X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 Wi-Fi expansion board mbed library
Dependents: SpwfInterface_NSAPI_Tests HelloWorld_IDW01M1
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X_NUCLEO_IDW01M1 is a mbed library for the Wi-Fi expansion board X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 compatible with STM32 Nucleo.
The software can be used for building Wi-Fi applications with the SPWF01SA module. It is an implementation of the NetworkSocketAPI library from mbed.
Firmware Library¶
The X_NUCLEO_IDW01M1 library comes with a sample application (HelloWorld_IDW01M1v2) and a NSAPI test suite application (SpwfInterface_NSAPI_Testsv2).
This library is only supported on NUCLEO platforms and any arduino platforms. However connection to arduino platforms needs to be done manually using 4 wires for Vdd, Gnd, Rxt and Tx. Example applications have more specific details on exact connections to be used.
The features of the library are :
- Supports mbed NetworkSocketAPI
- Supports both client sockets
- Configuration of USART pins to be used
Class SpwfSAInterface is intended to represent the X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 expansion board with the SPWF module.
The expansion board is basically featuring the component:
- a SPWF01SA Serial-to-Wi-Fi module