Cellular example code for Seeed Wio 3G and Wio LTE-M1/NB1(BG96)

Example cellular application for Mbed OS

This is an example based on `mbed-os` cellular APIs that demonstrates a TCP or UDP echo transaction with a public echo server.

(Note: To see this example in a rendered form you can import into the Arm Mbed Online Compiler, please see the documentation.)

Getting started

This particular cellular application uses a cellular network and network-socket APIs that are part of `mbed-os`.

The program uses a cellular modem driver using an external IP stack (LWIP) standard 3GPP AT 27.007 AT commands to setup the cellular modem and registers to the network.

After registration, the driver opens a point-to-point protocol (PPP) pipe using LWIP with the cellular modem and connects to internet. This driver currently supports UART data connection type only between your cellular modem and MCU.

For more information on Arm Mbed OS cellular APIs and porting guide, please visit the Mbed OS cellular API and contributing documentation.

Download the application

$ mbed import mbed-os-example-cellular
$ cd mbed-os-example-cellular
$ git clone git@github.com:ARMmbed/mbed-os-example-cellular.git
$ cd mbed-os-example-cellular

Change the network and SIM credentials

See the file `mbed_app.json` in the root directory of your application. This file contains all the user specific configurations your application needs. Provide the pin code for your SIM card, as well as any APN settings if needed. For example:

        "nsapi.default-cellular-plmn": 0,
        "nsapi.default-cellular-sim-pin": "\"1234\"",
        "nsapi.default-cellular-apn": 0,
        "nsapi.default-cellular-username": 0,
        "nsapi.default-cellular-password": 0

Selecting socket type (TCP, UDP or NONIP)

You can choose which socket type the application should use; however, please note that TCP is a more reliable transmission protocol. For example:

     "sock-type": "TCP",

Turning modem AT echo trace on

If you like details and wish to know about all the AT interactions between the modem and your driver, turn on the modem AT echo trace.

        "cellular.debug-at": true

Turning on the tracing and trace level

If you like to add more traces or follow the current ones you can turn traces on by changing `mbed-trace.enable` in mbed_app.json

"target_overrides": {
        "*": {
            "mbed-trace.enable": true,

After you have defined `mbed-trace.enable: true`, you can set trace levels by changing value in `trace-level`

"trace-level": {
            "macro_name": "MBED_TRACE_MAX_LEVEL",
            "value": "TRACE_LEVEL_INFO"

Board support

The cellular modem driver in this example uses PPP with an Mbed-supported external IP stack. It supports targets when modem exists on the Mbed Enabled target as opposed to plug-in modules (shields). For more details, please see our Mbed OS cellular documentation.

Compiling the application

The master branch is for daily development and it uses the latest mbed-os/master release.

To use older versions update Mbed OS release tag, for example:

mbed releases
 * mbed-os-5.10.4
mbed update mbed-os-5.10.4

You may need to use `clean` option to discard your local changes (use with caution).

Use Mbed CLI commands to generate a binary for the application. For example, in the case of GCC, use the following command:

$ mbed compile -m YOUR_TARGET_WITH_MODEM -t GCC_ARM

Running the application

Drag and drop the application binary from `BUILD/YOUR_TARGET_WITH_MODEM/GCC_ARM/mbed-os-example-cellular.bin` to your Mbed Enabled target hardware, which appears as a USB device on your host machine.

Attach a serial console emulator of your choice (for example, PuTTY, Minicom or screen) to your USB device. Set the baudrate to 115200 bit/s, and reset your board by pressing the reset button.

You should see an output similar to this:

Establishing connection ......
Connection Established.
TCP: connected with echo.mbedcloudtesting.com server
TCP: Sent 4 Bytes to echo.mbedcloudtesting.com
Received from echo server 4 Bytes
Success. Exiting


  • Make sure the fields `sim-pin-code`, `apn`, `username` and `password` from the `mbed_app.json` file are filled in correctly. The correct values should appear in the user manual of the board if using eSIM or in the details of the SIM card if using normal SIM.
  • Enable trace flag to have access to debug information `"mbed-trace.enable": true`.
  • Try both `TCP` and `UDP` socket types.
  • Try both `"lwip.ppp-enabled": true` and `"lwip.ppp-enabled": false`.
  • The modem may support only a fixed baud-rate, such as `"platform.default-serial-baud-rate": 9600`.
  • The modem and network may only support IPv6 in which case `"lwip.ipv6-enabled": true` shall be defined.
  • The SIM and modem must have compatible cellular technology (3G, 4G, NB-IoT, ...) supported and cellular network available.
  • Enable CIoT optimization for NONIP socket `control-plane-opt: true`.

