNELS_NB_REP          | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_RECEIVE_DELAY_1          | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_RECEIVE_DELAY_2          | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_JOIN_ACCEPT_DELAY_1      | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_JOIN_ACCEPT_DELAY_2      | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_CHANNELS_TX_POWER        | YES | YES
 * \ref MIB_UPLINK_COUNTER           | YES | NO
 * \ref MIB_DOWNLINK_COUNTER         | YES | NO
 * The following table provides links to the function implementations of the
 * related MIB primitives:
 * Primitive        | Function
 * ---------------- | :---------------------:
 * MIB-Set          | \ref LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm
 * MIB-Get          | \ref LoRaMacMibGetRequestConfirm
typedef enum eMib
     * LoRaWAN device class
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0
     * LoRaWAN Network joined attribute
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0
     * Adaptive data rate
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter
     * [true: ADR enabled, false: ADR disabled]
     * Network identifier
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 6.2.5
     * End-device address
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 6.1.2
     * Network session key
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 6.1.3
     * Application session key
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 6.1.4
     * Set the network type to public or private
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 7
     * [true: public network, false: private network]
     * Support the operation with repeaters
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 7
     * [true: repeater support enabled, false: repeater support disabled]
     * Communication channels. A get request will return a
     * pointer which references the first entry of the channel list. The
     * list is of size LORA_MAX_NB_CHANNELS
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 7
     * Set receive window 2 channel
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 3.3.2
     * LoRaWAN channels mask
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 5.2
     * Set the number of repetitions on a channel
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 5.2
     * Maximum receive window duration in [us]
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 3.3.3
     * Receive delay 1 in [us]
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 6
     * Receive delay 2 in [us]
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 6
     * Join accept delay 1 in [us]
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 6
     * Join accept delay 2 in [us]
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 6
     * Data rate of a channel
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 7
     * EU868 - [DR_0, DR_1, DR_2, DR_3, DR_4, DR_5, DR_6, DR_7]
     * US915 - [DR_0, DR_1, DR_2, DR_3, DR_4, DR_8, DR_9, DR_10, DR_11, DR_12, DR_13]
     * Transmission power of a channel
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter 7
     * EU868 - [TX_POWER_20_DBM, TX_POWER_14_DBM, TX_POWER_11_DBM,
     *          TX_POWER_08_DBM, TX_POWER_05_DBM, TX_POWER_02_DBM]
     * US915 - [TX_POWER_30_DBM, TX_POWER_28_DBM, TX_POWER_26_DBM,
     *          TX_POWER_24_DBM, TX_POWER_22_DBM, TX_POWER_20_DBM,
     *          TX_POWER_18_DBM, TX_POWER_14_DBM, TX_POWER_12_DBM,
     *          TX_POWER_10_DBM]
     * LoRaWAN Up-link counter
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter
     * LoRaWAN Down-link counter
     * LoRaWAN Specification V1.0, chapter
     * Multicast channels. A get request will return a pointer to the first
     * entry of the multicast channel linked list. If the pointer is equal to
     * NULL, the list is empty.

