Bootcamp application example using LoRaWAN-lib MAC layer implementation. Provides an application example controlling a 3 color LED and a light sensor.

Dependencies:   mbed Chainable_RGB_LED DigitDisplay LoRaWAN-lib SX1276Lib

Dependents:   LoRaWAN

For a detailed description of the LoRaWAN operations, please visit the MBED dedicated page at

Mon Apr 24 13:40:32 2017 +0000
WARNING: Radio API timings changed from micro-seconds to milliseconds; ; Synchronized with git revision e506c246652fa44c3f24cecb89d0707b49ece739; Updated all libraries to the latest versions

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 1 /*
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 2 / _____) _ | |
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 3 ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 4 \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 5 _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 6 (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 7 (C)2015 Semtech
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 8
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 9 Description: Target board general functions implementation
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 10
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 11 License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 12
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 13 Maintainer: Miguel Luis and Gregory Cristian
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 14 */
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 15 #ifndef __BOARD_H__
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 16 #define __BOARD_H__
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 17
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 18 #include "mbed.h"
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 19 #include "system/timer.h"
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 20 #include "debug.h"
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 21 #include "system/utilities.h"
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 22 #include "sx1276-hal.h"
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 23
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 24 #define USE_BAND_868
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 25
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 26 extern SX1276MB1xAS Radio;
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 27
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 28 /*!
mluis 5:d87bb1eabccd 29 * \brief Disable interrupts
mluis 5:d87bb1eabccd 30 *
mluis 5:d87bb1eabccd 31 * \remark IRQ nesting is managed
mluis 5:d87bb1eabccd 32 */
mluis 5:d87bb1eabccd 33 void BoardDisableIrq( void );
mluis 5:d87bb1eabccd 34
mluis 5:d87bb1eabccd 35 /*!
mluis 5:d87bb1eabccd 36 * \brief Enable interrupts
mluis 5:d87bb1eabccd 37 *
mluis 5:d87bb1eabccd 38 * \remark IRQ nesting is managed
mluis 5:d87bb1eabccd 39 */
mluis 5:d87bb1eabccd 40 void BoardEnableIrq( void );
mluis 5:d87bb1eabccd 41
mluis 5:d87bb1eabccd 42 /*!
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 43 * \brief Initializes the target board peripherals.
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 44 */
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 45 void BoardInit( void );
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 46
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 47 /*!
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 48 * \brief Measure the Battery level
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 49 *
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 50 * \retval value battery level ( 0: very low, 254: fully charged )
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 51 */
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 52 uint8_t BoardGetBatteryLevel( void );
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 53
mluis 0:cb80564f40e1 54 #endif // __BOARD_H__