

Fork of SunTracker_BLE by ST Expansion SW Team


The SunTracker is a demo application running on ST Nucleo-F401RE stacking a set of ST X-NUCLEO expansion boards.
Main features provided are:

  • A solar panel follows the light source, orienting the panel in order to achieve the best panel efficiency.
  • Orientation is controlled thanks to a couple of VL6180X FlightSense light sensors mounted on a X-NUCLEO-6180XA1 expansion board and driven by X-NUCLEO-IHM01A1 controlled stepper motor acting as actuator to orientate the panel.
  • The system features a progressive control on the stepper motor in order to modulate the panel rotation speed according to the light angle.
  • The application is also able to control the panel productivity reading the panel voltage through an ADC and proving feedback on the local display.
  • A manual orientation is possible by using the accelerometer on a X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 expansion board that, according on board tilt, controls the speed and the rotate direction.
  • A remote control is available using a X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 or a X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 Bluetooth Low Energy expansion board. Remote control software is here.


Working Status

  • SunTracker has 3 working status visible on FlightSense display and switchable by pressing the User Button:

Status 0 (Idle)

  • Motor: Free Turning
  • Display: Waiting for User Button

Status 1

  • Motor: Driven by Light
  • Display: Direction and Light Intensity = Direction and Motor Speed

Status 2

  • Motor: Driven by Light
  • Display: Solar Panel Efficiency

Status 3

  • Motor: Driven by Accelerometer
  • Display: Direction and Accelerometer Intensity

Server Startup

  • When you plug the power supply, the word ‘PUSH’ is shown on display.
  • You can manually rotate the structure to assign the ‘Zero Point’. Then press the User Button to launch the application.
  • The display will show this status, which means that the structure is oriented to maximize the efficiency of the solar panel.
  • If there is a light displacement, the structure will rotate, left or right, to follow the light source and on display is shown the direction and the speed.
  • You can press the User Button to show the panel efficiency with 4 digits that represent the range from 0v (0000) to 3,3v (3300).
  • Further pressing the User Button you will manual rotate the panel by tilt the Server or Client accelerometer depending by BLE connection.

Client Startup

  • The Client application can remotely control the User Button and the Accelerometer functions.
  • Power on the Client AFTER the Server, it will automatically search for the SunTracker and will establish a BLE connection.
  • The Green Led on Nucleo Client board will be powered on.

Rotation Features

  • It has been implemented a block of rotation to avoid cables twist.
  • The blocking point can be set in the firmware by changing a constant.
  • You can manually rotate the structure to assign the ‘Zero Point’ before press the User Button to launch the application.
  • The system features a progressive control on the stepper motor in order to modulate the rotation speed according to the light or accelerometer angle.

List of Components


  • Stepper Motor 400’’ (Part Number 5350401) - To orientate the Mechanical Structure.
  • Solar Panel 0.446w (Part Number 0194127) - To capture sunlight and generate electrical current.
  • Power Supply 12v (Part Number 7262993) - To provide power supply at the Stepper Motor.
  • Flat Cable 6 ways (Part Number 1807010) - To plug VL6180X-SATEL with X-NUCLEO-6180XA1 (60cm length each x2).
  • Cable Connector (Part Number 6737694) - To plug the Flat Cable (x4).
  • Power Connector (Part Number 0487842) - To provide Power Supply to X-NUCLEO-IHM01A1.

CLIENT SunTracker_BLE_Remote


Find here the STL files to print with a 3D printer.






Nucleo ADC + Solar Panel

Connect Solar Panel cables to Nucleo Morpho PC_3 (white) and Nucleo Morpho GND (black). Connect a capacitor 10uF between PC_3 and GND to stabilize its voltage value shown on display.

EasySpin (L6474) + BLE

Hardware conflict between EasySpin DIR1 and BLE Reset, both on same Arduino Pin PA_8. Disconnect PA_8 between EasySpin and Nucleo by fold EasySpin Pin. PB_2 has been configured as EasySpin DIR1 in the firmware . Connect Nucleo Morpho PB_2 to FlightSense Arduino PA_8 by a wire.

FlightSense Satellites

In case of instability with I2C due to long flat cables, solder 4 SMD capacitors 47pF on FlightSense board in parallel between R15, R16, R17, R18 and plug 2 capacitors 15pF between FlightSense Arduino PB_8 and PB_9 to GND pin to cut-off noises over 720 KHz.

Arduino & Morpho Pinout

/media/uploads/fabiombed/arduino_pinout.png /media/uploads/fabiombed/morpho_pinout.png