 * LoRaMAC MIB parameters
typedef union uMibParam
     * LoRaWAN device class
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_DEVICE_CLASS
    DeviceClass_t Class;
     * LoRaWAN network joined attribute
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_NETWORK_JOINED
    bool IsNetworkJoined;
     * Activation state of ADR
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_ADR
    bool AdrEnable;
     * Network identifier
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_NET_ID
    uint32_t NetID;
     * End-device address
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_DEV_ADDR
    uint32_t DevAddr;
     * Network session key
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_NWK_SKEY
    uint8_t *NwkSKey;
     * Application session key
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_APP_SKEY
    uint8_t *AppSKey;
     * Enable or disable a public network
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_PUBLIC_NETWORK
    bool EnablePublicNetwork;
     * Enable or disable repeater support
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_REPEATER_SUPPORT
    bool EnableRepeaterSupport;
     * LoRaWAN Channel
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_CHANNELS
    ChannelParams_t* ChannelList;
     * Channel for the receive window 2
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_RX2_CHANNEL
    Rx2ChannelParams_t Rx2Channel;
     * Channel mask
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_CHANNELS_MASK
    uint16_t* ChannelsMask;
     * Number of frame repetitions
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_CHANNELS_NB_REP
    uint8_t ChannelNbRep;
     * Maximum receive window duration
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_MAX_RX_WINDOW_DURATION
    uint32_t MaxRxWindow;
     * Receive delay 1
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_RECEIVE_DELAY_1
    uint32_t ReceiveDelay1;
     * Receive delay 2
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_RECEIVE_DELAY_2
    uint32_t ReceiveDelay2;
     * Join accept delay 1
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_JOIN_ACCEPT_DELAY_1
    uint32_t JoinAcceptDelay1;
     * Join accept delay 2
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_JOIN_ACCEPT_DELAY_2
    uint32_t JoinAcceptDelay2;
     * Channels data rate
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_CHANNELS_DATARATE
    int8_t ChannelsDatarate;
     * Channels TX power
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_CHANNELS_TX_POWER
    int8_t ChannelsTxPower;
     * LoRaWAN Up-link counter
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_UPLINK_COUNTER
    uint32_t UpLinkCounter;
     * LoRaWAN Down-link counter
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_DOWNLINK_COUNTER
    uint32_t DownLinkCounter;
     * Multicast channel
     * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_MULTICAST_CHANNEL
    MulticastParams_t* MulticastList;

 * LoRaMAC MIB-RequestConfirm structure
typedef struct eMibRequestConfirm
     * MIB-Request type
    Mib_t Type;

     * MLME-RequestConfirm parameters
    MibParam_t Param;

 * LoRaMAC tx information
typedef struct sLoRaMacTxInfo
     * Defines the size of the applicative payload which can be processed
    uint8_t MaxPossiblePayload;
     * The current payload size, dependent on the current datarate
    uint8_t CurrentPayloadSize;

 * LoRaMAC Status
typedef enum eLoRaMacStatus
     * Service started successfully
     * Service not started - LoRaMAC is busy
     * Service unknown
     * Service not started - invalid parameter
     * Service not started - invalid frequency
     * Service not started - invalid datarate
     * Service not started - invalid frequency and datarate
     * Service not started - the device is not in a LoRaWAN
     * Service not started - playload lenght error
     * Service not started - playload lenght error
     * Service not started - the device is switched off

 * LoRaMAC events structure
 * Used to notify upper layers of MAC events
typedef struct sLoRaMacPrimitives
     * \brief   MCPS-Confirm primitive
     * \param   [OUT] MCPS-Confirm parameters
    void ( *MacMcpsConfirm )( McpsConfirm_t *McpsConfirm );
     * \brief   MCPS-Indication primitive
     * \param   [OUT] MCPS-Indication parameters
    void ( *MacMcpsIndication )( McpsIndication_t *McpsIndication );
     * \brief   MLME-Confirm primitive
     * \param   [OUT] MLME-Confirm parameters
    void ( *MacMlmeConfirm )( MlmeConfirm_t *MlmeConfirm );

typedef struct sLoRaMacCallback
     * \brief   Measures the battery level
     * \retval  Battery level [0: node is connected to an external
     *          power source, 1..254: battery level, where 1 is the minimum
     *          and 254 is the maximum value, 255: the node was not able
     *          to measure the battery level]
    uint8_t ( *GetBatteryLevel )( void );

 * \brief   LoRaMAC layer initialization
 * \details In addition to the initialization of the LoRaMAC layer, this
 *          function initializes the callback primitives of the MCPS and
 *          MLME services. Every data field of \ref LoRaMacPrimitives_t must be
 *          set to a valid callback function.
 * \param   [IN] events - Pointer to a structure defining the LoRaMAC
 *                        event functions. Refer to \ref LoRaMacPrimitives_t.
 * \param   [IN] events - Pointer to a structure defining the LoRaMAC
 *                        callback functions. Refer to \ref LoRaMacCallback_t.
 * \retval  LoRaMacStatus_t Status of the operation. Possible returns are:
 *          returns are:
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_OK,
LoRaMacStatus_t LoRaMacInitialization( LoRaMacPrimitives_t *primitives, LoRaMacCallback_t *callbacks );