If you have problems to get started with debugging, you can review the documentation for suggestions on what could be wrong and how to fix it.

License and contributions

The software is provided under Apache-2.0 license. Contributions to this project are accepted under the same license. Please see contributing.md for more info.

This project contains code from other projects. The original license text is included in those source files. They must comply with our license guide.

Mon May 20 06:11:03 2019 +0000
Fix configuration for the Wio 3G

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 1 properties ([[$class: 'ParametersDefinitionProperty', parameterDefinitions: [
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 2 [$class: 'StringParameterDefinition', name: 'mbed_os_revision', defaultValue: '', description: 'Revision of mbed-os to build. To access mbed-os PR use format "pull/PR number/head"'],
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 3 [$class: 'BooleanParameterDefinition', name: 'smoke_test', defaultValue: true, description: 'Runs HW smoke tests on Cellular devices']
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 4 ]]])
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 5
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 6 if (env.MBED_OS_REVISION == null) {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 7 echo 'First run in this branch, using default parameter values'
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 8 env.MBED_OS_REVISION = ''
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 9 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 10 if (env.MBED_OS_REVISION == '') {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 11 echo 'Using mbed OS revision from mbed-os.lib'
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 12 } else {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 13 echo "Using given mbed OS revision: ${env.MBED_OS_REVISION}"
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 14 if (env.MBED_OS_REVISION.matches('pull/\\d+/head')) {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 15 echo "Revision is a Pull Request"
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 16 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 17 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 18
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 19 // Map RaaS instances to corresponding test suites
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 20 def raas = [
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 21 "cellular_smoke_ublox_c027.json": "ruka"
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 22 //"cellular_smoke_mtb_mts_dragonfly.json": "8119"
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 23 ]
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 24
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 25 // Supported Modems
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 26 def targets = [
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 27 "UBLOX_C027",
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 28 "MTB_MTS_DRAGONFLY",
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 29 "UBLOX_C030_U201"
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 30 //"MTB_ADV_WISE_1570",
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 31 //"K64F"
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 32 ]
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 33
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 34 // Map toolchains to compilers
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 35 def toolchains = [
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 36 ARM: "armcc",
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 37 GCC_ARM: "arm-none-eabi-gcc",
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 38 IAR: "iar_arm",
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 39 ARMC6: "arm6"
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 40 ]
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 41
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 42 def stepsForParallel = [:]
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 43
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 44 // Jenkins pipeline does not support map.each, we need to use oldschool for loop
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 45 for (int i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++) {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 46 for(int j = 0; j < toolchains.size(); j++) {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 47 def target = targets.get(i)
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 48 def toolchain = toolchains.keySet().asList().get(j)
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 49 def compilerLabel = toolchains.get(toolchain)
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 50 def stepName = "${target} ${toolchain}"
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 51
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 52 stepsForParallel[stepName] = buildStep(target, compilerLabel, toolchain)
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 53 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 54 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 55
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 56 def parallelRunSmoke = [:]
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 57
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 58 // Need to compare boolean against string value
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 59 if (params.smoke_test == true) {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 60 echo "Running smoke tests"
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 61 // Generate smoke tests based on suite amount
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 62 for(int i = 0; i < raas.size(); i++) {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 63 def suite_to_run = raas.keySet().asList().get(i)
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 64 def raasName = raas.get(suite_to_run)
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 65
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 66 // Parallel execution needs unique step names. Remove .json file ending.
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 67 def smokeStep = "${raasName} ${suite_to_run.substring(0, suite_to_run.indexOf('.'))}"
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 68 parallelRunSmoke[smokeStep] = run_smoke(raasName, suite_to_run, toolchains, targets)
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 69 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 70 } else {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 71 echo "Skipping smoke tests"
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 72 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 73
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 74 timestamps {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 75 parallel stepsForParallel
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 76 parallel parallelRunSmoke
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 77 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 78
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 79 def buildStep(target, compilerLabel, toolchain) {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 80 return {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 81 stage ("${target}_${compilerLabel}") {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 82 node ("${compilerLabel}") {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 83 deleteDir()
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 84 dir("mbed-os-example-cellular") {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 85 checkout scm
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 86 def config_file = "mbed_app.json"
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 87
