BLE GAP Button example

This example is a fork of the following mbed-os example:

Please read the documentation in this page.

diff -r bfe23efb0d97 -r d4dd083eba53
--- a/	Thu Aug 04 12:15:26 2016 +0100
+++ b/	Thu Aug 04 15:47:51 2016 +0100
@@ -18,6 +18,28 @@
 Hardware requirements are in the [main readme](
+### Porting this example on new boards
+This example requires a board with at least a button to work. While the pin name of the button is defined for the `NRF51_DK`, `NRF52_DK`, `K64F` and `NUCLEO_F401RE`, it is not specified for other boards.
+It is easy to add the button configuration for your board:
+* Open the file named `mbed_app.json` at the root of this example.
+* In the section `target_overides` add a new object named after your target if it doesn't exist. This object contain overridden parameters for your target.
+* Override the property `ble_button_pin_name` in your target object. The value of the property should be equal to the pin name to use as a button.
+As an example, this is the JSON bit which has to be added in the `target_overrides` section of `mbed_app.json` for a `NUCLEO_F411RE` board.
+        "NUCLEO_F411RE": {
+            "ble_button_pin_name": "USER_BUTTON"
+        }
+<span> **Note:** You can get more informations about the configuration system in the [documentation](</span>
+<span> **Important:** If your target use an ST BLE shield, other parameters have to be overridden for your target. More information are available in the global [README](</span>
 ## Building instructions
 Building instructions for all samples are in the [main readme](