Generic mbed Extensions used by STM Expansion Board Firmware Packages.

Dependents:   X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1 X_NUCLEO_6180XA1 1-DoorCloser 1-DoorCloser ... more

Fork of X_NUCLEO_COMMON by ST Expansion SW Team

Generic mbed Extensions used by STM Expansion Board Firmware Packages


Helper class DbgMCU providing a default constructor which enables debugging on STM32 MCUs while using sleep modes.


Helper class DevI2C providing functions for multi-register I2C communication common for a series of I2C devices.


Helper class DevSPI providing functions for SPI communication common for a series of SPI devices.

--- a/DevI2C/DevI2C.h	Mon Oct 10 06:55:02 2016 +0000
+++ b/DevI2C/DevI2C.h	Mon Apr 10 15:13:26 2017 +0000
@@ -58,26 +58,6 @@
     DevI2C(PinName sda, PinName scl) : I2C(sda, scl) {}
-    /** Create a DevI2C Master interface, connected to the specified pins and set their pin modes
-     *
-     *  @param sda I2C data line pin
-     *  @param sda I2C data pin mode
-     *  @param scl I2C clock line pin
-     *  @param scl I2C clock pin mode
-     *
-     *  @note  this is a workaround to provide a constructor which currently
-     *         is somehow missing in the I2C base class and it's underlying
-     *         implementations. In some circumstances (e.g. while debugging)
-     *         where long latencies between the initialization of the i2c
-     *         interface in the I2C constructor and the setting of the pin
-     *         modes in the beyond constructor might occur, the i2c
-     *         communication might be compromised.
-     */
-    DevI2C(PinName sda, int mode_sda, PinName scl, int mode_scl) : I2C(sda, scl) {
-        pin_mode(sda, (PinMode)mode_sda);
-        pin_mode(scl, (PinMode)mode_scl);
-    }
      * @brief  Writes a buffer towards the I2C peripheral device.
      * @param  pBuffer pointer to the byte-array data to send