 * \brief   Queries the LoRaMAC if it is possible to send the next frame with
 *          a given payload size. The LoRaMAC takes scheduled MAC commands into
 *          account and reports, when the frame can be send or not.
 * \param   [IN] size - Size of applicative payload to be send next
 * \param   [OUT] txInfo - The structure \ref LoRaMacTxInfo_t contains
 *                         information about the actual maximum payload possible
 *                         ( according to the configured datarate or the next
 *                         datarate according to ADR ), and the maximum frame
 *                         size, taking the scheduled MAC commands into account.
 * \retval  LoRaMacStatus_t Status of the operation. When the parameters are
 *          not valid, the function returns \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_PARAMETER_INVALID.
 *          In case of a length error caused by the applicative payload size, the
 *          function returns LORAMAC_STATUS_LENGTH_ERROR. In case of a length error
 *          due to additional MAC commands in the queue, the function returns
 *          LORAMAC_STATUS_MAC_CMD_LENGTH_ERROR. In case the query is valid, and
 *          the LoRaMAC is able to send the frame, the function returns LORAMAC_STATUS_OK. *
LoRaMacStatus_t LoRaMacQueryTxPossible( uint8_t size, LoRaMacTxInfo_t* txInfo );

 * \brief   LoRaMAC channel add service
 * \details Adds a new channel to the channel list and activates the id in
 *          the channel mask. For the US915 band, all channels are enabled
 *          by default. It is not possible to activate less than 6 125 kHz
 *          channels.
 * \param   [IN] id - Id of the channel. Possible values are:
 *          0-15 for EU868
 *          0-72 for US915
 * \param   [IN] params - Channel parameters to set.
 * \retval  LoRaMacStatus_t Status of the operation. Possible returns are:
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_OK,
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_BUSY,
LoRaMacStatus_t LoRaMacChannelAdd( uint8_t id, ChannelParams_t params );

 * \brief   LoRaMAC channel remove service
 * \details Deactivates the id in the channel mask.
 * \param   [IN] id - Id of the channel.
 * \retval  LoRaMacStatus_t Status of the operation. Possible returns are:
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_OK,
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_BUSY,
LoRaMacStatus_t LoRaMacChannelRemove( uint8_t id );

 * \brief   LoRaMAC multicast channel link service
 * \details Links a multicast channel into the linked list.
 * \param   [IN] channelParam - Multicast channel parameters to link.
 * \retval  LoRaMacStatus_t Status of the operation. Possible returns are:
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_OK,
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_BUSY,
LoRaMacStatus_t LoRaMacMulticastChannelLink( MulticastParams_t *channelParam );

 * \brief   LoRaMAC multicast channel unlink service
 * \details Unlinks a multicast channel from the linked list.
 * \param   [IN] channelParam - Multicast channel parameters to unlink.
 * \retval  LoRaMacStatus_t Status of the operation. Possible returns are:
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_OK,
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_BUSY,
LoRaMacStatus_t LoRaMacMulticastChannelUnlink( MulticastParams_t *channelParam );

 * \brief   LoRaMAC MIB-Get
 * \details The mac information base service to get attributes of the LoRaMac
 *          layer.
 *          The following code-snippet shows how to use the API to get the
 *          parameter AdrEnable, defined by the enumeration type
 *          \ref MIB_ADR.
 * \code
 * MibRequestConfirm_t mibReq;
 * mibReq.Type = MIB_ADR;
 * if( LoRaMacMibGetRequestConfirm( &mibReq ) == LORAMAC_STATUS_OK )
 * {
 *   // LoRaMAC updated the parameter mibParam.AdrEnable
 * }
 * \endcode
 * \param   [IN] mibRequest - MIB-GET-Request to perform. Refer to \ref MibRequestConfirm_t.
 * \retval  LoRaMacStatus_t Status of the operation. Possible returns are:
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_OK,
LoRaMacStatus_t LoRaMacMibGetRequestConfirm( MibRequestConfirm_t *mibGet );