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 88 // Configurations for different targets
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 89 if ("${target}" == "UBLOX_C030_U201") {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 90 execute("sed -i 's/internet/JTM2M/' ${config_file}")
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 91 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 92
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 93 if ("${target}" == "UBLOX_C027") {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 94 execute("sed -i 's/TCP/UDP/' ${config_file}")
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 95 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 96
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 97 if ("${target}" == "MTB_ADV_WISE_1570") {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 98 execute("sed -i 's/TCP/UDP/' ${config_file}")
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 99 execute("sed -i 's/\"lwip.ppp-enabled\": true,/\"lwip.ppp-enabled\": false,/' ${config_file}")
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 100 execute("sed -i 's/\"platform.default-serial-baud-rate\": 115200,/\"platform.default-serial-baud-rate\": 9600,/' ${config_file}")
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 101 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 102
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 103 if ("${target}" == "K64F") {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 104 execute("sed -i 's/TCP/UDP/' ${config_file}")
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 105 execute("sed -i 's/\"lwip.ppp-enabled\": true,/\"lwip.ppp-enabled\": false,/' ${config_file}")
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 106 execute("sed -i 's/\"target_overrides\": {/\"macros\": [\"CELLULAR_DEVICE=QUECTEL_BG96\", \"MDMRXD=PTC16\", \"MDMTXD=PTC17\"], \"target_overrides\": {/' ${config_file}")
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 107 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 108 // Set mbed-os to revision received as parameter
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 109 execute ("mbed deploy --protocol ssh")
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 110 if (env.MBED_OS_REVISION != '') {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 111 dir("mbed-os") {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 112 if (env.MBED_OS_REVISION.matches('pull/\\d+/head')) {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 113 // Use mbed-os PR and switch to branch created
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 114 execute("git fetch origin ${env.MBED_OS_REVISION}:_PR_")
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 115 execute("git checkout _PR_")
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 116 } else {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 117 execute ("git checkout ${env.MBED_OS_REVISION}")
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 118 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 119 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 120 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 121
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 122 execute ("mbed compile --build out/${target}_${toolchain}/ -m ${target} -t ${toolchain} -c --app-config ${config_file}")
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 123 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 124 if ("${target}" == "MTB_ADV_WISE_1570") {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 125 stash name: "${target}_${toolchain}", includes: '**/mbed-os-example-cellular.hex'
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 126 archive '**/mbed-os-example-cellular.hex'
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 127 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 128 else {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 129 stash name: "${target}_${toolchain}", includes: '**/mbed-os-example-cellular.bin'
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 130 archive '**/mbed-os-example-cellular.bin'
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 131 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 132 step([$class: 'WsCleanup'])
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 133 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 134 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 135 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 136 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 137
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 138 def run_smoke(raasName, suite_to_run, toolchains, targets) {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 139 return {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 140 env.RAAS_USERNAME = "user"
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 141 env.RAAS_PASSWORD = "user"
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 142 // Remove .json from suite name
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 143 def suiteName = suite_to_run.substring(0, suite_to_run.indexOf('.'))
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 144 stage ("smoke_${raasName}_${suiteName}") {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 145 //node is actually the type of machine, i.e., mesh-test boild down to linux
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 146 node ("linux") {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 147 deleteDir()
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 148 dir("mbed-clitest") {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 149 git "git@github.com:ARMmbed/mbed-clitest.git"
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 150 execute("git checkout ${env.LATEST_CLITEST_STABLE_REL}")
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 151 dir("mbed-clitest-suites") {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 152 git "git@github.com:ARMmbed/mbed-clitest-suites.git"
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 153 execute("git submodule update --init --recursive")
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 154 execute("git all checkout master")
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 155 dir("cellular") {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 156 execute("git checkout master")
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 157 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 158 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 159
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 160 for (int i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++) {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 161 for(int j = 0; j < toolchains.size(); j++) {
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 162 def target = targets.get(i)
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 163 def toolchain = toolchains.keySet().asList().get(j)
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 164 unstash "${target}_${toolchain}"
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 165 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 166 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 167 execute("python clitest.py --suitedir mbed-clitest-suites/suites/ --suite ${suite_to_run} --type hardware --reset \
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 168 --raas https://${raasName}.mbedcloudtesting.com:443 --tcdir mbed-clitest-suites/cellular --raas_queue --raas_queue_timeout 3600 \
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 169 --raas_share_allocs --failure_return_value -vvv -w --log log_${raasName}_${suiteName}")
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 170 archive "log_${raasName}_${suiteName}/**/*"
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 171 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 172 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 173 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 174 }
MACRUM 0:fb5e1789de47 175 }