yutong look here

Dependencies:   FastAnalogIn fastADC



File content as of revision 114:cb1ac5905df4:

/* mbed Microcontroller Library
 * Copyright (c) 2018 ARM Limited
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include "mbed.h"
#include "platform/mbed_thread.h"
#include "stats_report.h"
#include <AnalogIn.h>
#include <AnalogOut.h>
#include "circ_buff.hpp"
#include "fastADC.h"

AnalogOut v_src(GPIO0);
AnalogIn therm(GPIO2);

#define SLEEP_TIME                  500 // (msec)
#define PRINT_AFTER_N_LOOPS         20

//define defaults for mfcc
#define DEF_NUMCEPSTRA      12
#define DEF_NUMFILTERS      40
#define DEF_SAMPLINGRATE    16000
#define DEF_WINLENGTH       25
#define DEF_FRAMESHIFT      10
#define DEF_LOWFREQ         50
#define ARRAY_SIZE          800
#define BUFFSIZE                    1000 // size of buffer = sampling_time * sampling_rate * size(float)
//DigitalOut led1(LED1);
//DigitalOut led2(LED2);
Thread thread_adc;
Thread thread_mfcc;
Ticker read_ADC_ticker;

DigitalOut vcc(GPIO0);
AnalogIn mic(PB_0);
CircularBuff<uint16_t> buff(BUFFSIZE);

Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);

volatile int num_readings = 0;
int z = 0;
volatile uint16_t raw_adc = 0; 
uint16_t* pop_val;

void adc_thread() {
//    while (true) {
//        wait_us(42);
        raw_adc = readADC();       /* Read AD converted value            */
//    }

//To sleep, 'wait' should be replaced by 'ThisThread::sleep_for' (C++) or 'thread_sleep_for' (C). If you wish to wait (without sleeping), call 'wait_us'. 'wait_us' is safe to call from ISR context. [since mbed-os-5.14] [-Wdeprecated-declarations] in "main.cpp", Line: 59, Col: 9

    this thread is in charge of converting 
void mfcc_thread() {
    while (true) {
        //printf("Top of MFCC thread");
        double rate = num_readings/5000.0;
        pc.printf("Readings / second: %f Ksps\n\n", rate);
        num_readings = 0;
        //pop_val = buff.pop();
        //pc.printf("last reading: %u\n", *pop_val);

The following sequence should be followed to configure a DMA channelx (where x is the
channel number).
1. Set the peripheral register address in the DMA_CPARx register. The data will be
moved from/ to this address to/ from the memory after the peripheral event.
2. Set the memory address in the DMA_CMARx register. The data will be written to or
read from this memory after the peripheral event.
3. Configure the total number of data to be transferred in the DMA_CNDTRx register.
After each peripheral event, this value will be decremented.
4. Configure the channel priority using the PL[1:0] bits in the DMA_CCRx register
5. Configure data transfer direction, circular mode, peripheral & memory incremented
mode, peripheral & memory data size, and interrupt after half and/or full transfer in the
DMA_CCRx register
6. Activate the channel by setting the ENABLE bit in the DMA_CCRx register
//void config_dma() {
//    /* 
//    1. Set the peripheral register address in the DMA_CPARx register. The data will be
//    moved from/ to this address to/ from the memory after the peripheral event.
//    */
//    //RCC->DMA_CPAR1 &= 0x00000000;

int main() {
//    config_dma();
    pc.printf("configuring DMA\n");
    pc.printf("Creating buff of size %d\n", BUFFSIZE);
    /* clear the buffer */
//    buff.clear();
    pc.printf("Setting up ADC\n");
    /* Setup and initialize ADC converter   https://www.davidkebo.com/microcontroller-interfacing */
//    RCC->APB2RSTR |=  1 <<  9;            /* Enable ADC1 clock                  */
//    ADC->SMPR1   =  5 << 12;             /* Channel 14 sample time is 55.5 cyc */
//    ADC->SMPR2   = 0x00000000;           /* Clear register                     */
//    ADC->CR1     =  1 <<  8;             /* Scan mode on                       */
//    ADC->CR2     = (1 << 20) |           /* Enable external trigger            */
//                  (7 << 17) |           /* EXTSEL = SWSTART                   */
//                  (1 <<  1) |           /* Continuous conversion              */
//                  (1 <<  0) ;           /* ADC enable                         */
//    ADC1->CR2    |=  1 <<  3;             /* Initialize calibration registers   */
//    while (ADC1->CR2 & (1 << 3));         /* Wait for initialization to finish  */
//    ADC1->CR2    |=  1 <<  2;             /* Start calibration                  */
//    while (ADC1->CR2 & (1 << 2));         /* Wait for calibration to finish     */
//    ADC1->CR2    |=  1 << 22;             /* Start first conversion  */
    //for (;;) {                            /* Loop forever                       */
//        raw_adc = readADC();
//        pc.printf("register read val: %u\n", raw_adc);
//    }
    read_ADC_ticker.attach_us(&adc_thread, 50);