 * \brief   LoRaMAC MIB-Set
 * \details The mac information base service to set attributes of the LoRaMac
 *          layer.
 *          The following code-snippet shows how to use the API to set the
 *          parameter AdrEnable, defined by the enumeration type
 *          \ref MIB_ADR.
 * \code
 * MibRequestConfirm_t mibReq;
 * mibReq.Type = MIB_ADR;
 * mibReq.Param.AdrEnable = true;
 * if( LoRaMacMibGetRequestConfirm( &mibReq ) == LORAMAC_STATUS_OK )
 * {
 *   // LoRaMAC updated the parameter
 * }
 * \endcode
 * \param   [IN] mibRequest - MIB-SET-Request to perform. Refer to \ref MibRequestConfirm_t.
 * \retval  LoRaMacStatus_t Status of the operation. Possible returns are:
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_OK,
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_BUSY,
LoRaMacStatus_t LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm( MibRequestConfirm_t *mibSet );

 * \brief   LoRaMAC MLME-Request
 * \details The Mac layer management entity handles management services. The
 *          following code-snippet shows how to use the API to perform a
 *          network join request.
 * \code
 * static uint8_t DevEui[] =
 * {
 *   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
 * };
 * static uint8_t AppEui[] =
 * {
 *   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
 * };
 * static uint8_t AppKey[] =
 * {
 *   0x2B, 0x7E, 0x15, 0x16, 0x28, 0xAE, 0xD2, 0xA6,
 *   0xAB, 0xF7, 0x15, 0x88, 0x09, 0xCF, 0x4F, 0x3C
 * };
 * MlmeReq_t mlmeReq;
 * mlmeReq.Type = MLME_JOIN;
 * mlmeReq.Req.Join.DevEui = DevEui;
 * mlmeReq.Req.Join.AppEui = AppEui;
 * mlmeReq.Req.Join.AppKey = AppKey;
 * if( LoRaMacMlmeRequest( &mlmeReq ) == LORAMAC_STATUS_OK )
 * {
 *   // Service started successfully. Waiting for the Mlme-Confirm event
 * }
 * \endcode
 * \param   [IN] mlmeRequest - MLME-Request to perform. Refer to \ref MlmeReq_t.
 * \retval  LoRaMacStatus_t Status of the operation. Possible returns are:
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_OK,
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_BUSY,
LoRaMacStatus_t LoRaMacMlmeRequest( MlmeReq_t *mlmeRequest );

 * \brief   LoRaMAC MCPS-Request
 * \details The Mac Common Part Sublayer handles data services. The following
 *          code-snippet shows how to use the API to send an unconfirmed
 *          LoRaMAC frame.
 * \code
 * uint8_t myBuffer[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
 * McpsReq_t mcpsReq;
 * mcpsReq.Type = MCPS_UNCONFIRMED;
 * mcpsReq.Req.Unconfirmed.fPort = 1;
 * mcpsReq.Req.Unconfirmed.fBuffer = myBuffer;
 * mcpsReq.Req.Unconfirmed.fBufferSize = sizeof( myBuffer );
 * if( LoRaMacMcpsRequest( &mcpsReq ) == LORAMAC_STATUS_OK )
 * {
 *   // Service started successfully. Waiting for the MCPS-Confirm event
 * }
 * \endcode
 * \param   [IN] mcpsRequest - MCPS-Request to perform. Refer to \ref McpsReq_t.
 * \retval  LoRaMacStatus_t Status of the operation. Possible returns are:
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_OK,
 *          \ref LORAMAC_STATUS_BUSY,
LoRaMacStatus_t LoRaMacMcpsRequest( McpsReq_t *mcpsRequest );

/*! \} defgroup LORAMAC */

#endif // __LORAMAC_H__