diff -r 7880b45ceeac -r 644f9e7278e9 CustomControlService.h
--- a/CustomControlService.h	Fri Mar 11 09:53:49 2016 +0000
+++ b/CustomControlService.h	Wed Mar 16 19:17:08 2016 +0000
@@ -34,21 +34,16 @@
 #include "BLE.h"
 #include "UUID.h"
-#define STORE_BE_32(buf, val)    ( ((buf)[3] =  (uint8_t) (val)     ) , \
-                                   ((buf)[2] =  (uint8_t) (val>>8)  ) , \
-                                   ((buf)[1] =  (uint8_t) (val>>16) ) , \
-                                   ((buf)[0] =  (uint8_t) (val>>24) ) )                         
+/* BLE Services: Primary + 1 Secondary (Char Desk) */
+//const LongUUIDBytes_t CONTROL_SERVICE_UUID_128 = {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A}; //Primary
+//const LongUUIDBytes_t USER_BUTTON_CHAR_UUID    = {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A}; //User Button Control
+const ShortUUIDBytes_t CONTROL_SERVICE_UUID_128 = 0xA000;
+const ShortUUIDBytes_t USER_BUTTON_CHAR_UUID    = 0xA001;                      
-#define SIZEOF_CONTROL_DATA_LEN  2+4+1+1
-/* BLE Services: Primary + 1 Secondary (Char Desk) */
-const LongUUIDBytes_t CONTROL_SERVICE_UUID_128 = {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A}; //Primary
-const LongUUIDBytes_t USER_BUTTON_CHAR_UUID    = {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A}; //User Button Control
 /* Custom Control Service */
 class CustomControlService  {
@@ -64,18 +59,68 @@
         GattCharacteristic *charTable[] = {&userbuttonCharacteristic};
         GattService   controlService(CONTROL_SERVICE_UUID_128, charTable, sizeof(charTable) / sizeof(GattCharacteristic *));              
-        isEnabledControlNotify = false;
-        memset (controlData, 0, SIZEOF_CONTROL_DATA_LEN); 
-        serviceAdded = true;
+        isEnabledControlNotify          = false;
+        memset (controlData, 0, SIZEOF_CONTROL_DATA_LEN);
+        isBTLEConnected                 = DISCONNECTED;
+        serviceAdded                    = true;
 // Tests Method
+    void sendControlState(uint8_t State) {
+            STORE_LE_16(controlData,State);
+            PRINTF("sendControlState handle: %d\n\r", userbuttonCharacteristic.getValueAttribute().getHandle());
+            memcpy (pastcontrolData, controlData, SIZEOF_CONTROL_DATA_LEN);
+            ble.gattServer().write(userbuttonCharacteristic.getValueAttribute().getHandle(), controlData, SIZEOF_CONTROL_DATA_LEN, 0);         
+            printf(" (Update)"); 
+    } 
+    void updateControlState(uint8_t Temp) {
+            if (memcmp (&pastcontrolData[0], &Temp, 1) != 0) {
+                sendControlState(Temp);           
+            }
+    }
+/* with TimeStamp
+    void sendControlState(int16_t State, uint16_t TimeStamp) {
+            STORE_LE_16(controlData,TimeStamp);
+            STORE_LE_16(controlData+2,State);
+            PRINTF("sendControlState!! handle: %d\n\r", userbuttonCharacteristic.getValueAttribute().getHandle());
+            memcpy (pastcontrolData, controlData, SIZEOF_CONTROL_DATA_LEN);
+            ble.gattServer().write(userbuttonCharacteristic.getValueAttribute().getHandle(), controlData, SIZEOF_CONTROL_DATA_LEN, 0);         
+    } 
+    void updateControlState(int16_t Temp, uint16_t TimeStamp) {
+            if (memcmp (&pastcontrolData[2], &Temp, 2) != 0) {
+                sendControlState(Temp,  TimeStamp);              
+            }
+    }
+    uint32_t sendcontrolState(uint32_t Feature, uint8_t Command, uint8_t val, uint16_t TimeStamp) {      
+            STORE_LE_16(controlData ,TimeStamp); 
+            STORE_BE_32(controlData+2,Feature);          
+            controlData[6] = Command;
+            controlData[7] = (val==0x01) ? 100: val;                     
+            return ble.gattServer().write(userbuttonCharacteristic.getValueAttribute().getHandle(), controlData, SIZEOF_CONTROL_DATA_LEN, 0);
+    }
+    uint32_t updatecontrolState(uint32_t Feature, uint8_t Command, uint8_t val, uint16_t TimeStamp) {
+            if (ble.getGapState().connected && isEnabledControlNotify ) {  
+            return sendcontrolState(Feature, Command, val, TimeStamp);
+            }
+            return 0;
+    }
     void enNotify (Gap::Handle_t handle) {
             if (isContHandle(handle)) { 
                 PRINTF("enNotify! %d\n\r", handle); isEnabledControlNotify = true; return; }    
@@ -93,37 +138,17 @@
     void updateConnectionStatus(ConnectionStatus_t status) {            
             isEnabledControlNotify = false;
-            memset (controlData, 0, SIZEOF_CONTROL_DATA_LEN);             
+            memset (controlData, 0, SIZEOF_CONTROL_DATA_LEN);
+            isBTLEConnected = status;             
-    uint32_t sendcontrolState(uint32_t Feature, uint8_t Command, uint8_t val, uint16_t TimeStamp) {      
-            STORE_LE_16(controlData ,TimeStamp); 
-            STORE_BE_32(controlData+2,Feature);          
-            controlData[6] = Command;
-            controlData[7] = (val==0x01) ? 100: val;                     
-            return ble.gattServer().write(userbuttonCharacteristic.getValueAttribute().getHandle(), controlData, SIZEOF_CONTROL_DATA_LEN, 0);
-    }
-    uint32_t updatecontrolState(uint32_t Feature, uint8_t Command, uint8_t val, uint16_t TimeStamp) {
-            if (ble.getGapState().connected && isEnabledControlNotify ) {  
-            return sendcontrolState(Feature, Command, val, TimeStamp);
-            }
-            return 0;
-    }
 // Variables Initialization
         BLE                              &ble;
         uint8_t                          controlData[SIZEOF_CONTROL_DATA_LEN];                
-        uint8_t                          controlState;
+        uint8_t                          pastcontrolData[SIZEOF_CONTROL_DATA_LEN]; 
         GattCharacteristic               userbuttonCharacteristic;  
+        ConnectionStatus_t               isBTLEConnected;
         bool                             isEnabledControlNotify;
-#endif /* #ifndef __CUSTOM_BLE_CONTROL_SERVICE_H__*/