initialisatie met niels zn functies

Dependencies:   mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r e206ee5c4d91 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Jun 08 15:19:14 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "MCP23017.h"
+const unsigned __int64 FORWARD = 1;
+const unsigned __int64 BACKWARD = 0;
+const unsigned __int64 LIGHTON = 1;
+const unsigned __int64 LIGHTOFF = 0;
+const unsigned __int64 SLOW = 0x4; //0100 = step 5
+const unsigned __int64 NORM = 0x9; //1001 = step 15
+const unsigned __int64 FAST = 0xE; //1110 = step 25
+const unsigned __int64 STOP = 0x1; //0001 = E-STOP
+const unsigned __int64 train1 = 0x1; 
+const unsigned __int64 train3 = 0x3;
+const unsigned __int64 def_repeat_count = 5;
+const int addr0 = 0x20 << 1;
+int interrupted = 0;
+I2C i2c(p28, p27);
+DigitalOut Track(p20);
+DigitalOut led(LED1);
+InterruptIn int0(p25);
+//InterruptIn int1(p9);
+/* Write a register on an I2C device */
+void mcpWriteReg(uint8_t address, uint8_t reg, uint8_t data){
+    char cmd[2];
+    cmd[0] = reg;
+    cmd[1] = data;
+    i2c.write(address, cmd, 2);   // Write 2 bytes to device on specified address
+/* Read a register on a I2C device */
+uint8_t mcpReadReg(uint8_t address, uint8_t reg){
+    char cmd[1];
+    cmd[0] = reg;
+    i2c.write(address, cmd, 1);     // Write address 
+, cmd, 1);      // Read value (one byte)
+    return cmd[0];                  // Return the read value
+void interrupt_handler(){
+     interrupted = 1;
+void initialize_mcp() {
+    /*
+    printf("%x\n", mcpReadReg(addr0, MCP_IODIRA));
+    printf("%x\n", mcpReadReg(addr0, MCP_IODIRB));
+    printf("%x\n", mcpReadReg(addr0, MCP_IPOLA));
+    printf("%x\n", mcpReadReg(addr0, MCP_IPOLB));
+    printf("%x\n", mcpReadReg(addr0, MCP_GPINTENA));
+    printf("%x\n", mcpReadReg(addr0, MCP_GPINTENB));
+    printf("%x\n", mcpReadReg(addr0, MCP_DEFVALA));
+    printf("%x\n", mcpReadReg(addr0, MCP_DEFVALB));
+    printf("%x\n", mcpReadReg(addr0, MCP_INTCONA));
+    printf("%x\n", mcpReadReg(addr0, MCP_INTCONB));
+    printf("%x\n", mcpReadReg(addr0, MCP_IOCON));
+    printf("%x\n", mcpReadReg(addr0, MCP_IOCON_MIRROR));
+    printf("%x\n", mcpReadReg(addr0, MCP_GPPUA));
+    printf("%x\n", mcpReadReg(addr0, MCP_GPPUB));
+    printf("%x\n", mcpReadReg(addr0, MCP_INTFA));
+    printf("%x\n", mcpReadReg(addr0, MCP_INTFB));
+    printf("%x\n", mcpReadReg(addr0, MCP_INTCAPA));
+    printf("%x\n", mcpReadReg(addr0, MCP_INTCAPB));
+    printf("%x\n", mcpReadReg(addr0, MCP_GPIOA));
+    printf("%x\n", mcpReadReg(addr0, MCP_GPIOB));
+    printf("%x\n", mcpReadReg(addr0, MCP_OLATA));
+    printf("%x\n", mcpReadReg(addr0, MCP_OLATB));
+    */
+    mcpWriteReg(addr0, MCP_IODIRA, 0xff);     // All inputs 
+    mcpWriteReg(addr0, MCP_IODIRB, 0xff);     // All inputs
+    mcpWriteReg(addr0, MCP_GPINTENA, 0xff);
+    mcpWriteReg(addr0, MCP_GPINTENB, 0xff);
+    mcpWriteReg(addr0, MCP_INTCONA, 0xff);
+    mcpWriteReg(addr0, MCP_INTCONB, 0xff);
+    mcpWriteReg(addr0, MCP_DEFVALA, 0xff);
+    mcpWriteReg(addr0, MCP_DEFVALB, 0xff);
+    mcpWriteReg(addr0, MCP_GPIOA, 0x00);
+    mcpWriteReg(addr0, MCP_GPIOB, 0x00);
+    int0.fall(&interrupt_handler);
+    //int1.fall(&interrupt_handler);
+void DCC_send_command(unsigned int address, unsigned int inst, unsigned int repeat_count){
+    unsigned __int64 command = 0x0000000000000000; // this is a 64-bit integer type, due to the packet size
+    unsigned __int64 temp_command = 0x0000000000000000;
+    unsigned __int64 prefix = 0x3FFF; // 14 1 bits as in the preamble of the data packet
+    unsigned int error = 0x00; // error byte
+    //calculate error detection byte with xor
+    error = address ^ inst;
+    // combine packet bits in basic DCC format
+    command = (prefix<<28)|(address<<19)|(inst<<10)|((error)<<1)|0x01;
+    int i = 0;
+    // repeat DCC command lots of times
+     while(i < repeat_count) {
+        temp_command = command;
+    //loops throught packet bits enconding and sending out digital pulses for a DCC command
+        for (int j=0; j<64; j++) {
+            if((temp_command&0x8000000000000000)==0) { //test packet bit
+                Track=0;
+                wait_us(100);
+                Track=1;
+                wait_us(100);
+            } else {
+                Track=0;
+                wait_us(58);
+                Track=1;
+                wait_us(58);
+            }
+            temp_command = temp_command<<1;
+        }
+        i++;
+    }
+unsigned __int64 create_instruction(){
+    unsigned __int64 instruction = 0x0;
+    unsigned __int64 direction = FORWARD;
+    unsigned __int64 lights = LIGHTON;
+    unsigned __int64 speed = NORM;   
+    return instruction = (0x01<<6)|(direction<<5)|(lights<<4)|speed;
+int main(){
+    initialize_mcp();
+    unsigned __int64 instruction = 0x0;  
+    while(1){  
+        if(interrupted){
+            uint16_t data = (mcpReadReg(addr0, MCP_GPIOB) << 8) | mcpReadReg(addr0, MCP_GPIOA); 
+            //mcpReadReg(addr0, MCP_INTCAPA);
+            //mcpReadReg(addr0, MCP_INTCAPB);
+            //modify instructions
+            printf("%x interrupted\n", data);
+            interrupted = 0; 
+        }
+        instruction = (0x01<<6)|(FORWARD<<5)|(LIGHTON<<4)|FAST;
+        DCC_send_command(train3, instruction, def_repeat_count);
+    }
+INT0 - pin 8
+clock en data pins for I2C communication - data sync - hier lezen na een interrupt
+SDA - pin 9
+SCL - pin 10
+Sending command signals to train tracks
+DAT - pin 20
+        instruction = (0x01<<6)|(FORWARD<<5)|(LIGHTON<<4)|STOP;
+        DCC_send_command(train3, instruction, def_repeat_count);